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Beyond the Beginning: The Future of Genomics

Airlie Conference Center
Warrenton, Va.

December 12-14, 2001

Meeting Webcast

As the Human Genome Project approaches the finish line with the completion of the human sequence in 2003, the natural question to ask is: What's next for genomics?

To find an answer, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) gathered more than 150 of the world's leading genome researchers for a three-day conference titled: Beyond the Beginning: The Future of Genomics, from December 12-14, 2001, at the Airlie Conference Center in Warrenton, Va.

Because space was at a premium at the Airlie Conference Center, NHGRI could not accommodate everyone who wanted to attend. However, NHGRI videotaped the plenary sessions and the reports from each discussion breakout group, and has made them available on the Internet to make the discussion and planning available to all who want to contribute.

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Opening Remarks, Overview and Charge to the Conferees
Francis Collins, NHGRI Director

The Biological Perspective
Barbara Wold, California Institute of Technology

The Impact on Technology and Business
Geoff Duyk, Exelixis, Inc.

Janet Thornton, Biomolecular Structure and Modeling Unit, University College

Medicine and Human Health
Rick Lifton, Yale University

Ethical, Legal and Social Implications/Public Policy
Eric Juengst, Case Western Reserve Center for Biomedical Ethics

Breakout Group Reports
Eric Green, NHGRI

Synthesis and Summary
Maynard Olson, University of Washington

Closing Remarks
Francis Collins, NHGRI Director

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Last Reviewed: October 28, 2008

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See Also:

Long-Range Planning

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