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Western's Power Line:

Regional Energy Services Managers:

Lakewood, CO:
Ron Horstman,
(720) 962-7419

Billings, MT:
John Pankratz,
(406) 247-7392

Loveland, CO :
Peggy Plate,

Phoenix, AZ:
Steve Szarka,
(602) 352-2462

Folsom, CA
Robert Parkins,
(916) 353-4490

Salt Lake City, UT
Dave Bennion,
(801) 524-5506

The Energy Services Bulletin is published by Western Area Power Administration for its power customers. The mailing address is Western Area Power Administration,
POB 281213, Lakewood, CO
the telephone number is (720) 962-7451.

The mention of any service, product, or technology does not constitute an endorsement of same and Western, the Department of Energy, or the United States Government cannot be held responsible or liable for use thereof.

Nancy Marquardt

Contributing writer:
Kevon Storie

Web technician:
Tiffani Chopko

Cass County Electric's first off-peak customer turns 30

West Acres Shopping Center sparked a construction boom on the rural southwestern edge of Fargo, N.D., when it opened in 1972 and became Cass County Electric Cooperative's first customer to adopt an innovative strategy for containing heating costs.

Colorado utility offers locally produced green power

Members of Holy Cross Energy in Colorado can now buy their green power "fresh" from local producers in the nearby Roaring Fork Valley.

Renewable energy powers White Mountain's dream of freedom from grid

High in the mountains above the Owens Valley, near Bishop, Calif., the White Mountain Research Station is laying the groundwork for an experiment that may turn the facility into a "renewable energy Mecca."

Green tags help purchase wind power for Schriever Air Force Base

When Schriever Air Force Base near Colorado Springs, Colo., became Mountain View Electric Association's biggest wind power customer, the electric cooperative and its wholesale power supplier—Tri-State Generation and Transmission—used green tags to meet the demand.

Planning is key to making small wind projects pay off

The smallest business owner is often the most innovative, so it is no surprise that homeowners, small farmers and other entrepreneurs are making money while the wind blows, by building their own wind turbines.

New Mexico wind project generates green power and jobs

Public Service Company of New Mexico and FPL Energy recently inked an agreement that will make House, N.M., home of the third largest wind farm in the United States.

Wind turbines teach schools lessons in economics, environment

School children used to think about flying kites when the wind kicked up, but with wind turbines becoming a familiar site in more and more school yards, blustery days may now remind kids that their classrooms are running on clean, renewable energy.

Power Line approval advances wind development

The Minnesota Public Utility Commission recently granted a certificate of need to Xcel Energy, to construct new Power Lines from Buffalo Ridge, Minn., to metropolitan St. Paul-Minneapolis, and in the process gave a big boost to wind development.

Equipment loan program adds value to customer visits

When Nebraska Municipal Power Pool Key Accounts Representative Jim Keeler offered customers a free infrared camera audit on their facilities, they jumped at the chance.

Topics from the Power Line
Few cities have energy efficiency regulations on existing buildings

Finding information on legal ordinances regulating energy efficiency of existing buildings is challenging. Our Power Line staff researched several state and local government efforts.

Energy shorts
  • Public power tops green program rankings
  • Los Angeles plans wind farm
  • Wind power added in Europe
  • Southern California wins water sale
  • SMUD to reap more wind power

Equipment Loan Program news
Western's Equipment Loan Program provides customers with technical equipment and training at little or no cost. The equipment helps customers with energy efficiency and allows them to "test drive" new technologies before investing in expensive equipment.

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