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Home>About NHGRI>Institute Advisors>National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research >NACHGR February 2005 Meeting Agenda and Documents
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Forty-Third Meeting

National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research

February 7-8, 2005

Fishers Lane Conference Center
(Terrace Level of 5635 Fishers Lane Building

National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland


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Monday, February 7, 2005
Open Session
8:30 a.m.
Call to Order
Francis Collins
Introduction of New Members and Staff,
Liaisons and Guests
Mark Guyer
Approval of Minutes from September 2004 Mark Guyer
Future Meeting Dates:
May 23-24, 2005
September 12-13, 2005
February 12-14, 2006
May 22-23, 2006
September 11-12, 2006
February 12-13, 2007
Mark Guyer
Director's Report Francis Collins
Report from DOE Aristides Patrinos
Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science (CEGS) Review Jeff Schloss
Minority Action Plan Bettie Graham
ELSI Research Advisors (ERA) Report Microsoft Word Eric Juengst
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
NIH Roadmap Status Report
  • August 2005 Early Concurrence Discussion

Francis Collins
Mark Guyer

Update on Continuing Projects

  • International Hap Map Project
  • MGC
  • The ENCODE Project

Lisa Brooks
Gary Temple
Elise Feingold

Concept Clearance: Model Orgnism ENCODE Microsoft Word Elise Feingold

Council Memorandum of Understanding Microsoft Word

2005 Biennial Advisory Council Report on Population Tracking

Cheryl Chick

Bettie Graham

Budget Discussion Francis Collins
Council-Initiated Discussion Francis Collins
Announcements and Items of Interest Mark Guyer
Conflict of Interest Mark Guyer
Closed Session

3:30 p.m. to Recess

Consideration of NHGRI Applications

Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Closed Session

8:00 a.m. to Adjournment

Consideration of NHGRI Applications


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Last Reviewed: March 20, 2009

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