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Call for Extension Research Proposals “Improving SNAP-Ed Programs and Evaluations” Announcement 9/8/08 – Proposal Due Date 12/1/08

The goal of this funding initiative is to support research projects that will provide direct benefit to the delivery or evaluation of SNAP-Ed (FSNE) programs.  The projects will result in findings and recommendations that will be disseminated directly to SNAP-Ed program personnel, and to the larger scientific and policy communities through publication in peer-review journals.  A secondary goal is to facilitate the development of pilot projects that can form the basis for larger projects to study effective SNAP-Ed programming, funded by USDA or other sources.

Eligibility is limited to universities that contribute to the Extension Administrators/Directors SNAP-Ed assessment.  Please contact Sandra Jensen, Land-Grant SNAP-Ed Office Manager, for more information at sandra.jensen@sdstate.edu.

CNE Logic Model, Version 2 available
The "CNE Logic Model, Version 2" overview graphic and detail is now available Though not currently publicly available, a corresponding online program management/reporting system has been created by a national workgroup with program management, research, and evaluation expertise. Technological support was provided by South Dakota State University's Agricultural Information Technology Unit. Land-grant universities are providing data through this online system for a national report of FSNE within the land-grant university system. Findings will be shared with national, state, and local stakeholders, and will be used to determine national priorities and guiding state program planning in the coming year.


Loving Your Family, Feeding Their Future: Nutrition education through the Food Stamp Program series available

Loving Your Family is a series of nutrition education and promotion materials developed by USDA - Food and Nutrition Service through the Food Stamp Initiative. It promotes healthier eating habits and increased physical activity among low-income families. Loving Your Family materials are available in an easy-to-read format in both English and Spanish, which minimizes cultural, literacy, and language barriers faced by many Food Stamp Program families. Loving Your Family targets mothers because of their key roles in choosing and purchasing food for their families and influence on their children's eating habits and lifestyles.


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Last Updated: 09/10/2008