WEEK OF  MARCH 20, 2000
Green Power and Market Research News
A Weekly Electronic News Service from Western's Renewable Resources Program Covering Green Power, Renewable Energy and Market Research Strategies

Green Power

Greening of GSA Includes Model Workplace
The General Services Administration, which manages federal property totaling more than 280 million square feet, providing workplaces for more than one million federal workers, is going green. In 1998 GSA introduced Planet GSA, a program focusing on four areas--buy green, build green, drive green, and save green. "Our concern runs from lights to furnishings to equipment and supplies, from building materials to cleaning products and pest management," says Dave Barram, GSA's administrator. "And our programs cover energy conservation, pollution prevention, recycling and use of recycled products."  GSA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Energy and the EPA to cooperate on Planet GSA. In addition, GSA partnered with Carnegie-Mellon University to create the Adaptable Workplace Lab (AWL), a 10,000-square-foot space at its headquarters in Washington, DC that features raised flooring, plug-and-play mobile technology and individually controlled environmental systems. The AWL will be a working laboratory where employee productivity and energy and environmental performance can be measured.  Concepts such as system efficacy, sustainable and healthy materials, natural conditioning, and just-in-time delivery of infrastructures will be studied and compared to standard practices.  Source: Interiors & Sources, Jan-Feb 2000, page 42, by Penny Bonda via Greenclips 3/15/2000.  Full text at:  http://www.isdesignet.com/Magazine/J_F'00/eco.html  More about Planet GSA at:  http://www.gsa.gov/planetgsa/ .  More about AWL at:  http://www.gsa.gov/planetgsa/greenbldg5.htm  .

Green-e Certifies Utility.com’s GreenPlanetTM
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) announced today that Utility.com’s 100 percent renewable energy product, GreenPlanetTM has been certified by the Green-e Program.  When Utility.com customers see the Green-e certification, they can be sure they are purchasing electricity from reliable renewable resources that meet strict consumer protection and environmental standards.  “Green-e certification assures our GreenPlanet customers that they’re receiving environmentally superior products,” said Chris King, CEO, Utility.com  “Utility.com delivers convenient services and better pricing to residents and small businesses through proprietary technology and a team of world-class utility experts and energy partners.”  “The availability of Utility.com’s 100 percent renewable GreenPlanet service means that Californians now have even more Green-e certified options to choose from when buying environmentally friendlier power for a cleaner future. We welcome Utility.com’s GreenPlanet to our list of certified electricity options,” said Jan Hamrin, Executive Director of the CRS.  To receive Green-e certification, at least half of an electricity product’s energy supply must come from eligible renewable resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass or small-scale hydro projects. Utility.com’s GreenPlanet is based on 100 percent renewable energy and is currently available to consumers in California.  Under the terms of the Green-e Program, Utility.com agrees to abide by the Green-e Code of Conduct, including submitting marketing materials to CRS to make sure customers receive truthful information about Utility.com’s certified electricity offering. Utility.com will also undergo an annual verification process to document that the company purchased enough renewable electricity to meet its GreenPlanet marketing claims.  More information on the voluntary Green-e program is available at www.green-e.org  .  More information on GreenPlanet can be found at www.utility.com  .   More information on CRS is available at www.resource-solutions.org  .  CRS News Release 3/20/2000.
For more information on Green Power go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/greenpower/   or   http://www.thegreenpowergroup.org/

Renewable Energy Technologies

GlobEx 2000 JULY 23-28, Las Vegas, NV, Impressive List of Speakers and Agenda for Event
NTS Development Corporation recently announced that the GlobEx 2000 conference and tradeshow will be held July 23 through 28 at the Riveria Hotel and Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. The conference will highlight the latest advancements in alternative, sustainable and renewable energy technologies during workshops, technical presentations, expert panel discussions, keynote speakers, plenary sessions, a trade exhibition and various networking activities.  NTS said GlobEx 2000 will be four conferences in one, with the Global Energy Exposition, Energex 2000, the 35th Annual Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, and the Purchasing Green Energy Workshop. The Global Energy Exposition, the International Energy Conference on Alternative and Sustainable Technologies, will display hundreds of quality products and services and will feature numerous events on the show floor to attract attendees. Energex 2000, the 8th Annual International Energy Forum of the International Energy Foundation, will include more than 200 technical papers and eight plenary sessions on various energy and environmental topics. The forum will also feature workshops on photovoltaics and concentrating solar power systems.  The 35th Annual Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference will offer technical paper presentations on conversion technologies, electrochemical technologies, energy systems, energy conversion and renewable energy, and thermal management.  Finally, the Purchasing Green Energy Workshop is intended for state and local government officials and has been endorsed by the National Purchasing Institute and the National Association of Purchasing Managers.   Poster abstracts will be accepted until May 20, 2000 for consideration for display at GlobeEx 2000, an international energy conference encompassing all areas of energy with a special emphasis on renewable and alternative technologies.  Posters will be considered in all energy disciplines including fossil fuel, carbon sequestration, oil recovery, natural gas, biomass, geothermal, solar, photovoltaics, hydrogen, fuel cells, wind, coal and nuclear.  Papers on related subjects will also be considered: energy efficiency, environmental controls, global warming, environmental management, international law and energy, architecture and energy, conservation and efficiency, education, energy modeling, energy sustainability, rural electrification, risk assessment, recycling and waste management and financing third world energy projects.   If your interested in participating in the Poster Session, please submit a one page abstract typed, single-spaced, in English with a cover page to Mrs. Ellen Jacobson, Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering - 199, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV  89509 USA, e-mail,  jacobsoe@admin.unr.edu   .  The cover page should include: Applicable subject matter; full presentation title; full name and address of one author for all correspondence; full name of each author and co-author with affiliation, address, phone, fax, and e-mail. DEADLINES: May 20, 2000 ABSTRACTS DUE; June 20, 2000 - AUTHORS NOTIFIED OF ACCEPTANCE. July 23, 2000 - POSTERS DUE.   For more information, contact NTS, phone 702-317-0777, website  http://www.globeex.com   .  Source: EIN Renewable Energy Today  and Globex 2000 Staff 3/13/2000.

SeaWest WindPower Accepting Bids for New Project
SeaWest WindPower recently announced opportunities for investors in its new Mountain View Power Partners wind turbine project near Palm Springs, CA. The project will provide clean energy to consumers.  SeaWest has issued a request for proposals (RFP) that encourages interested companies to submit bids toward the purchase of green certificates, emission reduction credits or for the outright purchase of the project. The wind turbine project is made up of 74 600-kilowatt (kW) wind turbine generators located in the San Gorgonio Pass in California. The project will become operational in March 2001, with construction slated for October.  "SeaWest is taking an innovative approach to energy management, offering a variety of solutions to help companies, utilities and other energy users to meet their environmental goals and power needs by supporting this non-polluting, non-depleting energy source," said SeaWest president and CEO Jan Paulin. "We believe the unique opportunities offered in this RFP are without equal in the electric power industry. Plus there's the added incentive of reducing reliance on fossil fuels, which helps improve air quality for everyone."  The project totals 44.4 megawatts (MW) in wind capacity, with a forecast generation of 175 gigawatt hours per year. The deadline to submit bids is March 31 by 5:00 p.m.  SeaWest said final notification of the award will be announced on May 1. Information will be available on the SeaWest website at   http://www.seawestwindpower.com  . The company operates over 500 wind turbines in the San Gorgonio Pass area and has projects in the Tehachapi and Altamont Pass in central California. SeaWest also has projects n Wyoming and Europe. Contact: SeaWest, phone 619-293-3340, fax 619-293-3347.  Source: EIN Renewable Energy Today 1/25/2000 via Seawest News Release 3/13/2000.
For more information on Renewable Resources go to:  http://www.eren.doe.gov/repis/


Resources for Earth Day 2000
Earth Day 2000 is rapidly approaching, and if your organization is struggling to get ready, DOE and its partner, Owens Corning, are ready to help. The popular energy efficiency booklet, "Energy Savers: Tips for Saving Energy & Money at Home" is available for reprinting at a cost of only 23 cents per copy, plus 8 cents for shipping and handling.  You can even get your organization's name printed on the back. Produced by DOE in cooperation with Owens Corning, the booklet fits well into this year's theme of "Clean Energy Now!" More than one million copies of the booklet are already in print. Order by March 20th to receive your copies in time for the April 22nd event. See the Energy Savers Partnership Program on the EREN Web site at: http://www.eren.doe.gov/energy_savers_partners/  .  Source:  EREN Network News 3/15/2000.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For more information on Educational Resources go to: http://www.thegateway.org

News from Washington

Department of Energy Seeks Input on New Strategic Plan
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released its Strategic Plan for public comment.  The draft plan includes a goal of tripling renewable energy generating capacity, achieving $5 billion in annual export sales of renewable energy systems and creating millions of jobs in the sector by 2010, reports the Environmental News Service (ENS).  The plan outlines the mission, objectives, long-term performance goals and strategies for the Department. It identifies several key "challenges," including growing energy demand, nuclear security, and environmental quality. To meet rising energy demand, DOE sees no single "silver bullet" technology. Instead, it sees the country relying on "a broad portfolio of energy resource, production, conversion, delivery and storage, and end-use technologies,"  according to the plan.  With mushrooming demand and assuming no change in existing energy policies and regulations, DOE estimates that carbon emissions will increase 33% over 1997 levels by 2020.  DOE proposes research and development investments in natural gas, renewable energy, energy efficiency and nuclear power to address increasing emissions.  The U.S. committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2010 under the Kyoto Protocol, which it has signed but not ratified.  The Department proposes to "provide technologies leading to a tripling of renewable energy (non-hydroelectric) generating capacity by 2010 and increased use of distributed power," relative to the 1996 level of 6,500 MW.  Expanding markets abroad is another objective.  By 2010, the draft suggests a goal of achieving $5 billion in annual export sales of renewable energy systems by 2010, and another $3 billion in annual exports of energy efficiency technologies.  DOE also lists a number of performance goals for the nuclear, coal and other technologies. "Coal, oil, natural gas and uranium are abundant, and a variety of renewable resources are available in large untapped quantities,"  according to the document.  "Clearly there are many opportunities to improve the performance of fossil-fueled power, the market penetration of renewable energy resources, and the availability of environmentally beneficial emission-free nuclear power technology."  DOE's primary environmental challenge identified in the plan consists of the clean-up of industrial sites where nuclear weapons were manufactured, and management of the growing inventories of spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear power reactors and other sources. "DOE has included in its plan very positive, achievable goals to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency," said AWEA Executive Director Randall Swisher. "We expect that the public comment process will further strengthen those goals.  Polls consistently show that most U.S. citizens want to see priority support for renewable and energy-efficient technologies." DOE's previous strategic plan was issued in 1997.  The new draft strategic plan is available for comment on the DOE Web site at  http://www.cfo.doe.gov/stratmgt/plan/doesplan.htmSource: AWEA Wind Weekly 3/13/2000.
For more information on legislative activities go to: http://www.kannerandassoc.com/fedenergybills.html

Marketing & Market Research

DOE Market Power Study
A new study from the DOE details the extent of potential problems and puts a price tag on market power, a very high price tag!   The report is now available for current members of Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP) International to download from the AESP Web site at  http://www.aesp.org/   .  It's in Adobe Acrobat format so you will need Acrobat Reader to view the 28-page report.   The report was introduced by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson in an address to the National Association of  Regulatory Utility Commissioners meeting on March 8, 2000.  It has been summarized in the latest issue of Public Power Weekly, the newsletter of the American Public Power Association.  No matter where you work, you should find this report interesting reading.  Source: Elliott Boardman, Executive Director, AESP International 3/21/2000.
For more information on marketing and market research go to: http://www.researchinfo.com/  or  http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/emaa/index.html

Grants & Other Funding News

Funds for Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies at Tribal Colleges
DOE to Announce the Availability of Funds for Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies at Tribal Colleges.  In a press release to be issued March 21, DOE will announce the launching of a $700,000 competitive solicitation for plans and studies of the installation of renewable energy projects at Native American Tribal colleges and universities.  Eligible technologies will include photovoltaics, wind, biomass power, hydro power, concentrating solar power, solar thermal systems, geothermal electricity generation and geothermal resources for direct hearing.   The applications may include the use of renewable power for direct electrical generation, building uses, and water pumping.  Program Contact: Ben Finzel, 202-586-6406.
For more information on funding solicitations go to: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/index.html

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