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Note: The DOT was created by the Employment and Training Administration, and was last updated in 1991. It has been replaced by the O*NET.



821.361-022 to 861.381-026

    This category includes occupations concerned with fabricating, erecting, installing, paving, painting, repairing, and similarly working structures or structural parts, such as bridges, buildings, roads, transportation equipment frames and structures, cables, girders, plates, and frames. The work generally occurs outside a factory or shop environment, except for factory production line occupations concerned with fabricating, installing, erecting, or repairing structures. Tools used are handtools or portable power tools, and such materials as wood, metal, concrete, glass, and clay are involved. Stationary machines are frequently used in structural work occupations, but the worker's relationship to machines is usually secondary in importance as compared to use of handtools and portable power tools. Workers are frequently required to have a knowledge of the materials with which they work, e.g., stresses, strains, durability, and resistance to weather.

821.361-022 LINE INSTALLER, STREET RAILWAY (r.r. trans.) alternate titles: line installer, trolley

    Installs, inspects, and maintains street-railway electrical and related equipment, such as poles, feeder cables, trolley wires and supports, and high-tension lines, following blueprints, manuals, and work orders: Replaces worn or broken poles and straightens leaning poles, securing pole in position in ground with guy wires, using block and tackle. Cuts faulty sections from overhead wires and splices in new wire, anchoring severed ends with block and tackle while new wire and splicing fixtures are being installed. Installs clinch ears (clamps) that connect trolley wire to supporting cross cables, and switches that throw trolley pole from one trolley wire to another, using hammer and clinching iron. Installs running boards that carry trolley wires under overhead crossings by clamping boards to beams or girders. Strings cable from pole to pole with assistance of ground crew. Tests electrical installations, using various testing devices.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.361-026 LINE REPAIRER (utilities) alternate titles: hiker; line servicer

    Repairs and replaces transmission and distribution power lines between generating stations, substations, and consumers, requiring use of precautionary work methods and safety equipment due to electrical hazards present when working on or near energized conductors and electrical accessories: Opens switches or clamps grounding device to energized equipment to deenergize lines or accessories as directed by LINE SUPERVISOR (utilities). Climbs poles or rides in bucket attached to truck-mounted boom to remove broken or defective wires. Secures new wires to crossarm insulators and splices wire to adjoining sections of line to complete circuit. Transfers wires from defective poles to poles erected by GROUND HELPERS (tel. & tel.; utilities). Installs pole hardware and such auxiliary equipment as transformers, lightning arresters, switches, fuses, and insulators, using handtools. Suspends insulated ladders and platforms from pole crossarms and covers energized lines with rubber mats to facilitate safe handling of high-voltage lines without interrupting service by power shutoff, and uses long insulated poles (hot sticks) fitted with mechanically or hydraulically operated grasping and crimping tools. May service streetlight systems [STREET-LIGHT SERVICER (utilities)]. May patrol power lines [ELECTRIC POWER LINE EXAMINER (utilities)]. Qualifications of workers in this classification include work experience in terms of maximum voltage of power lines repaired, such as 120-240 volt secondary circuits, 2,300-4,000 volt distribution lines, or 138 kilovolt transmission lines. Power line repairers experienced in repair of energized or deenergized conductors suspended from electrically conductive metal towers, commonly one-hundred feet or more above ground, may be designated Line Repairer, Tower (utilities).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.361-030 LINE-ERECTOR APPRENTICE (construction; utilities)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.361-034 POWER-TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (utilities) alternate titles: transformer assembler

    Repairs power transformers used in electric generating stations and substations to step-up voltage of current being fed out over high-voltage power lines or to step-down voltage of incoming current prior to being fed to lower voltage distribution lines or electric equipment: Drains and filters transformer oil. Loosens bolts to free transformer cover, laminations, coils, and other internal and external parts. Signals OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR (any industry) 921.663-010 to raise heavy transformer components and subassemblies. Dismantles lamination assembly preparatory to cleaning and inspection. Conveys defective coils to coworker for rewinding. Climbs into transformer case, cleans inner surfaces with scrapers and solvent, and examines case for defects, such as cracked weldments. Reassembles transformer, using new and reconditioned parts as specified. Operates pump to fill reassembled transformer with oil. May work at site of transformer installation. May wind replacement coil.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.361-038 TOWER ERECTOR (construction; utilities)

    Erects structural steel, wood, or aluminum transmission towers and installs electric cables and auxiliary equipment to construct transmission and high-voltage distribution power lines between generating stations and substations: Repairs and performs scheduled maintenance on towers, cables, and auxiliary equipment. Frequently works more than one hundred feet above ground when erecting upper portion of towers, and when installing insulators, cables, and electrical accessories on completed towers. May trim trees and remove brush along right-of-way [TREE TRIMMER (tel. & tel.; utilities)].
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.364-010 UTILITIES SERVICE INVESTIGATOR (utilities) alternate titles: electric-meter inspector

    Investigates reports of METER READERS (utilities; waterworks) concerning evidence of tampering with watt-hour meters and related wiring which interferes with correct metering of electric current consumed: Requests permission of customer to examine meter. Examines meter for evidence of tampering. Examines wiring connecting meter to outside power lines and building circuits. Removes unauthorized wires or devices illegally installed to bypass current past meter, or to obstruct normal meter function. Turns on bulb of known wattage and observes movement of meter disk, determining accuracy of disk rotation in relation to current consumed by bulb. Replaces blown fuses and repairs minor defects, such as loose wiring connections or insulators. Removes meters showing evidence of tampering and informs customer of discontinuance of service, pending settlement with company. Compiles inspection report, confirming or denying suspected tampering, and reports needed major repairs. May serve court summons and testify in court as company witness during criminal prosecution.
GOE: 05.10.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

821.367-010 CONSTRUCTION CHECKER (utilities) alternate titles: inspector and clerk; power-line inspector

    Inspects and prepares reports concerned with construction and maintenance of overhead or underground electric-power line projects or extensions: Inspects pole installations to ensure compliance with work order specifications, and records items requiring correction, such as loose guy wires, hanging wires, defective conduits or vaults, and incorrect location of equipment on pole. Records identification data on installed equipment, such as transformers, wires or cables, poles or vaults, and guys. Checks line and transformer capacities and phase hook-ups to provide data required for adjustment of power load and phase balance. Draws sketches of installation and location of equipment, such as transformers, switches, fuse boxes, lines, and guys so that map records can be corrected. May prepare list of hardware and materials used on specified construction project.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

821.367-014 SAFETY INSPECTOR (utilities)

    Inspects equipment, tools, and working conditions to ensure safety of workers engaged in construction and maintenance of overhead and underground power lines: Inspects safety belts, ladders, ropes, rubber goods, and tools and replaces those not meeting safety requirements. Observes crews at work and reports laxity in safety precautions, such as failure to use goggles, rubber gloves, and other safety devices. Examines conditions of ditches and tunnels and recommends use of braces to prevent cave-ins endangering workers. Investigates accidents to determine causes and devises preventive measures. May instruct workers in use of safety equipment and safe work methods.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

821.381-010 ELECTRIC-METER TESTER (utilities) alternate titles: meter tester

    Tests accuracy of meters used for recording electric current consumption and makes necessary adjustments, using following methods: (1) Connects meter to standard (specially calibrated electric meter mechanism) and adjusts standard's dials to meter being tested. Pushes switch and allows needle on standard to revolve specified number of turns or for clocked period. Compares meter and standard calibrated dials to ascertain accuracy of meter. (2) Connects testing instruments, such as wattmeter, voltmeter, and ammeter, across coils of meter and allows load to pass through meter for clocked period. Computes watt-hours of current consumed, using instrument readings and time factor. Compares watt-hour computations with dial on tested meter to determine meter accuracy. Adjusts meters by loosening or tightening screws, using screwdriver. Inspects wiring of installed meters for improper connections or diversions of current. May make minor repairs and recommend meter removal for major repair. May clean mechanism with solution and small brush. May calculate inaccurate meter variations from standard. May set up auxiliary equipment to route current around installed meter during testing to avoid interruption to service. Does not perform tests on inaccurate meters to diagnose malfunctioning if inaccuracy cannot be corrected by screw adjustment [INSIDE-METER TESTER (utilities) 729.281-034].May be designated according to types of meters tested as Meter Tester, Demand Meters (utilities); Meter Tester, Polyphase (utilities); Meter Tester, Primary utilities); Meter Tester, Single Phase (utilitie
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.381-014 VOLTAGE TESTER (utilities) alternate titles: service tester

    Tests electric power lines and auxiliary equipment to compile data concerning circuit conditions affecting efficiency of electric service and accuracy of current-consumption meters, using test instruments: Climbs poles or descends into underground vaults to gain access to power line equipment. Connects voltmeters, ammeters, and recording-demand meters to energized circuitry, transformers, and electrical accessories, using insulated pole fitted with grasping device. Records registration of direct-reading instruments. Periodically returns to change charts of recording meters. Tests building circuitry and such current-consuming apparatus as x-ray machines and motors to collect data regarding actual voltage requirements and fluctuations. Submits meter readings and charts to supervisory personnel. Inspects wiring, switchgear, and current-control apparatus for mechanical defects. May adjust voltage regulators.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

821.381-018 WIND-GENERATING-ELECTRIC-POWER INSTALLER (construction; utilities)

    Assembles, installs, and maintains electrical and mechanical parts, such as alternators, generators, and rotors of electric power generating windmills, according to production specifications, using tools and equipment: Assembles and adjusts alternator components according to production specifications, using handtools, drill presses, grinders, and micrometers. Welds steel supports to alternator for mounting on windmill tower, using welding equipment. Crates alternator for shipment to installation site. Attaches cables to alternator and pulls lever to activate truck-mounted hoist to position alternator on windmill tower. Secures alternator to tower structure, using bolts and wrenches. Attaches electric cables, windmill motor, and rotor to alternator, according to schematic, using handtools. Replaces bent or defective parts of windmill and lubricates machinery to service equipment, using handtools, oilcan, and grease gun.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

821.564-010 LABORATORY HELPER (utilities)

    Assists workers engaged in testing, adjusting, and repairing electrical transmission and distribution equipment in laboratory repair shop, performing any combination of following tasks: Cuts lead wires to length and attaches connectors according to requirements of equipment to be tested. Connects lead wires to equipment and test-apparatus as directed. Observes and records, or calls out readings of test-apparatus meters, and turns test-apparatus switches and dials as directed to assist in making tests requiring numerous connection changes, or when testing equipment is in locations not accessible to test-apparatus. Cleans, paints, and removes minor defects from items, such as meter boxes, protective covers, and mounting brackets. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to worker assisted as Electric-Meter-Repairer Helper (utilities); Electric-Meter-Tester Helper (utilities); Relay-Tester Helper (utilities).
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

821.667-010 HELPER, ELECTRICAL (utilities) alternate titles: electrician helper

    Assists electrical workers in installation, maintenance, and repair of electric-power generation and distribution equipment, underground cables, and related facilities, performing any combination of following tasks: Places barricades around open manholes and excavations, and below crewmembers working overhead to protect workers and public from injury. Digs trenches, places shoring, and lowers tools and materials to workers in excavations and vaults. Positions reels of electric cable along side trench or manhole, and guides cable as it is pulled into ducts to prevent damage to lead sheath. Breaks up concrete to facilitate installation or repair of equipment, using airhammer. Rigs scaffolds and hoists, and helps move heavy machine parts to assist in assembly and repair of generators, converters, switchgear, and related equipment at generating station or substation, as directed. May drive truck. May trim trees and clear undergrowth along right-of-way. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to worker assisted as Cable Installer-Repairer Helper (utilities); Duct-Layer Helper (construction; utilities); Electrician Helper, Powerhouse (utilities); Electric-Meter-Installer Helper (utilities); Wirer Helper (utilities).
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

821.684-010 ELECTRIC-METER INSTALLER II (utilities)

    Installs electric watthour meters in preinstalled meter-connection boxes to connect service: Breaks seal on box previously connected to building wiring, using pliers, and tests box for current flow with test lamp. Fits meter onto prongs extending from top of box and turns setscrews to secure prongs to meter, using screwdriver. Fastens meter to wall with screws and seals with sealing device. Connects electric service and tests for specified voltage, phase, and polarity, using handtools and test instruments. Disconnects customer service on request or default in payment of account. Records meter reading before connecting or after disconnecting service, and submits work report to supervisor.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

821.684-014 TOWER ERECTOR HELPER (construction; utilities)

    Assists TOWER ERECTOR (construction; utilities) in erection of transmission towers, installation of tower hardware, and stringing of transmission lines or cables, working as member of crew: Unloads structural members of tower and electrical hardware from trucks. Bolts members together to form tower assemblies, using handtools. Positions assemblies in place for installation on tower, using block and tackle. Raises or lowers hardware, tools, and other materials to workers on tower, using handline. Assists in stringing transmission cables. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to specialty as Ground Helper (tel. & tel.; utilities); Ground Helper, Street Railway (r.r. trans.).
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

821.684-018 WIRER, STREET LIGHT (utilities)

    Connects electric street lights to power circuit: Pulls wires leading from underground conduit, and wires leading from lamppost light socket, outside opening in lamppost base. Bares ends of wires and connects them together and to proper terminals. Wraps tape around wire connections for insulation. Fastens lamppost lid in place.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

821.684-022 TROLLEY-WIRE INSTALLER (mine & quarry)

    Installs and maintains electric wire in underground mine to provide power source for mine locomotives: Drives dinkey engine equipped with tools and materials to underground job site. Operates pneumatic drill to bore hanger holes in top of tunnel. Inserts and secures trolley wire hanger in roof holes. Strings transmission cable (trolley wire) from hanger to hanger, using wrench. Repairs damaged wire and hangers. Relocates transmission cables which are no longer used to other areas of mine.
GOE: 05.10.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 86

821.687-010 STEEL-POST INSTALLER (utilities) alternate titles: laborer, pole crew; pole setter

    Installs steel posts used to support street lights, traffic signals, and power lines: Guides post into position on previously installed base as it is lowered by truck-mounted hoist. Sights post against previously installed post, or uses carpenter's level, and inserts shims under post until post is vertical. Tightens bolts to secure post to base, using wrench.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with erecting, installing, or repairing overhead and underground telephone and telegraph lines and equipment; and installing or repairing wiring and equipment within buildings to provide communication, detection, and signaling services.

822.131-010 CENTRAL-OFFICE-REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: installation supervisor; maintenance chief; operations chief; wire chief

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in construction, installation, testing, maintenance, and repair of electric power equipment, such as powerplants, cables, wiring, and teleprinters in central offices and at outside facilities: Directs placing and removal of cross-connections on wire-distributing frames. Directs installation of traffic trunklines through switchboard and switchroom. Schedules periodic inspections and tests of equipment to prevent service interruptions. Keeps records of trouble reports and repairs made. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to area supervised as Central-Office Supervisor (tel. & tel.); City-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.); District-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.); Inside-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.); Outside-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.131-014 CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: maintenance supervisor; manager, service; service-center supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installation, repair, and maintenance of telephone facilities, such as private and public telephones, switchboards, teletypewriters, and related electromechanical equipment: Inspects customer's premises to determine location of telephone and installation procedures. Directs installation of telephones and auxiliary equipment, such as brackets, wires, and clamps. Connects wiring to outside cable terminals, tests installed instruments and circuits continuity or to locate malfunctions, using tone and flicker sets. Directs workers in repair or replacement of faulty equipment. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to particular activity supervised as Installation Supervisor (tel. & tel.); Transmission-Maintenance Supervisor (tel. & tel.); or Manager, Prorate (tel. & tel.) when supervising EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.) 822.261-014 in rural areas.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.131-018 LINE SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of telephone or telegraph workers engaged in construction, removal, and rearrangement of open-wire and carrier cable communication equipment: Examines work order and wiring diagrams to determine installation or repair procedures. Inspects connections, fittings, and installed wire and cable sections for conformance to specifications. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.131-022 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL SUPERINTENDENT (business ser.) alternate titles: burglar-alarm superintendent

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in construction, installation, inspection, and maintenance of electrical protective signaling systems installed on subscribers' premises and central station of protective service organization: Reviews work order and surveys subscriber's premises to plan protective system layout. Estimates labor, material, and construction costs. Consults with architects, builders, and electrical and sprinkler contractors concerning installation of protection devices. Plans circuit layouts and arranges facility rental agreements with wire lessors. Devises work schedules and procedures. Requisitions material and facilities. Verifies progress of work against schedules. Inspects completed installations for conformance to specifications and safety standards, and explains system operating procedures to customer. May contact prospective subscribers to explain services and solicit new business.
GOE: 05.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 80

822.131-026 SIGNAL SUPERVISOR (r.r. trans.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installing and repairing railroad signals and signal equipment: Reads work orders stating location and extent of damage to or malfunction of signal equipment to determine number of workers and type of equipment and materials needed for repairs. Inspects signal equipment to determine sequence of repair. Directs and assists workers in installing or repairing signal equipment, such as interlocks, automatic signals, and crossing protections. Inspects completed work for conformance to company specifications. Compiles reports at end of day indicating work completed, location, materials used, and number of worker-hours required for each job. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.131-030 TEST-DESK SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of TROUBLE LOCATORS, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.) engaged in locating and clearing trouble on telephone line circuits. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.261-010 ELECTRICIAN, OFFICE (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: electrician, station, assistant

    Makes operating adjustments in submarine cable repeater and terminal circuits and apparatus, and rearranges connections in cables to maintain continuity of service. Communicates with other cable stations, using manual telegraph.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.261-014 EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.)

    Inspects layout and equipment in telegraph central office to determine extent of construction, replacement, or modification required to maintain or improve efficiency of installation: Inspects plant to determine accuracy of layout specifications for modification or installation of equipment, estimates costs, prepares and submits report. Inspects work being performed during construction or modification to determine compliance with specifications. Examines reports of voltage and load tests on equipment to ensure adequacy of power and circuits.
GOE: 05.07.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

822.261-018 MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.)

    Inspects and tests plant and office telegraph equipment: Examines plant equipment and reviews maintenance records to ensure that equipment has been installed and maintained according to prescribed practices. Conducts load and voltage tests for specific line capacities, and operating tests on circuits, relays, repeaters, and terminal equipment, to determine maintenance required. Compares test results with predetermined standards to ensure that equipment is operating at required service level. Prepares report on inspections, indicating repair or replacement needs.
GOE: 05.07.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

822.261-022 STATION INSTALLER-AND-REPAIRER (tel. & tel.)

    Installs, maintains, and repairs telephone station equipment, such as telephones, coin collectors, telephone booths, and switching-key equipment: Inspects subscriber premises to determine method of installation. Climbs pole to attach outside (drop) wires. Assembles telephone equipment, mounts brackets, and connects wire leads, using handtools and following installation diagrams or work order. Tests newly installed equipment and repairs or replaces faulty equipment, using test telephone and other testing devices. May be designated according to specific task performed as Station Installer (tel. & tel.); Station Repairer (tel. & tel.). May maintain telephones, lines, and equipment in primarily small rural areas and be designated Section Maintainer (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.261-026 TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: automatic maintainer; repeater attendant; technician, terminal and repeater; tester, equipment; wire-and-repeater technician

    Tests and adjusts telegraph repeaters and terminal apparatus to maintain continuity of service: Operates test board (switchboard composed of testing equipment) and other testing devices to trace and diagnose wiring and circuit deficiencies between stations [TROUBLE LOCATOR, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.)]. Replaces or regulates repeaters, relays, switches, and other equipment, using handtools. Communicates with other telegraph offices by teletypewriter equipment concerning operational problems. May be designated according to equipment tested and adjusted as Telegraph-Repeater Technician (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.267-010 LINE INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: inspector, line

    Inspects telegraph lines, cables, and underground plant to determine extent of construction, replacement, or maintenance work necessary to maintain or improve efficiency of communication system: Estimates costs of improvements and prepares report on findings and recommendations. Consults with field engineering personnel and operations personnel concerning advisability of improvements. May investigate right-of-way for new installations [RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT (any industry)].
GOE: 05.07.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.281-010 AUTOMATIC-EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: technician, automatic; telegraph-equipment maintainer

    Analyzes problems and repairs manual and automatic telegraphic transmitting and receiving apparatus, such as teletypewriters, facsimile-recording devices, and switching equipment: Tests and adjusts equipment, using testing devices, such as signal generators and ohmmeters, following blueprints and wiring diagrams and using handtools. Tests and regulates telegraph repeaters [TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.)]. When repairing and maintaining equipment in branch offices, may be designated Operations Technician (tel. & tel.). May be designated according to type of equipment maintained or repaired as Printer Maintainer (tel. & tel.); Telegraphic-Typewriter Repairer (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.281-014 CENTRAL-OFFICE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: central-office maintainer

    Tests, analyzes defects, and repairs telephone circuits and equipment in central office of telephone company, using test meters and handtools: Locates electrical, electronic, and mechanical failures in telephone switching equipment, using milliammeter boxes, schematic drawings, computer printouts, or trouble tickets. Installs, repairs, and adjusts equipment, such as switches, relays, and amplifiers, using handtools. Removes connections on wire distributing frames and solders or splices wires to terminal lugs, following diagrams [FRAME WIRER (tel. & tel.)]. May maintain telephone switching equipment at private establishments, such as hotels and office buildings [PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.)]. May diagnose, isolate, and clear electrical faults in circuit [TROUBLE LOCATOR, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.)]. When servicing equipment for intercommunity telephone lines, may be designated Toll Repairer, Central Office (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.281-018 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, TELEPHONE (any industry) alternate titles: electrician, telephone

    Installs, tests, and repairs communication equipment, such as public address and intercommunication systems, wired burglar alarms, switchboards, telegraphs, telephones, and related apparatus, including coin collectors, telephone booths, and switching keys, using schematic diagrams, testing devices, and handtools: Installs equipment according to layout plans and connects units with inside and outside service wires. Maintains equipment and analyzes operational malfunctioning with testing devices, such as oscilloscopes, generators, meters, and electric bridges, to locate and diagnose nature of defect and ascertain repairs to be made. Examines mechanism and disassembles components to replace, clean, adjust or repair parts, wires, switches, relays, circuits, or signaling units, using handtools. Operates and tests equipment to ensure elimination of malfunction. May climb poles to install or repair outside service lines. May repair cables, lay out plans for new equipment, and estimate material required.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.281-022 PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: pbx repairer; telephone repairer

    Analyzes and repairs defects in communication equipment, such as telephone switchboards, teletypewriters, and mobile radiophones on customers' premises: Tests equipment to locate malfunctions, using circuit diagrams, polar probes, meters, and telephone test set. Isolates and analyzes malfunction to determine method of repair, according to knowledge of equipment and test readings. Repairs or replaces defective equipment, using handtools, soldering iron, or wire wrap gun. Retests equipment to verify completeness of repair. May install equipment [PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.)].
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.281-026 SIGNAL MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.) alternate titles: signal inspector; signal repairer

    Inspects, tests, and repairs electric gate crossings, signals, and signal equipment within division of railroad system: Drives truck along track route and stops truck to inspect and test gate crossings, signals, and signal equipment, such as interlocks and hotbox detectors. Inspects batteries to ensure that batteries are filled with battery water or to determine need for replacement. Tests signal circuit connections, using standard electrical testing equipment. Replaces defective wiring, broken lenses, or burned-out light bulbs. Cleans lenses of lamps with cloths and solvent. Lubricates moving parts on gate crossing mechanisms and swinging signals. Inspects electrical units of railroad grade crossing gates to detect loose bolts, defective electrical connections and parts. Tightens loose bolts, using wrench, and tests circuits and connections by opening and closing gate. Compiles reports indicating mileage or track inspected, repairs made, and equipment requiring replacement. May inspect mechanical gate crossings and repair defective cables on hand-operated gates and test air lines and air cylinders on pneumatically operated gates.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.281-030 TECHNICIAN, PLANT AND MAINTENANCE (radio-tv broad.)

    Repairs and maintains coaxial cables and related equipment for cable-television system: Climbs into underground tunnels and passageways to reach television transmission cables. Determines cause of signal breakdown, using blueprints and schematic diagrams, electrical measuring instruments, and knowledge of communication equipment. Repairs equipment, such as coaxial cables and current amplifiers, and performs regular maintenance on cable system, using measuring instruments and handtools.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Repairs, adjusts, and maintains machines and equipment used in submarine-cable office or station to control cable traffic, using electrical meters and handtools: Examines malfunctioning machines and equipment, such as automatic transmitters, direct writers, perforating machines, printers and relays, and siphon recorders, to determine defects, using meters, such as voltmeter, ohmmeter, and capacity meter. Makes adjustments, or dismantles machines for repairs or replacement of parts, using handtools. May make temporary or emergency repairs with improvised parts or sections. Duties may be performed by CENTRAL-OFFICE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.361-010 CABLE TESTER (tel. & tel.)

    Tests insulated wires in aerial, underground, or submarine multiple-conductor cables to determine continuity, insulation, and correctness of cable loading, using standard testing procedures and impedance, resistance, and frequency oscillating meters. Listens for sound of escaping insulating gas from hole in cable sheathing to locate defects in cable. Determines continuity, insulation, capacity imbalance, and cable loading, using meters, such as capacity and resistance bridges. Prepares report identifying location and cause of malfunctions. May drive motor vehicle along route of cable, climb poles, and ride in cable car from pole to pole on cable strand to perform tests. May direct CABLE SPLICER (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) in correction of malfunction.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.361-014 CENTRAL-OFFICE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: equipment installer

    Installs equipment used to select, connect, and disconnect telephone lines in telephone company central office, following diagrams and using handtools and power tools: Positions switching and power apparatus according to floor plans, using chain hoist when necessary. Connects outgoing and incoming telephone trunk lines to central office equipment, using handtools and following diagrams. Connects and solders wires, using soldering iron. Tests operation of equipment after installation, using electrical testing equipment, such as electrical pulse repeaters and ohmmeters.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.361-018 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL INSTALLER (business ser.) alternate titles: burglar-alarm installer; installer

    Installs electrical protective signaling systems used to notify central office of fire, burglary, or other irregularities on subscribers' premises: Installs wires, conduits, and signaling units, following blueprints of electrical layouts and building plans and using handtools, power tools and soldering iron. May repair signaling systems [PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL REPAIRER (business ser.)]. Usually is required to possess identification card issued by local authorities.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.361-022 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL REPAIRER (business ser.) alternate titles: burglar-alarm installer and servicer

    Inspects, repairs, and replaces electrical protective-signaling systems, such as burglar alarms: Examines signaling installation to ensure sound connections and unbroken insulation. Tests circuits, following wiring specifications, using electrical testing devices, such as ohmmeter or voltmeter. Tightens loose connections and disconnects and replaces defective parts and wiring, using electrician's handtools. Adjusts controls to test operation of signaling units on subscriber premises and transmission of signals to central station and police and fire departments. Recommends new installation or modification of existing equipment to meet subscriber needs. May install equipment [PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL INSTALLER (business ser.) 822.361-018]. Usually is required to possess identification card issued by local authorities.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 80

822.361-026 TRANSMISSION TESTER (tel. & tel.)

    Tests and operates telephone equipment in telephone office that services lines extending between communities (toll-office): Tests equipment, using voltmeters, ammeters, transmission measuring sets, impedance bridges, vacuum-tube testing sets, and other electrical measuring devices. Records types and results of tests performed on worksheet. Connects broadcasting equipment into telephone circuits in preparation for radio and television transmission service.
GOE: 05.07.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.361-030 TROUBLE LOCATOR, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: dispatcher

    Locates malfunctions in telephone or telegraph lines, using switchboard composed of electrical testing instruments, and coordinates maintenance crew's work to remove malfunction: Tests lines to find cause and location of malfunction, using switchboard equipped with audible and visual alarms and electrical testing devices, such as voltmeter and resistance meter. Reports nature of trouble to inside and outside maintenance crews and directs and coordinates trouble-clearing activities. May dispatch maintenance crews to malfunctioning area. May contact subscribers to investigate reported trouble.
GOE: 05.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

822.381-010 EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (tel. & tel.)

    Installs telegraphic transmitting and receiving equipment in telegraph company offices and on customers' premises, following floor-plan sketches and wiring diagrams: Installs and connects equipment, such as teletypewriters, tickers, facsimile-recording devices, and reperforators, using handtools and soldering iron. Tests equipment for circuit continuity, using testing instruments, such as voltmeter and ohmmeter. May wire and assemble equipment prior to installation [ASSEMBLER (tel. & tel.)]. May be designated according to equipment installed as Call-Box Wirer (tel. & tel.); Telegraphic-Typewriter Installer (tel. & tel.); Telegraph-Repeater Installer (tel. & tel.); Teletype Installer (tel. & tel.); Ticker Installer (tel. & tel.); Time-Signal Wirer (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.381-014 LINE INSTALLER-REPAIRER (tel. & tel.)

    Installs and repairs telephone and telegraph lines, poles, and related equipment, according to diagrams, and using electrician's handtools: Digs holes, using power auger or shovel, hoists poles upright in holes, using truck-mounted winch, and fills and tamps holes, using cement, earth, and tamping device. Ascends poles or enters tunnels and sewers to cut in feeder lines, attach appliances, such as terminal boxes and repeaters, and repair or replace defective lines and auxiliary equipment. Unreels and strings lines from pole to pole and from pole to building, installs hardware, such as conduits and insulators, and attaches appliances on lines. Pulls lines through ducts by hand or with use of winch. When assisting in installation and removal of plant equipment, such as callboxes and clocks, in city locations, may be designated Line Installer-Repairer, City (tel. & tel.). When patrolling telephone lines between communities, may be designated Toll-Line Repairer (tel. & tel.). When patrolling telephone or telegraph lines between two established points or in designated areas, may be designated Line Maintainer, Section (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.381-018 PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: pbx installer

    Installs telephone switchboards and specialized communication equipment, such as intercommunications systems, telephoto circuits, mobile radiotelephones, and teletypewriters, on customers' premises: Connects telephone or telegraph cable terminals to inside wires and switchboard, following diagrams and using handtools, soldering iron, and wire wrap gun. Tests and adjusts installation, using voltmeter, ammeter, and test telephone set [PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.)]. May be designated according to type of equipment installed and maintained as Private-Branch-Exchange Installer, Mobile Radio (tel. & tel.); Private-Branch-Exchange Installer, Teletypewriter (tel. & tel.); Radio Installer (tel. & tel.); Telephoto Installer (tel. & tel.); Teleprinter Installer (tel. & tel.); Video Installer (tel. & tel.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.381-022 TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAINTAINER (tel. & tel.) alternate titles: equipment installer; maintainer, central office; maintainer, equipment; maintainer, plant

    Installs, maintains, and repairs electrical and mechanical equipment (other than automatic or manual transmitting and receiving equipment) in central office of telegraph company, according to written and graphic specifications: Installs and wires equipment, such as clocks, switching apparatus, repeaters, relays, conveyor belts, and pneumatic tubes, using handtools, power tools, soldering equipment, metal fasteners, and brackets. Tests installed equipment for circuit continuity and operational performance, using testing devices, such as ohmmeter and voltmeter.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

822.664-010 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL-INSTALLER HELPER (business ser.)

    Assists PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL INSTALLER (business ser.) to install protective signaling systems by erecting conduits, pulling wires, fastening pipe straps, and making soldered connections. Makes small installations independently. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title. Usually is required to possess identification card issued by local authorities.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

822.684-010 FRAME WIRER (tel. & tel.)

    Connects wires from telephone lines and cables to distributing frames in telephone company central office, using soldering iron and handtools: Solders connections, following diagram or oral instructions. Strings distributing frames with connecting wires. Tests circuit connections, using voltmeter or ammeter. Removes and remakes connections to change circuit layouts. Cleans switches and replaces contact points, using vacuum hose, solvents, and handtools. Lubricates moving switch parts. Assists TROUBLE LOCATOR, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.) in locating and correcting malfunction in wiring on distributing frame.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

822.684-014 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL-REPAIRER HELPER (business ser.) alternate titles: burglar-alarm-repairer helper

    Assists PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL REPAIRER (business ser.) to repair electrical protective signaling systems: Examines electrical units for loose connections and broken insulation. Tightens connections, using wrench. Disassembles defective parts of system, using handtools. Removes and replaces defective wiring and solders connections, using soldering iron. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title. Usually required to possess identification card issued by local authorities.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

822.684-018 SIGNAL MAINTAINER HELPER (r.r. trans.) alternate titles: assistant signal maintainer

    Assists SIGNAL MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.) to install and repair railroad signals and signal equipment, working as member of crew: Loads and unloads equipment and supplies from trucks or flatcars. Digs holes, using post-hole digger, lines holes with wooden forms, and mixes and pours concrete to build concrete foundations. Assists SIGNAL MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.) in installing signals, making electrical connections to units, and performing routine maintenance and repair on equipment. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title. May install precast concrete foundations. May climb poles or dig trenches to install wiring, conduit, and related hardware.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with assembling equipment components; connecting and testing circuitry; installing equipment to provide electronic communication, detection, signaling, recording, analyzing, and computing services; and making on-site repairs in buildings, ships, trains, and aircraft.

823.131-010 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any industry) alternate titles: chief technician

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in assembly, installation, maintenance, and repair of electronic communications equipment: Examines premises, plans, and specifications to determine work procedures, estimate costs, and requisition needed materials and equipment. Contacts load dispatching personnel to obtain work clearances on lines and equipment. Assigns duties to workers and requisitions materials, tools, and supplies. Inspects assembled, installed, or repaired equipment, such as transmitters and receivers, power and telephone line carriers, microwave devices, or cable television lines to verify conformance to company standards and government regulations. Tests electronic installations, using testing apparatus. Reviews work orders, trouble reports, and time and equipment records for completeness and accuracy. Prepares daily operating reports summarizing labor, materials, and equipment charges for work performed. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

823.131-014 RIGGER SUPERVISOR (radio-tv broad.; tel. & tel.) alternate titles: rigger, chief

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in wiring and repairing antenna systems for radio communications and radio and television broadcasting. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in operation and repair of radio transmitters.
GOE: 05.05.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

823.131-018 SUPERVISOR, AVIONICS SHOP (air trans.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in scheduled inspection, servicing, and maintenance of avionics equipment for commercial airline: Reviews service schedules to determine work sequence, methods, and crew and equipment requirements. Assigns duties to workers according to abilities and service priorities. Trains new workers and interprets work procedures, company rules, and safety regulations. Inspects avionic equipment and assemblies to verify conformance to specifications. Signs off completed work and initiates certification as airworthy. Develops revisions in service manuals, test panels, and instruments to increase efficiency and up-date service techniques. Keeps production and inventory records. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

823.131-022 SUPERVISOR, RADIO INTERFERENCE (electron. comp.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of RADIO INTERFERENCE INVESTIGATORS (electron. comp.) engaged in locating origin of radio and television interference: Determines, from complaint, location and type of interference caused by electrical power lines or equipment. Assigns workers to investigate complaints and assists in solving more difficult interference problems. Consults with electrical contractors, appliance dealers, and departmental staff to eliminate interference problems. Reviews inspection reports and prepares summary of investigative actions. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

823.131-026 SUPERVISOR, SOUND TECHNICIAN (business ser.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installing, servicing, and repairing commercial sound systems in businesses, offices, and industrial work places: Reads sales orders to ascertain specifications of units to be installed; to determine components, coaxial cable, fittings, and connectors required; and to prepare installation orders for crew. Scans installation site to determine degree of difficulty of installation and to ascertain equipment needs. Assigns installation tasks to individual workers, according to their skills and experience. Explains and demonstrates tasks to workers to impart knowledge and upgrade skill level. Oversees work in progress to ensure quality of work and professional appearance of installation. Turns volume and tone controls to adjust sound levels to harmonize with room size and ambient noises and to test installation. Prepares checklist to indicate inspection of each step and completion of installation. Writes listing to indicate work performed; components installed; distances wired; coaxial cable, fittings, and connectors used; and hours of work expended. Reads reports of malfunctions to diagnose probable cause and to ascertain make, model, and size of installation. Prepares work order and dispatches SOUND TECHNICIAN (any industry) 829.281-022 to repair and service system components. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

823.261-010 PUBLIC-ADDRESS SERVICER (any industry) alternate titles: electronic-sound technician; public-address-system operator

    Installs and repairs sound-amplifying systems used at public and private assemblages, using handtools and electronic test meters: Positions loudspeakers on posts or other supports. Strings cable from loudspeakers to amplifiers. Places microphones in position near speaker, orchestra, or other attraction, and plugs microphone wires into amplifiers. Switches on installation. Listens to sound output and adjusts volume controls or repositions microphones. Tests and repairs equipment in shop, using handtools, soldering iron, and electronic test meters. May test and repair sound recorders, radio and television receivers, and other electronic equipment. May drive sound truck. May install and repair mobile sound-amplifying system in truck and be designated Sound-Truck Operator (any industry).
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

823.261-014 RADIO INTERFERENCE INVESTIGATOR (electron. comp.) alternate titles: radio-interference trouble shooter

    Drives vehicle and operates radio equipped with directional antenna to locate origin of radio and television interference caused by electric power lines and electrical equipment: Drives to area of complaint of interference or power leakage and turns on radio. Directs car toward source of interference, guided by increase in volume of noises on radio as car nears defective line or apparatus. Examines lines and equipment to determine cause of interference or leakage. Initiates order to have defects corrected or recommends to owner of equipment correction of condition causing interference. May make minor repairs or replacement of power lines and equipment, using handtools. May locate interference by entering complainant's home and turning on lights and appliances and noting effect on radio or television reception. May attach special analyzing device to radio which measures and analyzes interference noises. May investigate voltage complaints and make voltage tests [VOLTAGE TESTER (utilities)].
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

823.261-018 RADIO MECHANIC (any industry)

    Tests and repairs radio transmitting and receiving equipment in accordance with diagrams and manufacturer's specifications, using electrical measuring instruments, wiring diagrams, and handtools: Examines equipment for damaged components and loose or broken connections and wires. Attaches test leads or plugs in test equipment to unit being tested, turns knobs on equipment to specified settings, and observes dial readings to test radio circuitry for defects. Tests equipment for factors such as power output, frequency power, noise level, audio quality, and dial calibration, using oscilloscopes, radio frequency and wattmeter, ammeters, and voltmeters. Replaces defective components and parts, such as transistors, coils, and integrated circuits, using soldering iron, wire cutters, and handtools. Removes and replaces defective units that are not repairable. Inserts plugs into receptacles and bolts or screws leads to terminals to connect radios and equipment to power source, using handtools. Turns setscrews to adjust receivers for sensitivity and transmitters for maximum output. Tests batteries with hydrometer and ammeter and charges batteries. Required to have Federal Communications Commission Radiotelephone Operator's license. May install, test, adjust, modify, and repair intercommunication systems. May specialize in testing and repairing radio transmitting and receiving equipment in motor vehicles and commercial and government establishments.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 80


    Installs, tests, and repairs antennas and related equipment that receive communication satellite signals, following specifications and using handtools and test instruments: Reviews installation specifications, building permit, manufacturer's instructions, and government ordinances to determine installation site for antenna. Measures distance from landmarks to identify exact site location. Visually inspects installation site to identify obstructions, such as trees or buildings, that could distort or block microwave signals from satellite. Discusses site location and construction requirements with customer. Digs hole for footing to support antenna base, using gasoline-powered auger, posthole digger, or shovel. Assembles and installs prefabricated form in hole to cast concrete base, using handtools, plumb rule, and level, following specifications. Mixes, pours, and finishes concrete, using concrete mixer, trowel, and float. Inserts pedestal mounting bolts in wet concrete. Digs trench and lays underground cable to connect antenna base to source of power in customer's building. Attaches antenna base to footing after concrete dries, using handtools. Assembles and attaches electronic and structural components of antenna, with co-worker, applying knowledge of electronics and electricity, following installation guidelines, and using handtools. Attaches antenna to base, using nuts, bolts, and handtools. Climbs ladder to install antenna when area is inaccessible from ground. Orients antenna to direction and altitude of communication satellite, using surveying instruments and following charts of satellite position. Solders connections to electronic controls, using soldering gun and wire cutters. Connects antenna and television set to signal converter control box, using handtools. Tests installed system for conformance to specifications, using test equipment, such as multimeters and oscilloscope. Observes picture on television screen to evaluate reception. Instructs customer in use of equipment. Replaces or repairs defective parts, using handtools and test equipment. May construct pole or roof mounts for antenna base, using carpenter's tools. May reinforce roof of building to provide secure installation site, using carpenter's tools. May install antennas and related equipment to receive satellite signals for such purposes as telephone, telex, facsimile, data, or radio communication.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

823.261-026 AVIONICS TECHNICIAN (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) alternate titles: avionics and radar technician; avionics mechanic; radio and radar technician

    Inspects, tests, adjusts, and repairs avionics equipment, such as radar, radio, pulse, navigation, auto pilot, and compass systems, installed in aircraft and space vehicles, using handtools and test equipment: Inspects components of avionics equipment for defects, such as loose connections and frayed wire, and for accuracy of assembly and installation. Tests avionics equipment under simulated or actual operating conditions to determine performance and airworthiness, using test equipment, such as oscilloscopes, digital meters and counters, and circuit analyzers. Adjusts, repairs, or replaces defective components based on analysis of test results, following blueprints, schematics, handbooks, and other technical documents, using handtools. Calibrates installed or repaired equipment to prescribed specifications. Adjusts frequencies of radio sets by signaling ground station and turning setscrews. Must possess Radiotelephone License issued by Federal Communications Commission. May accompany flight crew to perform in-flight adjustments and to determine and record required post-flight repair work. May sign overhaul documents for equipment replaced or repaired. May operate ground station for air-to-station check of radar or other equipment.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 88

823.261-030 DATA COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN (any industry)

    Installs and repairs data communications lines and equipment for computer system, using handtools and test instruments: Reviews work orders to move, change, install, repair, or remove data communications equipment, such as modems, cables, and wires. Reads technical manuals to learn correct settings for equipment. Measures, cuts, and installs wires and cables. Splices wires or cables, using handtools or soldering iron. Connects microcomputer or terminal to data communication lines, using handtools and following diagrams and manuals. Disassembles equipment and inspects and tests wiring to locate and repair problem. Modifies equipment in accordance with user request. Tests communication lines to ensure that specifications are met, using testing instruments such as voltmeter and data scope. Enters commands into computer to test equipment. Reads messages on computer screen to verify that data is being transmitted between locations according to specifications. May plan layout and installation of data communications equipment. May demonstrate use of equipment.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 90

823.281-014 ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any industry) alternate titles: radio-communications mechanician; radio mechanic; station mechanic

    Adjusts, installs, tests, and repairs high-powered stationary and mobile radio transmitting equipment, using handtools and testing instruments and following wiring diagrams: Adjusts controls and tests frequencies of transmitters, using frequency meter. Listens to radio range station at frequent intervals during broadcasts to detect flaws in transmission and adjusts controls to eliminate flaws. Operates emergency truck transmitter to ensure its readiness for immediate use. Examines equipment and replaces defective condensers, switches, tubes, and transistors. Tests equipment with instruments, such as circuit analyzers, audiometers, and voltmeters. Repairs components of radio transmitting equipment and intercommunication telephone system, using handtools. May be designated according to equipment serviced as Marine-Radio Installer-And-Servicer (any industry); Radiotelegraph Operator-Servicer (any industry).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

823.281-018 METEOROLOGICAL-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any industry) alternate titles: electronics technician

    Installs, maintains, and repairs electronic, mercurial, aneroid, and other types of weather-station equipment, using handtools and electronic testing instruments: Tests meteorological instruments for compliance with printed specifications and schematic diagrams, using voltmeters, oscilloscopes, tube testers, and other test instruments. Replaces defective parts, using handtools and soldering iron. Inspects barometers, thermographs, and hydrographs, including recording mechanisms, and repairs, adjusts, or replaces defective parts. Calibrates graphs and other recording devices. Installs radar and two-way radio systems to detect and communicate weather signals. Adjusts and repairs masts, supporting structures, clearance lights, control panels, control cabling and wiring, and other electrical and mechanical devices and equipment, using handtools.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

823.281-022 RIGGER (radio-tv broad.)

    Wires radio-broadcasting and radio-communications antenna systems, wood or steel antenna towers, and supporting catenaries. Repairs antennas by replacing broken or defective wires, insulators, and lamps. Paints antenna towers and otherwise keeps antenna systems in state of good repair.
GOE: 05.05.06 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

823.361-010 TELEVISION INSTALLER (any industry)

    Installs and adjusts television receivers and antennas, using handtools: Selects antenna according to type of set and location of transmitting station. Bolts crossarms and dipole elements in position to assemble antenna. Secures antenna in place with bracket and guy wires, observing insurance codes and local ordinances to protect installation from lightning and other hazards. Drills and waterproofs holes in building to make passages for transmission line. Connects line between receiver and antenna and fastens line in place. Tunes receiver on all channels and adjusts screws to obtain desired density, linearity, focus, and size of picture. Orients antenna and installs reflector to obtain optimum signal reception.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

823.684-010 ANTENNA INSTALLER (any industry)

    Installs antennas for radio or television receiving sets: Sets up wooden or metal mast and secures in place with guy wires and base plate, using handtools. Attaches single dipole antenna to mast for FM radio reception or antenna composed of several directors plus dipole antenna and reflector for television reception. Positions antenna with directors toward station transmitters or toward reflection point to obtain optimum signal. Attaches lead-in wire to dipole antenna and other end to set. May install lightning arrester on lead-in wire.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with wiring buildings and adjacent yards to provide electricity for power and lighting; assembling and installing lighting equipment, conduit switches, junction and fuse boxes, and related accessories and controls; and repairing wiring and components.

824.137-010 ELECTRICIAN, CHIEF (motion picture)

    Supervises and coordinates installation, maintenance, and operation of all electrical lighting equipment in motion picture studios and outside locations: Confers with DIRECTOR, MOTION PICTURE (motion picture); ART DIRECTOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.), and other key personnel regarding lighting specifications for specific sets. Prepares requisitions or issues work orders for purchase or construction of special electrical equipment. Arranges with local utility company for use of power lines or transformers when filming scenes on outside locations. Inspects sets after equipment is installed to ensure conformance with lighting equipment requirements.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Supervises and coordinates activities of STREET-LIGHT SERVICER (utilities) engaged in inspecting, servicing, and repairing street lamps and equipment: Determines material requirements and prepares requisitions. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

824.261-010 ELECTRICIAN (construction) alternate titles: wirer

    Plans layout, installs, and repairs wiring, electrical fixtures, apparatus, and control equipment: Plans new or modified installations to minimize waste of materials, provide access for future maintenance, and avoid unsightly, hazardous, and unreliable wiring, consistent with specifications and local electrical codes. Prepares sketches showing location of wiring and equipment, or follows diagrams or blueprints, ensuring that concealed wiring is installed before completion of future walls, ceilings, and flooring. Measures, cuts, bends, threads, assembles, and installs electrical conduit, using tools, such as hacksaw, pipe threader, and conduit bender. Pulls wiring through conduit, assisted by ELECTRICIAN HELPER (any industry) 829.684-022. Splices wires by stripping insulation from terminal leads, using knife or pliers, twisting or soldering wires together, and applying tape or terminal caps. Connects wiring to lighting fixtures and power equipment, using handtools. Installs control and distribution apparatus, such as switches, relays, and circuit-breaker panels, fastening in place with screws or bolts, using handtools and power tools. Connects power cables to equipment, such as electric range or motor, and installs grounding leads. Tests continuity of circuit to ensure electrical compatibility and safety of components, using testing instruments, such as ohmmeter, battery and buzzer, and oscilloscope. Observes functioning of installed equipment or system to detect hazards and need for adjustments, relocation, or replacement. May repair faulty equipment or systems [ELECTRICIAN, MAINTENANCE (any industry) 829.261-018]. May be required to hold license. May cut and weld steel structural members, using flame-cutting and welding equipment. May be designated according to work location as Mine Electrician (mine & quarry).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

824.261-014 ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE (construction)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

824.281-010 AIRPORT ELECTRICIAN (air trans.)

    Plans layout, installs, inspects, and maintains lighting systems, lights, and beacons at airport or flying field: Inspects lighting systems and advises MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.) of need to repair or upgrade airport lighting systems. Installs lighting systems in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration recommendations. Inspects beacon and lights, such as boundary, runway, obstacle, and airport-control lights, replacing defective lenses or bulbs and cleaning or repairing equipment. May drive and operate floodlight truck at crashes or other emergencies. May place warning flares about airfield during power failure or emergency. May be on constant call to make emergency repairs.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

824.281-014 ELECTRIC-DISTRIBUTION CHECKER (construction; utilities)

    Inspects and tests electric distribution equipment and wiring outside and within buildings to verify conformance of installation with construction and building code specifications, or to determine feasibility of increasing electrical load: Examines wires and auxiliary equipment, such as fuses, insulators, and switches to ascertain conformance to specifications on work orders, utilizing thorough knowledge of types, sizes, and styles of equipment. Compares layout and methods of installation to blueprints and sketches and marks differentiations on drawings. Climbs poles to compare printed data on transformers with work orders and to examine wires and auxiliary equipment on poles. Approves installations or records inaccuracies on work orders. Tests lines, transformers, and other distribution equipment, using such devices as ohmmeters, voltmeters, and thermocouple indicators to measure voltage drop between points in circuitry, locate cause of electrical disturbances, and determine actual electrical load on system. Tests for temperature and presence of explosive gases in vicinity of electrified equipment.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

824.281-018 NEON-SIGN SERVICER (fabrication, nec)

    Services and repairs plastic, neon and illuminated signs in response to trouble calls: Ascends ladder or operates hydraulic or electric hoist to examine sign and determine cause of malfunction. Performs operations, such as rewiring, removing defective parts, and installing new parts, using electricians' tools. Removes sign or part of sign for shop repairs, such as structural fabrication, scroll repair, or transformer repair.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

824.381-010 STREET-LIGHT SERVICER (utilities) alternate titles: street-light repairer

    Maintains and repairs mercury-vapor, fluorescent, electric-arc, or incandescent street lights and traffic signals: Climbs ladder or stands in tower-truck bucket to reach lamp. Tests circuits and electric components to locate grounded wires, broken connections, or defective current-control mechanisms, using electrical testing instruments. Replaces blown fuses and bulbs, faulty transformers, photoelectric timers, electrodes, and wires, using electricians' handtools. See LINE REPAIRER (utilities) and TROUBLE SHOOTER (utilities) II for classification of workers also qualified to work on high-voltage power lines. May install and repair traffic signals only and be designated Traffic-Signal Repairer (utilities).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

824.664-010 STREET-LIGHT-SERVICER HELPER (utilities)

    Assists STREET-LIGHT SERVICER (utilities) in making emergency or permanent repairs to street lights, working as member of crew: Places warning signs, flags, or barriers at repair site. Opens manholes or vaults to gain access to underground circuits or erects ladders for repairing overhead equipment. Unloads tools, parts, and supplies from truck as directed. Flips switches to energize or de-energize circuits preparatory to repair of equipment. Disassembles, cleans, and reassembles lighting fixtures and equipment, using handtools. Tests transformers and transformer gaskets, using ammeter and air pump. Replenishes service truck supply of replacement parts, tools, and equipment.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

824.681-010 ELECTRICIAN (mfd. bldgs.)

    Installs and repairs wiring, electrical fixtures, and fuse boxes in prefabricated and modular homes, using handtools: Reads blueprints to determine locations of equipment and conformance to building and safety codes. Measures, cuts, and installs conduit in specified panels, using handtools. Measures for location of receptacles with tape measure and installs receptacles. Cuts and connects wires according to diagrams to install fixtures, such as switches, light fixtures, and fuse boxes. Tests continuity of circuits to ensure safety, using ohmmeter. Repairs faulty systems. May direct workers in boring holes in studs and running wiring. May train new workers in electrical system installation procedures.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

824.683-010 NIGHT-PATROL INSPECTOR (fabrication, nec)

    Patrols scheduled route to inspect operation of illuminated and animated signs: Drives company car along scheduled route at night. Inspects signs covered by company maintenance contract for specified appearance and operation. Reports faulty operation to service department. May perform minor repairs, such as replacing light bulbs.
GOE: 05.08.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

824.684-010 NEON-TUBE PUMPER (fabrication, nec)

    Charges illuminated sign tubing with rare (inert) gases: Attaches formed sign tubing to pumping unit through fused tubulations (glass nipples). Removes air from tubing by means of vacuum pump. Bombards tubing with high-voltage electric current to eliminate gaseous impurities. Reduces vacuum in tubing to specified point, using vacuum pump and vacuum gauge. Connects and opens rare gas bottle to admit rare gas, such as neon, argon, helium, krypton, xenon, distilled mercury, or blue gas (depending on color desired) to specified pressure as indicated by pressure gauge. Tests sign by connecting electrodes to secondary winding of transformer and observing color of light. Seals tubing by heating and closing tubulations. Connects tubing to transformer and operates several hours to age tubing (consume gaseous impurities). May paint or tape tubing to separate symbols.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with wiring and repairing electrical power units and controls for transportation and material-handling equipment, and adjusting or repairing electrical components and circuits.

825.131-010 ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (ship-boat mfg.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installation and repair of wiring and electrical equipment aboard ship and in shipyard facilities, performing duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

825.131-014 ELEVATOR-CONSTRUCTOR SUPERVISOR (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installation of electric and hydraulic freight and passenger elevators, escalators, and dumbwaiters. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.09 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

825.137-010 SUPERVISOR, LINE DEPARTMENT (r.r. trans.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of line crew engaged in installing and maintaining street railway electrical equipment, such as trolley wires, switches, and signals: Assigns crews to jobs and inspects trucks to see that materials are loaded. Inspects work at various sites to ascertain that work is accomplished according to specifications. Plans for future projects, drawing rough sketches in field, and arranges for supplemental services to facilitate departmental activities. Maintains time records for salary purposes. Participates in grievance procedures. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.261-010 ELECTRIC-TRACK-SWITCH MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.)

    Installs, inspects, and repairs electric-railway track switches, section lines, and intercommunication systems, following blueprints and work orders: Installs switch-controlling mechanism on trolley wire, using handtools. Connects wiring to switch in track bed, and inspects electrical switch system to ascertain that system functions according to standards. Maintains high tension lines, deenergizing lines for power company as repairs are requested. Installs and maintains section lines and intercommunication systems. May install and maintain mechanical parts of track switch.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.261-014 ELEVATOR EXAMINER-AND-ADJUSTER (any industry) alternate titles: elevator inspector

    Inspects and adjusts installed freight and passenger elevators and escalators to meet factory specifications and safety codes, using handtools and measuring instruments: Inspects door installations for plumbness, lap, and working action. Adjusts mechanism of doors, using handtools. Inspects car hoistway and mechanical installations for alignment and clearance. Tests power consumption and line voltage changes of motors and motor-generator sets under no-load and full-load conditions to detect overload factors, using tachometer, voltmeter, and ammeter. Adjusts counterweights and regulates controls to compensate for power overload. Inspects wiring connections and control panel hookups, and adjusts switches to meet specifications for gap and timing. Tests and adjusts safety controls, such as brakes and governors. Turns valve or pushes switches to adjust pump pressures, fluid levels, and power supply on hydraulic units of elevators. Operates elevator to determine power demands at various car speeds. May compile service reports to verify conformance of each unit to prescribed standards.
GOE: 05.07.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

825.261-018 ELECTRICIAN, AIRCRAFT (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) alternate titles: aircraft and engine electrician, field and hangar; aircraft mechanic, electrical

    Installs, adjusts, tests, modifies, repairs, and maintains electrical and electronic parts, assemblies, systems, and equipment in prototype, developmental, or production aircraft, engines, and components: Installs electrical and electronic parts, assemblies, systems, and equipment in aircraft, according to blueprints, wiring diagrams, and other specifications, using handtools and power tools. Sets up and operates ground support and test equipment, such as test carts, panels, ground power unit, and ground servicing cart, to perform functional and continuity test of electrical and electronic systems. Interprets test results to diagnose malfunctions, and adjusts, repairs, or replaces defective parts. Modifies components according to blueprint specifications and engineering drawings. Fabricates parts and test aids as required. May accompany aircraft on test flight to perform functional tests or to make in-flight adjustments.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

825.281-014 ELECTRICIAN (water trans.)

    Repairs and maintains electrical equipment, such as generators, alternators, motors, and intercommunication systems aboard ship: Moves controls at distribution board (switchboard) to maintain electrical load within capacity of generators. Starts standby generator when load nears capacity of operating generator. Performs routine tests to ensure that electric motors are driving pumps, blowers, and refrigerating machinery. Tests wiring for short circuits, using voltmeter and ammeter. Replaces and cleans commutator brushes. Removes and replaces fuses and defective lights. May be classified according to degree of authority held as Electrician, Chief (water trans.); Electrician, Second (water trans.); Electrician, Third (water trans.); or equipment worked on as Electrician, Sound (water trans.); or area of operations as Electrician, Deck (water trans.). Must hold certificate as Electrician issued by U.S. Coast Guard.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.281-022 ELECTRICIAN, AUTOMOTIVE (automotive ser.)

    Repairs and overhauls electrical systems in automotive vehicles, such as automobiles, buses, and trucks: Confers with customer to determine nature of electrical malfunction. Determines malfunction of electrical system by visual inspection and by use of testing devices, such as oscilloscope, voltmeter, and ammeter. Adjusts ignition timing and measures and adjusts distributor breaker-point gaps, using $T3dwell meter$T1 or thickness gauge. Tests and repairs starters, generators, and distributors. Repairs or replaces defective wiring in ignition, lighting, air-conditioning, and safety control systems, using electrician's handtools. Rebuilds electrical units, such as starters, generators, and door controls. May estimate cost of repairs based on parts and labor charges. May be designated according to specialty as Electrical Repairer, Internal Combustion Engines (automotive ser.; engine-turbine); Electrical-Unit Rebuilder (automotive ser.); Electrician, Bus (automotive ser.); Ignition-And-Carburetor Mechanic (automotive ser.); Windshield-Wiper Repairer (automotive ser.).
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.281-026 ELECTRICIAN, LOCOMOTIVE (railroad equip.)

    Installs and maintains electrical wiring and equipment, such as motors, generators, air-conditioning units, electrical outlets, and lighting fixtures of railroad locomotives and cars, streetcars, and subway coaches: Measures, cuts, threads, bends, assembles, and installs conduits that connect to control panels and junction boxes, using hacksaw, pipe benders, pipe-threading tools, and other handtools. Splices wires with knife or cutting pliers and solders connections to fixtures, outlets, and equipment. Tests circuit connections, using electrical test equipment. Installs and tests electrical equipment, such as air-conditioning, heating, and ignition systems, generator brushes, and commutators. Installs and repairs headlights in locomotives and streetcars. Repairs electrical equipment, such as panel lighting, circuit breakers, junction boxes, voltage regulators, and reverse current relays. May recharge storage batteries. May rewind armatures. May be designated according to specialty as Accessories Repairer (railroad equip.); Electrician, Control Equipment (railroad equip.); Wirer, Passenger Car (railroad equip.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.281-030 ELEVATOR REPAIRER (any industry) alternate titles: electrician, elevator-maintenance; elevator mechanic; elevator-repair mechanic; maintenance mechanic, elevators

    Repairs and maintains elevators, escalators, and dumb-waiters to meet safety regulations and building codes, using handtools, power tools, test lamps, ammeters, voltmeters, and other testing devices: Locates and determines causes of trouble in brakes, motors, switches, and signal and control systems, using test lamps, ammeters, and voltmeters. Disassembles defective units and repairs or replaces parts, such as locks, gears, cables, electric wiring, and faulty safety devices, using handtools. Installs push-button controls and other devices to modernize elevators. Lubricates bearings and other parts to minimize friction.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.281-034 ELEVATOR-REPAIRER APPRENTICE (any industry) alternate titles: electrician apprentice, elevator maintenance

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.281-038 EXPERIMENTAL-ROCKET-SLED MECHANIC (aircraft mfg.)

    Installs, adjusts, and repairs recording and control instruments and structural components in experimental rocket sleds according to blueprints, using handtools, power tools, and test equipment: Mounts instruments, such as telemetering transmitter, strain gauges, and cameras on sled, using portable power drill, handtools, and soldering iron. Inspects firing control circuits, instruments, and recording systems, using test equipment, such as ammeter, voltmeter, and oscilloscope. Adjusts test settings for hydraulic or other braking mechanism. Positions and secures ballast in sled to obtain specified weight distribution and balance. Repairs firing control mechanisms, recording systems, and other structural and mechanical parts and devices after test completion, using handtools, power tools, and welding equipment. May modify rocket motors or related hardware, using metal or composite reforming tools or welding equipment.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

825.361-010 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (construction) alternate titles: elevator builder; elevator erector; elevator installer; elevator mechanic

    Assembles and installs electric and hydraulic freight and passenger elevators, escalators, and dumbwaiters, determining layout and electrical connections from blueprints: Studies blueprints and lays out location of framework, counterbalance rails, motor pump, cylinder, and plunger foundations. Drills holes in concrete or structural steel members with portable electric drill. Secures anchor bolts or welds brackets to support rails and framework, and verifies alignment with plumb bob and level. Cuts prefabricated sections of framework, rails, and other elevator components to specified dimensions, using acetylene torch, power saw, and disk grinder. Installs cables, counterweights, pumps, motor foundations, escalator drives, guide rails, elevator cars, and control panels, using handtools. Connects electrical wiring to control panels and electric motors. Installs safety and control devices. Positions electric motor and equipment on top of elevator shaft, using hoists and cable slings. May be designated according to type of equipment installed as Elevator Constructor, Electric (construction); Elevator Constructor, Hydraulic (construction); Escalator Constructor (construction).
GOE: 05.05.06 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.361-014 VIBRATOR-EQUIPMENT TESTER (machinery mfg.) alternate titles: tester, vibrator equipment; top-lift and automatic-window repairer

    Tests electrical and mechanical vibrator feeders and conveyors for conformance to specifications: Clips cable of test board to electric vibrator equipment. Turns dials and observes meters to operate electric vibrator equipment at specified cycle, voltage, and amperage levels. Holds end of scale against vibrator equipment to pick up vibration. Reads scale mark that shows distinct double image and determines vibrating frequency on conversion chart. Starts motor of mechanical vibrator equipment and verifies vibrating frequency. Advises ASSEMBLER (machinery mfg.) to add or remove vibrator bars from electrical vibrator equipment or weights from drive shaft of mechanical vibrator equipment, to correct vibrating deficiencies. May inspect vibrator equipment for loose bearings and bolts, using stethoscope. Records test data.
GOE: 06.01.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77


    Lays out, assembles, installs, and tests radio and electrical systems in aircraft and missiles, according to specifications, using handtools and precision testing equipment: Assembles units, such as switches, electrical controls, and junction boxes, and connects units to major units, such as radio systems, instruments, magnetos, and inverters, using handtools and soldering iron. Lays out installation of major units in aircraft, using scribe, scale, and protractor. Installs and connects units, according to wiring diagrams, using handtools and soldering iron. Tests units, using equipment, such as circuit continuity tester, oscilloscope, and voltmeter, and adjusts or repairs malfunctioning units.
GOE: 06.02.23 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 89


    Disassembles, repairs, installs, adjusts, and services hydraulic and electromagnetic automatic lift mechanisms used to raise and lower automobile windows, seats, and tops.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

825.381-018 CONTROLLER REPAIRER-AND-TESTER (railroad equip.) alternate titles: control inspector

    Adjusts, cleans, repairs, and tests electric control equipment of commuter and rapid transit cars or streetcars, following wiring diagrams and using specialized test equipment and handtools: Blows dirt from relays and switches, using airhose. Examines parts, such as control points, relays, and wiring, and adjusts or replaces defective parts. Observes operation of relays to verify conformance to specifications. Disassembles electric controller cylinders and replaces defective parts, such as copper contact segments, insulation disks, and spacing washers. Examines systems for short circuits or broken wires preparatory to high potential test, using megameter, and tests for defective circuits. Assembles and paints controller cylinders and tests cylinders to verify specified operation.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.381-026 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) alternate titles: inspector, electrical bench; inspector, precision electrical assembly

    Inspects and tests electrical parts, assemblies, and accessories prior to installation in aircraft for conformance to specifications and quality standards, using precision measuring instruments and test equipment: Examines parts and assemblies, such as wire harnesses, control panels, coaxial cables, and electrical jig boards, for completeness of assembly, quality, and conformance to blueprints, production illustrations, engineering drawings, and specifications. Inspects wiring of assemblies for accuracy of stripping, soldering, and crimping, and for defects, such as frayed wires, loose connections, and cracks. Verifies wire and cable length, dimensions, and clearance of parts, using precision instruments. Tests continuity and performance of parts, assemblies, and accessories, using test equipment. Records acceptance or rejection of parts on inspection report, and indicates reason for rejection.
GOE: 06.01.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

825.381-030 ELECTRICIAN (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: electrician, marine; electrician, outside

    Installs and repairs wiring, fixtures, and equipment for all electrical services aboard ship and in shipyard facilities, following blueprints and wiring diagrams: Installs conduit to bulkheads with brackets and screws, using handtools, and threads wires through conduit to terminals, such as connection boxes, circuit breakers, voltage regulators, and switch panels. Strips insulation from wire ends and solders ends to terminals, using stripping pliers and soldering iron. Connects power-supply circuits to radio, radar, sonar, fire control, and other electronic equipment. Tests electrical characteristics, such as voltage, resistance, and phase angle, in circuits, using voltmeters, ohmmeters, and phase rotation indicators. May construct instrument panels, using handtools, rulers, dividers, and power drills, following specifications. May be designated according to work location as Electrician, Ship (ship-boat mfg.); Electrician, Shop (ship-boat mfg.); Electrician, Yard (ship-boat mfg.).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

825.381-034 ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: marine-electrician apprentice

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

825.381-038 THIRD-RAIL INSTALLER (r.r. trans.)

    Installs third (power-supply) rails on electric elevated or subway railway tracks: Treats wooden insulator blocks by soaking for specified time in hot paraffin. Assembles trolley chairs by forcing top and bottom castings onto wooden insulator blocks with compressed-air press, drilling bolt holes through castings and blocks with power drill, and driving rivets into holes, using rivet gun. Paints anchor blocks with preservative to protect against rot. Installs trolley chairs beneath third rail at ends of rail sections by boring holes through tie and bottom castings and screwing trolley chairs to tie. Installs anchor blocks at center of third-rail sections, bolting block to rail and tie. Arc welds copper bands at junction of rails to provide unbroken electrical connections between rail sections [WELDER, ARC (welding)]. Fastens and positions annunciator rails to third-rail at specified points so contact will be made with third-rail shoe of passing trains. May specialize in installation and maintenance of conduit systems for electric street railways and be designated Conduit Installer (r.r. trans.).
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

825.664-010 ELEVATOR-CONSTRUCTOR HELPER (construction) alternate titles: elevator-erector helper

    Assists ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (construction) to install freight and passenger elevators: Raises and moves heavy machinery and equipment, using hoists, dollies, rollers, wire rope, and cable slings. Holds material in position to assist in installing rails and supporting framework. Drills holes in concrete or steel, using portable electric drill. Assembles and bolts rails, elevator motor, car, and control panels preparatory to installation. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

825.684-010 ELECTRICIAN HELPER, AUTOMOTIVE (automotive ser.)

    Assists ELECTRICIAN, AUTOMOTIVE (automotive ser.) to repair automotive vehicle electrical equipment: Disassembles electrical units, such as starters and generators, using handtools. Removes and replaces defective parts, such as armatures, brushes, and wires. Washes parts. May lift motors and generators, using mechanical hoist, and move parts about repair shop, using handtruck. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

825.684-014 ELEVATOR-REPAIRER HELPER (any industry)

    Assists ELEVATOR REPAIRER (any industry) to service and repair freight or passenger elevators, performing any combination of following duties: Assists in moving and raising elevator components, using hoists, dollies, and rollers. Assists in disassembly and assembly of elevator components, using mechanic's handtools. Cleans equipment, using scrapers and cleaning compound, and lubricates equipment with grease guns. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.15 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

825.684-018 BATTERY CHARGER (any industry)

    Inspects, recharges, and replaces batteries of electric industrial trucks: Disconnects electrical leads and removes battery from industrial truck, using handtools and hoist. Checks fluid levels and specific gravity of cells and adds water and acid, using hydrometer, thermometer, and siphons, to ensure fluid concentration meets specifications. Cleans electrical leads and battery poles to provide contact surface, using wire brush. Attaches battery to battery charger and manipulates controls of battery charger to start flow of electricity into battery. Installs recharged battery in industrial truck. May remove and replace other defective electrical components, such as motor, switches, wires, and rheostats. May lubricate truck's moving parts, using grease gun.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 86


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with assembling, installing, and repairing industrial apparatus involving electrical circuitry.

826.131-010 ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR (petrol. & gas)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers installing, repairing, and inspecting oil field electrical equipment, such as primary and secondary power lines, transformers, submarine cables to offshore well sites, and electric motors. Inspects work for compliance with government electrical codes and company standards. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

826.131-014 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLIES (elec. equip.; machinery mfg.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in fabrication of subassemblies and assembly of electrical equipment, such as electric welding machines, conveyors, and other electrically powered machine tools: Confers with engineering and management staff to establish assembly procedures and production schedules. Interprets and modifies blueprints and wiring diagrams in accordance with assembly specifications. Inspects and tests assembled components and equipment, using oscilloscopes, voltmeters, ammeters, and other test instruments. Suggests design modifications to increase product efficiency and production output. Trains new workers and resolves personnel problems. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 06.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

826.261-010 FIELD-SERVICE ENGINEER (photo. appar.)

    Installs and repairs microfilming, film-developing, and auxiliary photographic equipment at customers' premises: Assembles equipment and connects water and electrical lines, using handtools and following wiring diagrams and blueprints. Tests equipment performance and demonstrates operation and servicing of equipment to customer. Examines faulty equipment and processed film, interprets laboratory reports, and analyzes customer complaints to diagnose equipment malfunction. Repairs defective units, using handtools and repair manuals. Schedules service calls according to customer location and urgency of need. Recommends equipment design changes or upgrading as needed. Interviews prospective buyers and reports leads to sales personnel.
GOE: 05.05.13 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

826.361-010 ASSEMBLER AND WIRER, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (elec. equip.; machinery mfg.) alternate titles: panel assembler and wirer

    Installs electrical wiring and assembles components in control cabinets, electrical and industrial equipment, and related industrial apparatus, according to blueprints and wiring diagrams: Squares, aligns, and assembles bases, sills, cabinet frames, or equipment structural components, on floor or floor plate, using jacks, clamps, squares, plumb line and dial indicator. Lays out diagram for electrical installations according to wiring specifications. Drills and taps holes in specified locations for mounting control units, using handtools and drill press. Attaches breakers, relays, contactors, bus bars, transformers, insulators, regulator cabinets, condenser units, motor and generator sets, meters, plugging devices, and fuse blocks to mounting holes with bolts and screws, using wrenches, screwdrivers, and nut runners. Cuts, strips, bends, and forms wire cable, conduit, pipe, and tubing used to connect circuits and subassemblies, using hacksaw, bandsaw, pipe cutters, and mechanical or hydraulic pipe or cable benders. Connects color-coded wires, using mirrors in compact areas. Solders connections and crimps connectors to wire ends, using soldering iron and pliers. Tests and adjusts electrical assemblies, using electrician's handtools and test equipment. Discusses errors in diagrams or production order with supervisor or engineer to clarify assembly problems. May be designated according to unit assembled as Assembler, Dielectric Heater (elec. equip.); Control-Cabinet Assembler (elec. equip.); Welding-Machine Assembler (elec. equip.).
GOE: 06.01.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 82

826.381-010 FABRICATOR, INDUSTRIAL FURNACE (machinery mfg.)

    Assembles and installs structural and electrical components to fabricate high-temperature industrial furnaces: Lays refractory brick to insulate furnace interior, using masonry trowel and mortar. Drills holes in brick to provide openings for heater elements, wiring, and instruments, according to shop drawings and schematics. Attaches manual or power door opening mechanisms and chain and heater guards, using power tools. Installs and wires heater elements, instruments, gauges, motors, and controls, following electrical schematics and blueprints. Tests assembled unit for operational defects and makes necessary adjustments. Operates paint sprayer to paint furnace as specified. Places completed unit in crate for shipment.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

826.384-010 CELL REPAIRER (chemical)

    Assembles, installs, maintains, and repairs electrolytic cells, performing any combination of following duties: Starts concrete mixer and pours concrete slurry into assembled molds to cast sections of electrolytic cells, such as tops, bottoms, rings, and partitions [CELL MAKER (chemical)]. Positions copper bars, graphite blades, or carbon electrodes in cylindrical form (jig), and secures them by pouring molten lead into jig to fabricate anode units [ANODE BUILDER (chemical)]. Wraps asbestos diaphragm paper and perforated steel screen around jig assembly to fabricate cathode pots [POT BUILDER (chemical)]. Disconnects, dismantles, and replaces spent or defective electrolytic cell units, such as anodes and cathodes [CELL CHANGER (chemical)]. Cleans electrolytic cells, cell assemblies and glassware, and washes cathode screens to remove asbestos [CELL CLEANER (chemical)]. Coats cathode screens by dipping screens in asbestos slurry [CATHODE MAKER (chemical)]. Records data, such as condition of cell units, parts used, and date of change. May inspect defective cells and measure voltage drop, using voltmeter. May bolt current jumper to adjacent cells to shunt current around defective cell.
GOE: 06.02.32 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

826.684-010 ANODE BUILDER (chemical)

    Fabricates anode units for use in electrolytic cells, using handtools and power tools: Paints cell bottoms, using brush. Assembles cylindrical form jig with handtools and hoist, and positions copper bars, graphite blades, or carbon electrodes in jig. Opens valve to admit melted lead to jig, or pours in lead to specified level, using container to secure copper bars, graphite blades, or carbon electrodes in place. Lifts anode assembly from jig, using hoist, and positions anode in cell bottom. Fills tar pot with mastic or tar mixture and turns valve on pot to heat mastic tar to pouring temperature. Opens spigot to fill container with mastic or tar, and pours it into anode assembly to prevent corrosion of lead and cell bottom and leakage around joints and copper bars. May operate jackhammer to dismantle spent anode units. May position graphite blades in cell bottom, using power wrench. May join electrode to electrical conductor with holding rings or lead bands.
GOE: 06.02.32 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

826.684-014 CELL CHANGER (chemical)

    Replaces spent anodes or cathodes used in electrolytic cells, according to replacement schedule, using handtools and power tools: Disconnects electrical and pipe connections and removes retaining bolts to free cells, using wrenches. Removes cell top and cathode assembly, using tension handles, prybars, and hoist. Measures thickness of cathode blade and length of anode to determine remaining usable life, using ruler, and inspects anode for deterioration. Adjusts anode and cathode spacing, using handtools. Records cell and cathode number and condition of anode and cathode. Scrapes and washes putty and dirt from cell assembly, using hand scraper and steam or water hose, or cleans cathode bars and cell bottom with power grinder and acid. Cleans and smooths electrical connections, using emery cloth. Transfers defective units to cell repair room and obtains replacement parts, using cart or crane. Positions cell bottom, anode, cathode, and cell top in place, using hoist. Bolts assemblies together, replaces sight glasses, funnels, and percolator pipes, and secures electrical connections to $T3bus bar,$T1 using handtools. Seals joints with putty, mortar, and asbestos, using putty extruder and knife. Turns valves to start brine flow. Records new parts used and date of change. May repair cells [CELL REPAIRER (chemical)]. When draining and cleaning mercury electrolytic cells, replacing mercury, and timing rate of flow of mercury to ensure efficient operation, may be designated Mercury-Cell Cleaner (chemical).
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

826.684-018 CELL INSTALLER (chemical)

    Removes defective mercury electrolytic cells from rocker mechanism and installs new cells, using handtools: Removes bolts and rocker assembly that hold cell bottom in place on rocker mechanism, using wrenches. Signals OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR (any industry) 921.663-010 to remove defective cell and position replacement cell on rocker mechanism. Visually levels cell on mechanism and bolts it into place. Cements glass sight tubes in sides of concrete bottom and bolts copper hanger beneath cell bottom. May raise or lower cell bottom, using leveling jacks, and time rate of flow of mercury, using stopwatch, to ensure that cell is mounted in accordance with efficient operating requirements.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

826.684-022 POT BUILDER (chemical) alternate titles: cathode builder; diaphragm builder

    Assembles cathode pots for use in electrolytic cells, using handtools and hoist: Assembles cathode rings on ends of cylindrical form jig, using handtools and hoist. Wraps asbestos diaphragm paper around inner and outer jig assembly and applies glue to secure asbestos in place. Wraps perforated steel diaphragm screens around assembly and clasps ends together or secures screen in place with metal hoops, using handtools. Wraps asbestos tape around cathode rim or hammers iron band around top to attain airtight connection. Applies putty, asbestos compound, and paint, using putty knife, putty extruder, and brush, to seal cathode connections and joints. Removes cathode assembly from jig, using hoist. May cut asbestos paper to required size. May insert rubber gaskets or solder overlapping metal at joints to attain airtight connections. May perform duties of CELL REPAIRER (chemical).
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with installing service lines, connecting leads, and assembling components and accessories to install or repair large household electrical appliances and equivalent commercial and industrial installations, such as refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioners, heaters, washers, driers, and their related controls.


    Supervises and coordinates activities of ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any industry) engaged in servicing, repairing, and installing electrical household appliances. Requisitions tools, supplies, and replacement parts. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in assembly, inspection, testing, repair, and packing of major household appliances: Assigns duties to workers according to production schedules. Reads inspection and test reports to determine nature and cause of appliance defects. Recommends designs, tooling, and assembly modifications to increase efficiency or improve product quality. Trains workers and resolves employee grievances. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 06.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Supervises activities of workers engaged in fabricating, installing, and repairing air-conditioning systems in residential and commercial buildings: Inspects and measures building to determine airflow requirements. Plans and draws layout and dimensions of ductwork, applying knowledge of sheet metal fabrication and air-conditioning system design, using pencil and ruler, and following specifications from air-conditioning equipment manufacturers and customer. Obtains price quotations on materials and purchases materials, such as sheet metal, compressors, and fans, from suppliers and tests equipment to verify that equipment is functioning. Schedules air-conditioning installation assignments. Examines installed air-conditioning systems to verify that system is functioning, using test instruments. Compiles labor and material cost figures and supporting media for billing purposes. Attends classes and seminars on air-conditioning components and system design to update skills. May instruct workers in sheet metal fabrication in shop. May supervise sheet metal fabrication in shop and resolve problems to maintain production schedule. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

827.261-010 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any industry) alternate titles: appliance-service representative

    Installs, services, and repairs stoves, refrigerators, dishwashing machines, and other electrical household or commercial appliances, using handtools, test equipment, and following wiring diagrams and manufacturer's specifications: Connects appliance to power source and test meters, such as wattmeter, ammeter, or voltmeter. Observes readings on meters and graphic recorders. Examines appliance during operating cycle to detect excess vibration, overheating, fluid leaks, and loose parts. Disassembles appliance and examines mechanical and electrical parts. Traces electrical circuits, following diagram, and locates shorts and grounds, using ohmmeter. Calibrates timers, thermostats, and adjusts contact points. Cleans and washes parts, using wire brush, buffer, and solvent, to remove carbon, grease, and dust. Replaces worn or defective parts, such as switches, pumps, bearings, transmissions, belts, gears, blowers, and defective wiring. Repairs and adjusts appliance motors. Reassembles appliance, adjusts pulleys, and lubricates moving parts, using handtools and lubricating equipment. May be known according to appliance repaired as Clothes-Drier Repairer (any industry); Coffee-Maker Servicer (any industry); Dishwashing-Machine Repairer (any industry); Electric-Range Servicer (any industry); Electric-Refrigerator Servicer (any industry); Washing-Machine Servicer (any industry).
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

827.261-014 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE-SERVICER APPRENTICE (any industry) alternate titles: major-appliance-servicer apprentice, electrical

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

827.361-010 AIR-CONDITIONING-UNIT TESTER (svc. ind. mach.)

    Tests efficiency of heating and air-conditioning equipment under simulated operating conditions: Connects heating and air-conditioning equipment to facilities, such as heating units, waterlines, and spray devices to set up controlled temperature and moisture conditions. Constructs cardboard air ducts and other accessories for use in testing equipment. Couples gauges and instruments to system and starts equipment. Observes and records readings of instruments, such as thermometers, psychrometers, thermocouples, air flowmeters, voltmeters, ammeters, and pressure and draft gauges. Informs supervisor of unusual noise and instrument readings during operation of equipment. May plot instrument reading data.
GOE: 06.01.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

827.361-014 REFRIGERATION MECHANIC (svc. ind. mach.)

    Fabricates and assembles components of refrigeration systems for environmental test equipment according to blueprints or schematic drawings and knowledge of refrigeration systems, using handtools, powered tools and welding equipment: Reads blueprints or schematic drawings to determine location, size, capacity, and type of components, such as compressor, condenser, expansion tank, valves, and tubing or piping needed to build refrigeration system. Mounts compressor, condenser, and other components in specified locations on frame, using handtools and arc or acetylene welding equipment. Cuts, bends, and brazes specified tubing to inlets and outlets of components to form liquid and suction lines of refrigeration system, using knowledge of metal properties. Installs expansion and control valves, using acetylene torch and wrenches. Adjusts valves according to specifications. Removes air from system and charges system with specified amount and type of refrigerant [GAS CHARGER (svc. ind. mach.)]. Tests lines, components, and connections for leaks with leak detector which indicates presence of refrigerant [GAS-LEAK TESTER (svc. ind. mach.)]. Attaches thermocouples to various points of refrigeration system and test-operates equipment to evaluate functioning and cooling capacity of system. Records pressure and temperature readings from gauges and $T3temperature potentiometer$T1 during test run. Compares reading with specifications to evaluate performance of system, and adjusts or replaces parts as indicated. May fabricate and assemble structural portions of test equipment. May assemble and mount electrical wiring circuits, controls, and recording devices. May fabricate and assemble cascade and multiple stage refrigeration systems.
GOE: 05.05.09 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

827.381-010 CONTROL-PANEL TESTER (elec. equip.)

    Inspects and tests electrical panels used to control machinery, equipment, and systems for conformance with specifications, following blueprints and wiring schematics, and using electrical testing equipment and instruments: Compares wiring and location of control devices on panel with blueprints and wiring diagrams to verify assembly. Examines wiring for loose or faulty connections. Connects leads from panel onto power source leads to prepare for testing activities. Turns rheostat to impose and regulate current loads onto panel controls and observes action of relays, cut-outs, and other devices for conformance with specifications. Tests wiring circuits and controls to isolate and locate causes of malfunctions, using electrical instruments, such as voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter. Records causes of malfunctions on test sheet and routes defective panels for rework. May change defective control devices on panel, using handtools, and solder loose or faulty wiring.
GOE: 06.01.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

827.384-010 REFRIGERATOR TESTER (svc. ind. mach.)

    Inspects and tests refrigeration units to evaluate functional operation of system, using knowledge of refrigeration systems and operating specifications: Connects unit to electrical outlet and starts compressor. Observes units to detect malfunction and ensure that cooling is taking place. Tests compressors on nonfunctioning units for specified wattage, using watt-meter. Times operating cycle of unit, using watch and replaces relay switches, or orders compressor replacement to regulate length of operating cycle. Feels lines and other components at various points in system to determine if unit is functioning. Examines coolant lines for damage and accumulations of frost indicating constriction or obstruction in lines. Records and attaches inspection tag to malfunctioning units, indicating type and location of defects. May attach gauges to verify conformance of unit to temperature, pressure, B.T.U., and other operational specifications. May work in controlled temperature room.
GOE: 06.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

827.485-010 GAS CHARGER (svc. ind. mach.) alternate titles: charging-board operator

    Tends charging board that charges cooling units of refrigerators, freezers, or air-conditioners with gas refrigerant, using one of following methods: (1) Sets indicator on charging board to control volume and type of refrigerant for unit being charged, following work order specifications. Determines pressure in refrigeration unit, using mercury gauge. Attaches filler hose from refrigeration tank to unit. Presses button to fill charging tank and pump refrigerant into compressor. (2) Turns indicator to specified setting and attaches filler hose to fill charging bomb. Mounts filled bombs on refrigeration unit. Attaches vacuum hose to unit to draw refrigerant into compressor. Weighs bombs before and after filling to ascertain weight of charge. Adjusts timers to maintain specified weight.
GOE: 06.04.36 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

827.584-010 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE PREPARER (any industry) alternate titles: uncrater

    Assembles and tests electrical appliances, such as ranges, refrigerators, and washing machines, to prepare appliance for delivery and installation, using handtools and test lamp: Uncrates appliances, using pry bar, wire cutters, and nail puller. Assembles appliance parts, using screws and handtools. Connects appliance to electric current to test performance. Locates faulty circuits with test lamp. Solders and wraps wires with friction tape to repair insulation. Washes and polishes appliances. Examines exterior of appliance for chips, scratches, and dents. Keeps records of appliances received, assembled, and delivered. May be designated according to type of appliance assembled and tested as Dishwasher Preparer (any industry); Electric-Range Preparer (any industry); Electric-Refrigerator Preparer (any industry); Washer-Dryer Preparer (any industry).
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

827.584-014 GAS-LEAK TESTER (svc. ind. mach.)

    Performs one or more of following tasks to test assembled and charged refrigeration units for refrigerant leaks: Adjusts controls to set balance and range of electronic leak tester. Moves nozzle of tester along refrigerant lines, condenser, and compressor and listens for buzzer indicating presence of gas. Narrows range of tester and probes area to pinpoint exact location of leak. Turns valve of gas tester to adjust flow of gas to copper flame-ring and ignites gas. Moves suction hose, joined to flame-ring, along surfaces of refrigeration unit and observes flame for change in color denoting presence of leaking refrigerant gas. Wraps wet litmus paper around joints of refrigeration unit and observes paper for color change indicating refrigerant leak. Marks number of defective part or joint on inspection tag, according to blueprint numbering chart, and attaches tag to unit. Records number and location of leaks on inspection chart.
GOE: 06.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

827.585-010 FOAM CHARGER (svc. ind. mach.)

    Tends equipment that blows foam insulation into cooler and refrigerator doors and cabinet walls, using portable foam gun: Connects foam pump and nitrogen pressure tank to resin and catalyst barrels. Turns valve to regulate nitrogen pressure at specified level. Connects hose from freon tank to gun and adjusts freon pressure. Opens gun valve and conducts foam test to ensure proper mixture of ingredients. Inserts nozzle of gun into compartment openings and blows specified amounts of foam insulation into doors and cabinet walls. Inserts plugs into openings to seal filled compartment. Regulates overhead electric heaters to maintain constant room temperature. Records number and type of units filled on daily production record. Cleans equipment and work area. May prepare units to receive insulation.
GOE: 06.04.36 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

827.661-010 HOUSEHOLD-APPLIANCE INSTALLER (any industry)

    Installs household appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, and related appliances, in mobile homes or customers' homes, using handtools: Levels refrigerators and adjusts doors. Connects water pipes to washing machines, using plumbing tools. Observes complete cycle of automatic washers and dryers and makes adjustments. Lights and adjusts pilot lights on gas stoves and examines valves and burners for gas leakage and specified flame. May assemble and install prefabricated kitchen cabinets in conjunction with appliances. May stain or finish cabinets.
GOE: 05.10.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

827.684-010 APPLIANCE ASSEMBLER, LINE (house. appl.; svc. ind. mach.)

    Assembles major household or commercial appliances, such as ranges, ovens, washing machines, dryers, refrigeration units, water heaters, and dishwashers, using handtools: Obtains specified parts or subassemblies. Aligns holes, inserts screws or bolts, and tightens them, using nut runner or power screwdriver, to assemble preformed panels and support brackets to base. Bolts subassemblies, such as motors, pumps, transmissions, control panels, blowers, heating units, and doors, using wrenches and power nut runners. Aligns doors, brackets, racks, and moving parts before tightening to achieve appearance, fit, and movement specified. Packs or folds insulation between panels. Connects electrical wires on control panel to motors, heating units, or blowers, according to color and length of wire, by forcing plug connectors together and sliding plastic insulators over connection. Lubricates moving parts, using grease paddle or oilcan. May place panels in fixture to align for bolting. May clamp test wires to machine and observe meter and light to test for shorts, grounds, and wattage. May be designated according to appliance assembled as Air-Conditioning-Unit Assembler (svc. ind. mach.); Assembler, Coolers (svc. ind. mach.); Automobile Air-Conditioner Assembler (svc. ind. mach.); Clothes-Drier Assembler (house. appl.); Electric-Range Assembler (house. appl.); Washing-Machine Assembler (house. appl.).
GOE: 06.02.22 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with assembling, installing, erecting, and repairing electrical and electronic products.


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in repair of electronic controls of diesel engines and generators: Trains workers in diagnosis and repair of electronic controls of diesel engines and generators in heavy equipment, such as tractors, cranes, and compressors, using test equipment and following repair manuals, blueprints, diagrams, and schematics. Reviews service calls to determine type of equipment needing repair, equipment location, and nature of problem and schedules workers for service assignments. Orders supplies and materials and maintains service records. Assists workers in repair of electronic controls at job site or in maintenance shop. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 86


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in repair and maintenance of electronic equipment used in air navigational aids or in communications, monitoring, industrial control, or instrumentation systems. Participates in testing, modification, repair, and maintenance of radar, microwave links, indicator plotter, radar beacon, omnirange receivers and transmitters [ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any industry)]. Maintains log of repair and maintenance activities occurring during shift.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77


    Analyzes technical requirements of customer desiring to utilize electronic equipment, and performs installation and maintenance duties. Determines feasibility of using standardized equipment, and develops specifications for equipment required to perform additional functions. Installs, maintains, and repairs equipment.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

828.261-010 ELECTRONIC-ORGAN TECHNICIAN (any industry) alternate titles: electric-organ technicianc;

    Installs, tests, adjusts, and repairs electronic organs, pianos, or related musical instruments, using circuit diagrams, service manuals, and standard test equipment: Places speakers along wall or in sound chambers, or mounts speakers on wall. Wires speakers to console. Tunes or adjusts instruments and amplification systems, using electronic test equipment and handtools. May be designated according to specialized function as Electronic-Organ Installer (any industry); Electronic-Piano Installer (any industry); Organ Tuner, Electronic (any industry).
GOE: 05.05.12 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

828.261-014 FIELD SERVICE ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: field service representative; field technical assistant

    Installs and repairs electronic equipment, such as computer, radar, missile-control, avionics, and communication systems, in field installations: Consults with customer or supervisor to plan layout of equipment. Studies blueprints, schematics, manuals, and other specifications to determine installation procedures. Installs or oversees installation of equipment according to manufacturer's specifications. Operates system to demonstrate equipment and to analyze malfunctions. Interprets maintenance manuals, schematics, and wiring diagrams, and repairs equipment, utilizing knowledge of electronics and using standard test instruments and handtools. Instructs and directs workers in servicing and repairing equipment. Consults with engineering personnel to resolve unusual problems in system operation and maintenance. May instruct workers in electronic theory. May supervise workers in testing, tuning, and adjusting equipment to obtain optimum operating performance. May advise management regarding customer satisfaction, product performance, and suggestions for product improvements.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

828.261-018 SENIOR TECHNICIAN, CONTROLS (pipe lines)

    Develops design modifications and provides technical assistance to workers engaged in installation, modification, and repair of gas compressor station controls and instruments: Tours compressor station and inspects or tests station control apparatus, using standard test equipment and handtools. Confers with superintendent to determine operational problems and efficiency of automatic control systems. Analyzes operational problems and develops modifications in design to improve efficiency. Trains workers and provides technical assistance in installation, maintenance, and repair techniques. Confers with manufacturers' representatives and submits proposed design modifications to improve efficiency of compressor station controls and instrumentation.
GOE: 05.01.08 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

828.261-022 ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any industry) alternate titles: communication technician; electronics-equipment mechanic; electronics specialist; electronics-system mechanic; electronics technician; maintenance engineer

    Repairs electronic equipment, such as computers, industrial controls, audio and video systems, radar systems, telemetering and missile control systems, transmitters, antennas, and servomechanisms, following blueprints and manufacturers' specifications, and using handtools and test instruments: Converses with equipment operators to ascertain problems with equipment before breakdown, and to determine if breakdown is due to human error or mechanical problems. Tests faulty equipment and applies knowledge of functional operation of electronic units and systems to diagnose cause of malfunction. Tests electronic components and circuits to locate defects, using oscilloscopes, signal generators, ammeters, and voltmeters. Replaces defective components and wiring and adjusts mechanical parts, using handtools and soldering iron. Aligns, adjusts, and calibrates equipment according to specifications. Calibrates testing instruments. Maintains records of repairs, calibrations, and tests. May enter information into computer to copy program from one electronic component to another, or to draw, modify or to store schematics, applying knowledge of software package used. May install equipment in industrial or military establishments and in aircraft and missiles. May operate equipment, such as communication equipment or missile control systems in ground and flight test, and be required to hold license from governmental agency. May be designated according to type of equipment repaired as Customer-Engineering Specialist (office machines); Electronics Mechanic, Computer (any industry); Radar Mechanic (any industry); Voting-Machine Repairer (government ser.).
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

828.261-026 ELECTRONICS-MECHANIC APPRENTICE (any industry) alternate titles: electronics-technician apprentice

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

828.281-018 MISSILE FACILITIES REPAIRER (military ser.)

    Repairs missile weapons system support facilities and equipment: Inspects, services, and replaces electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components of missile weapons systems real-property-installed equipment, facilities, and ground support equipment, such as missile pedestals, crib suspensions, pendulum links, shock mounts, maintenance work platforms, erection booms, umbilical brackets, and suspension devices. Services support equipment with fuel, lubricants, hydraulic fluid, and air. Operates auxiliary motor generators, battery systems, and portable self-powered handling equipment. Aligns missile to launcher, using equipment such as collimator systems.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

828.281-022 RADIOACTIVITY-INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN (petrol. & gas) alternate titles: radioactivity technician

    Repairs and services electrical radioactivity-detecting instruments used to locate radioactive formations in oil- or gas-well boreholes, using special testing apparatus. Tests electronic, electrostatic, and electromagnetic elements and circuits of instruments with special laboratory testing apparatus to locate defective parts and to verify precise adjustments. Services special subsurface instruments containing radium or radioactive compounds.
GOE: 05.05.11 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Installs and repairs programmable, computer-based control systems for regulating residential and commercial environmental energy equipment, such as heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, heat pumps, boilers, and chillers, applying knowledge of computer control systems and environmental energy equipment: Reads specifications, diagrams, and schematics detailing computer control installation requirements and existing environmental energy equipment design and layout. Installs, mounts, and connects specified computer hardware, such as central processing unit, keyboard, CRT display, temperature sensor, analog to digital converter, and interconnect wiring to interface with environmental energy equipment control circuits, using handtools and power tools. Types commands on input keyboard or inserts disk into disk drive to start and run computerized environmental control system through operating sequence. Tests control circuits to verify system operation or diagnose malfunctions, using voltmeter and oscilloscope. Isolates faults to computer controls or environmental energy units based on test results, specification data, and symptoms. Tests circuitry of faulty computer controls, using voltmeter, oscilloscope, and logic analyzer to isolate malfunctions to circuit board. Replaces faulty circuit boards, using handtools. Maintains records of installation, test results, and repairs.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

828.381-010 EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (any industry)

    Installs electronic control panels and related mechanical or electrical equipment, such as motor generator units, battery chargers, utility reels, and darkroom equipment, in panel trucks following blueprint specifications: Measures distances with rule to lay out work in body of truck. Drills holes and bolts metal framework and supports in place, using electric drill and wrenches. Cuts, drills, and fits brackets, supports, covers, and fixtures from metal sheet, strap or bar stock, using metal cutting saws, drill press, grinders, and files. Bolts and screws control panels and assembled operating units to framework. Connects electrical wiring and cables, using electricians' handtools. Installs lighting fixtures, outlets, switches, wall boxes, and terminal boards.
GOE: 05.10.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

828.381-018 ASSEMBLER, ELECTROMECHANICAL (aircraft mfg.; electron. comp.; inst. & app.)

    Assembles, tests, and repairs precision electromechanical parts, assemblies, and equipment, such as gyros, servomechanisms, electronic instruments, radar, and missile controls, according to blueprints, diagrams, and specifications, using handtools, power tools, precision instruments, and test equipment: Reads blueprints, schematics, and technical orders to determine methods and sequence of assembly operations. Examines parts for surface defects. Aligns, fits, and assembles component parts into completed units, using handtools, power tools, fixtures, and templates. Verifies dimensions and clearances of parts to ensure conformance to blueprint specifications, using instruments, such as micrometers, calipers, and height gauges. Solders and bolts electrical and electronic components in specified location on assembly [ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER (comm. equip.; electron. comp.; inst. & app.) 726.684-018]. Tests functional performance of completed electromechanical assemblies, using test equipment. Repairs, reworks, and calibrates assemblies to meet operational tolerances. May fabricate parts, using shop equipment.
GOE: 06.01.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 89


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with assembling, installing, erecting, and repairing electrical equipment and related structures.

829.131-010 CABLE SUPERVISOR (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) alternate titles: cable-splicing supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installation, maintenance, and repair of underground, aerial, and buried cables and electrical equipment for power-utility, communication, or street-railway systems: Directs installation of main and feeder cables through conduit, splicing and lead-coating cable sections, connecting wires to terminals, and installing terminal and junction boxes, transformers, and other equipment in underground vaults or overhead platforms. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to specialty as Underground Supervisor (utilities).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

829.131-014 ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any industry)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of ELECTRICIAN, MAINTENANCE (any industry) 829.261-018 and ELECTRICIAN (construction) 824.261-010 engaged in construction, maintenance and repair of electric power, lighting, and communication systems of buildings, factories, and transportation equipment: Plans wiring and installation of equipment and fixtures, such as motors, generators, switches, circuit breakers, and fuse boxes, according to blueprints, schematic drawings, and sketches. Inspects wiring and fixtures for conformance to company specifications or local electrical codes, using test equipment, such as voltmeter and ohmmeter. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in maintenance of electrical systems and be designated Building-Maintenance Supervisor, Electrical (any industry); Electrician Supervisor, Maintenance (any industry). May supervise workers specializing in electrical systems of transportation equipment and be designated Electrician Supervisor, Airplane (air trans.); Electrician Supervisor, Automotive (automotive ser.); Electrician Supervisor, Locomotive (railroad equip.). May be designated according to workers supervised as Circuit-Breaker Supervisor (utilities); Power-Transformer-Repair Supervisor (utilities); Service-Transformer-Repair Supervisor (utilities).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 81


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installing automatic pin-setting machines in bowling alleys. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.09 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in maintaining electrical equipment and private telephone lines serving offices and operating stations of utility district: Trains workers in maintenance of equipment. Inspects work for conformance to specifications. Patrols telephone lines to look for broken insulators, storm damage, and leaning poles. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

829.261-010 COMPLAINT INSPECTOR (utilities)

    Inspects and locates cause of defective electric service on customer's premises and repairs wiring and connections: Examines interior wiring, switches, fuses, circuit breakers, light sockets, and connections to appliances to detect irregularities or defects. Repairs or replaces defective or worn parts. Tests voltage on wire to meter to determine overload or underload [VOLTAGE TESTER (utilities)] and recommends new wiring arrangement to correct inadequacies. Examines and repairs broken lines from distribution pole to building or requests LINE REPAIRER (utilities) or TROUBLE SHOOTER (utilities) II to examine and repair connections and outside wiring if trouble cannot be located within building. May make minor repairs to appliances and report major defects to ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any industry).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Installs and services dental office equipment, such as hydraulic chairs and electric or pneumatic drill units, according to manufacturer's service manuals: Installs equipment and assembles specified hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical connections, using handtools and power tools. Replaces obsolete or faulty equipment as ordered. Repairs or replaces defective or worn parts, such as motors, clutches, and switches. Performs routine servicing of equipment, such as lubricating gears and repacking bearings. May install and repair dental plumbing. May install, service, test, and calibrate dental x-ray equipment.
GOE: 05.10.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

829.261-018 ELECTRICIAN, MAINTENANCE (any industry) alternate titles: electrical repairer

    Installs and repairs electrical systems, apparatus, and electrical and electronic components of industrial machinery and equipment, following electrical code, manuals, schematic diagrams, blueprints, and other specifications, using handtools, power tools, and electrical and electronic test equipment: Installs power supply wiring and conduit for newly installed machines and equipment, such as robots, conveyors, and $T3programmable controllers$T1, following electrical code and blueprints, using handtools and voltage tester. Connects power supply wires to machines and equipment, and connects cables and wires between machines and equipment, following manuals, schematic diagrams, and blueprints, using handtools and test equipment. Diagnoses malfunctioning apparatus, such as transformers, motors, and lighting fixtures, using test equipment, and replaces damaged or broken wires and cables, using handtools. Tests malfunctioning machinery, using test equipment, and discusses malfunction with other maintenance workers, such as MACHINE REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE (any industry) 638.261-030 and TOOL MAKER, MAINTENANCE (machine shop) 601.280-042, to diagnose malfunction. Replaces faulty electrical components of machine, such as relays, switches, and motors, and positions sensing devices, using handtools. Diagnoses and repairs or replaces faulty electronic components, such as printed circuit boards [ELECTRONICS TESTER (any industry) 726.261-018], using electronic test equipment and handtools. Replaces electric motor bearings and rewires motors. May push buttons and press keys on robot controller, $T3teach pendant,$T1 and programmable controller to program automated machinery, such as robots, to operate automated machinery, to test for malfunctions, and to verify repairs. May plan layout of wiring and install wiring, conduit, and electrical apparatus in buildings [ELECTRICIAN (construction) 824.261-010]. May diagnose and replace faulty mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic components of machines and equipment. May be required to hold electrician's license. May be designated according to equipment repaired as Circuit-Breaker Mechanic (utilities); Electrician, Crane Maintenance (any industry); Electrician, Rectifier Maintenance (utilities); Salvage Repairer (utilities) I; Time Clock Repairer (elec. equip.); Transformer-Coil Winder (utilities); or according to work location as Electrician, Machine Shop (machine shop); Electrician, Refinery (petrol. refin.); Underground Repairer (utilities). May be designated: Watch Electrician (tel. & tel.); Wirer, Maintenance (utilities).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 88

829.281-010 AUTOMATIC-DOOR MECHANIC (construction)

    Installs, services, and repairs opening and closing mechanisms of automatic doors used in self-service grocery stores and similar establishments: Bores and cuts holes in flooring, using handtools and power tools. Sets in and secures floor treadle for activating mechanism and connects hydraulic powerpack and electrical panelboard to treadle. Covers treadle with carpeting and screws or nails down chrome strips around edges. Tests system by stepping on treadle. Repairs nonoperating systems, using handtools, blueprints, and schematic diagrams. May install frames and door units, using cutting tools and handtools. May install systems actuated by electronic-eye mechanism.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

829.281-018 IN-FLIGHT REFUELING SYSTEM REPAIRER (military ser.)

    Inspects, tests, modifies, and repairs aircraft in-flight refueling systems and associated equipment, using electrical test instruments and special handtools, applying knowledge of system wiring diagrams, technical publications, and design characteristics: Repairs in-flight refueling electrical devices, such as elevation, telescope, and azimuth control assemblies and limit switches. Conducts detailed tests of in-flight refueling electrical systems, using ohmmeter, voltmeter, and electrical and hydraulic systems to ensure maximum operation efficiency, using wiring diagrams and technical publications. Adjusts end play, spacing, clearance, and specified torque on in-flight refueling components. Inspects seals, gaskets, hoses, tubing, hydraulic motors, fuel pumps, valves, filters, accumulators, and plumbing installations for leakage and functional operation. Fabricates wiring assemblies for replacing damaged cables and wiring in electrical systems.
GOE: 05.10.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

829.281-022 SOUND TECHNICIAN (any industry) alternate titles: inter-com installer; inter-com servicer

    Installs, maintains, and services sound and intercommunication systems, multiple antenna systems, closed circuit TV systems, and associated apparatus: Installs coaxial cable and interconnecting cable and wiring. Tests installation to verify proper functioning. Tests, trouble-shoots, and services equipment. May install high-fidelity or stereophonic components or systems for playing musical recordings in homes or business establishments.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

829.361-010 CABLE SPLICER (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) alternate titles: electrician, cable-splicing; splicer

    Splices overhead, underground, or submarine multiple-conductor cables used in telephone and telegraph communication and electric-power transmission systems: Climbs utility poles or towers, utilizes truck-mounted lift bucket, or descends into sewers and underground vaults where cables are located. Cuts lead sheath from installed cable to gain access to defective cable connections, using hacksaw. Cuts and peels lead sheath and insulation from newly installed cables and conductors preparatory to splicing. Tests (traces or phases-out) each conductor to identify corresponding conductors in adjoining cable sections, according to electrical diagrams and specifications, to prevent incorrect connections between individual communication circuits or electric power circuits, using test lamp or bell system. Cleans, tins, and splices corresponding conductors by twisting ends together or by joining ends with metal clips and soldering each connection. Covers conductors with insulating or fireproofing materials. Fits lead sleeve around cable joint and wipes molten lead into joints between sleeve and cable sheath to produce moistureproof joint. Fills completed sleeve with insulating oil. May work on energized circuits to avoid interruption of service. May locate and repair leaks in pressurized cable. May work on board marine craft when splicing underwater cable and be designated Jointer, Submarine Cable (tel. & tel.; utilities).
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

829.361-014 CABLE-SPLICER APPRENTICE (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) alternate titles: splicer apprentice

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

829.361-018 CIRCULATING PROCESS INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) alternate titles: inspector, process

    Inspects machined parts and mechanical or electrical assembly of electrical equipment to detect defective assemblies and ensure quality of production: Verifies dimensions and location or alignment of layouts of mechanical assemblies and electrical contacts, using micrometers, calipers, squares, rules, protractors, dial indicators, scales, and gauges. Compares machined surfaces with finished blocks. Examines parts to detect cracks, flaws, damaged surfaces, and burrs to ensure completeness. Stops defective assembly or machining operations and notifies supervisor. Examines colored wires connected to terminals of apparatus to verify wiring locations, and examines connections for excessive or loose solder. Tests electrical characteristics, such as resistance, short circuits, continuity, and grounds, using test equipment. Prepares inspection reports and records specified information on inspection tickets. May operate bench lathe to machine salvageable parts. May connect loose wires to terminals, using soldering iron or wire-wrapping gun. May be designated according to product inspected as Transformer Inspector (elec. equip.); Wiring Inspector (elec. equip.).
GOE: 06.01.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

829.381-010 PINSETTER ADJUSTER, AUTOMATIC (toy-sport equip.)

    Inspects and adjusts automatic pinsetters, following blueprints, using handtools and gauges: Inspects pinsetter for defects and missing components following blueprint parts list. Mounts components or returns machine to assembly department for reworking. Rolls pinsetter to test bay and connects drive mechanism and power source. Adjusts microswitches, spring tension, traverse or circuit stops, cams, and other control mechanisms to specified settings, using handtools. Operates pinsetters to detect malfunctioning. Measures and regulates height and sweep of rake, using fixed gauge and handtools. Runs machine through complete cycle and inspects for pinsetting accuracy. Tests automatic shutoffs by running undersized pins through mechanism. Examines and adjusts each pin and pickup scissor to correct malfunctions.
GOE: 05.05.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

829.667-010 CABLE-SPLICER HELPER (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities)

    Assists CABLE SPLICER (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) to join ends of multiple-conductor cables used in telephone and telegraph communication systems and electric-power transmitting equipment by performing routine duties: Positions splicer's cart, opens manholes, hangs splicer's platform in position, and supplies splicer with tools and equipment. Tends small gasoline engine to pump water from underground conduit tunnels or to supply fresh air to worker in tunnel. Cuts lead tubing with hacksaw to form covering over spliced cables. Tends gasoline heater to melt lead and paraffin. Assists CABLE SPLICER (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) in boiling out wet cables and affixing cables in tunnel racks or to poles. May pull cables through ducts and conduits [CABLE PULLER (construction; utilities)]. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

829.667-014 PINSETTER-MECHANIC HELPER (any industry)

    Assists PINSETTER MECHANIC, AUTOMATIC (any industry) in repair and maintenance of automatic pinsetting bowling equipment: Carries tools and test apparatus to and from job site. Loosens bolts to assist in dismantling pinsetting equipment. Cleans equipment and parts, using solvent and rags. May perform routine oiling and greasing of moving parts. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.15 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

829.684-010 BATTERY INSPECTOR (railroad equip.; r.r. trans.)

    Services and repairs railway car electrical equipment, using handtools, test equipment, and wiring diagram: Inspects electrical connections, wiring, charging relays, charging resistance box, and storage batteries, following wiring diagram and using voltmeter and hydrometer. Fills batteries with water and replaces defective wiring, fuses, brushes, coils, armatures, sockets, and light bulbs. Examines fan motor brushes and fills fan grease cups. Records defective equipment and batteries serviced.
GOE: 05.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

829.684-014 BODY WIRER (vehicles, nec) alternate titles: coach wirer; electrician, wiring; wirer

    Installs circuit wiring in travel trailers and similar vehicles for lights, ignition, starting motors, and other electrical apparatus, following diagrams and color code: Locates and marks positions for outlet boxes on walls and ceiling, using templates or jigs. Cuts openings and drills holes for wire, light fixtures, outlet boxes, and fuse holders, using electric drill and router. Threads wires or preassembled cables through holes in floor or sides of vehicles and secures them to frame, using clips or staples. Installs fixtures and boxes in openings, using screwdriver. Connects terminals to power source to test operation of fixtures.
GOE: 05.05.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 90

829.684-018 CABLE PULLER (construction; utilities) alternate titles: cable placer; cable rigger

    Pulls lead-sheathed electrical cables for electric power systems through ducts: Pushes long, flexible, steel ribbon (fish tape) or rods through duct. Attaches wire to rod or fish tape and pulls wire through duct. Attaches wire to cable and pulls cable through duct by hand or using winch. May pull ball or mandrel through duct to ensure clear passage for cable.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

829.684-022 ELECTRICIAN HELPER (any industry) alternate titles: wirer helper

    Assists ELECTRICIAN (construction) 824.261-010 or ELECTRICIAN, MAINTENANCE (any industry) 829.261-018 to install and repair electrical wiring, fixtures, and equipment, performing any combination of following tasks: Gathers tools and supplies to be used at work site, according to instructions. Measures, cuts, and bends wire and conduit, using ruler and handtools. Drills holes for wiring, using power drill, and pulls or pushes wiring through opening. Traces out short circuits in wiring, using knowledge of wiring and test meter. Assists in lifting, positioning, and fastening objects, such as wiring, conduit, and motors. Performs minor repairs, such as replacing fuses, light sockets, bulbs, and switches, using handtools. Maintains tools and equipment and keeps supplies and parts in order. Disassembles defective electrical equipment, replaces defective or worn parts, and reassembles equipment, using handtools. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 82

829.684-026 ELECTRICIAN HELPER (ship-boat mfg.)

    Assists ELECTRICIAN (ship-boat mfg.) in installing and repairing wiring, fixtures, and equipment aboard ship and in shipyard facilities: Supplies ELECTRICIANS (ship-boat mfg.) with materials and tools, using handtrucks, or by carrying material. Measures and cuts pipe conduit to specified length, using steel tape and hacksaw. Threads conduit ends, using pipe threader, and connects couplings and conduit fittings, using wrench. Fabricates conduit support brackets from strap iron strips, using hacksaw, shaping dies, hammer, and punch. Secures brackets to bulkheads with screws and bolts and pulls wires through conduit leading to connection boxes, switch panels, and other terminals. Strips insulation from wire ends, using wire stripping pliers. Ties or screws wires to terminals for subsequent soldering. Performs other duties described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with preparing surfaces to be covered; mixing coating ingredients; erecting scaffolding; and applying protective or decorative materials, such as cement, concrete, lacquer, paint, plaster, and wallpaper, to structural surfaces by spraying, brushing, troweling, or hand-pressing.


    This group includes occupations concerned with applying paint and related materials to machinery, equipment, buildings, bridges, tanks, and marine hulls and superstructures, using brushes and spray guns.

840.131-010 SUPERVISOR, PAINTING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in applying decorative and protective coats of paint, varnish, stain, enamel, or lacquer to exterior or interior surfaces, trimming, and fixtures of buildings or other structures: Assists workers in mixing and blending paint, removing old paint from surfaces, repairing and cleaning surfaces, and applying coatings to surfaces. May supervise workers covering room interiors with wallpaper or fabric and assist workers in removing old wallpaper, repairing cracks and holes in structural surfaces, measuring and cutting coverings, and applying wallpaper or fabric to interiors. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

840.131-014 SUPERVISOR, PAINTING, SHIPYARD (ship-boat mfg.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in painting parts, equipment, ships, and buildings in ship and boat building establishment: Trains new workers in operation of painting equipment. Inspects surface of area to be painted to determine worker assignments, such as sandblasting, wire brushing, scraping, and painting. Examines surfaces subsequent to painting to verify adherence to specified standards. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

840.381-010 PAINTER (construction)

    Applies coats of paint, varnish, stain, enamel, or lacquer to decorate and protect interior or exterior surfaces, trimmings, and fixtures of buildings and other structures: Reads work order or receives instructions from supervisor or homeowner regarding painting. Smooths surfaces, using sandpaper, brushes, or steel wool, and removes old paint from surfaces, using paint remover, scraper, wire brush, or blowtorch to prepare surfaces for painting. Fills nail holes, cracks, and joints with caulk, putty, plaster, or other filler, using caulking gun and putty knife. Selects premixed paints, or mixes required portions of pigment, oil, and thinning and drying substances to prepare paint that matches specified colors. Removes fixtures, such as pictures and electric switchcovers, from walls prior to painting, using screwdriver. Spreads dropcloths over floors and room furnishings, and covers surfaces, such as baseboards, door frames, and windows with masking tape and paper to protect surfaces during painting. Paints surfaces, using brushes, spray gun, or paint rollers. Simulates wood grain, marble, brick, or tile effects. Applies paint with cloth, brush, sponge, or fingers to create special effects. Erects scaffolding or sets up ladders to perform tasks above ground level. May be designated according to type of work performed as Painter, Interior Finish (construction); Painter, Maintenance (any industry); or according to type of material used as Calciminer (construction); Varnisher (construction). May also hang wallpaper and fabrics [PAPERHANGER (construction) 841.381-010]. May wash surfaces prior to painting with mildew remover, using brush.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

840.381-014 PAINTER APPRENTICE, SHIPYARD (ship-boat mfg.)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

840.381-018 PAINTER, SHIPYARD (ship-boat mfg.)

    Prepares wood, fiberglass, and metal surfaces for painting, and paints parts, equipment, interiors, and exteriors of ships, boats, and shipyard and marina buildings, using brushes, spray guns, and rollers: Mixes solvents according to formula, and immerses parts in solution or washes surfaces to remove grease, rust, scale, and dirt. Burns off old paint, using blowtorch. Smooths wooden and plaster surfaces, using sandpaper, scrapers, and sanding machines. Fills cracks and holes with patching plaster, putty, or plastic wood. Washes and treats surfaces with oil, turpentine, and other preparations. Brushes and rubs filler material into grained wood to prepare surfaces for painting. Mixes and matches colors of paint, varnish, stain, shellac, and calcimine. Operates spray painting equipment or brushes or rolls paint on surfaces. Sands surfaces between coats and polishes final coat to specified finish. May spray or brush hot plastics or pitch on surfaces. May bake finishes on painted and enameled articles in baking oven. May cut glass and install window and door panes. May hang wallpaper. May cut stencils, and brush or spray lettering and decorations on surfaces.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

840.681-010 PAINTER, STAGE SETTINGS (motion picture) alternate titles: painter, set

    Paints walls, exteriors and interiors of buildings, furniture, and other portions of motion picture sets, using brush, roller, or spray gun: Blends paints, matches colors, or uses premixed paint or stain. Paints surfaces or objects on set to represent stonework, surface marble effects, and wood grain. May paint or burn wood and other surfaces of articles used in motion picture sets to create appearance of age, deterioration, or usage and be designated Ager (motion picture).
GOE: 01.06.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

840.684-010 GLASS TINTER (glass products) alternate titles: colored-liquid-plastic applier

    Applies colored liquid plastic to glass surface of installed windows and doors to reduce interior heat and glare from sunlight, using spray gun: Fills spray reservoir with solution. Applies plastic coating to glass surfaces from top of window or door and working downward to apply smooth, uniform coat. Positions collection trough at bottom of coated surface to reclaim excess liquid.
GOE: 06.04.33 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

840.687-010 PAINTER HELPER, SHIPYARD (ship-boat mfg.)

    Assists PAINTER, SHIPYARD (ship-boat mfg.) performing any combination of following duties: Pours specified amounts of chemical solutions into stripping tanks. Places articles, such as cabinets, metal furniture, and paint containers into stripping tanks and removes articles after prescribed period of time. Fills cracks in plaster surfaces with putty or epoxy compounds, using putty knife. Smooths surfaces to be painted, using wire brush, sandpaper, or portable sanding and buffing equipment. Strips masking tape over surfaces not to be painted. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with applying wallpaper, advertising material, and fabrics to walls, ceilings, and signs.

841.137-010 SUPERVISOR, BILLPOSTING (business ser.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of BILLPOSTERS (business ser.): Examines poster panels to verify specified size and sequential arrangement. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

841.381-010 PAPERHANGER (construction)

    Covers interior walls and ceilings of rooms with decorative wallpaper or fabric, using handtools: Measures walls and ceiling to compute number and length of strips required to cover surface. Sets up pasteboard and erects scaffolding. Marks vertical guideline on wall to align first strip, using plumb bob and chalkline. Smooths rough spots on walls and ceilings, using sandpaper. Fills holes and cracks with plaster, using trowel. Removes paint, varnish, and grease from surfaces, using paint remover and water soda solution. Applies acetic acid to damp plaster to prevent lime from bleeding through paper. Applies sizing (thin glue) to waterproof porous surfaces, using brush, roller, or pasting machine. Measures and cuts strips from roll of wallpaper or fabric, using shears or razor. Mixes paste to desired consistency and brushes paste on back of wallpaper or fabric, using paste brush. Trims selvage (rough edge) from strips, using straightedge and trimming knife. Places paste-coated strips on wall or ceiling to match adjacent edges of figured strips, and smooths strips with dry brush or felt-covered roller to remove wrinkles and bubbles. Smooths joints with seam roller and trims excess material at ceiling and baseboard, using knife. Removes old paper, using water, steam machine, or chemical remover and scraper. May apply paint to interior or exterior surface of buildings [PAINTER (construction)].
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

841.684-010 BILLPOSTER (business ser.)

    Attaches advertising posters on surfaces, such as walls and billboards, using handtools: Removes old poster, using scraping tool. Mixes paste-powder with water to form paste. Smears paste on wall or billboard surface, using brush. Aligns poster sections on billboard and smooths sections, using long-handled brush. Staples or tacks posters on fences, walls, or poles. Climbs ladder to work from deck at bottom of elevated billboard. May work from scaffolding.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with applying plaster, stucco, and related materials to structural surfaces.

842.131-010 SUPERVISOR, DRY-WALL APPLICATION (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in erecting metal studs and suspension ceiling grids and applying plasterboard or other wallboard to ceilings and walls of buildings: Studies blueprints and estimates worker-hours and materials required to complete job, applying mathematical formulas. Measures and marks location of metal framing on walls and ceilings. Inspects work to ensure adherence to company standards and building codes. Trains and assists workers in performance of duties. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: V GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

842.131-014 SUPERVISOR, LATHING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in fastening wooden, metal, or rockboard lathing to walls, ceilings, and partitions of buildings to provide supporting base for plaster, fireproofing, or acoustical material: Measures and marks partition locations and center lines, plumbs and levels vertical and horizontal alignment of walls and ceilings, and draws guidelines to correct irregularities. Inspects work in progress to verify adherence to specifications. Trains and assists workers in performance of tasks. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

842.131-018 SUPERVISOR, PLASTERING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in applying coats of plaster, stucco, cement, and fireproofing materials to surface of structures to produce protective or decorative finish: Analyzes blueprints to determine surface area to be covered and estimates worker-hours and materials requirements applying mathematical formulas. Demonstrates mixing, plastering, cementing and other techniques to workers. Inspects material application for uniform thickness, surface flaws, and consistency of mix. Inspects finished surface to verify quality of work and adherence to specifications. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

842.134-010 SUPERVISOR, TAPING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in sealing joints between plasterboard and other wallboard to prepare wall for painting or papering: Estimates material and worker-hour requirements to complete job, applying mathematical formulas. Monitors operation of electric mixing machines and makes minor machine adjustments. Inspects work in progress to ensure quality meets company standards and adheres to building codes. Trains and assists workers in performance of tasks. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

842.361-010 LATHER (construction)

    Fastens wooden, metal, or rockboard lath to walls, ceilings, and partitions of buildings to provide supporting base for plaster, fireproofing, or acoustical material, using handtools and portable power tools: Erects horizontal metal framework to which laths are fastened, using nails, bolts, and studgun. Drills holes in floor and ceiling, using portable electric tool, and drives ends of wooden or metal studs into holes to provide anchor for furring or rockboard lath. Wires horizontal strips to furring to stiffen framework. Cuts lath to fit openings and projections, using handtools or portable power tools. Wires, nails, clips, or staples lath to framework, ceiling joists, and flat concrete surfaces. Bends metal lath to fit corners, or attaches preformed corner reinforcements. Wires plasterer's channels to overhead structural framework to provide support for plaster or acoustical ceiling tile. May install metal casings around openings, metal window stools, and metal trim and plaster grounds (wood or metal strips) nailed to studding to provide guide for PLASTERER (construction). May weld metal frame supports to steel structural members. May be designated according to type of lath applied as Metal Lather (construction); Rockboard Lather (construction); Wood Lather (construction); or according to task performed as Metal Furrer (construction).
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

842.361-014 LATHER APPRENTICE (construction)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

842.361-018 PLASTERER (construction)

    Applies coats of plaster to interior walls, ceilings, and partitions of buildings, to produce finished surface, according to blueprints, architect's drawings, or oral instructions, using handtools and portable power tools: Directs workers to mix plaster to desired consistency and to erect scaffolds. Spreads plaster over lath or masonry base, using trowel, and smooths plaster with darby and float to attain uniform thickness. Applies scratch, brown, or finish coats of plaster to wood, metal, or board lath successively. Roughens undercoat with scratcher (wire or metal scraper) to provide bond for succeeding coats of plaster. Creates decorative textures in finish coat by marking surface of coat with brush and trowel or by spattering surface with pebbles [STUCCO MASON (construction) 842.381-014]. May install lathing [LATHER (construction) 842.361-010]. May mix mortar. May install guide wires on exterior surface of buildings to indicate thickness of plaster to be applied. May install precast ornamental plaster pieces by applying mortar to back of pieces and pressing pieces into place on wall or ceiling and be designated Ornamental-Plaster Sticker (construction). May specialize in applying finish or rough coats of plaster and be designated Plasterer, Finish (construction); Plasterer, Rough (construction). May apply plaster with spray gun and be designated Plasterer, Spray Gun (construction). May perform maintenance work only and be designated Plasterer, Maintenance (construction).
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

842.361-022 PLASTERER APPRENTICE (construction)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

842.361-026 PLASTERER, MOLDING (concrete prod.; construction) alternate titles: plasterer, ornamental

    Molds and installs ornamental plaster panels and trim, and runs (casts) ornamental plaster cornices and moldings by either of following methods: (1) Spreads freshly mixed plaster on table or in forms with trowel when molding and installing ornamental trim. Shapes plaster by hand, using template and cuts trim to size after plaster has hardened. Applies coat of plaster to wall and presses trim into position. (2) Nails wooden strips to wall and ceiling to serve as guide for template when casting (running) cornices or moldings. Applies plaster to wall or ceiling, using trowel. Pushes template over plaster, striking off excess plaster until desired shape and smoothness of molding is obtained.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

842.361-030 DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (construction) alternate titles: dry-wall installations mechanic; dry-wall installer; gypsum dry-wall systems installer

    Plans gypsum drywall installations, erects metal framing and furring channels for fastening drywall, and installs drywall to cover walls, ceilings, soffits, shafts, and movable partitions in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings: Reads blueprints and other specifications to determine method of installation, work procedures, and material, tool, and work aid requirements. Lays out reference lines and points for use in computing location and position of metal framing and furring channels and marks position for erecting metalwork, using chalkline. Measures, marks, and cuts metal runners, studs, and furring channels to specified size, using tape measure, straightedge and hand and portable power cutting tools. Secures metal framing to walls and furring channels to ceilings, using hand and portable power tools. Measures and marks cutting lines on drywall, using square, tape measure, and marking devices. Scribes cutting lines on drywall, using straightedge and utility knife and breaks board along cut lines. Fits and fastens board into specified position on wall, using screws, handtools, portable power tools, or adhesive. Cuts openings into board for electrical outlets, vents, or fixtures, using keyhole saw or other cutting tools. Measures, cuts, assembles, and installs metal framing and decorative trim for windows, doorways, and vents. Fits, aligns, and hangs doors and installs hardware, such as locks and kickplates [CARPENTER (construction)] 860.381-022]. Worker is usually assisted by other workers.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

842.381-014 STUCCO MASON (construction) alternate titles: plasterer, stucco; stucco worker

    Applies weatherproof, decorative covering of Portland cement or gypsum plaster to outside building surfaces, using handtools: Erects scaffolds. Applies various coats of material, using same technique as PLASTERER (construction). Decorates final or finish coat by marking coat with sand, or with brush or trowel, or by spattering with small stones. May nail wire mesh, lath, or similar material to outside surfaces to serve as binding device to hold stucco in place. May apply stucco, using spray gun. May install guide wires on surface of buildings to indicate thickness of stucco to be applied.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

842.664-010 TAPER (construction; mfd. bldgs.) alternate titles: dry-wall finisher; finisher, wallboard and plasterboard; sheetrock taper; taper and bedder; taper and floater

    Seals joints between plasterboard or other wallboards to prepare wall surface for painting or papering: Mixes sealing compound by hand or with portable electric mixer, and spreads compound over joints between boards, using trowel, broadknife, or spatula. Presses paper tape over joint to embed tape into compound and seal joint, or tapes joint, using mechanical applicator that spreads compound and embeds tape in one operation. Spreads and smooths cementing material over tape, using trowel or floating machine to blend joint with wall surface. Sands rough spots after cement has dried. Fills cracks and holes in walls and ceiling with sealing compound. Installs metal molding at corners in lieu of sealant and tape. Usually works as member of crew. May apply texturing compound and primer to walls and ceiling preparatory to final finishing, using brushes, roller, or spray gun. May countersink nails or screws below surface of wall prior to applying sealing compound, using hammer or screwdriver.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 81

842.665-010 PLASTER-MACHINE TENDER (construction)

    Tends machine that pumps plaster or stucco through spray-gun for application to ceilings, walls, and partitions of buildings: Starts and stops machine on signals from PLASTERER (construction). Fills hopper of machine with plaster. Turns valves to regulate pump and compressor. Assists in erecting scaffolds.
GOE: 05.12.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

842.684-010 DRY-WALL SPRAYER (mfd. bldgs.)

    Sprays vinyl base compound on interior sheetrock walls of factory-built modular homes to produce plaster effect: Measures and pours compound ingredients into mixing vat according to mixing chart and blends ingredients, using electric blender. Pours compound into spray gun reservoir. Connects airlines to spray gun and adjusts nozzle to required spray density. Pulls trigger, and directs spray onto wall surfaces to produce plaster appearance. Adjusts spraying distance, spray density, and air pressure as required to enhance plaster effect. Inspects sprayed surfaces to detect missed areas and corrects defects, using knife and spray gun.
GOE: 06.04.33 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

842.684-014 DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (construction; mfd. bldgs.) alternate titles: dry-wall nailer; sheetrock installer

    Installs plasterboard or other wallboard to ceiling and interior walls of building, using handtools and portable power tools: Installs horizontal and vertical metal or wooden studs for attachment of wallboard on interior walls, using handtools. Cuts angle iron and channel iron to specified size, using hacksaw, and suspends angle iron grid and channel iron from ceiling, using wire. Scribes measurements on wallboard, using straightedge and tape measure, and cuts wallboard to size, using knife or saw. Cuts out openings for electrical and other outlets, using knife or saw. Attaches wallboard to wall and ceiling supports, using glue, nails, screws, hammer, or powered screwdriver. Trims rough edges from wallboard to maintain even joints, using knife. Nails prefabricated metal pieces around windows and doors and between dissimilar materials to protect drywall edges. Work is usually performed with other workers. May remove plaster, drywall, or paneling during renovation project, using crowbar and hammer.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 81


    This group includes occupations concerned with applying waterproofing and caulking materials to structures.

843.134-010 SUPERVISOR, DOPING (construction) alternate titles: joint supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in coating pipeline with protective covering: Directs workers engaged in removing rust and scale from pipeline, covering pipeline with adhesive asphalt compound, and wrapping pipe with materials, such as glass cloth and felt paper, to protect pipe from electrolytic decomposition. Locates insufficient covered areas, using electronic detector, and directs workers to apply additional dope (adhesive compound) and wrapping. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

843.137-010 SUPERVISOR, WATERPROOFING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in preparing and applying waterproofing and dampproofing materials to structural surfaces, such as masonry and concrete. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

843.384-010 WOOD CAULKER (ship-boat mfg.)

    Caulks seams between planking in hull or deck of wooden ships or boats to make them watertight by either of following methods: (1) Guides caulking tool that automatically forces caulking material into seam. Hammers material into seam, using tamping tool. Heats marine glue in melting pot. Fills glue runner (funnel) with glue and guides runner along seam to fill seam with glue. Removes excess glue, using scraper. (2) Pushes cotton line and hemp rope into seam and hammers them in place, using caulking iron and mallet. Smears hot pitch over seam, using mop, or spreads putty in seam. May hammer old caulking from seams, using reaming iron and mallet.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

843.482-010 METAL SPRAYER, CORROSION PREVENTION (any industry) alternate titles: metalizer, field operation; metal sprayer, protective coating

    Controls portable flame spray equipment to spray corrosion-resistant coatings, such as zinc or aluminum, on objects, such as plates, tanks, and structural shapes according to specifications: Cleans and roughens surface of object to be coated, using sandblasting equipment [SANDBLASTER (any industry)]. Selects nozzle to accommodate size of wire to be melted and sprayed and screws nozzle into place on metallizing gun. Inserts wire into rear of gun and through feed rollers and nozzle. Connects hoses from gun to air compressor and tanks of oxygen and fuel gas, such as acetylene. Turns knobs to synchronize speed of wire feed, air pressure, and flow of oxygen and fuel indicated on dials to specifications computed from data charts. Ignites gases to melt wire and presses button or trigger to release compressed air which atomizes and sprays molten metal onto workpiece. Directs spray over surface of workpiece in specified pattern to obtain coating of required thickness as indicated by electromagnetic gauge or amount of wire used. May spray or brush paint or apply sealing material on coated surface for decoration or further protection [PAINTER, SPRAY (any industry) I]. May flame-spray nonmetallic objects, such as glass or plastics.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

843.684-010 STEEL-PLATE CAULKER (any industry) alternate titles: caulker

    Caulks seams between plates of boilers, tanks, pressure vessels, or ships to make them watertight: Connects airhose to caulking hammer and inserts caulking chisel in hammer socket. Positions chisel on edge of seam and presses trigger of hammer to pound edge of overlapping plate into surface of adjoining plate to seal seam. May use hand caulking tool to close seams.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

843.684-014 UNDERCOATER (automotive ser.) alternate titles: rust proofer

    Sprays protective compound onto chassis and underbody of automobiles and trucks to minimize rust and corrosion and to eliminate noise: Drives vehicle onto overhead rack. Removes headlights and other accessories, using handtools. Steam cleans or pressure washes underside of vehicle preparatory to application of protective compound. Drills holes for interior spraying as required, using electric drill. Sprays specified areas of vehicle, using spray gun. Inserts plastic plugs to reseal holes subsequent to spraying. Replaces accessories and removes overspray and excess seepage from body seams and joints, using cloth and solvents. May mask painted or chromed surfaces to prevent exposure to undercoating spray, using tape. May spray firewall, underside of hood, and interior of trunk compartment.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with covering, leveling, and smoothing cement and concrete surfaces.

844.364-010 CEMENT MASON (construction) alternate titles: cement finisher; cement paver; concrete finisher; concrete floater

    Smooths and finishes surfaces of poured concrete floors, walls, sidewalks, or curbs to specified textures, using handtools or power tools, including floats, trowels, and screeds: Signals concrete deliverer to position truck to facilitate pouring concrete. Moves discharge chute of truck to direct concrete into forms. Spreads concrete into inaccessible sections of forms, using rake or shovel. Levels concrete to specified depth and workable consistency, using hand held screed and floats to bring water to surface and produce soft topping. Smooths, and shapes surfaces of freshly poured concrete, using straightedge and float or power screed. Finishes concrete surfaces, using power trowel, or wets and rubs concrete with abrasive stone to impart finish. Removes rough or defective spots from concrete surfaces, using power grinder or chisel and hammer, and patches holes with fresh concrete or epoxy compound. Molds expansion joints and edges, using edging tools, jointers, and straightedge. May sprinkle colored stone chips, powdered steel, or coloring powder on concrete to produce prescribed finish. May produce rough concrete surface, using broom. May mix cement, using hoe or concrete-mixing machine. May direct subgrade work, mixing of concrete, and setting of forms. May specialize in finishing steps and stairways and be designated Step Finisher (construction). May break up and repair old concrete surfaces, using pneumatic tools, and be designated Cement Mason, Maintenance (any industry). May spread premixed cement over deck, inner surfaces, joints, and crevices of ships and be designated Cementer (ship-boat mfg.).
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

844.364-014 CEMENT-MASON APPRENTICE (construction) alternate titles: cement-finisher apprentice; concrete-finisher apprentice

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

844.461-010 CONCRETE-STONE FINISHER (concrete prod.)

    Finishes ornamental stone facings and surfaces of concrete structural products: Fills holes with grout or mix to repair imperfections in structural panels, floor and roof slabs, highway dividers, grave markers, and ornamental flowerpots, using sponge, trowel, chisel, and hammer. Cuts out damaged areas and drills holes for reinforcing rods, using power saw and drill. Positions reinforcing rods and builds wooden mold around area to be repaired, using handtools. Mixes cement, aggregate, and coloring by hand and fills mold to match specifications of product being finished, using trowel, tamper, and scraper. Polishes stone facings to lustrous finish, using polishing machine [STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework)], or applies acid solution to stone facing to remove excess facing mix around stones, using brush. Smooths rough spots on stone facing, using hand chisel and abrasive stone. Washes facing with water to remove excess acid and abrasive, using hose.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

844.681-010 CELL MAKER (chemical)

    Casts concrete sections of electrolytic cells, such as tops, bottoms, collars, brine traps, and partitions, using handtools and power tools, hoist, and concrete mixer: Assembles iron molds, using hoist, and bolts sections together, using handtools. Washes and scrapes molds to remove dirt, using water hose and hand scraper, and brushes surface of molds with grease, oil, or tallow, to facilitate removal of molds from concrete. Shovels specified amounts of cement, rock, sand, insulating material, and water into concrete mixer, and starts machine to mix concrete to specified consistency. Shovels or dumps concrete into mold and tamps concrete, using power vibrator. Inserts reinforcing steel members in concrete. Tests hardness of concrete by touch, and removes molds, using wrenches and hoist. Finishes surface of section, using trowel or portable grinder, and transfers section to curing tank for water or tar immersion, using hoist. May install electrical connections, and weld or solder connections in place. May inventory and requisition supplies. May cast concrete rings for mercury cells, impregnating them in bath of molten tar, and tending steam chamber to dry coated rings and be designated Ring Maker (chemical). May cast concrete cell covers and fabricate cover parts, such as anode pins, using power tools and handpress, and be designated Cover Maker (chemical).
GOE: 06.02.30 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

844.684-010 CONCRETE RUBBER (concrete prod.) alternate titles: cement patcher; cement rubber; concrete pointer; concrete polisher

    Finishes surface of concrete products or structural elements after forms have been removed: Mixes sand, cement, and water in specified proportions to make cement grout or slurry. Wets surface of concrete to bond surface. Fills holes and cracks with grout or slurry and smooths surface, using trowel. Clamps wooden forms to corners and pours grout or slurry into forms to patch broken corners. Chips, scrapes, rubs, and grinds high spots, ridges, and rough projections from surface to remove defective concrete, using pneumatic chisel or handtools. Cleans chipped area, using wire brush. Feels and observes surface to detect irregularities and rough or uneven surfaces. Selects abrasive stone according to finish specified or step in finishing process. Wets concrete surface and rubs surface with stone to obtain specified finish. May apply muriatic acid to concrete to clean surface.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

844.687-010 CEMENT SPRAYER HELPER, NOZZLE (concrete prod.; construction)

    Assists CEMENT SPRAYER, NOZZLE (concrete prod.; construction) to apply stucco, cement mortar, or concrete to exposed earth, masonry, or steel surfaces: Moves and holds supply hose as spraying progresses, using rope sling. Drags screed over finished surface to cut and clean spots from surface. Cuts and squares corners, using trowel. Assists workers engaged in erecting and moving scaffolds and in coupling and uncoupling pipe. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.09 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with applying paint and related materials to transportation equipment, including automobiles, trucks, trailers, aircraft, and railway cars.

845.381-010 PAINTER APPRENTICE, TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (aircraft mfg.; air trans.; automotive ser.)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

845.381-014 PAINTER, TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (aircraft mfg.; air trans.; automotive ser.)

    Paints surfaces of transportation equipment, such as automobiles, buses, trucks, and aircraft, applying knowledge of surface preparation and painting techniques, using spray painting equipment, power tools, and work aids: Cleans, sands, and applies chemical solutions to prepare and condition surfaces prior to painting. Mixes and thins paint or other coating to specified color and consistency according to standard formulas or color charts, using spatula or mixing equipment and viscometer. Masks and covers surfaces not to be painted. Sprays specified amount or thickness of primer, protective, decorative, or finish coatings, such as paint, lacquer, sealer, or enamel, onto prepared surfaces, using spray equipment. Strips, sands, masks, and repaints surfaces, and blends and polishes finish to match surrounding areas, manually or using portable power tools. May apply or retouch paint, using brush. May lay out and paint insignias, symbols, designs, or other markings on painted surfaces, according to blueprints or specifications, using stencils, patterns, measuring instruments, brushes, or spray equipment. May regulate controls on equipment to cure and dry paint or other coatings. May set up portable ventilators, exhaust units, ladders, and scaffolding prior to painting. May operate lifting and moving devices to move materials and equipment and access areas to be painted. May remove accessories from motor vehicles, such as chrome, mirrors, and windshield wipers, prior to repainting. May be designated according to vehicle painted as Auto-Body Painter (automotive ser.); Painter, Aircraft (aircraft mfg.; air trans.); Painter, Aircraft-Production (aircraft mfg.); Painter, Automotive (automotive ser.); Painter, Decorative-Commercial Aircraft (aircraft mfg.).
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 89

845.381-018 PAINT SPRAYER, SANDBLASTER (concrete prod.)

    Spray paints and sandblasts heavy equipment, such as concrete mixer trucks, boom trucks, and payloaders, using spray gun and sandblasting equipment: Cleans grease, dirt, dried concrete, old paint, and rust from equipment, using solvent, water, rags, brushes, pneumatic wire brush, and chipping hammer. Cleans and prepares surface for painting, using air-powered sandblasting equipment. Applies paper and masking tape to protect unpainted surfaces, such as windows and trim. Stencils lettering and other identifying information on vehicles according to specifications. Selects paint according to company color scheme and specifications. Stirs paint, pours paint into spray container, and applies primer or finish coat of paint, using spray gun. Paints areas inaccessible to spray gun, using paint brush. Disassembles paint and sandblasting equipment and cleans equipment, using solvent, wire brushes, and dry cloth.
GOE: 05.10.07 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 86

845.681-010 RAILROAD-CAR LETTERER (r.r. trans.) alternate titles: painter, railroad car

    Paints railroad freight cars and applies decalcomania lettering: Removes old paint, using blowtorch or paint remover and hand scraper. Mixes and matches paints, following color charts. Paints cars, using brushes or spray gun. Cuts stencils, tacks stencils on car, and paints over stencils with brush or spray gun. Applies decalcomania lettering to interior and exterior surfaces of car. Paints black line around letters and numbers for emphasis, using brush.
GOE: 01.06.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

845.684-010 CAR SCRUBBER (railroad equip.) alternate titles: car cleaner; passenger-car scrubber

    Cleans surfaces of railroad cars preparatory to painting: Strips car of articles, such as sign frames, signal cords, curtains, seat cushions, and window frames, using handtools. Sweeps or blows dirt from car, using broom or airhose. Scrubs surfaces of car, using brush, sponge, and cleaning solution. Rubs varnished surfaces of car, after painting, with powdered pumice stone and cloth to attain smooth even finish. Scrapes excess paint from window glass, using sharp edged instrument. May sand surface areas to remove paint, using emery cloth, and sandpaper. May mask areas not to be painted, using tape and masking liquid.
GOE: 05.12.18 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

845.684-014 PAINTER HELPER, AUTOMOTIVE (automotive ser.) alternate titles: sander

    Assists PAINTER, TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (aircraft mfg.; air trans.; automotive ser.) 845.381-014 by preparing surfaces of automotive vehicles, such as automobiles, buses, and trucks, for repainting and polishes repainted vehicles: Sands rough spots on automotive vehicle. Sprays scratched areas with filler solution, using spray gun. Applies paper and masking tape to protect unpainted surfaces, such as bumpers, windows, and chrome trim. Removes gloss from intermediate coats of paint, using wet sandpaper, to ensure adherence of next coat. Polishes final coat of paint, using polishing compound and cloth. Paints surfaces not readily accessible, such as wheels and underside of fenders, using brush and spray gun. May remove and replace chrome moldings and trim. May brush or spray undercoating material on replaced parts. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with painting, plastering, waterproofing, cementing, and related activities.

849.137-010 DISPATCHER (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in weighing, mixing, and shipping concrete and concrete aggregates. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.09.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

849.381-010 AIRPLANE COVERER (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) alternate titles: dope-and-fabric worker; doper

    Fabricates, installs, and sprays cloth airplane surface coverings, using handtools and portable power tools: Marks dimensions of surface on cloth parts, using chalk and templates. Cuts cloth to size, using scissors or cutting machine. Operates sewing machine to stitch cloth to form envelope that fits structure to be covered and reinforces envelope with cloth tape. Fastens fabric parts to structure, using cement, needle and thread, or metal strips and screws. Sprays covering with water to produce smooth surface. Applies diluted dope to prime and tighten fabric, using handbrush. Brushes on clear and silver dope to strengthen and preserve fabric. Applies pigmented dope, using brush or spray gun to color and finish fabric. May fabricate patterns and templates.
GOE: 06.01.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

849.484-010 BOILER RELINER, PLASTIC BLOCK (foundry) alternate titles: plastic installer

    Relines furnace with plastic block refractory material, using handtools: Removes worn or damaged lining, using handtools. Measures furnace wall and cuts required number of sheets from plastic block, using saw. Drills holes in wall and bolts overlapping layers of plastic to walls. Hammers surface to compress layers into solid sheet.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

849.665-010 PUMP TENDER, CEMENT BASED MATERIALS (concrete prod.; construction)

    Tends one or more machines that pump concrete, grout, or dry mixtures of sand and cement through hoses to fill forms and crevices or to coat surfaces: Positions hose or temporary pipeline and snaps couplings together. Shovels materials into hopper, moves lever to discharge materials from skip into hopper, or signals CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (construction) to fill hopper with concrete. Moves controls to start and operate mixer. Starts pump or compressor and turns valves to regulate air pressure and flow of materials through hose. May aim hose nozzle into space to be filled or at surface to be coated. May lubricate and repair machinery. May be designated according to type of machine tended as Cement-Gun Operator (concrete prod.; construction); Concrete-Gun Operator (construction); Concrete-Pump Operator (construction); Grout-Pump Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.12.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

849.684-010 BOAT BUFFER, PLASTIC (ship-boat mfg.)

    Applies buffing compound with brush and buffs hulls, decks, and cabins of fiberglass boats to impart glossy finish, using portable electric buffer. May sand rough areas, using sandpaper.
GOE: 06.04.24 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with operating heavy earth-moving equipment in removal and placement of earth materials and grading earth surfaces; laying concrete and other hard-surface paving materials in highway, airport, and related construction; building surface or subsurface drainage systems and pipelines; and related activities including blasting, haulage, and pick-and-shovel work.


    This group includes occupations concerned with removing earth materials to and from open or underground excavations, including mines; dredging irrigation ditches, canals, and inland or offshore marine channels; and related activities, such as tending air locks and operating underground haulage equipment. Occupations in extraction of minerals are included in Division 93.

850.133-010 SUPERVISOR, RECLAMATION (mine & quarry)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in restoration of land areas following surface mining operations: Studies engineering survey data and confers with mining officials to establish reclamation program in conformance with regulations. Directs grading crews to fill, grade, and contour land or to prepare certain areas for impoundment of water in artificial lakes. Inspects equipment for compliance with safety regulations. Maintains records of land areas restored.
GOE: 05.11.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

850.137-010 SUPERVISOR, CORE DRILLING (construction) alternate titles: test-boring crew chief

    Supervises and coordinates activities of field crew engaged in obtaining substrata core samples for analysis of geological character of ground, nature of ore, or type and strength of foundation materials: Directs workers engaged in transporting bulldozers, trucks, core drills, and other machinery and equipment to work area. Directs workers engaged in boring operations and determines sequence of drilling, bit pressure, rate of feed, and location of drillings to comply with specifications. Removes cores and samples of formations from borings, and conducts preliminary geological classification based on color and density of sample, and type of material, such as clay, gravel, or silt. Marks location and hole number on sample or container for laboratory analysis. Records location, depth, and soil content of borings for use as reference by design and layout personnel, and for inclusion in subsequent construction contracts. Cooperates with property owners and municipal officials to avoid damage to property and equipment. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

850.137-014 SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of work crews engaged in digging and backfilling excavations for laying of pipelines or structure footings. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to specific activities of workers supervised as Supervisor, Backfilling (construction); Supervisor, Ditching (construction).
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

850.137-018 SUPERVISOR, RIPRAP PLACING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in placing stone on earthen slopes of structures, such as dikes and dams, to prevent soil erosion. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

850.381-010 MINER (construction)

    Drills and blasts earth and rock excavations to construct underground shafts and tunnels for projects, such as roads, railways, and waterways: Sets up pneumatic drilling machinery and moves lever controlling drilling action to drill blastholes in $T3tunnel heading$T1 according to spacing, angle, and depth of hole specified by SUPERVISOR, TUNNEL HEADING (construction). Loads blastholes and fires powder charges to loosen earth and rock [BLASTER (any industry)]. Wedges, nails, or bolts timber or steel retaining structures to prevent cave-ins. May work in caissons. When concerned with erection of breast boards (timber bracing) to shore tunnel heading, may be designated Breast Worker (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

850.387-010 INSPECTOR OF DREDGING (water trans.)

    Estimates quantity of material dredged from bed of waterway, according to depth of residue deposited in scow, to ensure that dredging depth conforms to engineering specifications. Keeps records of findings. May drop measured lengths of weighted cable from scow to verify dredging depth.
GOE: 05.07.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

850.467-010 GRADE CHECKER (construction)

    Sets grade stakes to guide earth moving equipment operators in sloping highways and fill embankments, using measuring instruments and handtools: Reads survey stakes along highway right-of-way to determine grade specification for embankment. Measures horizontally and vertically, in specified ratio, from survey stake to juncture of embankment and initial excavation, using survey rod and eye level. Sets grade stakes, using hatchet, and chalk-marks excavation reference points on stake. Repeats measuring and staking at specified intervals to form horizontal stakeline along embankment. Observes excavating activities to verify conformance to stake references and notifies equipment operators or supervisor of deviations.
GOE: 05.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

850.662-010 HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: boring-machine operator; tunneling-machine operator

    Sets up and operates boring machine to drill horizontal holes through earth banks for installation of pipelines under highways, railroads, canals, and other obstructions: Assembles and positions machine, augers, and casing pipes. Signals operator of crane to lower boring equipment into previously dug starter hole. Verifies depth and level of boring position, using surveyor's level and spirit level. Starts engine and moves levers to rotate and feed auger into earth, and simultaneously activates hydraulic ram that forces casing into hole. Retracts auger and forces earth cuttings back through casing to permit coupling additional sections of casing and auger. May operate machine which flushes and pumps earth cuttings from hole. May operate boring machine that drives pilot hole through earth bank and pulls auger bit back through bank to cut hole of required diameter.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.662-014 ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR II (construction) alternate titles: drifter

    Operates drill supported by upright column, to drill through rock in construction work, such as tunnels, highways, or dams: Fits bit in chuck of drifter (drill). Regulates valve to release compressed air that activates drill. Turns screw to feed drill into rock. Regulates flow of water to remove dust and debris from hole, or blows dust out of hole with compressed air.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.663-010 DREDGE OPERATOR (construction; mine & quarry) alternate titles: dredge pumper

    Operates power-driven dredge to excavate and maintain navigable channels in waterways and to mine sand and gravel at bottom of lakes, rivers, and streams: Directs workers engaged in placing shore anchors and cables, laying additional lengths of pipes from dredge to shore, and in pumping water from pontoons. Starts and stops engines to operate equipment. Moves levers to place dredge in position for excavation, engage hydraulic pump, raise and lower suction boom, and control rotation of cutterhead. Lowers anchor pole to verify depth of excavation, using winch, or scans depth gauge to determine depth of excavation. Starts power winch that draws in or lets out cable to change position of dredge, or pulls in and lets out cable manually.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.663-014 ELEVATING-GRADER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: plow holder; plow shaker

    Operates self-powered or tractor-drawn elevating grader to plow and scrape up dirt and deposit dirt in trucks, stockpiles, or earth fills: Starts engine to drive machine or signals TRACTOR OPERATOR (any industry) to guide movement of tractor-drawn machine. Moves levers to raise and lower plowing disk and conveyor.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

850.663-018 LOCK TENDER II (construction)

    Operates electrically powered locomotive or electrically driven winch to move narrow-gauge railroad car into or out of material lock (pressurized air chamber) during sewer or tunnel construction: Observes signals of LOCK TENDER (construction) I, to determine when specified air pressure has been reached. Couples cars or fastens winch hook to cars, and moves hand or foot controls to engage winch or start locomotive.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

850.663-022 MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: blade-grader operator; motor-patrol operator; power-grader operator; road grader; road-hogger operator

    Operates self-propelled grader to spread and level dirt, gravel, and stone, to grade specifications in construction and maintenance of earthwork structures, such as highways, streets, airports, dikes, and temporary roads: Drives grader and moves levers to regulate height and angle of grader blade, lower scarifier that loosens packed soil to permit grading, and to tilt front wheels of grader when making sharp turns. Drives grader in successive passes over working area, observing reference stakes or hand signals of assisting worker, to level surface to specified grade. Feels lever and listens to sound of engine to determine depth of cut. May perform fine or rough grading and be designated Motor Grader, Fine Grade (construction); Motor Grader, Rough Grade (construction). May operate tractor drawn grader to cut and smooth subgrade on street and highway paving projects and be designated Subgrader Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.663-026 STRIPPING-SHOVEL OPERATOR (mine & quarry)

    Operates stripping shovel to remove overburden at strip mine or open pit preparatory to extracting operations: Moves levers and depresses pedals to scoop up blast-loosened dirt and rock from top of coal, ore, or rock seam and to deposit overburden in void left by preceding strip. Piles heavy rock at base and lighter materials on top to build permanent $T3spoil pile.$T1 Signals BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any industry) I, to scrape scattered rock and dirt into pile within reach of shovel. May repair and replace shovel parts, such as gears, bearings, and bucket teeth, using handtools.
GOE: 05.11.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.682-010 SHIELD RUNNER (construction) alternate titles: erector operator; hydraulic operator; shield operator

    Sets up and operates equipment to advance steel framework (shield) within tunnel during construction: Turns handcrank to regulate hydraulic valves that advance jacks used to push forward tunnel shield that supports overlying ground during tunnel construction. Moves levers to regulate movement of steel arm attached to shield to lift metal segments of $T3tunnel heading$T1 into position.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.683-010 BULLDOZER OPERATOR I (any industry) alternate titles: grader operator

    Operates tractor equipped with concave blade attached across front to gouge out, level, and distribute earth and to push trees and rocks from land preparatory to constructing roads and buildings or planting crops, or in mining, quarrying, and lumbering operations: Fastens attachments to tractor with clevis or wedge-pin hitches. Connects hydraulic hoses, belts, mechanical linkage, or power takeoff shaft to tractor to provide power to raise, lower, or tilt attachment. Moves levers to control tool bars, carriers, and disks. Moves levers and depresses pedals to maneuver tractor and raise, lower, and tilt attachment to clear right-of-way. Feels lever and listens for stalling action of engine to estimate depth of cut. Drives bulldozer in successive passes over terrain to raise or lower terrain to specified grade following markings on grade stakes or hand signals. Greases, oils, and performs minor repairs on tractor, using grease gun, oilcans, and handtools. When required to work to close tolerances, may be designated Fine-Grade-Bulldozer Operator (any industry). When operating bulldozer to loosen soil, may be designated Scarifier Operator (any industry). May be designated according to type of tractor operated as Crawler-Tractor Operator (any industry); Forest Fire Equipment Operator (government ser.); or attachment added as Angledozer Operator (any industry). May operate bulldozer to scrape surface clay to determine existence and types of clay deposits or to gather clay into piles preparatory to removal to brick-and-tile manufacturing plant and be designated Scraper Operator (mine & quarry).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 81

850.683-014 DITCHER OPERATOR (r.r. trans.)

    Operates railcar-mounted toothed bucket to scoop fallen rock from ditches beside railroad track for removal to landfill area. Moves levers to guide bucket to scooping and dumping areas and dumps load in designated areas. Stops or resumes operation in response to railroad traffic signals.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

850.683-018 DRAGLINE OPERATOR (any industry)

    Operates power-driven crane equipped with dragline bucket, suspended from boom by cable to excavate or move sand, gravel, clay, mud, coal, or other materials: Drives machine to work site. Moves hand levers and depresses pedals to rotate crane on chassis and position boom above excavation point, to raise and lower boom, to lower bucket to material, to drag bucket toward crane to excavate or move material, to place bucket over unloading point, and to tilt bucket to release material. May direct workers engaged in placing blocks and outriggers to prevent capsizing of machine when lifting heavy loads. May be designated according to type of chassis or power unit as Crawler-Dragline Operator (any industry); Diesel-Dragline Operator (any industry); Electric-Dragline Operator (any industry); Gasoline-Dragline Operator (any industry); or material excavated as Clay Hoister (cement); Walking-Dragline Operator (any industry).
GOE: 05.11.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.683-022 FORM-GRADER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: concrete-paving-form grader

    Operates machine equipped with adjustable, revolving cutterhead to cut trench for concrete road to specified grade: Aligns grader with stakes and guidelines on ground. Lowers cutterhead and aligns depth gauge marker with guideline to control depth of trench. Moves throttle to regulate speed of machine and cutterhead. Raises and lowers cutterhead to reduce base material by making several shallow passes. Observes spiral conveyor that automatically moves loose dirt to side of trench.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

850.683-026 MUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: mucker operator

    Operates powered shovel or scraper loader (mucking machine) to hoist earth and rock, excavated from $T3tunnel headings,$T1 onto cars or trucks: Moves levers to control movement of machine on narrow gauge track and to activate buckets or scrapers that scoop up or dig into materials and deposit them into dinkey cars or sweep materials from sides and bottom of tunnel heading and deposit materials on machine mounted conveyor.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

850.683-030 POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any industry)

    Operates power-driven machine, equipped with movable shovel, to excavate or move coal, dirt, rock, sand, and other materials: Receives written or oral instructions from supervisor regarding material to move or excavate. Pushes levers and depresses pedals to move machine, to lower and push shovel into stockpiled material, to lower and dig shovel into surface of ground, and to lift, swing, and dump contents of shovel into truck, car, or onto conveyor, hopper, or stockpile. Observes markings on ground, hand signals, or grade stakes to remove material, when operating machine at excavation site. May tend mining machinery, such as pulverizer. May be designated according to type of power unit as Diesel-Power-Shovel Operator (any industry); Electric-Power-Shovel Operator (any industry); Gasoline-Power-Shovel Operator (any industry). May operate power shovel equipped with duck-bill scoop and be designated Duck-Bill Operator (mine & quarry). May operate power shovel which digs by pulling dipper toward machine and be designated Back-Hoe Operator (any industry). May operate power shovel on which excavating bucket runs outward along horizontal boom to dig into materials and be designated Skimmer-Scoop Operator (any industry). May operate power shovel designed to be converted to crane, skimmer scoop, backhoe, or dragline and be designated Convertible-Power-Shovel Operator (any industry).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 80

850.683-034 ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR I (construction)

    Drives and operates tractor-mounted rock drilling machine to drill explosive-charge holes through hard materials to facilitate blasting operations: Moves lever to set out-rigger jacks to level machine. Verifies level of machine, using spirit level. Inserts steel drill or rock bit into chuck. Moves levers to start, stop, and control drilling speed of machine. Drills holes and observes depth gauge on drill stem to verify depth of hole specified by BLASTER (any industry). May be designated according to type of machine operated as Reciprocating-Drill Operator (any industry); Rotary-Rock-Drilling-Machine Operator (any industry).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.683-038 SCRAPER OPERATOR (construction)

    Operates tractor-drawn or self-propelled scraper to move, haul, and grade earth on construction sites, such as roadbeds, ditch banks, and water reservoirs: Moves switches, levers, and pedals to control loading gate on bucket (scraper), to adjust depth of cut, to raise and close filled bucket for hauling, and to spread or dump earth.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.683-042 TOWER-EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: cable-tower operator; guyline operator; slackline operator; tower-dragline operator

    Operates power machinery to activate dragline bucket slung between portable towers or to excavate and load sand, gravel, earth, or similar material into trucks or onto conveyors: Moves hand and foot levers to raise and lower bucket, load and dump bucket, and move bucket along slack line slung between towers to unloading point. May direct workers engaged in changing position of towers.
GOE: 05.11.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

850.683-046 UTILITY-TRACTOR OPERATOR (construction)

    Drives pneumatic-tired tractor and controls grading or digging attachments to move and level materials, such as dirt and gravel, for construction of driveways, parking lots, and streets: Moves levers to engage gears to raise and lower attachment. Adjusts and controls bulldozer attachment to level earth to specified depth. Pulls grader attachment over cutout to trim edges, level surface, and spread rock. Controls back-hoe, trench-digging attachment, or lift-scoop attachment to dig and backfill trenches.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

850.684-010 EXCAVATOR (any industry)

    Digs at archeological excavation sites to unearth pottery, bones, implements, and other archeological specimens, using shovel, pickax, scraper, and dusting broom.
GOE: 05.12.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

850.684-014 HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BORING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (construction) alternate titles: boring-machine-operator helper

    Performs any combination of following duties to aid in drilling of horizontal holes for installation of pipelines under highways, railroads, canals, and other obstructions: Lays foundation timbers for boring machine and places timber braces to hold machine in place. Couples auger sections together and bolts sections to drive shaft. Removes dirt from hole, using shovel. Removes seepage water from boring machine pit, using portable sump. May place props between hydraulic rams and end of casing pipe. May hammer steel wedges into shaft collar to lock auger drive to ram yoke. May weld sections of casing pipe together, using arc-welding equipment.
GOE: 05.12.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

850.684-018 STRIPPING-SHOVEL OILER (mine & quarry) alternate titles: oiler

    Lubricates stripping shovel used to remove overburden at strip mine or open pit: Observes panel to determine efficiency of automatic lubrication system. Heats dope (heavy duty lubricant) in dope box and sprays lubricant onto gears and other moving parts. Oils and greases shovel while in operation, using hand grease gun and oilcan. Inspects parts, such as swing pinions, boom pins, hoist gears, brakes, boom cable, and supports to detect wear. Records production, repairs, and downtime. May start driving mechanism of shovel and guide shovel into working position. May operate stripping shovel [STRIPPING-SHOVEL OPERATOR (mine & quarry)]. May lubricate other mining and quarrying equipment and be designated Dragline Oiler (mine & quarry); Walking-Dragline Oiler (mine & quarry).
GOE: 05.12.08 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 6 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with placing, joining, aligning, and sealing pipes in excavations, using caulking tools, sealing compounds, ropes, pipe-supporting equipment, and other devices and materials.

851.137-010 BANK BOSS (construction) alternate titles: levee superintendent

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in placing shore sections of discharge pipe from suction dredge and in grading material discharged from dredge onto shore. Determines location of discharge pipes, applying knowledge of material flow rate, capacity of fill leveling equipment, irregularities of terrain, and ultimate use of landfill. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

851.137-014 SUPERVISOR, SEWER MAINTENANCE (government ser.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in repair and maintenance of sewers: Directs workers in connecting sewer lines to mains. Inspects construction of new sewers and manholes to ensure conformance with specifications, according to blueprints. Directs workers in cleaning storm, water, and sewer catch basins, repairing broken sewer lines, and replacing worn and damaged parts. May assist workers in repairing breaks in sewers. May operate and repair equipment, such as jackhammers, pumps, air compressors, and other equipment, used in repair and maintenance of sewers. May direct workers in operation of mobile closed-circuit television monitoring system to inspect internal areas of sewer lines.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

851.262-010 SEWER-LINE REPAIRER, TELE-GROUT (sanitary ser.)

    Operates mobile television and chemical sealing units to conduct internal inspection of sewer lines and to seal defects for prevention of water infiltration: Locates line sections to be inspected, using map, and determines setup procedures. Turns knobs to activate television equipment for video viewing. Adjusts TV camera and monitors controls for optimal clarity and contrast. Locates and identifies infiltration points and sewer defects to determine extent of sewer line damage. Prepares description of each sewer defect, and records pertinent data, including exact location of defect. Photographs screen picture of serious or unusual irregularities, using camera. Determines chemical composition of sealing compound based on type of sealing activity necessary to seal defects, and oversees preparation of compound. Turns control knobs of sealing unit to inflate packer to desired pressure, to air test infiltration point, to determine volume of needed sealing compound, and to pump correct amount of sealing chemicals. Turns air release valve to deflate packer after allowing specified time for sealing compound to set. Communicates with workers, using intercom system, and confers with supervisors to discuss condition of sewer lines, based on television inspection. Services, adjusts, and makes minor repairs to equipment and attachments. Gives directions to workers in efficient and safe use of television and grout, in work methods, and safety precautions. Drives television and grout unit truck.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

851.362-010 SEWER-LINE PHOTO-INSPECTOR (sanitary ser.)

    Operates camera to photograph inside of sewer lines to conduct inspection and determine need for repairs: Locates line sections to be photographed, using map. Determines setup procedures. Floats rope used to pull camera to adjacent manhole to thread sewer lines. Directs workers in setting up cable stands over manholes. Loads camera with film and inspects battery of camera. Depresses button on camera to photograph small blackboard giving location of manhole, manhole number, data, and weather conditions for future reference. Attaches pulling cable to camera and instructs workers to position camera in sewer line and to turn cable stand handles that enable camera to move inside pipe. Snaps pictures at designated intervals until camera reaches downstream manhole. Detaches camera from cable, rewinds cable into reel, and disassembles equipment. Removes film and batteries from camera and sends film to be developed. Confers with supervisor to discuss condition of sewer lines as indicated in developed photographs. Drives pickup truck to haul crew and equipment. Services, adjusts, and makes minor repairs to camera, equipment, and attachments. Communicates with supervisor, using radio telephone. Gives directions to workers in efficient and safe use of camera and equipment, work methods, and safety precautions. Prepares daily report listing lines photographed.
GOE: 05.07.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 86

851.383-010 IRRIGATION SYSTEM INSTALLER (construction)

    Installs underground pipe for farm irrigation systems, performing any combination of following tasks: Drives straight-bed truck with attached pole trailer [POLE-TRUCK DRIVER (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities)] to deliver pipe, risers, and pump stands to installation site. Operates crawler-type trench digger to dig trench along prestaked route. Measures plastic pipe to specified length and cuts pipe, using handsaw. Applies plastic cement to pipe and coupler, using brush, and fits pipe and coupler together. Attaches risers to pipe at specified intervals, using plastic cement and fittings. Digs hole for pump stand, using shovel, and lowers stand and assembled pipe into excavation by hand. Welds mating collar to pump stand [WELDER, ARC (welding)]. Operates crawler-type tractor to cover pipe [BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any industry) I].
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

851.663-010 SEPTIC-TANK INSTALLER (construction)

    Operates back-hoe (trench-excavating machine) to dig trenches for installation of septic tanks and drain lines for sewage disposal system: Reads blueprints to determine location of septic tank and drainpipes. Operates back-hoe to dig and refill trenches for septic tank and tile drainpipes and to transfer crushed rock or gravel to provide drainage base for pipes. Lowers septic tank into excavation, using back-hoe as hoist. Directs workers engaged in spreading crushed rock and gravel, in laying tile drainpipe, and in connecting drainpipes to branch sewers. May verify levels of rock or gravel, base, and tile drainpipe, using surveyor's or carpenter's level.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with combining asphaltic or concrete ingredients at mobile batching plants; applying asphalt or concrete to roadbeds and other substructures; and shaping and finishing asphalt or concrete; involves operating or tending machines for mixing, spreading, compacting, and leveling paving materials, and using trowels, screeds, rakes, shovels, and other devices.

853.133-010 SUPERVISOR, ASPHALT PAVING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in spreading, rolling, and tamping asphalt or similar material to form surfaces of highways, streets, parking lots, and aircraft landing strips: Calculates number of trucks required to haul asphalt from mix plant according to capacity of vehicles, traffic conditions, distance from work site, and productivity of drivers. Tours work site to ascertain progress in meeting time schedules and to detect insufficient utilization of workers and equipment.Measures slope and thickness of paving to verify compliance with contract. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in patching asphalt paving and be designated Supervisor, Patching (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

853.137-010 SUPERVISOR, MIXING PLACE (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in mixing ingredients into concrete and in pouring and finishing concrete in highway and airport runway construction. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

853.663-010 ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: asphalt-spreader operator; bituminous-paving-machine operator; blacktop-paver operator; blacktop spreader; mechanical-spreader operator; paving-machine operator, asphalt or bituminous

    Operates machine that spreads and levels hot-mix bituminous paving material on subgrade of highways and streets: Bolts extensions to screed to adjust width, using wrenches. Lights burners to heat screed. Starts engine and controls paving machine to push dump truck and maintain constant flow of asphalt into hopper. Observes distribution of paving material along screed and controls direction of screed to eliminate voids at curbs and joints. Turns valves to regulate temperature of asphalt flowing from hopper when asphalt begins to harden on screed.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

853.663-014 CONCRETE-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction)

    Operates concrete paving machine to spread and smooth freshly poured concrete surfaces for concrete roads and landing fields: Starts machine, engages clutch, and shifts gears to control machine's movement along rails on concrete forms. Moves levers and turns handwheels to lower attachment that spreads wet concrete within forms. Observes surface of concrete to point out low spots for workers to add concrete. Operates machine with attachments to successively vibrate, screed, strike-off (remove excess from), and float surface of concrete, to spray on curing compound, and cut expansion joints. When cutting expansion joints, places strips of material, such as cork, asphalt, or steel, in joints, or places roll of expansion-joint material on machine that automatically inserts material into joints. When operating machine to screed and float surface, may be designated Concrete-Finishing-Machine Operator (construction). May be designated according to specific function of machine attachment as Center-Line-Cutter Operator (construction); Curing-Machine Operator (construction); Gang-Vibrator Operator (construction); Joint-Machine Operator (construction); Longitudinal-Float Operator (construction). May be designated: Screed Operator (construction); Spreader Operator (construction); Strike-Off-Machine Operator (construction); Vibrating-Screed Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

853.663-018 ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER (construction) alternate titles: bituminous-distributor operator; oil sprayer; oil-spreader operator; oil-spreader-truck operator; road-oil distributor

    Drives and operates truck equipped with tank to spray oil or bituminous emulsions on road surfaces: Connects hose from storage tank to truck tank and moves lever to fill pressure tank with bituminous liquid. Regulates burner to heat liquid. Starts auxiliary pump. Drives truck at constant speed to obtain uniform distribution of oil. May signal worker to open discharge valve.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

853.663-022 STONE-SPREADER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: spreader box operator

    Operates stone-spreading machine to lay gravel, stone, and cold-mix asphalt on road surfaces: Hooks spreader to rear of dump truck and trips truck tailgate latch. Signals DUMP-TRUCK DRIVER (any industry) to hoist dump body and dump material into spreader hopper. Adjusts hopper opening to ensure required amount of material is deposited on road surface. Drags material from truck bed, using shovel, to distribute material along length of hopper.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

853.665-010 ASPHALT-DISTRIBUTOR TENDER (construction) alternate titles: oil-distributor tender

    Tends bituminous distributor on rear of road-oiling truck that sprays tar, asphalt, road oils, and emulsions over highways, streets, and parking areas: Snaps or screws on spray bars to attain required width of spray. Turns valve to regulate flow of material at specified rate. Moves levers to adjust height of spray bar from road surfaces. Signals ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER (construction) or ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) to start and stop truck or paving machine. Observes distribution of material over road surface to ensure uniform distribution. Turns handwheels to set angle and depth of screed. Verifies depth specifications of compacted asphalt, using depth gauge. Monitors flow gauges, tachometer, and temperature gauge. Oils and lubricates equipment.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

853.683-010 CURB-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction)

    Drives and operates curbing machine to extrude concrete and asphalt curbing on parking lots: Reads specifications to determine location, width of base, and shape of curbing to be installed. Lays string between reference points and sprays paint along string to form curb-machine guide marks. Brushes cement and water mix onto pavement to provide bond between curbing and pavement. Selects and installs specified curb-forming die into machine, using handtools. Fills hopper of machine with asphalt or concrete mix, using shovel. Starts machine motor, engages clutch, and guides machine that extrudes curbing along guidelines. Smooths edges of curbing, using trowel, and cuts expansion joints in curbing at specified intervals, using edger. Maintains and repairs machine, using mechanics' handtools. Drives curbing machine onto truck trailer and drives truck to transport machine to job site.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

853.683-014 HEATER-PLANER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: asphalt-surface-heater operator; heater operator

    Drives and controls machine that heats and scrapes road surface to smooth surface: Starts burner (heating unit) of machine. Presses lever to lower heating unit over pavement to soften pavement. Turns handwheels to lower and position scraper blade. Drives machine over road to smooth surface.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

853.683-018 JOINT-CLEANING-AND-GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: joint-cleaning-machine operator; pavement-joint-cleaning-machine operator; safety-grooving-machine operator

    Operates machine to clean expansion joint grooves or to cut new grooves in concrete or asphalt pavement, and to rout out cracks in concrete and asphalt pavement: Installs cutters in cutterhead and mounts cutterhead on cone of main drum shaft, using handtools. Guides machine along joint or crack, sighting through mirror fastened to front of machine. Lowers and raises cutter according to sounds of blades in contact with paved surface to cut safety grooves in specified paved sections. Measures to verify depth of grooves, using depth gauge and adjusts cutting blades according to depth specifications. Cleans and replaces cutters when dirty or worn.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

853.685-010 ASPHALT-HEATER TENDER (construction)

    Tends portable or stationary heating unit to heat asphalt for application on road surfaces: Lights fire and opens fuel valves to regulate fuel supply. Screws hose connections to heater unit to connect circulating system between tank and unit. Starts pump to circulate asphalt through heating unit. Observes temperature gauge and adjusts blower and damper controls to regulate heat and maintain required temperature.
GOE: 05.12.10 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with excavating, grading, paving, and related activities.


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in maintaining roads and flood-control facilities along electric power transmission line right-of-way: Reviews work orders to determine types of equipment required for job. Examines maps and blueprints to determine location of transmission line and directs crews to job site. Directs crews in constructing, maintaining, and rerouting sections of roadways and in repairing culverts, retaining walls, bridges, and dikes. Directs paving of areas in and around power plants. Instructs workers in operation of equipment, such as tractors and road graders. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

859.137-010 SUPERVISOR, GRADING (construction) alternate titles: supervisor, excavating

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in excavating and grading right-of-way for construction of projects, such as highways, streets, drainage ditches, and dams: Measures distances from reference points to locate boundaries of construction site. Directs work crews engaged in operating vehicles and machines to dump, scrape, and spread dirt. Verifies curvature of graded surface, using hand level. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise bituminous paving crew [SUPERVISOR, ASPHALT PAVING (construction)]. May supervise work crew engaged in operating machines to tamp, roll, and smooth surface for subgrade of highway and be designated Supervisor, Fine Grading (construction). May supervise workers engaged in laying drainage tile and concrete and metal culverts and be designated Supervisor, Culvert Laying (construction). May be designated according to activity of workers supervised as Supervisor, Dumping (construction); Supervisor, Rough Grading (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

859.137-014 SUPERVISOR, PILE DRIVING (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in driving pilings into ground to provide foundations for structures, such as buildings and bridges, and retaining walls for earth embankments, such as cofferdams: Directs workers engaged in operating machines to drive metal, concrete, and wood piling and metal and wood sheets (sheet piling). May direct workers engaged in setting charges of explosives to remove defective piling. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

859.137-018 SUPERVISOR, TUNNEL HEADING (construction) alternate titles: header boss; shifter

    Supervises and coordinates activities of tunnel construction crew engaged in sinking shafts, boring tunnels, placing tunnel segments, moving shield forward, and excavating in front of shield: Determines spacing, alignment, and depth of blast holes. Verifies that shoring, bracing, and movement of tunnel shield conform to safety regulations. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

859.261-010 BLASTER (any industry) alternate titles: firer; shooter

    Assembles, plants, and detonates charges of industrial explosives to loosen earth, rock, stumps, or to demolish structures to facilitate removal: Examines mass, composition, structure, and location of object to be blasted, estimates amount and determines kind of explosive to be used, and marks location of charge holes for drilling. Assembles primer (blasting cap and fuse or electric squib and booster charge) and places primer with main charge in hole or near object to be blasted. Covers charge with mud, sand, clay, or other material and tamps firm to improve detonation and confine force of blast. Signals to clear area of personnel and equipment. Lights fuse or connects wires from charge to battery or detonator to detonate charge. May operate jackhammer, hand drill, or electric drill to bore holes for charges. May climb cliffs or banks to plant explosive charge, using ropes and safety harness, and be designated High Scaler (construction). May set and detonate explosive charges to improve flow of water into wells and be designated Shooter, Water Well (construction).
GOE: 05.10.06 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

859.267-010 STREET-OPENINGS INSPECTOR (utilities) alternate titles: public improvement inspector

    Inspects construction and excavation of gas or electric sites to ensure precautions are taken to prevent damage to company facilities: Interprets blueprints and work order specifications and marks location of underground facilities and dimensions of trenches to be dug, using stakes and chalkline. Observes progress of work and reports extent of damages, such as broken or exposed pipes and cables or caved-in vaults, and urgency of repairs required. May coordinate gas or power construction and maintenance projects with underground work of municipal departments and other utilities.
GOE: 05.07.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

859.281-010 GRAVEL INSPECTOR (construction)

    Tests samples of gravel to determine suitability for use in highway construction: Weighs sample before and after heating to determine moisture content. Screens gravel through numbered screens to determine coarseness of sample. May perform other duties in material testing laboratory, such as hardness tests, breakage tests, density tests for flexible base, compression and tensile strength tests, and tests for stress and strain [LABORATORY TESTER (any industry)].
GOE: 05.07.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

859.362-010 WELL-DRILL OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: rotary-drill-rig operator; water-well driller

    Sets up and operates portable drilling rig (machine and related equipment) to drill wells: Extends stabilizing jackscrews to support and level drill rig. Moves levers to control power-driven winch that raises and extends telescoping derrick. Bolts trusses to derrick and machine frame. Assembles drilling tools, using handtools or power tools. Moves levers and pedals to raise and lower drill tools and well casing into well bore. Moves levers and pedals and turns handwheels to control action of machine that drills or punches well bore and lowers casing into well. Pours water into well or pumps water or slush into well to cool drill bit and remove drillings. Listens to sounds of drilling machine and feels cable or brake to determine changes in rock formations being penetrated or variations in drilling process. Moves levers to adjust stroke and impact of cable tool drilling machine or changes drill bits of rotary drilling machine according to nature of strata encountered. Replaces drill bit with tool to collect samples of earth or rock being penetrated. Inspects core samples to determine nature of strata encountered or takes samples to laboratory for analysis. Records drilling progress and geological data. Splices worn or broken cable. Fabricates well casings and builds up worn drill bits, using oxyacetylene cutting and welding equipment. Retrieves lost equipment from bore holes, using fishing (specialized retrieval) tools and equipment. May repair drill bits, using forging furnace, hammer, and anvil. May be designated according to type drilling rig operated as Well-Drill Operator, Cable Tool (construction); Well-Drill Operator, Rotary Drill (construction). May operate well-drilling rig to restore irrigation, industrial, and domestic water wells to active production and be designated Well-Reactivator Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.11.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

859.682-010 EARTH-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction; utilities) alternate titles: earth-auger operator; hole-digger operator; post-hole digger

    Operates earth-boring machine, mounted on truck or tractor, to dig holes for poles or posts: Sets auger of specified size into drill spindle, using bolts or pins. Starts drilling engine and moves levers to regulate rate of speed and depth of penetration of auger. May drive truck or tractor to work site. May operate hoist to lift power line poles into position in drilled holes.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

859.682-014 FOUNDATION-DRILL OPERATOR (construction)

    Operates drilling unit, mounted on truck or crawler track, to drill holes for concrete pier and footing foundations: Raises and lowers boom to specified angle for drilling. Swings boom, controls hoist drums, raises and lowers drill, hoists drill bit, bell reamer, casing, and reinforcement steel into position, and controls rotary table that drives drill into earth. Observes drill stem during drilling operation and increases or decreases brake pressure on drill stem hoist drum to prevent swaying motion. Raises drill stem and swings boom to discharge dirt from drill bit or $T3bell reamer.$T1 Observes type of earth formation penetrated to determine need for lowering casing into hole to seal off water and prevent cave-in of soft formations.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

859.682-018 PILE-DRIVER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: hoisting engineer, pile driving

    Operates pile driver mounted on skids, barge, crawler treads, or locomotive crane to drive piling as foundations for structures, such as buildings, bridges, and piers: Moves hand and foot levers to control diesel-, electric-, gasoline-, or steam-powered hoisting equipment to position piling leads, hoist piling into leads, and position hammer over top of pile. Moves levers and turns valves to activate power-driven hammer, or raise and lower drophammer which drives piles to required depth. May be designated according to type of power used to activate pile driver as Compressed-Air-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); Diesel-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); or type of piles driven as Concrete-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); Sheet-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); Wood-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); or type of mounting used as Pile-Driver Operator, Barge Mounted (construction). May be designated: Drop-Hammer-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); Electric-Pile-Driver Operator (construction); Steam-Pile-Driver Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

859.683-010 OPERATING ENGINEER (construction; mine & quarry) alternate titles: heavy-equipment operator

    Operates several types of power construction equipment, such as compressors, pumps, hoists, derricks, cranes, shovels, tractors, scrapers, or motor graders, to excavate, move, and grade earth, erect structural and reinforcing steel, and pour concrete or other hard surface paving materials: Turns valves to control air and water output of compressors and pumps. Adjusts handwheels and depresses pedals to drive machines and control attachments, such as blades, buckets, scrapers, and swing booms. Repairs and maintains equipment. May operate machinery on sales lot or customer's property to demonstrate saleable features of construction equipment and be designated Demonstrator, Construction Equipment (wholesale tr.).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 82

859.683-014 OPERATING-ENGINEER APPRENTICE (construction; mine & quarry) alternate titles: heavy-equipment-operator apprentice

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

859.683-018 RAILWAY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (r.r. trans.)

    Operates several types of heavy equipment, such as rail-mounted tamping machines, brooms, graders, and ballast cleaning machines to tamp ballast beneath and between ties, to clean tracks, to clean and redistribute ballast, and to grade and level ballast on railroad tracks: Pulls levers and depresses pedals to drive machines and control attachments, such as blades, hydraulic turntables, jacks, brooms, and tampers. Tightens loose bolts and adjusts blades, using wrenches. Lubricates machines, changes oil, and fills hydraulic reservoirs to specified levels. May be designated according to type equipment operated as Ballast-Cleaning-Machine Operator (r.r. trans.); Ballast-Regulator Operator (r.r. trans.); Tamping-Machine Operator (r.r. trans.); Track-Broom Operator (r.r. trans.).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    Drives and operates machine that lays, spaces, and automatically ties steel rods used to reinforce concrete highway paving: Starts machine, engages clutch, and shifts gears to control machine's movement along concrete forms. Observes function of machine to detect irregular spacing of rods and missed ties. Notifies supervisor of equipment malfunction. Maintains equipment according to specifications.
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

859.683-026 ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: rotary-soil-stabilizer operator; roto-mixer operator; stabilizer operator; stabilizing-machine operator; traveling-plant operator

    Drives and operates machine that mixes waterproofing and binding material with soil to stabilize soil for road surfaces and airport runways: Pushes levers and turns wheels to set depth of scoop and rotary blades that pick up and pulverize soil. Starts engine to propel machine and power-rotary digging and mixing blades. Starts pump and adjusts valve to feed waterproofing compounds and binding materials, such as cement, chemicals, and bituminous binders into mixing mechanism. Steers machine in prescribed path. Inspects earth falling from machine and adjusts valves to regulate flow of liquid, judging content of mixture by appearance of poured soil. May be designated according to type of equipment operated as Pulvi-Mixer Operator (construction); Single-Pass-Soil-Stabilizer Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

859.683-030 ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (construction) alternate titles: roller operator; roller, pneumatic; roll operator

    Drives heavy rolling machine (road roller) to compact earth fills, subgrades, flexible base, and bituminous surface to grade specifications preparatory to construction of highways, streets, and runways: Moves levers, depresses pedals, turns handwheels, and pushes throttle to control and guide machine. Drives machine in successive overlapping passes over surface to be compacted. Determines speed and direction of machine, based on knowledge of compressibility of material under changing temperatures, so that ridges are not formed by excessive pressure. Pushes hand roller and pounds surfaces, using hand tamp, or guides portable power roller over areas not accessible to road roller. May be designated according to surface rolled as Road-Roller Operator, Hot Mix (construction); Subgrade-Roller Operator (construction); or according to source of power used as Diesel-Roller Operator (construction); Gas-Roller Operator (construction).
GOE: 05.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

859.684-010 LANE-MARKER INSTALLER (construction)

    Installs button-type lane markers along paved highways and streets, using handtools: Sets signs and cones adjacent to work site to divert flow of traffic. Measures and marks installation locations between survey control points, using tape, string, and chalk. Blends epoxy compounds to form specified mix, using spoon. Applies epoxy to marked locations along roadway, using putty knife, and twists plastic markers to position into epoxy. Sights along button line to verify alignment.
GOE: 05.12.14 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

859.687-010 BLASTER HELPER (any industry) alternate titles: powder carrier; shooter's helper

    Assists BLASTER (any industry) in placing and detonating explosives used to loosen earth and rock, performing any combination of following tasks: Carries explosive bags, cartridges, or powder to blasting area and deposits explosive device in previously drilled holes as directed. Shovels earth or drill cuttings into holes after placement of charge and tamps earth to confine and increase force of detonation, using shovel or pole. Connects explosive cord to blasting cap and lead wire to firing device, or attaches fuse to charge. Fires charge on signal from BLASTER (any industry). Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This division includes craft and noncraft occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with building and repairing structures.


    This group includes occupations concerned with fabricating, installing, and repairing structures and structural members made of wood and materials that can be worked like wood, such as plastic and fiberglass, using bandsaws, ripsaws, planers, braces, hammers, and other carpentry tools and woodworking machines.


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in installing acoustical tile to walls and ceilings of buildings: Measures and marks centerlines, guidelines, and location of hooks that hold ceiling suspension grid, according to blueprints and written specifications, to lay out work, using level, plumbline, chalkline, and tape measure. Directs workers in various installation tasks, such as suspending metal grids from ceilings, aligning and butting tile with joints of previously laid tile, and securing tiles with nails, screws, staples, or glue. Inspects smoothness of surfaces, alignment and butting of tiles, and fastening of tile for adherence to specifications. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

860.131-014 SUPERVISOR, BOATBUILDERS, WOOD (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: carpenter supervisor, wooden ship

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in building, repairing, or modifying wooden boats, life rafts, floats, or pontoons: Assigns workers to specific duties, such as building pilot houses, cockpits, or cabins, installing masts or booms, laying keels and installing ribs, and fabricating and installing rudders and rudder controls. Directs workers in such procedures as installing skylights, desks, chairs, cabins, and other structural units and furnishings. Inspects specific assemblies, such as door panels, ceiling panels, and wall coverings, for conformance to dimensional specifications and quality standards, using level, square, and measuring instruments and applying knowledge of carpentry. Trains new workers in use of equipment and tools. Performs other tasks as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 80

860.131-018 SUPERVISOR, CARPENTERS (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in construction, installation, and repair of wooden structures and fixtures: Examines blueprints to determine dimensions of structure. Lays out floorplan and cabinetwork, using rule, framing square, and calipers. Selects materials and structural units, such as lumber, prefabricated doors and cabinets of wood or plastic, and paneling, and inspects them to ensure conformance with provisions of building code and local ordinance. Determines sequence of activities concerned with fabrication, assembly, and erection of structure. Assigns workers to such tasks as cutting material to size, building concrete forms, erecting wooden framework, and laying flooring. Inspects work performed by subcontractors, including ductwork, wiring, and pipe installations, to ensure conformance with specifications. Installs doors, builds stairs, and lays hardwood floors. May supervise workers engaged in building timber structures, such as cofferdams, trestles, and supports for concrete forms. May make cost estimates for contracts. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to area of specialization as Bowling-Alley-Installation Supervisor (construction); Cofferdam-Construction Supervisor (construction); Form-Building Supervisor (construction); Timbering Supervisor (construction).
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

860.131-022 SUPERVISOR, JOINERS (ship-boat mfg.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in fabricating, installing, and repairing wooden furnishings in ships or boats: Assigns specific tasks to workers, such as installing interior wood paneling in cabins, laying tile or linoleum on decks, installing soundproofing materials to equipment spaces, and installing laminated plastic or fiberboard surfaces on tables or workbenches. Confers with supervisory personnel of other crafts to coordinate worker assignments and to achieve maximum production. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

860.131-026 SUPERVISOR, MOLD CONSTRUCTION (concrete prod.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in fabrication and repair of wooden forms and molds used for casting concrete products: Requisitions materials, tools, and parts for machinery required to fabricate or repair wooden molds and forms. Inspects products at various stages of construction to ensure conformance with standards. Measures, cuts, shapes, and assembles materials to repair or construct molds and forms according to blueprint specifications, using ruler, handtools, and power tools. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 06.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.137-010 CARPENTER-LABOR SUPERVISOR (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in supplying materials to workers who construct, erect, install, and repair wooden structures and fixtures. Directs work crew to strip forms and dismantle temporary wooden structures. May supervise workers engaged in pouring concrete into wooden forms. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.12.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.261-010 CARPENTER INSPECTOR (any industry)

    Inspects buildings, desks, cabinets, tables, and other wooden structures and equipment in establishments to ensure specified standards of maintenance. Reports nature and extent of repairs needed or directs CARPENTERS, MAINTENANCE (any industry) to make repairs. Keeps records of conditions before and after repairs. May make repairs within limits of preventive maintenance.
GOE: 05.07.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.281-010 CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE (any industry) alternate titles: carpenter, repair

    Constructs and repairs structural woodwork and equipment in establishment, working from blueprints, drawings, or oral instructions: Builds, repairs, and installs counters, cabinets, benches, partitions, floors, doors, building framework, and trim, using carpenter's handtools and power tools. Installs glass in windows, doors, and partitions. Replaces damaged ceiling tile, floor tile, and wall coverings. May build cabinets and other wooden equipment in carpenter shop, using woodworking machines, such as saws, shaper, and jointer [CABINETMAKER (woodworking) 660.280-010]. May install items, such as window shades, venetian blinds, and curtain rods, wall fans, and door locks for tenants. May be designated according to place at which work is performed as Carpenter, Mine (mine & quarry); or according to specific items made or maintained as Flume Maker (mine & quarry); Frame Maker (leather mfg.); Meat-Cutting-Block Repairer (any industry).
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

860.281-014 CARPENTER, SHIP (ship-boat mfg.)

    Fabricates and repairs ship's structural woodwork and wooden gear according to blueprints, drawings, and diagrams: Builds floors, doors, and partitions, using woodworking machines, saws, hammers, braces, and other carpenters' tools. Moves controls of winch and windlass to raise or lower anchor. Greases running gear and anchor windlass. Replaces defective chains or stanchions on lifelines or guardrails. Sounds water tanks with tape and plumb bob. Computes and logs sounding findings.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.361-010 BOATBUILDER, WOOD (ship-boat mfg.)

    Fabricates, repairs, or modifies wooden boats, life rafts, and pontoons, according to blueprints, using handtools, power tools, and measuring instruments: Lays out full-scale outline of boat on mold-loft floor, using crayon, scales, and protractor, following blueprints and table of offsets. Establishes dimensional reference points on layout and makes templates of parts. Scribes dimensional lines on lumber, following templates. Cuts and forms parts, such as keel, ribs, and sidings, using carpenter's handtools and power tools [MACHINIST, WOOD (woodworking) 669.380-014]. Attaches overhead hoist to precut sections of boat hull and signals coworker to position timbers according to layout of boat, using hoist. Secures timbers together following specified procedure, using adhesive, hardware, and handtools or power tools. Assembles shell of boat by forming steam-softened sidings on mold, removing mold, and securing sidings to keel, or by securing ribs to keel and covering ribs with planking. Builds and installs structures, such as pilot house, cabin, rudder, and foundations for machinery, shafting, and propeller's supports, and installs preformed decking, masts, booms, and ladders, according to blueprints, using handtools, power tools, scale, calipers, and gauges. Work is usually performed with other workers. May caulk seams [WOOD CAULKER (ship-boat mfg.) 843.384-010]. May specialize in fabricating particular part of boat and be designated Bulkhead Carpenter (ship-boat mfg.); Bulwark Carpenter (ship-boat mfg.); Hull Builder (ship-boat mfg.); Keel Assembler (ship-boat mfg.).
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 80

860.361-014 BOATBUILDER APPRENTICE, WOOD (ship-boat mfg.)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

860.381-010 ACOUSTICAL CARPENTER (construction) alternate titles: acoustical-material worker; metal-tile lather

    Mounts acoustical tile to walls and ceilings of buildings to reduce reflection of sound and to decorate rooms: Measures and marks surface to lay out work, according to blueprints and drawings. Inspects furrings, mechanical mountings, and masonry surface for plumbness and level, using spirit or water level. Nails or screws molding to wall to support and seal joint between ceiling tile and wall. Scribes and cuts edges of tile to fit wall where wall molding is not specified. Mounts tiles, using any of following methods: (1) Applies cement to back of tile and presses tile into place, aligning with layout marks and joints of previously laid tile. (2) Nails channels or wood furring strips to surfaces to provide mounting for tile. Places building paper between tile and furring strip preparatory to application of butt-edge tile. Nails, screws, or staples tile to wooden furring strips. (3) Hangs dry lines (stretched string) to wall molding to guide positioning of main runners. Drives hanger inserts into reinforced concrete ceiling, using power fastening tool, and suspends and bends hanger wires at points touching dry lines. Threads wires through holes in main runners, and cuts and attaches cross supports to suspended runners and wall molding, using snips, clips, and rivet gun. Cuts tiles for fixtures and borders, using keyhole saw, and inserts tiles into supporting framework. May wash concrete surfaces with washing soda and zinc sulfate solution before mounting tile to increase adhesive qualities of surfaces.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-022 CARPENTER (construction)

    Constructs, erects, installs, and repairs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, and wallboard, using carpenter's handtools and power tools, and conforming to local building codes: Studies blueprints, sketches, or building plans for information pertaining to type of material required, such as lumber or fiberboard, and dimensions of structure or fixture to be fabricated. Selects specified type of lumber or other materials. Prepares layout, using rule, framing square, and calipers. Marks cutting and assembly lines on materials, using pencil, chalk, and marking gauge. Shapes materials to prescribed measurements, using saws, chisels, and planes. Assembles cut and shaped materials and fastens them together with nails, dowel pins, or glue. Verifies trueness of structure with plumb bob and carpenter's level. Erects framework for structures and lays subflooring. Builds stairs and lays out and installs partitions and cabinet work. Covers subfloor with building paper to keep out moisture and lays hardwood, parquet, and wood-strip-block floors by nailing floors to subfloor or cementing them to mastic or asphalt base. Applies shock-absorbing, sound-deadening, and decorative paneling to ceilings and walls. Fits and installs prefabricated window frames, doors, doorframes, weather stripping, interior and exterior trim, and finish hardware, such as locks, letterdrops, and kick plates. Constructs forms and chutes for pouring concrete. Erects scaffolding and ladders for assembling structures above ground level. May weld metal parts to steel structural members. When specializing in particular phase of carpentry, is designated according to specialty as Combination-Window Installer (construction); Lay-Out Carpenter (construction). When specializing in finish carpentry, such as installing interior and exterior trim, building stairs, and laying hardwood floors, is designated Finish Carpenter (construction). When erecting frame buildings and performing general carpentry work in residential construction, is designated House Carpenter (construction). May remove and replace sections of structures prior to and after installation of insulating materials and be designated Building-Insulating Carpenter (construction; retail trade). May perform carpentry work in construction of walk-in freezers and environmental test chambers and be designated Carpenter, Refrigerator (svc. ind. mach.). May be designated: Door Hanger (construction); Finished-Hardware Erector (construction); Garage-Door Hanger (construction); Hardwood-Floor Installer (construction); Jalousie Installer (construction); Stair Builder (construction); Trim Setter (construction); Weather Stripper (construction); Wood-Sash-And-Frame Carpenter (construction); Wood-Strip-Block Floor Installer (construction).
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

860.381-026 CARPENTER APPRENTICE (construction)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-030 CARPENTER, BRIDGE (r.r. trans.) alternate titles: bridge repairer

    Repairs wooden railroad bridges, trestles, and tunnel supports, and replaces decayed, split, or crooked timbers, working as member of crew: Strikes timbers with hammer and listens to sound to detect decay. Installs temporary support to hold structure in place while decayed timber is removed. Loosens nuts and bolts that hold timber in place, using hand wrench or air-powered wrench. Removes timber, using crowbar, or hammers on timber to slide it out of place. Measures and cuts replacement timber to required size, using handsaw or electric saw. Bores bolt holes in timber, using electric drill. Slides new timber into place and secures it with nuts and bolts. May replace defective railroad ties supporting track on bridge.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-034 CARPENTER, MOLD (brick & tile; concrete prod.) alternate titles: mold-forms builder; patternmaker

    Constructs and repairs wooden brick-and-tile molds and patterns or constructs wooden forms for molding concrete mixtures in manufacture of concrete products, and performs general maintenance carpentry duties: Lays out and marks measurements on material from blueprints, drawings, or samples, shapes material to size with handtools or power saw, fits mold sections with hand plane, chisel, or jointer, and joins sections with wood screws to construct new molds or patterns. Removes damaged or worn parts and fashions and screws new parts in place to repair molds. Performs general maintenance carpentry, such as repairing wooden doors, sills, floors, and stairways [CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE (any industry)]. May cut sheet metal mold linings and edge coverings to size, using chisel, hacksaw, and shears, and screw them in place. May make rubber molds when irregular surfaces (undercuts) of product require flexible molds. May make plastic molds by applying successive layers of liquid plastic and fiberglass cloth around model.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-038 CARPENTER, RAILCAR (railroad equip.)

    Installs and repairs woodwork, such as flooring, wall linings, sidings, posts, sills, and window sashes, in railcars, including freight cars and cabooses: Inspects interior of railcar to detect broken, damaged, or cracked woodwork. Estimates amount and kind of lumber required for repairs or installation. Measures and cuts required lumber and plywood materials to specified size, using ruler and handsaw or power saw. Repairs or replaces defective woodwork, using handtools. Installs tongued-and-grooved or plywood flooring and wall linings, using pneumatic squeezing, nailing, and stapling devices. Replaces broken door and window glass. May install aisle runners, rafters, and roof canvas to flooring and roofs of streetcars or cable cars and be designated Carpenter, Streetcar (railroad equip.).
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-042 CARPENTER, ROUGH (construction) alternate titles: bracer

    Builds rough wooden structures, such as concrete forms, scaffolds, tunnel and sewer supports, and temporary frame shelters, according to sketches, blueprints, or oral instructions: Examines specifications to determine dimensions of structure. Measures boards, timbers, or plywood, using square, measuring tape, and ruler, and marks cutting lines on materials, using pencil and scriber. Saws boards and plywood panels to required sizes. Nails cleats (braces) across boards to construct concrete-supporting forms. Braces forms in place with timbers, tie rods, and anchor bolts, for use in building concrete piers, footings, and walls. Erects chutes for pouring concrete. Cuts and assembles timbers to build trestles and cofferdams. Builds falsework to temporarily strengthen, protect, or disguise buildings undergoing construction. Erects scaffolding for buildings and ship structures and installs ladders, handrails, walkways, platforms, and gangways. Installs door and window bucks (rough frames in which finished frames are inserted) in designated positions in building framework, and braces them with boards nailed to framework. Installs subflooring in buildings. Nails plaster grounds (wood or metal strips) to studding to provide guide for PLASTERER (construction). Fits and nails sheathing (first covering of boards) on outer walls and roofs of buildings. Builds sleds from logs and timbers for use in hauling camp buildings and machinery through wooded areas. When specializing in particular phase of rough carpentry, is designated according to specialty as Carpenter, Cradle And Dolly (ship-boat mfg.); Dock Builder (construction); Falsework Builder (construction); Scaffold Builder (construction; ship-boat mfg.); Sheather (construction); Timber Setter (construction). When building and repairing timber structures which support sawmill machinery, is designated Construction Millwright (saw. & plan.). When performing rough carpentry work above ground on sewer or tunnel projects, is designated Surface Carpenter (construction).
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-046 FORM BUILDER (construction) alternate titles: carpenter, form; wood-form builder

    Constructs built-in-place or prefabricated wooden forms, according to specifications, for molding concrete structures: Studies blueprints and diagrams to determine type and dimension of forms to be constructed. Saws lumber to blueprint dimensions, using handsaw or power saw, and nails lumber together to make form panels. Erects built-in-place forms or assembles and installs prefabricated forms on construction site according to blueprint specifications, using handtools, plumb rule, and level. Inserts spreaders and tie rods between opposite faces of form to maintain specified dimensions. Anchors and braces forms to fixed objects, using nails, bolts, anchor rods, steel cables, planks, and timbers.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-050 JOINER (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: boat joiner

    Fabricates, assembles, installs, or repairs wooden furnishings in ships or boats according to blueprints, using handtools, power tools, and measuring instruments: Lays out, cuts, assembles, and installs wooden parts, such as deckhouses, doors, sashes, paneling, battery cribs, and refrigerator doors, using woodworking handtools and power tools, scales, square, and calipers. Installs hardware and gaskets, using handtools. Lays linoleum on deck or ladder treads, using mastic, spreaders, and linoleum-cutting tools. Installs fiberglass or cork insulation on sides of ship below waterline to prevent water condensation. Cuts, fits, and installs glass in skylights, cabins, and other parts of ship or boat. Molds, bends, and laminates wood to form parts of ship, using steam chambers, clamps, glue, and jigs. Fabricates, assembles, and installs desks, chairs, and cabinets, using woodworking machinery, such as jigsaws, planers, jointers, mortisers, and tenoners. Shapes irregular parts to fit and joins matched grain wood, such as oak, mahogany, and teak.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 80

860.381-054 JOINER APPRENTICE (ship-boat mfg.)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

860.381-058 SHIPWRIGHT (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: carpenter, ship; woodworker

    Constructs or repairs ships, following blueprints or ship's plans: Sights, plots, and marks reference points and lines on building dock or shipway to maintain alignment of vessel during construction or repair, using transit, plumb bob, tapes, and levels. Builds keel and bilge blocks, cradles, and shoring for supporting ships in drydock, marine railways, shipways, or building docks, using woodworking handtools and power tools. Positions and secures blocking and other structures on dock platform, according to ship's blueprints. Aligns vessel over blocks [DOCK HAND (ship-boat mfg.)]. Establishes reference points and lines on ship's hull for locating machinery and other equipment, in accordance with ship's alignment and shape. Fabricates and installs furring pieces, aprons, uprights, and other wood framing in ship. Shapes, finishes, and installs wooden spars, masts, and cargo and boat booms. Trims wooden frames and other timbers, using broadax and adz. Spikes or bolts metal fittings, plates, and bulkheads to wooden parts of ship, using brace and bits, augers, mauls, and wrenches.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

860.381-062 SHIPWRIGHT APPRENTICE (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: carpenter apprentice, ship

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

860.381-066 TANK BUILDER AND ERECTOR (construction) alternate titles: tank maker, wood

    Constructs and erects wooden tanks for storing liquids according to blueprint specifications: Cuts and shapes tank parts from redwood, fir, and cypress lumber, using power-driven saws and carpenter's handtools. Fits parts together and tests holding properties of tanks and adjusts tank sections to make them watertight and airtight. Directs hoisting of tank parts onto buildings and assembles them, using handtools.
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.381-070 TANK ERECTOR (construction) alternate titles: carpenter, wooden-tank erecting

    Assembles and erects precut parts at work site to construct wooden storage or processing tanks and vats: Computes reference points from blueprints, diagrams, and other specifications, using measuring instruments. Measures and marks position of dunnage (subjoints) on foundation and lifts dunnage into place, manually or using powered hoist. Wedges leveling shims under dunnage, using carpenter's level and handtools. Forms tank bottoms, headings (ends) for horizontally mounted circular tanks, and ends and sides for rectangular tanks, by inserting wooden dowels into corresponding holes in sides of boards and hammering boards together. Hammers croze of staves over edge of tank bottoms or heads to form sides of circular tanks, and hammers endboards into crozed bottoms and sides to assemble rectangular tanks. Inspects and shapes parts for fit during assembly, using hand plane or saw and carpenter's rule. Positions metal hoops or rods around tank, affixes washers, lugs, and nuts, and tightens nuts, using wrenches. Positions tank or vat on foundation, using powered hoist and secures them on foundation, using handtools. May assemble scaffolding, using handtools. May cut openings for drain outlets, fill pipes, and manholes, using drills and saws. May install metal outlet covers and force sealant between metal flanges and wooden parts of tank, using wrenches and caulking tools. May install mechanical agitators or other machinery in tank [MILLWRIGHT (any industry)].
GOE: 05.05.02 STRENGTH: V GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

860.664-010 CARPENTER I (mfd. bldgs.)

    Erects prefabricated buildings at building sites, using carpenter's handtools: Directs TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any industry) in positioning floor, wall, ceiling, and roof panels on house foundation. Aligns and fastens panels, using chalkline, hammer, and nails. Cuts openings in floor panels for wiring, using power saw. Measures, cuts, and fastens siding, exterior trim, and sheetrock to frame members, using tape measure, power saw, nails, and hammer. May direct workers engaged in assembling prefabricated buildings.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

860.664-014 JOINER HELPER (ship-boat mfg.)

    Performs any combination of following tasks to assist JOINER (ship-boat mfg.) in constructing and repairing wooden and plastic parts of vessels, such as cabin paneling, cabinets, and deck structures: Cuts wooden battens to specified size, using portable power saw. Attaches battens to bulkheads, using glue, screws, and powered screwdriver. Cuts mahogany, oak, or birch paneling to specified size, and holds paneling in place while JOINER (ship-boat mfg.) secures paneling to battens. Cuts insulating or sound-absorbing material, such as fiberglass, cork, or felt, into specified shape, following templates or oral directions and using shears, rules, knives, and straightedge. Hammers retaining holders into studs to hold insulation in place, and tapes seams of insulation to obtain smooth joint. Spreads rubber or plastic cement on decks to be covered with tile or linoleum. Cuts tile or linoleum to fit in corners and around equipment, using cutting tools. Applies glue to joints or edges of cabinet or furniture parts, using brush, assembles parts together, and places assembled parts in clamps until glue has dried. Covers tables and desks with laminated plastic covering material. Smooths boat surfaces to remove defects, such as ridges, tool marks, glue, and excess caulking material, using hand sander.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

860.664-018 SHIPWRIGHT HELPER (ship-boat mfg.) alternate titles: carpenter helper; woodworker helper

    Performs following tasks to assist SHIPWRIGHT (ship-boat mfg.) in constructing and repairing ships: Holds plumb bobs, sighting rods, and other equipment to aid SHIPWRIGHT (ship-boat mfg.) in establishing reference points and lines of ship, to position ship in drydock or to load machines and equipment. Positions and secures keel and bilge blocks, cradles, shoring, and other structures in drydock or shipway to support ship, using handtools and power tools. Drives wedges or packing between ship's hull and blocks to adjust height of blocking, using sledge. Obtains tools, equipment, and materials from storage and carries them to work site. Assembles plates, bolts, and other metal fittings. Drills bolt holes in timbers or decking and tightens bolts, using portable power drill and handtools and power wrenches.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

860.681-010 CARPENTER II (mfd. bldgs.)

    Assembles prefabricated building wall panels, using handtools and power tools: Reads blueprints to determine type of wall panel required. Selects precut studs, measures top and bottom leaders, and marks studs and leader locations, using tape measure. Lays materials on worktable according to markings to fabricate wall frame. Aligns sheetrock on frame. Locates, marks, and cuts receptacle openings in sheetrock, using tape measure, template, and handsaw. Reads specification sheet to determine types of windows and siding required on outside of wall panel. Selects and installs prefabricated windows in prepared openings, using hammer and nails. Measures, marks, cuts, and fastens siding and molding to form outside wall of panel, using tape measure and handtools. Moves completed panel to shipping area, using electric hoist. May direct workers in fastening studs and sheetrock. May operate nailing and routing machines to assemble wall panels and components.
GOE: 06.02.22 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

860.684-010 BUILDER, BEAM (mfd. bldgs.)

    Cuts and assembles lumber to build false ceiling beams for prefabricated homes: Measures and marks lumber according to specification sheet for beam dimensions, using tape measure and marker. Positions and cuts lumber on workbench, using table saw. Aligns and interlaces different sizes of lumber to obtain specified dimension of beams. Measures beam to determine conformance to specifications, using tape measure. Stores beams on storage rack.
GOE: 06.04.25 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

860.684-014 SIDER (mfd. bldgs.)

    Applies siding and installs prefabricated doors and windows to exterior wall panels of prefabricated and modular homes, following work orders and using handtools: Lays out siding on sheathing, and cuts siding to fit, using square and hand or portable power saw. Fastens siding to sheathing using hammer, nails, and power tacker. Drills vent holes in wall panels, using power drill, and inserts vents. Fastens tarpaper weather stripping around perimeter of door and window openings, using power tacker. Positions and aligns windows and doors in openings, using tape measure. Fastens doors and windows to wall panel studs, using hammer and nails. Moves completed panels to storage area, using electric hoist. May install precut insulation between wall studs.
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

860.684-018 CAR BLOCKER (any industry)

    Fabricates and installs braces to prevent shifting or damage to products shipped in railroad cars: Determines size of bracing needed, using tape measure. Selects lumber and cuts boards, using power saw. Assembles boards and fits or wedges braces into position to prevent load from shifting during transit. Nails braces to car floor or walls, using hand- or air-powered hammer. May secure load with banding machine and clincher. May place and inflate dunnage bags with compressed air between sections of load or between ends and sides of car and load. May cover load with tarpaulin.
GOE: 05.12.12 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 86

860.684-022 DISPLAY FABRICATOR (fabrication, nec)

    Fabricates and assembles parts to manufacture smoking pipe sales displays: Traces pattern or sketch onto construction material or marks dimensions of parts on material, using ruler and pencil. Cuts out display parts along marked lines, using machines such as bandsaw and variety saw. Wipes stain on parts, using rag, or applies paint or varnish, using portable spray gun. Places parts in specified sequence and assembles parts to form displays, using pneumatic stapler. Assembles packing carton, inserts display into carton, and seals carton, using pneumatic stapler. Attaches shipping information to carton, using pneumatic stapler, or writes address on carton, using crayon.
GOE: 06.04.22 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 86


    This group includes occupations concerned with preparing and laying brick, concrete block, tile, marble, and related materials, using chisels, hammers, trowels, and other handtools and implements.

861.131-010 BRICKLAYER SUPERVISOR (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in laying brick, tile, cinderblock, and other materials to construct or repair structures, such as walls, arches, sewers, and partitions: Assigns workers to specific duties. Inspects work in progress to determine conformance to specifications. Trains new workers in use of handtools. May supervise workers engaged in laying only tile and be designated Tile Setter Supervisor (construction). Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.131-014 CHIMNEY SUPERVISOR, BRICK (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of CHIMNEY BUILDERS, BRICK (construction) engaged in erecting brick chimneys or smokestacks for industrial plants: Measures distances and lays first tier of bricks to lay out specified circumference and curvature of chimney. Directs workers engaged in raising scaffolds and inspects scaffolding for conformance to safety regulations. Inspects work to ensure conformity to specifications, using spirit level. Lays out openings in chimney and supervises installation of templates. May keep time and progress records. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.131-018 STONEMASON SUPERVISOR (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in erecting stone structures, such as piers, walls, and abutments and laying walks, curbstones, and other types of masonry. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.131-022 SUPERVISOR, MARBLE (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in cutting, tooling, and setting marble and granite slabs in construction and repair of floors and walls of buildings: Estimates amount and type of materials needed. Trains new workers in use of handtools and methods of cutting, tooling, and setting of marble or granite slabs. Maintains time reports. Inspects work in progress to determine adherence to specifications. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.131-026 SUPERVISOR, TERRAZZO (construction)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in mixing, applying, and finishing cement, sand, pigment, and marble chips to floors, stairways, and cabinet fixtures: Estimates materials needed. Trains new workers in use of handtools and equipment for mixing, applying, and finishing terrazzo surfaces. Prepares production reports. Inspects work in progress to determine adherence to specifications. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.134-010 SUPERVISOR, SMOKE CONTROL (steel & rel.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in patching and repairing coke oven components to ensure oven smoke emissions comply with company and government air pollution regulations: Observes oven operations to detect smoke emissions and inspects ovens to ascertain cause of smoke. Determines oven repairs required, utilizing knowledge of oven structure, and confers with designated personnel to coordinate scheduling of repairs. Reviews technical literature on recent developments in controlling smoke emissions and consults with engineering and management personnel to evaluate feasibility of implementing new methods. Develops smoke emissions programs, conducts tests to determine effectiveness of programs, and prepares reports of test results for management. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 06.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

861.361-010 COMPOSITION-STONE APPLICATOR (construction)

    Casts composition stone and applies it over surfaces of structures to provide decorative coating: Nails tar paper and lath over wall to be covered. Mixes and spreads mortar over lath with trowel, to form base for precast stone. Measures wall surface and marks lines with straightedge to lay out prescribed pattern. Lines interiors of molds with treated paper to prevent sticking and sprinkles pulverized coloring over paper. Fills molds with composition-stone mixture to produce stones of various sizes and shapes and allows mixture to set and absorb coloring. Positions molds along guidelines on wall, according to prescribed sequence for color and size. Presses molds in place to force out surplus water and to set stone. Removes molds and peels paper from surface when precast stone and mortar have hardened. Trims precast stone with caulking trowel, to fit corners, edges, and other structural shapes. Directs workers who mix mortar for plaster and composition stone, and prepares molds, following factory specifications. May smooth surfaces with waterproofing tool and buffer.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

861.361-014 MONUMENT SETTER (construction) alternate titles: setter; tombstone setter

    Sets stone at cemetery gravesites to erect monuments, following diagrams and written specifications: Lays out foundation for monument, using rule and staked lines. Digs trench for foundation, using pick and shovel. Mixes mortar [MORTAR MIXER (concrete prod.; construction)] and pours mortar into trench to prepare foundation for setting base stone. Removes sections of monument from truck bed and guides stone onto foundation, using skids, hoist, or truck crane. Aligns and levels stone, using rule, square, plumbline, wedges, and crowbar. Spreads mortar on stone with trowel and sets subsequent sections of stone in position according to numbers or letters marked on stone. Fills joints between stone with mortar and finishes joints, using trowel. Removes excess mortar from monument, using water and brush. Works as member of team to erect monuments.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

861.381-010 ACID-TANK LINER (construction)

    Assembles and installs acid-proof brick lining in metal tanks used for processing and storing of acid: Cleans inside of tank to remove foreign matter, such as rust, scale, and grease, using sandblasting equipment. Removes dust from tank lining, using gasoline dampened cloth. Applies specified coats of primer cement to lining of tank, using spray gun. Heats plastic sheet, using torch, to fuse plastic coating onto primer cement. Rolls sheet to ensure that inner surface of sheet is attached to primer cement, using hand roller. Tests plastic lining with electrostatic tester to ensure against defects, such as pin holes and cracks. Cuts bricks to specified shape to ensure against crystallizing of cement and seepage of acid into lining. Lays bricks over lining and applies specified coats of plastic cement. Fuses bricks to plastic lining, using torch and applies acid-proof cement to brick joints, using trowel.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

861.381-014 BRICKLAYER (brick & tile) alternate titles: kiln repairer

    Repairs and rebuilds tunnel, periodic, and shuttle kilns used to burn tile, brick, and sewer pipe: Examines kilns after burning cycles to determine need for repair. Lays firebrick to construct casing walls, flues, feather walls, and burner wickets, using mortar, trowels, plumbobs, hammers, and brick. Spreads plastic refractories over exposed brickwork to protect against deterioration by heat. Lays brick flooring in periodic kilns. May be designated according to type of kiln repaired as Tunnel-Kiln Repairer (brick & tile; pottery & porc.).
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.381-018 BRICKLAYER (construction)

    Lays building materials, such as brick, structural tile, and concrete cinder, glass, gypsum, and terra cotta block (except stone) to construct or repair walls, partitions, arches, sewers, and other structures: Measures distance from reference points and marks guidelines on working surface to lay out work. Spreads soft bed (layer) of mortar that serves as base and binder for block, using trowel. Applies mortar to end of block and positions block in mortar bed. Taps block with trowel to level, align, and embed in mortar, allowing specified thickness of joint. Removes excess mortar from face of block, using trowel. Finishes mortar between brick with pointing tool or trowel. Breaks bricks to fit spaces too small for whole brick, using edge of trowel or brick hammer. Determines vertical and horizontal alignment of courses, using plumb bob, gaugeline (tightly stretched cord), and level. Fastens brick or terra cotta veneer to face of structures, with tie wires embedded in mortar between bricks, or in anchor holes in veneer brick. May weld metal parts to steel structural members. May apply plaster to walls and ceiling, using trowel, to complete repair work [PLASTERER (construction)]. May be designated according to material used as Cinder-Block Mason (construction); Concrete-Block Mason (construction); Terra-Cotta Mason (construction); or work performed as Bricklayer, Maintenance (any industry). When specializing in construction of specified structures, is designated according to specialty as Bricklayer, Sewer (construction); Chimney Builder, Brick (construction). May be designated: Block Setter, Gypsum (construction); Hollow-Tile-Partition Erector (construction); Plaster-Block Layer (construction); Silo Erector (construction).
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.381-022 BRICKLAYER APPRENTICE (construction)

    Performs duties as described under APPRENTICE (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

861.381-026 BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (construction) alternate titles: brickmason

    Lays firebrick and refractory tile to build, rebuild, reline, or patch high-temperature or heating equipment, such as boilers, ovens, furnaces, converters, cupolas, ladles, and soaking pits, according to job orders and blueprints: Lays out work, using chalklines, plumb bobs, tapes, squares, and levels. Calculates angles and courses for building walls, arches, columns, corners, and bottoms. Removes burned or damaged brick and cleans surface of setting, using sledgehammer, pry bar, pneumatic chipping gun, scraper, and wire brush. Cuts brick to size, using brick hammer or powered abrasive saw. Spreads fire-clay mortar over brick with trowel and lays brick in place. Spreads or sprays refractories over exposed bricks to protect bricks against deterioration by heat, using trowel or spray gun. Positions or bends special frame or hanger over casings to lay arches. Cuts, notches, or drills openings to provide outlets, pyrometer mountings, brackets, and heating elements, using handtools. Patches or replaces firebrick linings of ladles and furnace tap holes. Constructs refractory forms for controlling quantity and flow of molten materials from furnace to rolling machines. May replace bolts, brackets, and heating elements, repair coke oven doors, weld cracks or holes in shell, or perform other repairs. May pack insulation into shells and frames to insulate heating equipment, such as furnaces, boilers, and ovens. May be designated according to structure worked on as Bessemer-Bottom Maker (steel & rel.); Coke-Oven Mason (steel & rel.); Door Repairer (steel & rel.); Furnace Mason (construction); Lip-And-Gate Builder (glass mfg.); Open-Hearth Door-Liner (steel & rel.); Vessel Liner (steel & rel.). When specializing in repair and replacement of firebrick and refractory tile in casings or linings of equipment, is designated Firebrick-And-Refractory Tile Repairer (construction).
GOE: 05.05.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 82

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