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Planning and Performance Management
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Center for Competitive Sourcing Excellence Center for Competitive Sourcing Excellence
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Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute
			Resolution Office of Collaborative Action & Dispute Resolution
Human Resources Management Human Resources Management (Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer)
Indian Arts and Crafts Board Indian Arts and Crafts Board
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PPP Contact Information PPP Contact Information
Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing
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Management Initiatives Tracking System (MITS) Management Initiatives Tracking System (MITS)
President's Management Agenda (PMA) President's Management Agenda (PMA)
Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)
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Implementing Activity Based Costing / Management

PPP works closely with Interior's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Business Management and Wildland Fire to assist Interior bureaus and offices in implementing activity based costing/management (ABC/M). ABC/M is a management tool that helps DOI better understand the costs of conducting business. For more information on Activity Based Costing, contact David Horn in the Office of Financial Management at 202-208-5542.













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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Planning and Performance Management
Last Updated on 1/4/07