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Facility Updates

Brief summaries of significant accomplishments and activities in the infrastructure area of the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) are provided on a bimonthly basis.

Smart Filter Clears the Way for Speedy Data Transfer
Apr 30, 2009
As reported in mid-February, data transfer from the ACRF Tropical Western Pacific sites was greatly improved through an upgraded internet connection, which eliminated the need to ship hard disks of data from the millimeter wavelength cloud radar (MMCR) around the world. But this was only half of the story. The other, and more complicated half, [...]
ARM Climate Research Facility Exhibit Showcases Arctic Research
Apr 15, 2009
Coinciding with the 32nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the ACRF represented the U.S. Department of Energy at an international exhibition showcasing polar research efforts around the world. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the treaty, as well as the conclusion of the 2007-2009 International Polar Year, the U.S. State Department invited several U.S. agencies and the [...]
New Sensors Installed for Cloud Radar Calibration at North Slope
Mar 31, 2009
Cloud radars at the ACRF sites provide important information about cloud properties and continue to evolve in providing climate researchers more complex data. This creates a greater need to know the absolute calibration of the radar reflectivity measurement. However, the large and immobile antenna for the millimeter wavelength cloud radar (MMCR) is impossible to point [...]
Science and Operations Team for RACORO Supports Outreach Activities
Mar 15, 2009
With a presence in the Guthrie, Oklahoma area for the next several months for the RACORO field campaign, science and infrastructure staff took some time to reach out to the local community. On February 24, Pete Lamb attended a board of director's meeting for the Guthrie-Edmond Regional Airport to provide an overview of RACORO and [...]