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Week of September 22, 2008

Green Power

Driving Adoption of Renewable Energy: Part I – A Utility’s Perspective

Interview with Tom Auzenne, Assistant Director, City of Palo Alto Utilities

Electrical power generation accounts for 40 percent of total annual greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the US.  Such a high concentration of GHGs is due to our reliance on highly polluting fossil fuels, especially domestic coal.  Yet, while the popular press focuses on the recent growth in renewable energy, it still provides only 2 percent of our total electrical needs today. 

Until recently, many arguments have been made for why adoption of clean energy remains slow.  Certainty, price ranks as the #1 barrier to broader adoption.  Other factors include reliability concerns and lack of education about the technologies.

Interestingly, Palo Alto, Calif., has bucked this trend.  Over the course of several years, the municipal utility has partnered with 3Degrees, a utility marketing company, to encourage residents to sign up for its PaloAltoGreen program which provides 100 percent renewable energy from wind and solar power sources.  The results of this program have been astounding, with over 20 percent of all residents switching to clean energy.  Indeed, PaloAltoGreen is now ranked as the #1 green energy program nationwide based on participation.  Read more. Source:, 08/31/08

Kilpatrick Stockton to Launch Green Initiative

Kilpatrick Stockton announced today that it will launch a firm Green Initiative effective October 1.

As a centerpiece to the firm's Green Initiative, the firm also announced that it has become a signatory to the recently adopted ABA/EPA Law Office Climate Challenge. Kilpatrick Stockton is the first AmLaw 100 firm based in Atlanta to sign on to this robust environmental policy. As a signatory in the program, the firm has agreed to implement all three components of the Climate Challenge: the Energy Star Program, the Green Power Partnership Program, and the WasteWise Program.

"For years Kilpatrick Stockton has been committed to creating an environmentally friendly workplace. Many of our departments such as IT and our Resource Center have adopted initiatives to mitigate the firm's environmental impact," said Rick Horder, Environmental Partner, who is spearheading the firm's Green Initiative. "This initiative brings together all of the firm's sustainability efforts under one umbrella. It is an opportunity to encourage all firm employees to participate in our commitment to environmental sustainability."

Throughout the year, a committee of Kilpatrick Stockton professionals representing all departments and offices has been studying the firm's sustainability efforts in order to make a detailed recommendation for enhancing the firm's commitment to the environment. In culmination of these efforts, each of the firm's offices will be holding internal events the week of October 13 to officially launch the program. Throughout the coming months the firm will continue to hold events and adopt initiatives to educate and engage its employees to be environmentally conscientious both at work and at home. Source: Market Watch, 09/04/08

UPS Energy Consumption Per Package Increases

In UPS’ latest corporate sustainability report (PDF), the company says it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 32,000 metric tons and saved 3 million gallons of fuel in 2007. This was achieved by shaving about 30 million miles off of delivery routes in the U.S. through innovations in the company’s package flow technology.

The company also recycled 2.65 million pounds of electronic equipment and 45,400 tons of solid waste materials. It also purchased close to 160,000 tons of materials with recycled content.

However, the company reported that its total energy consumption increased by 1.3 percent. Energy consumption per package also increased by 1.2 percent due to faster transit-times and increased residential deliveries. (Although fuel consumption per package improved 0.4 percent.)

The company says it’s continuing to look for operational measures to reduce energy such as rerouting to avoid left turns.

In 2007, UPS had 0.80 kilograms of aircraft emissions per 1,000 kilograms of payload capacity — an improvement of 1.2 percent over 2006.

In May, UPS expanded its U.S. Green Fleet from 50 hybrid electric trucks to 250 (the largest commercial order of such trucks by any company), and increasd its fleet of vehicles running on compressed natural gas from 800 to 1,100. In March, UPS added 167 CNG delivery vehicles to its fleets in Texas, Georgia and California.

The company’s 2007 report is based on the third generation of Global Reporting Initiative guidelines known as GRI-G3. Source: Environmental Leader, 09/01/08

Corporate Climate Response: 60-second Interview with Exelon

Exelon has set a goal to reduce, offset or displace more than 15 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year by 2020. This figure is more than the company’s current annual carbon footprint. On September 22, Exelon’s Executive Vice President Ruth Ann Gill will talk about how the company plans on achieving this ambitious target reduction target at Corporate Climate Response in Chicago. She will be joined by senior sustainability professionals and CEOs from over 50 top companies including representatives from DuPont, Alcoa, Coca-Cola Enterprises, PepsiCo, PG&E, Interface, Burt’s Bees, adidas, Caterpillar and more.

Ruth Ann Gillis, Executive Vice President, Exelon

How will you reach your target for cutting carbon emissions?

We will achieve our goal by greening our operations, helping our customers and the communities we serve reduce their emissions, and offering more low-carbon electricity in the marketplace to displace the emissions of others. This was an expansion of Exelon’s voluntary goal, as part of the U.S. EPA Climate Leaders Program, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8 percent from 2001 levels by the end of 2008 – a goal we are on track to exceed. In order to maximize our emission reduction, however, we felt a much broader, deeper and sustained effort was needed.

What do you think the biggest challenge is right now for companies trying to reduce their climate impact?

In a word, policy. Without sound and enabling public policy at the federal, regional and state levels, business and society will not be able to address the climate change challenge as quickly, effectively and economically as required. That said, businesses cannot wait for Washington to act. The private sector needs to take action now to begin the transition to a low-carbon economy, and to help society and their bottom line.

What do you think the next level in corporate response to climate change will be?

Companies will continue to grow more creative in uncovering ways to address climate change. The opportunities go beyond reducing emissions at a company’s facilities and operations. We can expect businesses to expand their collaborations with suppliers, customers and others. Exelon, for example, is working with The Field Museum in Chicago to conserve millions of acres of tropical forest in Peru. The avoided deforestation will offset substantial carbon emissions, and we hope, help establish a universal system for defining offsets.

What are you most looking forward to at Corporate Climate Response?

The conference offers a rare opportunity for corporate leaders to exchange ideas and best practices for implementing programs to address global warming. I am looking forward to learning about other companies’ initiatives and sharing Exelon’s experience.

Source: Green Power Conferences, 09/04/08

U.S. DOE Green Power Network Update

This update summarizes recent green power marketing activity, including news and information on competitive green power marketing, utility green pricing programs, renewable energy certificates, green power purchasing, and related market activity. Source: EERE Green Power Network, 09/05/08

World Energy Wins Prestigious GSA 2008 Environmental Award

World Energy Solutions, Inc. today announced the Government Services Administration, the lead purchasing arm of the U.S. federal government, has awarded it a 2008 Environmental Award for its pioneering work to provide the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island with green energy. The award acknowledges the strategic role of World Energy and its World Green Exchange online auction platform in helping the National Park Service successfully—and economically—secure a contract for 100 percent wind power to run these prized national landmarks.

As requested by the National Park Service, GSA's Green Power Procurement Team procured green power for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The renewable energy procurement was conducted using World Energy's leading online auction platform, on which more than 11,000 successful energy and green commodities transactions have occurred and which will soon be running America's first carbon cap and trade program, the historic Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, RGGI.

Wind power for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island is projected to mitigate global warming by decreasing carbon dioxide emissions by over 3.24 million tons per year. Use of renewable energy at the historic sites is also expected to reduce emissions of acid-rain-causing chemicals, decreasing sulfur dioxide emissions by over 8,700 tons per year and nitrogen oxide emissions by over 4,400 tons per year.

"We are honored to receive the 2008 Environmental Award from the GSA," said Richard Domaleski, CEO of World Energy. "It validates our team, technology and process for delivering value to our customers across the spectrum of their energy needs. Our ongoing work securing renewable energy contracts for federal, state and commercial entities underscores that the right way to procure renewables is through auction. It also highlights that buyers benefit when they couple renewable energy purchases with traditional energy procurements." Source: CNW Group, 09/10/08

University of Oklahoma heeds the call of the Wind (G&C)

The University of Oklahoma (OU) signed an agreement with Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) to purchase 100 percent of the electricity for its Norman campus from wind power by 2013. As part of the agreement, OU is supporting the development of a commercial-scale wind farm OG&E will build near Woodward. It will be named "OU Spirit" wind farm and should begin production in 2010. OU officials said it is one of the largest renewable energy commitments ever made by a public university in the U.S. and will make OU one of the top renewable energy-purchasing universities in the country. In addition, under the deal, OG&E will establish internships and scholarships for OU students whose studies are focused on renewable energy as well as support campus events focusing on renewable energy.

The agreement between OG&E and OU is subject to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's approval of the planned wind farm and a new transmission line under development between Woodward and Oklahoma City as outlined in our May 23, '08 issue. (Source: Tulsa World, Sept. 10, '08)

Contact: Catherine Bishop, VP, Public Affairs, University of Oklahoma, 405-325-1543; or Brooks Mitchell, Director of Administration, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, 405-521-2307. Source: EP Overviews, 09/11/08

Learning Express Helps Teach Younger Generations on 'Going Green'

Ask any five-year-old what 'going green' means and you may hear an answer that relates to Kermit the Frog; however, the younger generation will one day be cleaning up the messes left on Earth and be responsible for its future. Learning Express, the toy store franchise known for its educational toys, is trying to instill eco-conscious habits in kids by introducing "green" toys and is also introducing reusable shopping bags for their parents.

"The 'green' trend has been around for many years, educating consumers on the importance of making eco-friendly decisions, but what is being done to teach our children? We want to help the younger generation learn about green initiatives in the hope that they grow to be earth-conscious adults," said Sharon DiMinico, founder and CEO of Learning Express.

Learning Express' green products include the following:

Source: Market Watch, 09/11/08

Visit U.S. DOE EERE Green Power Network for more information.


Renewable Energy Technologies

AltaRock Energy inks Geothermal deal

AltaRock Energy Inc. has finalized agreements with Weyerhaeuser Company and the Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation allowing it to explore the potential for developing geothermal projects in California, Oregon, and Washington. The geothermal rights, totaling nearly 667,000 acres, include approximately 25,400 acres in Northern California, 378,500 acres in south-central and western Oregon, and 263,000 acres in western Washington. AltaRock will be granted an exclusive option by Weyerhaeuser to assess the geothermal potential and can convert up to 40 percent of the acreage rights to geothermal development leases within two years. (Source: PR Newswire, Sept. 2, '08)

Contact: AltaRock Energy, Business Development, 415-331-0130. Source: EP Overviews, 09/03/08

Austin Approves $2.3B Purchase of Renewable Energy

The City Council of Austin, Texas approved a $2.3 billion contract to purchase all power produced over a 20-year period by a proposed 100-megawatt (MW) wood-waste-fueled biomass power plant.

The purchase power agreement will move Austin closer to its goal that by 2020, some 30 percent of the power generated by the city-owned utility, Austin Energy, will come from renewable resources. Read more. Source: Sustainable Business, 09/03/08

Popular Mechanics Highlights Five Geothermal Projects

In the wake of recent media attention on geothermal energy, largely due to’s investment in enhanced technologies, an article in Popular Mechanics takes a close look at five geothermal projects in the works:

  1. Project: Desert Peak EGS, Western Nevada, Ormat Technologies/Department of Energy/others

  2. Project: Raft River Power Plant, Southern Idaho, U.S. Geothermal

  3. Project: Neal Hot Springs, Eastern Oregon, U.S. Geothermal

  4. Project: Thermo, Southwestern Utah, Raser Technologies

  5. Project: Oilfield Wastewater Experiment, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, Wyoming, Department of Energy/Ormat

Source: GEA Weekly Update, 09/03/08

Housing trust seeks permission for biomass boiler

A wood-burning boiler is set to provide energy for a new 540-home model village on the eastern outskirts of York.

The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) is to apply to City of York Council for permission to build a biomass boiler on the site of Derwenthorpe in Osbaldwick.

The boiler would be located in the middle of the site, and would be part of an energy centre that is also being proposed for the development, the details of which are not yet known.

JRHT says that as well as using energy from the boiler, the homes would also be served by a natural gas supply.

A Trust spokeswoman said: “The idea is that it’s a cheap heating system because it’s a community system.”

She said the fact that the houses were going to be well-insulated would mean they would not need to use as much energy.

Meanwhile, the trust, which has planning permission for the scheme, said it had not yet bought the Derwenthorpe site—even though the purchase had originally been scheduled to take place in 2004.

The trust said it had the money to buy the land, but it was unable to do so until a number of planning conditions had been approved by several statutory bodies, including the council and the Environment Agency.

The Press revealed on Monday how JRHT said work to begin constructing the houses could be delayed by months.

Nigel Ingram, director of development, said: “I don’t know how long that (work) might be delayed by. It could be a few weeks, it could be a couple of months.” Mr Ingram said then that JRHT had hoped to commence major infrastructure work on the site this summer, but that it was now anticipating it would not begin until the autumn.

“The housing will follow on from the infrastructure, so it’s logical to assume that if the infrastructure is delayed by some weeks or months, probably the housing will be,” he said.

JRHT cannot begin the infrastructure work until the planning conditions have been approved. “The reasons why we aren’t able to commence (the infrastructure work) are outside our control,” he said.

Source: The Press, 09/04/08

Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: September 3, 2008

Read more. Source: Sustainable Business, 09/03/08

Phoenix Suns to use solar panels for part of its power at arena

The NBA's Phoenix Suns plan to use solar panels for part of its power at its home arena.

The new photovoltaic system will consist of more than 1,100 panels and be installed on the fifth level of the US Airways Center's parking garage in downtown Phoenix.

At 194 kilowatts, it will produce enough energy to reduce the team's power usage by the equivalent of 26 home games each season.

The system is expected to be operational next year and cost about $1.5 million.

The team estimates it will receive a yearly rebate of $60,000 to $85,000 from Arizona Public Service Company via the utility's renewable-energy incentive program.

Suns general manager Steve Kerr says the project will not cost the Suns any up-front cash and will not lead to a ticket-price increase.

[Information from: The Arizona Republic Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed] Source: KSTW-Channel 13, 09/04/08

Electron Solar and Clean Power Finance to offer Solar project financing

Electron Solar Energy, an international distributor of alternative energy systems, indicates it has partnered with Clean Power Finance to provide financing for Electron Solar's home and commercial solar energy installations.

Clean Power's software tools integrate financing scenarios with Electron and the combined quote highlights both the customer's estimated monthly payment and environmental benefits. As a result, Electron and Clean Power Finance aim to expand the market for solar products to include millions of cost-conscious, green-minded mainstream consumers. Details of a similar deal between Clean Power Finance and the Electric Gas Industries Association were mentioned in our Energy Efficiency and Demand Reduction publication of Aug. 21, 2008. (Source: Centre Daily, Sept. 4, '08)

Contact: Christopher Quinn, President & CEO, Electron Solar Energy, 305-756-6789; or Mike Pryde, Clean Power Finance, Inc., 916-474-9385. Source: EP Overviews, 09/04/08

LDK Solar Signs Eight-Year Wafer Supply Agreement With Sumitomo Corporation

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. ("LDK Solar") a leading manufacturer of solar wafers, announced today that it has signed an eight-year contract with Japan-based Sumitomo Corporation ("SC"), one of the leading trading and investment houses in Japan to supply multicrystalline solar wafers to a leading manufacturer of solar cells and modules in Japan.

Under terms of the agreement, LDK Solar will deliver approximately 750 MW of multicrystalline silicon wafers to Sumitomo over an eight-year period, commencing in 2009 and extending through 2016. Sumitomo will make an advanced payment representing a portion of the contract value to LDK Solar.

"We are excited to announce this agreement with Sumitomo to supply high- quality wafers to Japan's leading manufacturer of solar modules," Xiaofeng Peng, Chairman and CEO of LDK Solar. "For LDK Solar, this supply contract with another industry leader, signifies another step towards our goal of becoming the leading supplier of wafers worldwide." Source: Market Watch, 09/05/08

University of California, San Diego Forests Parking Areas With Solar Trees From Envision Solar

The University of California, San Diego, which strives to be one of the nation's "greenest" college campuses, has undertaken a forestation program in an unlikely place...on the roof of two of its parking garages. Steel components have already taken shape, forming the framework for Solar Trees(TM) that will soon be fitted with a canopy of Kyocera photovoltaic modules to provide clean energy for the campus, shade for vehicle parking, future infrastructure for electric vehicles, and a pleasant visual surprise on the top of the garage. Read more. Source: Market Watch, 09/05/08

Biomass Week Newsletter available

Read Biomass Week for Sep. 5 and Sep. 12, now online. Source: Biomass Week, 09/12/08

Duke Energy finalizes Wyoming Wind power deal

Duke Energy Corp. has agreed to purchase 100 wind turbines from General Electric for installation at various sites in the U.S. by 2010. The utility has also signed a 20-year deal to sell 99 MW of electricity from its new Wyoming wind farm to PacifiCorp's Rocky Mountain Power.

Construction of the 66-turbine Campbell Hill Wind power project near Casper, Wyo., is scheduled to commence in early 2009 with initial power generation set for the end of the year. Both transactions expand Duke Energy's renewable energy business; by the end of 2008, the utility will have 500 MW of wind power in operation with an additional 5000 MW in development. Specific terms were not disclosed for either deal. (Source: Dow Jones Newswire, Sept. 9, '08)

Contact: Greg Efthimiou, Duke Energy, 704-382-1925. Source: EP Overviews, 09/10/08

Moretown Landfill to make power from methane gas

Vermont's second-largest landfill is building what would become the state's second major program to make electricity from methane gas generated by rotting garbage.

On Tuesday, the Moretown Landfill Inc. held a groundbreaking to launch construction of the project, which officials hope will supply power to the electrical grid before the end of the year. Read more. Source: Burlington Free Press, 09/10/08

Geothermal Rumblings

In our quest for alternative energy resources, it's natural enough to try and tap the sun's radiant energy. But there's also vast renewable energy potential beneath our feet. I'm talking about geothermal energy—the pork to solar's chicken.

I don't get to write about geothermal too often, because there aren't a whole lot of U.S. public companies active in the space. But there's been a rash of news lately, and I figured Fools could use an update on this under-reported energy source. Read more. Source: The Motley Fool, 09/09/08

Geothermal drilling begins at Toledo Zoo

The Toledo Zoo took a new step Tuesday in its commitment to keeping energy costs down by beginning geothermal drilling.  The step will provide heating and cooling to the Zoo's Aquarium, which is scheduled for future renovation.

The Zoo's geothermal system will use 32 300-foot wells which will be connected to three 20-ton water source pumps and two ultra-high efficiency hot water boilers. 

Existing boilers at the park were installed in 1950.  Replacment with the new geothermal system is expected to reduce the Zoo's carbon footprint by over 400,000 pounds, or 38 percent annually.  Utility costs are expected to drop by $25,000 each year.

The Aquarium renovations are part of the Zoo's overall Master Plan, which Lucas County voters approved in November 2006. Source: WNWO-Channel 24, 09/09/08

3M hopes fortune will shine on new renewable energy unit

3M sees the light.

The Minnesota manufacturing giant announced Tuesday that it will create a new business unit to focus on renewable energy and increase its tiny stake in the business. Read more. Source: Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, 09/09/08

Novan Solar puts Albuquerque hotel in hot water

The new Andaluz, formerly the La Posada de Albuquerque Hotel, will reopen later this year in downtown Albuquerque, N.M., with a 73-panel solar thermal system from Novan Solar Inc. of Golden, Colo., that will provide domestic hot water for the hotel.

The Novan system is part of the hotel's redevelopment by Albuquerque developer Gary Goodman, representing one of the first historic remodels in the U.S. to conform to the energy efficiency and sustainability standards of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards. Goodman's firm, Historic Hotels, will have spent over US$30 million, including the US$4 million purchase price, on the hotel's renovations.

The 4,000-gallon solar water heating system from Novan will generate nearly 100 million BTUs of energy yearly. More than 64 metric tons of carbon dioxide will be offset by the system each year, which is the equivalent to 150 barrels of oil, or 7,264 gallons of gasoline, or carbon sequestered by 1,282 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.

The name Andaluz is derived from the Spanish region of Andalucía, which inspired the original design of the 1939 hotel, built by Conrad Hilton and designed by architect Anton F. Korn. The new 107-room boutique hotel features many energy-saving features and green building materials. Source: Energy Current, 09/11/08

Two Decades Collapsed to Two Years: Wind Power Surpasses 20,000 MW

Achieving in two years what had previously taken more than two decades, the U.S. wind industry has raced past the 20,000-MW installed capacity milestone, American Wind Energy Association said.

Wind now provides 20,152 MW of electricity generating capacity in the U.S., producing enough electricity to serve 5.3 million American homes or power a fleet of more than 1 million plug-in hybrid vehicles.

The milestone is all the more remarkable considering that the industry reached the 10,000-MW mark only two years ago, in 2006. Utility-scale wind development began in the early 1980s, although in ensuing years its growth was hindered by a federal production tax credit (PTC) that has been allowed to expire on several occasions. Once again, the PTC is set to expire at the end of this year. The U.S. had 1,000 MW of wind power installed by 1985; 2,000 MW installed by 1999; and 5,000 MW by 2003.

“Wind energy installations are well ahead of the curve for contributing 20 percent of the U.S. electric power supply by 2030 as envisioned by the U.S. Department of Energy,” said AWEA Executive Director Randall Swisher. “However, the looming expiration of the PTC less than four months from now threatens this spectacular progress. The PTC has been a critical factor in wind’s very rapid growth as a part of the nation’s power portfolio.”

Swisher and other wind industry leaders made note of the 20,000-MW milestone from Minneapolis, where the Republican National Convention was being held at the time of the announcement (see related story). Joining Swisher in Minneapolis were AWEA President Jim Walker of enXco, as well as officials from other leading companies in the wind industry, including Xcel Energy, Vestas Americas A/S, Renewable Energy Systems Americas, and Horizon Wind Power.

The 20,000 MW of wind power installed in the U.S. today can generate as much electricity every year as 28.7 million tons of coal or 90 million barrels of oil. Wind generation currently displaces 34 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, equivalent to taking 5.8 million vehicles off the road. A U.S. Department of Energy study released in May found that wind could provide 20 percent of U.S. electricity by 2030. At that level, wind power would support 500,000 jobs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as taking 140 million vehicles off the road.

The U.S. is now the world leader in wind electricity generation. While Germany has more generating capacity installed (about 23,000 MW), the U.S. is producing more electricity from wind because of its much stronger win ds. AWEA expects over 7,500 MW of new wind capacity to be added in 2008, expanding America’s wind energy fleet by 45 percent and bringing total U.S. capacity to some 24,300 MW.

Although 20,000 MW is an important milestone, wind power provides just over 1.5 percent of the nation’s electricity, far below the potential identified by experts. Still, it is one of the fastest-growing electricity sources today, providing 35 percent of the total new electricity-generating capacity added in 2007 (second only to natural gas).

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s 20 percent Wind Energy by 2030 report, wind power is capable of becoming a major contributor to America’s electricity supply over the next two decades. As an inexhaustible domestic resource, wind strengthens the nation’s energy security, improves air quality, slows climate change, and revitalizes rural communities, AWEA said. Source: AWEA, 09/09/08

Cow power comes online in Ohio

Buckeye Power, Inc. has started purchasing cow manure produced power from Bridgewater Dairy in northern Ohio, to provide green energy to the state's 24 electric cooperatives. North Western Electric Cooperative in Bryan, Ohio, provided the grid interconnection via a three-phase circuit on its 12.4-kilovolt system. Manure from a herd of 3,900 dairy cows will be used in the state's first-ever project to capture methane from manure for generation of electricity with two engine-and-generator sets capable of cranking out a maximum of 1.2 MW. A second biodigester generation system using waste from a poultry farm is expected to come on line soon. (Source: Marketwatch, Sept. 11, '08)

Contact: Buckeye Power, 614-846-5757; or Bridgewater Dairy, 419-485-8157. Source: EP Overviews, 09/12/08

Construction Underway on First Geothermal Power Plant in New Mexico

The PureCycle system's ability to produce power from low-temperature resources (as low as 195°F, according to UTC Power) also simplified project development for Raser, as the company is drawing on a geothermal well that was drilled 20 years ago, but was abandoned because the resource was not hot enough for the technology available at that time. Armed with the UTC Power technology, Raser is charging ahead with eight geothermal power projects, including three projects in Nevada, three in Utah, one in Oregon, and the New Mexico project. Read more. Source: Media Newswire, 09/11/08

Latest News Headlines from North American Windpower

Read the latest news from North American Windpower. Source: North American Windpower, 09/12/08

Ore. tribes seek partners for biomass project

The Klamath Tribes are seeking partners for a proposed biomass generation facility north of Chiloquin that could provide energy for about 4,000 homes.

The plant would cost between $8 million and $12 million and is planned for the former Crater Lake Mill site.

The 8-megawatt plant would used biomass sources including woody material and solid waste from urban areas.

"The technology is really extraordinary," said Jeff Mitchell, a Klamath tribal council member.

The Tribes purchased the site in August and have designated the 108-acre parcel as the future home of the Giiwas Green Enterprise Park.

The proposed biomass facility would also would house other forest-related industries such as wood bundling services, manufacture of small-diameter poles and posts and juniper products.

Tribal officials estimate the park will produce about 200 family-wage jobs.

Mitchell said the British technology would use of a variety of biomass sources instead of just one.

Woody material or other matter would be decomposed and 90 percent of it would become gas to drive generators. The rest would be a solid carbon byproduct.

Tribal leaders are working with a national American Indian organization as part of a five-tribe project based on forests and tribal economies.

The Tribes also are working with Oregon Institute of Technology and Klamath Community College to provide technical expertise and training for future employees.

Tom Chester, director of the Oregon Renewable Energy Center at OIT, has discussed the project with the Tribes' consultant and said issues remain to be worked out, such as how much energy would be generated and what happens to any leftover material.

Toby Freeman, regional community manager with PacifiCorp, said his company would be open to working with the Tribes but that facility would be in the area serviced by Bend-based Mid-State Electric.

PacifiCorp spoke with the Tribes two years ago about the project and provided some financial analysis, Freeman said. Source: Oregon Live, 09/12/08

Latest Issue of Renewable Energy Weekly

The latest issue of RE Weekly News e-newsletter is now online. Source:, 09/12/08

Survey Says 60% of US Wind Turbines May Be Behind in Maintenance

Frontier Pro Services has released the results of an informal survey of approximately 75 wind farm operators in the United States. Designed to assess the specific operation and maintenance service needs of wind energy operators, the survey reveals what could be serious threats to wind farms largely because of the industry-wide shortage of qualified turbine technicians, Frontier said. Read more. Source: Renewable Energy, 09/05/08

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Outreach, Education, Reports & Studies

Presentations for FEMP Renewable Working Group Meeting

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) held a Renewable Energy Working Group (REWG) meeting June 10. There were three presentations that had accompanying charts at the meeting as follows:

Those presentation charts, along with a meeting summary are now available online. Source: Jim Hoelscher, FEMP Contractor, 09/03/08

New handbook focuses on community wind development in Colorado

The Colorado Harvesting Energy Network, Colorado Governor's Energy Office and the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union have teamed up to produce Ownership Matters:Community-based Wind Development in Colorado, a handbook based on a series of workshops the partnership held earlier this year.

The guide is oriented towards community wind projects, which it defines as commercial-scale projects between one and 30 megawatts of capacity, with local ownership. The authors hope to encourage community leaders to get involved in development by answering five questions:

  1. What is community wind?
  2. Is my site suitable for development?
  3. What are the options available to landowners?
  4. What are the key steps to a successful project?
  5. How do I secure a power purchase agreement for my project?

To obtain a copy of Ownership Matters:Community-based Wind Development in Colorado, contact Rebecca Cantwell, Colorado Harvesting Energy Network, 303-283-3524. Source: Colorado Harvesting Energy Network, 09/03/08

IREC State & Stakeholder Newsletter

The IREC State & Stakeholder Newsletter tracks a range of market-oriented news, services and outreach tools valuable to the renewable energy community. This free newsletter is distributed semi-monthly to email subscribers and published on IREC's Web site. Source: Interstate Renewable Energy Council, 09/03/08

NWCC updates meeting calendar, resources

Source: NWCC, 09/03/08

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable (EERE) Energy Information Center

Recently the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable (EERE) Energy Information Center (EIC) updated its website that assists customers with finding information about the EERE programs, products and services, as well as general energy information.

The redesigned web page is to respond to the nature and frequency of requests that the EIC receives from the general public. It also provides a tool for requesting information directly from the EIC. The EERE Energy Information Center can be reached toll-free at 877-EERE-INF, or 877-337-3463. Source: EERE, 09/03/08

U.S. DOE Biomass Program Website Updated

The U.S. Department of Energy's Biomass Program has updated its Web site. Source: EERE Biomass Program, 09/04/08

National Solar Tour shows how renewable energy fights rising electricity costs

A recent NBC/WSJ poll revealed that runaway energy costs is the #1 issue Americans feel most personally affects them. Clearly there is a pressing need to let more people know about solar energy — and how it helps families and businesses save on monthly utility bills.

That's why the American Solar Energy Society is organizing the largest grassroots solar event in history. It's called the National Solar Tour and it offers you the opportunity to tour homes and buildings to see how neighbors are using solar energy and energy efficiency to combat rising energy costs.

As many as 150,000 people will be participating in 46 states across the United States.

The solar community is coming together to highlight this important solar event and we need your help to get the word out.

ASES coordinates the National Solar Tour in partnership with dozens of outstanding organizations. Most tours take place on October 4, though tours vary by location so be sure to check the listings for the latest details.

Can you tell your friends about this fun solar event and invite them to join us?

Last year more than 115,000 attendees visited some 5,000 buildings in 2,900 participating communities. Now in its 13th year, this event will take place in nearly every state in the U.S. so we invite you to get involved.

In addition to learning more about solar energy, an increasing focus of the National Solar Tour is on energy-saving techniques and sustainability through building design, energy efficient appliances, and use of green materials during remodeling. Solar tours also provide helpful, real-world examples of costs and how to save money with federal, state, and local incentives.

Ultimately the National Solar Tour inspires people across the nation to go solar and make sustainable energy choices that help lower costs, support energy independence, and reduce carbon emissions. Source: American Solar Energy Society, 09/05/08

First-Person Account of Global Warming

From Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 19th century to Rachel Carson and E.O. Wilson in the 20th, writers have played a profound role in drawing attention to our natural environment and inspiring people to protect it. To continue this tradition and inspire action on global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists has partnered with literary publisher Penguin Classics to encourage the public to submit essays and images about climate change for publication in a new online book, Thoreau's Legacy: American Stories about Global Warming.

We want to hear from you. To participate, write a 200- to 500-word first-person account of global warming that relates to your life or the world around you. Is there a place that holds a special meaning to you that you want to protect? What people, animals, or activities that you love are at risk from a changing climate? Are you taking steps in your own life to stem the tide of global warming? Tell us your story, or send us a photograph related to topics like these. The best submissions will be included in Thoreau's Legacy, which will be published online in spring 2009 and in a limited-edition hardcover version.

Two leading scientists and one of the nation's most respected nature photographers have contributed representative works to the project to serve as examples of the kind of essays and photographs we are seeking.

It's time for the writings of a new generation to inspire our country to take on the challenge of global warming and save our natural—and national—heritage. Submit your story or photographs today. Source: UCS, 09/05/08

Renewable energy marketing conference comes to Denver

The National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference is the preeminent annual conference for communicating directly with leading renewable energy industry stakeholders. Join us in Denver, Colo., on Oct. 26-29, 2008, to hear from national and regional experts on important topics:

Influential key players including power marketers, renewable energy developers, retail and wholesale green power suppliers, electric utilities, equipment manufacturers, government agencies, energy consultants and nonprofit experts are expected to attend. The eighth National Green Power Leadership Awards, presented annually to leaders within the green power industry, will be held in conjunction with the conference. Check out the conference agenda, and register online.

The conference will be held at the Marriot City Center Hotel, 800-444-2206. To obtain the discounted booking rate please identify the conference by mentioning "Renewable Energy" to the hotel representative.

The deadline for sponsors to be included in conference materials is soon approaching. There are several ways for your organization to participate. For more information on sponsorships, please contact Scott Sheckman at 415-561-0213. For general conference information, contact Rachael Terada at 415-561-2135. Source: Green Power Partnership, 09/05/08

Partnership Provides BS in Electrical Engineering Online to the Energy Industry

The Energy Providers Coalition for Education (EPCE) is pleased to announce its partnership with Clemson University to offer their Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) degree via online delivery to help the energy industry meet the expanding professional workforce needs expected over the next several years.

The EPCE coalition is an active group of investor-owned, cooperative, and public power utilities, governmental agencies, associations, local unions and contractors working together to sponsor industry-contextualized online learning programs to help in attracting, training, and retaining a skilled and educated energy industry workforce. EPCE’s membership includes some of the nation’s leading energy providers.

According to the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the national demand for electricity is expected to increase by 45 percent by 2030. Nearly half the energy industry workforce will also be eligible to retire in the next 5 years. According to the July 2008 edition of IEEE-USA Today’s Engineer, “…the need for new infrastructure and technology innovations means a steady, if not rising, need for well-trained engineers. This next generation of innovators and technology leaders will be expected to make critical contributions to solving the challenges that we and future generations face.”

This Clemson University BSEE degree program is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), and provides fundamental education in core areas such as circuits, electronics, electromagnetics, controls, power, and communications. The Power Systems specialization of this BSEE degree includes courses in energy conversion, power systems analysis, electric machines, and power electronics and drives, and is appropriate for students who work for or plan to work for electric utilities, electrical equipment manufacturers, or companies which rely heavily on electrical energy.

“This degree is ABET accredited and designed to meet the job requirements of professional Electrical Engineers, making this degree an ideal credential for companies looking for knowledgeable employees,” said Randy Collins, associate dean for Undergraduate and International Studies in the College of Engineering and Science at Clemson University. “By partnering with EPCE, we can offer this degree online to an industry that is vital to our nation’s security and lifestyle, which also has a significant need for new engineers.”

EPCE’s other education programs include industry-sponsored courses, certificates, and degrees in electric power, nuclear power, and natural gas distribution. Members use EPCE’s education programs as an external resource to help educate new workers and develop existing workers with less need for internal training resources.

EPCE’s courses can be completed entirely over the internet, providing adults a convenient, flexible way to pursue a college education while still meeting work and family obligations. This is a very valuable resource to those looking for education to prepare themselves to enter the industry. Source: Energy Providers Coalition for Education 09/08/08

Latest Connecting to the Grid newsletter now online

IREC's Connecting to the Grid newsletter is a free, monthly publication. Subscribe today. Source: IREC, 09/08/08

Record-Setting Attendance Expected at Geothermal Events in Reno

Geothermal experts and businesses from around the world will be converging on Reno, Nev., in record numbers in early October. Reno is the site for the Geothermal Energy 2008 Conference and Expo sponsored jointly by the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) and the Geothermal Resources Council (GRC). The Conference and Expo have already set pre-registration records, and will almost certainly be the largest international geothermal conference and expo ever held.

The Conference and Expo officially begin on Monday, Oct. 6. Before the main events start, there will be a number of workshops open to the public. On Saturday, Oct. 4, GEA is hosting a "Geothermal Issues and Outlook Workshop." The day-long event features expert presentations and panel discussions examining federal and state policy initiatives – from tax credits to federal and state leasing – and their potential impact on geothermal energy.

Also on Saturday, GRC will sponsor an Introduction to Geothermal Energy workshop, presented by the Geothermal Education Office. This free and fun event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 4, at the Peppermill Resort in Reno from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (sign-in begins at 9:30 a.m.) The workshop is designed for K-12 classroom teachers and other educators, but is open to anyone interested in learning about geothermal energy. BUT pre-registration is required to participate, either by e-mail or download registration form.

At noon on Monday, the Geothermal Energy Expo opens, featuring nearly 100 exhibits from companies ranging from Glitnir Bank to Vulcan Power. Regular events and speakers are scheduled for the Expo Hall from Monday through noon on Wednesday. Admission to the Expo on a daily basis is only $35. Source: Geothermal Energy Association, 09/10/08

2009 Rocky Mountain Sustainability Summit

The 2009 Rocky Mountain Sustainability Summit (RMSS) will provide a learning and networking forum for participants from campuses in the Rocky Mountain region (CO, NM, UT, WY, MT, ID, AZ) to advance sustainability.

Institutions of higher education have a crucial role to play in creating a sustainable society and addressing the climate crisis. Successful initiatives—whether in research and education, operations, outreach, or administration and finance—can have enormous societal impacts by helping to shape the future actions of students, and by setting examples for the larger community.

RMSS 2009 will help students, faculty, staff, administrators, community members and state leaders learn from each other, replicate successful initiatives, and innovate effective programs to make the region's higher education institutions national leaders in campus sustainability and climate action. Source: RMSS, 09/10/08

Renewable Energy Marketing Conference comes to Denver

The National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference is the preeminent annual conference for communicating directly with leading renewable energy industry stakeholders. Join us in Denver, Colo., on Oct. 26-29, 2008, to hear from national and regional experts on important topics.

Influential key players including power marketers, renewable energy developers, retail and wholesale green power suppliers, electric utilities, equipment manufacturers, government agencies, energy consultants and nonprofit experts are expected to attend. The eighth National Green Power Leadership Awards, presented annually to leaders within the green power industry, will be held in conjunction with the conference. Check out the conference agenda, and register online.

The conference will be held at the Marriot City Center Hotel, 800-444-2206. To obtain the discounted booking rate please identify the conference by mentioning "Renewable Energy" to the hotel representative.

The deadline for sponsors to be included in conference materials is soon approaching. There are several ways for your organization to participate. For more information on sponsorships, please contact Scott Sheckman at 415-561-0213. For general conference information, contact Rachael Terada at 415-561-2135.  Source: Western, 09/10/08

Don't miss Geothermal Finance & Investment Summit

Meet the project developers, investors, lenders, power purchasers, technology experts, legal teams and others who will make geothermal projects happen in the coming year at the second annual Geothermal Finance & Investment Summit, Nov. 17-19, in Palm Springs, Calif.

The Summit is designed to provide the latest intelligence on the market environment for putting together geothermal deals. The players in the market will discuss what they are looking for when they get involved in deals, what future opportunities exist for partners and investors and how to successfully get deals done in 2009 and beyond.

Register by e-mail; phone: 818-888-4444; fax: 818-888-4440 or online. Contact Bruce Haring, 818-888-4444, to learn more about sponsorship opportunities. Source: Western, 09/10/08

AWEA "Utilities and Wind Power" Seminar scheduled

AWEA is pleased to announce the first-ever event focusing just on utility issues relative to wind power. The AWEA "Utilities and Wind Power" seminar will be held in Palm Desert, Calif., as an all-day event on Nov. 19.

The seminar will focus exclusively on utility issues and will be open only to attendees from electric utilities: IOUs, munis and co-ops. This event will focus primarily on utilities giving presentation to utilities, relating their experiences, best practices, lessons learned and challenges relative to wind power. No other attendees besides electric utilities will be able to attend this seminar.

This seminar will precede the annual "AWEA Wind Energy Fall Symposium" which will take place at the same location on Nov. 20-21. Due to the expected demand for this event, registration may be limited to two attendees per utility. Register online. Source: Public Renewables Partnership, 09/10/08

Gold Standard Registry provides database of GHG reduction projects

APX and the Gold Standard Foundation are pleased to announce today that the Gold Standard Registry now includes more than 200 valid greenhouse gas reduction projects in various stages of approval representing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in over 30 countries. This dramatic growth—well ahead of expectations—represents a total potential of approximately 15 million metric tons of carbon equivalents (MtCO2e) per annum. In addition, there are now over 190 account holders, both approved and pending.

The Registry, built and operated by APX, manages the full lifecycle of a carbon credit including creation, serialization, transfers and retirement, enabling trading of Gold Standard Voluntary Emissions Reductions (VER) credits and Certified Emissions Reductions (CER) credits around the world. Read more. Source: APX, 09/10/08

Wind acquisition and integration workshop comes to Northwest

How can wind become a major contributor to electric power in the Northwest? And what does this mean for the public power sector?

Learn more about the wind power industry from a national, regional and local perspective at Acquisition & Integration of Wind Power for NW Public Utilities, Nov. 13. This one-day workshop is being held at the Shilo Inn at the Airport in Portland, Ore. Attendees will learn the latest about a wide range of issues, from the report, 20% Wind Power by 2030, to new technology that makes "local" wind power options more feasible today than ever before.

There is no charge for attending, however, seating is limited. Contact Elmer Sams, General Manager, Last Mile Electric Cooperative, 425-888-0982; or A.J. Chase, 360-631-2484, today to reserve your place.

Acquisition & Integration of Wind Power for N.W. Public Utilities is sponsored by Bonneville Power Administration, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Last Mile Electric Cooperative. Cosponsors include Washington Public Utility Districts Association, Public Power Council, Utility Wind Integration Group, American Wind Energy Association, Northwest Requirements Utilities and Western Area Power Administration. Source: Public Renewables Partnership, 09/10/08

Geothermal Energy Association One day workshop at Geothermal Energy 2008

The Geothermal Energy Association is conducting a one-day event entitled: “Geothermal Issues and Outlook Workshop” on Saturday, Oct. 4, 9:00-4:30pm, Naples Rooms 1-3, at the Peppermill Hotel in Reno, Nev.

This workshop will provide a day-long series of expert presentations and panel discussions examining the status, outlook and issues specific to geothermal energy raised by both federal and state initiatives in each of these topic areas:

Pricing includes, admission into workshop, light breakfast, refreshments and lunch. Participation will be limited to 150 people. GEA/GRC member, government/non-profit employee registration is $75; regular registration is $150. To register and for more information please go to: . Please register in advance as we expect to have sell out attendance. Please contact Daniela at 202.454.5461 with any questions. Source: GEA, 09/09/08

Arizona State University and Team Up to give Students News on Sustainability and Green Living

In the first collaboration of its kind, Arizona State University and, the country's leading source of online environmental news and information, today announced an agreement to send all of ASU's 60,000+ students and many faculty and staff a biweekly e-mail with news, commentary, and advice about sustainability issues. Read more. Source: Grist, 09/08/08

City Tour for Solar visits 50 U.S. cities in 100 days

 Solar energy is helping cities stem rising energy costs, provide new “green” jobs, address climate change and ensure a secure, local and independent power supply. The City Tour for Solar is traveling across 50 cities in 100 days educating people on the benefits and viability of solar power for American cities.

The mobile photovoltaic (PV) solar educational event allows visitors to see and touch solar materials and learn how easy it is to add solar to rooftops, parking lots and open spaces in our communities. Check the tour schedule to find the date and location of the nearest tour. Source: American Solar Energy Society, 09/12/08

Learn more about educational resources.


News from Washington

DOE Installs Rooftop Solar System in U.S. Capital

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) yesterday inaugurated one of the largest solar power systems in the nation's capital, atop the DOE's Forrestal Building.

The 205-kilowatt photovoltaic system will generate approximately 200 megawatt hours of electricity annually, provide up to eight percent of the Forrestal complex's energy during peak hours, and save as much as $26,000 in utility costs in its first year of operation. Read more. Source: Sustainable Business, 09/10/08

$100 billion could yield 2 million "green" jobs

A $100 billion U.S. government investment over two years could create 2 million "green" jobs in such industrial sectors as steel and construction, environmental and labor groups said on Tuesday.

"From the point of view of the steelworkers union, the view is quite simple, that a energy efficient green economy creates jobs and it can create jobs in America," said Leo Gerard, international president of the United Steelworkers. Read more. Source: Reuters, 09/09/08

Industry to Congress: Renew the Expiring Clean-Energy Credits

The U.S. Congress may be “out of gas” when it comes to drafting an energy policy, as the Washington Post edit page moans, but General Electric’s John Krenecki doesn’t mind giving legislators a push.

The head of GE Energy, the conglomerate’s unit that makes everything from wind turbines to nuclear reactors, flew down to Washington again today to plead with senators to extend tax credits for renewable energy. The credits, still crucial to making clean energy competitive, are set to expire at the end of the year, despite at least eight tries so far to renew them. That threatens to slam the brakes on two gangbuster years for American wind and solar power. Read more. Source: Wall Street Journal, 09/12/08

Learn more about legislative activities.


State Activities, Marketing & Market Research

Survey Results Show Alternative Energy Jobs, Investment On Rise In State With NextEnergy's Help

Since its inception, NextEnergy, a non-profit organization, has sought, through our Industry Services division, to refocus Michigan's existing industries to support Alternative Energy Technology business growth. We have been extremely fortunate to have the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) assist us with these efforts. The MEDC has been a stalwart supporter of NextEnergy and together the two organizations have teamed up create substantial opportunities through which Michigan workers have begun to penetrate the global alternative energy industry. NextEnergy has just completed a comprehensive survey regarding this effort and have significant results to report to you and our other stakeholders. Here are representative survey results and facts pertaining to NextEnergy's recent efforts, with considerable and continuing help from the MEDC, to diversify manufacturing output in Michigan to encompass Alternative Energy Technology.

NextEnergy's Michigan Wind Manufacturers Working Group has grown to more than 300 members, while our Hydraulic Hybrid Working Group (power train development) has grown to approximately 60 members, and NextEnergy has facilitated over 100 private meetings and introductions between Michigan suppliers and out-of state OEMs in the following industries: Wind, Solar, and Biofuels.

While working with global alternative energy based OEMs (including major wind OEMs such as GE, Vestas, Clipper, Nordex, Siemens and Acciona) to diversify Michigan's manufacturing base, NextEnergy has acquired multiple long term industry-funded consulting contacts that permit us to help diversify dozens of Michigan companies into AET. According to the recent survey issued by NextEnergy to more than 800 Michigan suppliers, 55 suppliers have invested a total of $8.5 million in expanding their Michigan workforces or facilities. They credit NextEnergy's alternative energy customer connections and company introductions with the opportunity to quote $1.5 billion in new orders and securing $377 million in new orders, while adding or retaining 1,145 employees.

NextEnergy has hosted nine educational and matchmaking events for Michigan based suppliers, with total attendance exceeding 500 across the state (Oakland County, Grand Rapids, Detroit, Manistee) with the following OEMs in attendance:

Source: Dan Radomski, Vice President and Director of Industry Services, NextEnergy, 09/03/08

Looking for Renewables

Five years ago the state legislature laid down the law on renewable energy: By 2020, the state will get 20 percent of its electricity from the wind, the sun and other green sources such as landfill gas, or else. If the suppliers of electricity to the state's two utilities, United Illuminating and Connecticut Light & Power, fail to meet the legislature's timetable they're obliged to pay a penalty that goes to the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, which then invests the money in renewable energy projects. Read more. Source: New Haven Advocate, 09/04/08

State Activities and Partnerships Weekly Report for Week of Sep. 22

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) publishes this summary of news stories posted this week on the EERE State Activities & Partnerships Web site. EERE collects news stories dealing with state involvement in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects from EERE technology program Web sites, the State Energy Program, and EERE Network News .  Source: EERE, 09/18/08

2000 MW Wyoming Wind power project undergoes Environmental Impact survey (Ind. Report)

The environmental services firm ENSR has been selected by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for a major new wind energy project proposed by the Power Company of Wyoming. The Power Company of Wyoming recently filed right-of-way applications with the BLM Rawlins Field Office to develop two wind farms with a total of 2000 MW of power, on 98,000 acres in the Rawlins and Carbon County areas. Expected issues to be addressed in the EIS include effects on wildlife and cultural resources, and changes to the rural landscapes. Over the past 10 years, ENSR has completed over 30 environmental impact statements for industrial development projects under the direction of the BLM and other federal agencies. (Source: Press Release, Sept. 4, '08)

Contact: ENSR, 800-722-2440. Source: EP Overviews, 09/04/08

Utilities To Cooperate On High-Voltage Transmission Project

Mid-Kansas Electric Co. and Sunflower Electric Power Corp. have reached an agreement with ITC Great Plains LLC designating ITC Great Plains to build two of the three sections that will constitute the proposed Kansas V-Plan transmission project.

ITC Great Plains will build two sections of the Kansas V-Plan, which will further wind energy development, according to the company. The first section is a transmission line from Spearville, Kan., to Comanche County, Kan., and the second section is a transmission line from Comanche County to Medicine Lodge, Kan. The V-Plan will be constructed at 765 kV if deemed appropriate by Southwest Power Pool Inc. Construction of the project is subject to state certificate and siting approvals, resolution of cost recovery and cost allocation issues, and lender consent.

"This agreement is a revolutionary approach and a major milestone in the quest to build a 21st century transmission grid in Kansas," says Carl Huslig, ITC Great Plains president. "ITC, Mid-Kansas and Sunflower believe that collaboration is an excellent model for building crucial infrastructure. The winners will be Kansans, who will benefit from a robust transmission grid that will increase reliability, lower costs, provide equal access to energy and further wind energy development."

As part of the agreement, Mid-Kansas and Sunflower have offered Westar Energy an opportunity to build the third section of the Kansas V-Plan, a transmission line that will run from Medicine Lodge to Sedgwick County, Kan., terminating just outside Wichita, Kan. Westar operates a service territory that overlaps portions of the third section. In the offer, Westar would build a segment of the V-Plan outside its service territory. Should Westar elect not to participate, ITC Great Plains is committed to building any portion of the third section. Source: ITC Holdings Corp. via North American Windpower, 09/04/08

Roundtable tackles sustainable energy policy

Weening America off oil dependency is a key part of almost anyone's energy strategy. Thursday in Berkeley, top scientists and engineers gathered to help map out an alternative energy policy for the president and Congress.

They are a virtual who's who from the world of energy research, tapped by the National Science Board to help shape the country's development of sustainable energy. We see signs all around us of green technology, but the message was clear that federal spending must be increased to foster innovation and new alternatives.

"We are investing a few billion dollars at most at the federal level. This is into the energy sector, which is a $1 trillion industry in this country, so a few billion—a trillion dollar industry—it's a simple mismatch," said Dan Kammen, director of the Berkeley Institute of the Environment. Read more. Source:, 09/05/08

Wind Developers Snap Up 70 Percent of Wyoming-Colorado Intertie Capacity

Two wind developers have secured 70 percent of the capacity on a planned 850-megawatt transmission line that would connect Wyoming's wind resources in its remote eastern plains to population centers in Colorado. When completed, the line will provide much needed transmission that will just begin to tap Wyoming's huge potential for generating wind power. Read more. Source: State Activities and Partnerships Weekly News Report, 09/05/08

New Wind Energy Initiative Puts PA in Forefront of Renewable Energy Sector

A new wind energy initiative, jump-started by the Energy Independence Strategy Governor Edward G. Rendell signed in July, will better connect wind energy companies and their suppliers and boost the growth of Pennsylvanias alternative energy industry, the commonwealths top economic development official said today.

The Wind Energy Supply Chain Initiative, or WESCI, will create jobs, grow Pennsylvanias manufacturing base and produce environmentally friendly, home-grown energy, said Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Yablonsky. Read more. Source: Red Orbit, 09/08/08

Minnesota Powers Wind Energy Project Reaches Milestone

Minnesota Powers plan to harness wind energy from the plains of North Dakota and transmit it to customers took an important step forward with the signing of an agreement to purchase an interstate transmission line and phase out a long-term contract to buy coal-generated electricity.

Minnesota Power, an ALLETE company announced its intent to buy the transmission line in May as part of its strategy to develop wind energy in order to meet a state mandate requiring a 25 percent renewable energy supply by 2025. Read more. Source: Business Wire 09/08/08

Missouri renewable-energy initiative will be on Nov. 4 ballot

Missourians will get a chance to vote on the Renewable Energy initiative after all. Secretary of State Robin Carnahan said Tuesday that the initiative will appear on the Nov. 4 ballot.

Initially, it was kept off the ballot because local election officials in the 3rd Congressional District determined that it was 526 signatures short of the 14,860 signatures required from the area, Carnahan’s office said in a release. But Judge Richard Callahan of Cole County Circuit Court concluded in court proceedings this week that a sufficient number of valid signatures had been submitted, Carnahan’s release said. Read more. Source: Kansas City Business Journal, 09/09/08

Report: Investment in renewable energy could create 19,000 jobs in Arkansas

Representatives of several environmentalist groups in Arkansas said Tuesday they will urge the Governor's Commission on Global Warming to consider a new report that suggests investment in renewable energy and energy conservation could create two million new jobs, 19,500 of them in Arkansas, over two years.

In a report commissioned by the Center for American Progress and released Tuesday, researchers with the Department of Economics and Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst recommend a $100 billion program to reduce American dependence on petroleum-based energy sources. Source: Arkansas News Bureau, 09/10/08

Colorado Awarded Grant to Expedite Renewable Energy Onto Transmission Grid

The Governor's Energy Office (GEO) has been awarded a $397,700 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to advance renewable energy in Colorado. The GEO will use this grant funding to develop technical, financial, and policy frameworks to expedite the construction of an additional one thousand megawatts of renewable resource capacity to the Colorado grid.

The objectives of the nine month work effort are to prepare a set of concrete policy recommendations that will:

Read more. Source: GEO, 09/11/08

DOE Helps States Foster Gigawatt-level Renewable Energy Developments

With no federal renewable portfolio standard (RPS) in place and the status of the federal renewable energy tax credits in flux, states are leading the way towards implementing frameworks for the development of renewables. This week the U.S. government took a step forward in helping nine states foster the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. Read more. Source: Renewable Energy World, 09/11/08

Oklahoma Commission Approves OG&E Renewable Program

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission voted 3-0 today to approve OG&E's comprehensive renewable energy program, which includes construction of a high-capacity transmission line between Woodward and Oklahoma City. Read more. Source: Market Watch, 09/11/08

Twin Cities' Company Launches Innovative Solar Energy Leasing Program

freEner-g ("free energy") LLC, a residential solar leasing company, announced today they are seeking homeowners in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area for a new solar energy program. The new program is based on a leasing, installation and service package for a monthly fee and will allow residents to lease solar-generated electricity for the first time. Read more. Source: Market Watch, 09/12/08

Renewable energy mandate will have to wait

Gov. Jennifer Granholm prepared to leave Monday for a five-day trade mission to Japan amid concerns that lawmakers hadn't reached an agreement to require Michigan's electric utilities to shift at least 10 percent of their power to such renewable sources as wind power. Read more. Source: Detroit Free Press, 09/12/08

Learn more about marketing and research.


Grants, RFPs & Other Funding News

Duke seeks bids for $100M solar network

Duke Energy Corp. said Thursday it is seeking bids for supplies of solar panels and other related equipment to build a proposed $100 million solar network in North Carolina.

The utility wants to install solar panels at up to 850 sites throughout the state, including homes, schools and shopping malls.

Duke hopes to generate at least 16 megawatts, or enough energy to power 2,600 homes, after the solar power is converted from direct current to alternating current.

Installation is expected to begin in 2009 and be finished by 2010. Duke said it seeks a company that specializes in solar technology to supply and install materials and equipment at all the sites.

The plan still requires approval from the North Carolina officials.

Shares of Duke rose 10 cents to $17.21 in morning trading. Source:, 09/04/08

DOE Announces $6.6 Million in Competitive Grant Selections For Innovative State Efficiency, Renewables Initiatives

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency David Rodgers today announced awards for approximately $6.6 million in competitive-selected grants for innovative state-level energy efficiency and renewable energy policies and projects.  The DOE-supported, state-led projects will focus on building utility scale energy capacity from renewables and demand reduction, as well as advanced building energy codes.  Rodgers made the announcements while addressing the National Association for State Energy Officials Annual Meeting. Read more. Source: Department of Energy, 09/08/08

Department of Agriculture Requests Proposals for Woody Biomass Utilization Grant – Forest Restoration Activities on National Forest System Lands

On Sep. 11, 2008, the Department of Agriculture announced that they will provide up to $4 million in grants for proposals that increase the use of woody biomass from National Forest Service System lands, with individual grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000 for up to three years. The program is intended to "improve forest restoration activities by using and creating markets for small-diameter material and low-valued trees removed from forest restoration activities." The grants are intended to be used by small businesses, communities, or entrepreneurs to turn forest residue into marketable forest products.

Pre-Application postmark deadline is Nov. 7, 2008. Final Application deadline is Feb. 13, 2009.  Applications must be mailed to: ATTN: Patricia Brumm, Grants and Agreements Specialist, Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, Wis. 53726-2398.  Source: EESI, 09/12/08

Learn more about funding solicitations.

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Randy Manion.
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