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Note: The DOT was created by the Employment and Training Administration, and was last updated in 1991. It has been replaced by the O*NET.



401.137-010 to 461.684-018

    This category includes occupations concerned with propagating, growing, caring for, and gathering plant and animal life and products. Also included are occupations concerned with providing related support services; logging timber tracts; catching, hunting, and trapping animal life; and caring for parks, gardens, and grounds. Excluded are occupations requiring a primary knowledge or involvement with technologies, such as processing, packaging, and stock checking, regardless of their industry designation. Managerial occupations in agriculture, fishery, and forestry are included in Group 180.


    This division includes occupations concerned with tilling soil; propagating, cultivating, and harvesting plant life; gathering products of plant life; and caring for parks, gardens, and grounds. Service occupations performed in support of these activities are also included.


    This group includes occupations concerned with growing and harvesting grain crops, such as corn, sorghum, wheat, barley, and rice; and field peas, field beans, and soybeans.

401.137-010 SUPERVISOR, AREA (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in detasseling corn on hybrid seed-corn farm: Examines ears of corn in field to determine time of emergence of silk and its retention of accompanying pollen from tassels, and schedules work load. Assigns block and field code numbers and identifies and marks male and female rows of stalks. Examines fields to find areas of rapidly growing tassels and orders crew to remove tassels before emergence of silk from ears of corn. Assigns fields to SUPERVISOR, DETASSELING CREW (agriculture). Determines frequency of detasseling according to factors, such as temperature, moisture, time of season, and variety of corn grown. Inspects fields for undetasseled corn plants, estimates number of plants in field, and computes percent of tassels pulled by making sample counts of plants. Registers corn detasseling crew and issues identification badges. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

401.137-014 SUPERVISOR, DETASSELING CREW (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in breaking and pulling tassels from corn plants: Directs crewmembers in methods of pulling tassels and stems from corn plants. Designates rows of corn to be detasseled so that ears of corn will be pollenized by tassels of adjacent rows of corn. Records detasseling time and acreage covered. May direct workers in method of pulling corn suckers. May recruit crewmembers and transport them to fields. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

401.161-010 FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agriculture) alternate titles: cash grain grower; grain farmer

    Plants, cultivates, and harvests one or more grain crops, such as barley, corn, rice, soybeans, and wheat, for cash sale: Selects and buys type and amount of seed to be grown, taking into consideration local growing conditions and market demands. Operates equipment to plow, disk, harrow, and fertilize ground and to plant grain. Plans harvesting, considering ripeness and maturity of grain and weather conditions and operates grain-harvesting equipment. Sells grain or stores grain for future sale. Directs activities of workers. Hires and discharges workers. May be designated according to specific grain grown as Corn Grower (agriculture); Rice Farmer (agriculture); Soybean Grower (agriculture); Wheat Grower (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

401.683-010 FARMWORKER, GRAIN I (agriculture)

    Drives and operates farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest, and store grain crops, such as wheat, oats, rye, and corn: Attaches farm implements, such as plow, disc, and drill, to tractor and drives tractor in fields to till soil and plant and cultivate grain, according to instructions. Tows harvesting equipment or drives and operates self-propelled combine to harvest crop. Performs variety of other duties, such as husking and shelling corn, lubricating and repairing farm machinery, and unloading grain onto conveyors to storage bins or elevators. May plan and schedule plowing, cultivating, and harvesting operations.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 80

401.683-014 FARMWORKER, RICE (agriculture)

    Drives and operates rice-farm machinery to prepare land, till soil, build ditches and levees, and harvest rice crop: Hitches farm implements to tractor, and drives tractor along existing swaths and contours of rice field to plow and level fields and build or shore up ditches and levees of flood-irrigation system. Plants rice seed, or soaks rice seed in water and loads germinated seed onto airplane for aerial seeding of field. Loads fertilizer and weed killer into airplane, and stands at edge of field or positions markers indicating field pass by airplane to prevent overlap and gaps during aerial spraying. Drives tractor with harrow attachment over aerially seeded fields to cover seeds with dirt. Sets mowing controls and drives combine through fields to cut and thresh rice, stopping to adjust controls when amount of grain observed in chaff and amount of chaff observed in grain hoppers exceed allowable amounts. Transfers grain from combine hopper to grain truck, using transfer auger. Patrols irrigation ditches to detect obstructions and earthen deterioration, and removes debris and shores-up levees and ditches with shovel to ensure complete flooding of fields. Starts irrigation pumps, removes levee gates, and breaks apart levees to flood or drain field sections as directed. Performs miscellaneous duties, such as cleaning and lubricating farm equipment, loading and unloading trucks, and repairing buildings and fences.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

401.687-010 FARMWORKER, GRAIN II (agriculture)

    Performs variety of manual tasks appropriate for grain crop being cultivated and harvested: Cultivates and thins crops, using hoe. Removes undesirable and excess growth, such as tassels, suckers, and weeds, by hand. Carries supplies, such as bags and baling wires, to workers in fields. Clears irrigation ditches, using shovel. Loads and unloads trucks. Repairs fences and buildings, using carpenter's handtools. Cleans and lubricates farm machines. May be identified with task being performed, such as hoeing, detasseling, and picking; or with crop being worked, such as hybrid seed-corn, field beans and peas, and wheat.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with growing and harvesting vegetable crops. Occupations concerned with growing and harvesting potatoes, sugar beets, and sugarcane are classified in Group 404. Occupations concerned with growing vegetables in a controlled environment, such as in greenhouses and sheds, are classified in Group 405.

402.131-010 SUPERVISOR, VEGETABLE FARMING (agriculture) alternate titles: field supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting vegetable crops: Discusses seasonal crop-growing activities with management to determine sequence of operations and supplies, machinery, and work force needs. Assigns duties, such as tilling soil, planting, weeding, fertilizing, irrigating, harvesting, and maintaining machines, to subordinates, and specifies machines, tools, and supplies to be used. Observes workers to detect inefficient and unsafe work procedures, and demonstrates approved procedures. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in mechanical repairs. May requisition machinery parts and record purchase data.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

402.161-010 FARMER, VEGETABLE (agriculture) alternate titles: garden farmer; vegetable grower

    Raises vegetables: Determines kind and amount of crop to be grown, according to market conditions, weather, and size and location of farm. Selects and purchases seed, fertilizer, and farm machinery and arranges with buyers for sale of crop. Hires and directs farm workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting crop, such as beans, onions, and peas. Performs various duties of farm workers, depending on size and nature of farm, including setting up and operating farm machinery. May grow vegetables in greenhouse to produce out-of-season crops. May grow variety of vegetables and be designated Truck Farmer (agriculture). May specialize in growing single vegetable and be designated by name of vegetable as Onion Farmer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

402.663-010 FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE I (agriculture)

    Drives and operates farm machinery to plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables, such as peas, lettuce, tomatoes, and lima beans: Attaches farm implements, such as plow, planter, fertilizer applicator, and harvester, to tractor and drives tractor in fields to prepare soil and plant, fertilize, and harvest crops. Thins, hoes, and weeds row crops, using hand implements. Irrigates land to provide sufficient moisture for crop growth, using irrigation method appropriate to crop or locality. May mix spray solutions and spray crops. May supervise seasonal workers and keep time records of workers. May use horse-drawn equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops. May adjust and maintain farm machinery. May be identified with crop raised.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

402.687-010 FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE II (agriculture) alternate titles: garden worker; laborer, vegetable farm; vegetable worker

    Plants, cultivates, and harvests vegetables, working as crewmember: Dumps seed into hopper of planter towed by tractor. Rides on planter and brushes debris from seed spouts that discharge seeds into plowed furrow. Plants roots and bulbs, using hoe or trowel. Covers plants with sheet or caps of treated cloth or paper to protect plants from weather. Weeds and thins blocks of plants, using hoe or spoon-shaped tool. Transplants seedlings, using hand transplanter or by placing seedlings in rotating planting wheel while riding on power-drawn transplanter. Sets bean poles and strings them with wire or twine. Closes and ties leaves over heads of cauliflower and other cabbage and cabbagelike plants. Picks, cuts, pulls, or lifts crops to harvest them. Ties vegetables in bunches and removes tops from root crops. Pitches vine crops into viner (pea or bean shelling machine), using pitchfork or electric fork and boom, and cleans up spilled vines. May participate in irrigation activities. May be identified with work assigned, such as blocking, cutting, and stringing, or with crop raised, such as asparagus, beans, and celery.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

402.687-014 HARVEST WORKER, VEGETABLE (agriculture)

    Harvests vegetables, such as cucumbers, onions, lettuce, and sweet corn, by hand or using knife, according to method appropriate for type of vegetable: Ascertains picking assignment from supervisor and places work aids, such as buckets and tie wires, in assigned area. Picks vegetable from plant, pulls vegetable from plant or soil, or cuts vegetable from stem or root. Puts vegetables in container or lays bunches of vegetables along row for collection. Carries containers or armloads of bunched vegetables to collection point. Loads vegetables on trucks or field conveyors. May tie vegetables into specified size bunches, using wires or rubber bands. May cut top foliage from root vegetables, using knife. May wash vegetables. May be identified with tasks performed, such as picking, cutting, bunching, and washing; or with crop harvested as cucumbers, lettuce, onions, radishes, and sweet corn.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 81


    This group includes occupations concerned with growing and harvesting fruit and nut crops. Occupations concerned with propagating and growing plants and tree stock for fruit and nut farms are classified in Group 405.

403.131-010 SUPERVISOR, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT FARMING (agriculture) alternate titles: supervisor, grove; supervisor, orchard

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in cultivating, pruning, spraying, thinning, propping, and harvesting tree crops, such as apples, lemons, oranges, peaches, and pecans: Assigns trees, rows, or blocks of trees to workers. Directs workers in spacing, thinning, irrigating, fertilizing, spraying, and pruning trees and in harvesting fruit. Issues ladders, pruning tools, and picking bags or buckets to workers. Inspects harvested fruit for bruises, maturity, and improper harvesting defects. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May dig up soil samples from various locations in grove to send to laboratory for analysis, using auger or shovel. May examine trees for blight and insect infestation and record degree of damage and location of affected trees. May requisition and purchase farm supplies, such as insecticides and machinery lubricants. May hire and discharge workers. May prepare daily tally sheets of worker hours and production.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 78

403.131-014 SUPERVISOR, VINE-FRUIT FARMING (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting berry crops, such as cranberries and grapes: Confers with manager to evaluate weather and soil conditions and to develop plans and procedures. Hires workers and explains and demonstrates field work-techniques and safety-regulations to inexperienced workers. Assigns duties, such as tilling soil, planting, cultivating, and spraying vines, and gathering berries, to farmworkers and oversees work activities. Attaches farm implement, such as disc, planter, and fertilizer, and herbicide spreader, to tractor, and drives tractor in fields to plant and cultivate vines. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May adjust and repair farm machinery. May irrigate fields. May cut plant runners and uprights to thin vines and stimulate growth, using pruning tools. May be identified according to location as Cranberry-Farm Supervisor (agriculture); Vineyard Supervisor (agriculture).
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

403.161-010 FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agriculture) alternate titles: orchardist

    Plants and cultivates trees, such as apple, orange, and walnut, and harvests fruit and nut crops, applying knowledge of horticulture and market conditions: Determines varieties and quantities of trees to be grown, acreage to be tilled, and employees to be hired. Selects and purchases tree stock and farm machines, implements, and supplies. Decides when and how to plant, bud, graft, cultivate, irrigate, and prune trees and harvest crop, based on knowledge of tree-crop culture. Attaches farm implements, such as plow, disc, and harrow, to tractor and drives tractor in fields to till soil. Plants root stock, applies fertilizers, insecticides, and fungicides, and irrigates fields. Prunes growing trees to develop desired size and shape. Assigns duties to farmhands and explains orchard work techniques and safety regulations to inexperienced workers. Maintains employee and financial records. Arranges with buyers for sale of crops. Lubricates, adjusts, and makes minor repairs on farm machinery, implements, and equipment, using oilcan, grease gun, and handtools. May bud and graft stock. May plant ground crops to shade ground, conserve moisture, and improve soil. May be designated according to crop grown as Apple Grower (agriculture); Cherry Grower (agriculture); Filbert Grower (agriculture); Lemon Grower (agriculture); Nut Orchardist (agriculture); Orange Grower (agriculture). May be designated: Peach Grower (agriculture); Pecan Grower (agriculture); Tung-Nut Grower (agriculture); Walnut Grower (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

403.161-014 FARMER, FRUIT CROPS, BUSH AND VINE (agriculture) alternate titles: berry grower

    Plants and cultivates fruit bushes and vines and harvests crops, such as grapes, cranberries, and strawberries, applying knowledge of growth characteristics of specific varieties and soil, climate, and market conditions: Determines varieties and quantities of plants to be grown, acreage to be tilled, and employees to be hired. Selects and purchases plant stock and farm machines, implements, and supplies. Decides when and how to plant, bud, graft, prune, sucker, cultivate and irrigate plants, and harvest crop, based on knowledge of vine-crop culture. Attaches farm implements, such as harrow and ditcher, to tractor and drives tractor in fields to till soil. Drives and operates farm machinery to spray fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides and haul fruit boxes. Hires, assigns duties to, and oversees activities of seasonal workers engaged in tilling and irrigating soil, pruning plants, and harvesting and marketing crop. Demonstrates and explains farm work techniques and safety regulations. Maintains employee and financial records. Makes arrangements with buyers for sale and shipment of crop. May make arrangements with AIRPLANE PILOT (agriculture) 196.263-010 to spray and dust fertilizers and pesticides on planted acreage. May install irrigation system(s) and irrigate fields. May set poles, string wires on poles to form trellises, and tie vines and canes to trellis wires. May prune vines and canes to size and shape growth. May lubricate, adjust, and make minor repairs on farm machinery, implements, and equipment, using oilcan, grease gun, and handtools, such as hammer and wrench. May be designated according to crop grown as Blueberry Grower (agriculture); Cranberry Grower (agriculture); Grape Grower (agriculture); Raspberry Grower (agriculture); Strawberry Grower (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

403.683-010 FARMWORKER, FRUIT I (agriculture)

    Drives and operates farm machinery to plant, cultivate, spray, and harvest fruit and nut crops, such as apples, oranges, strawberries, and pecans: Attaches farm implements, such as plow, planter, fertilizer applicator, and harvester to tractor and drives tractor in fields to prepare soil and plant, fertilize, and harvest crops. Mixes chemical ingredients and sprays trees, vines, and grounds with solutions to control insects, fungus and weed growth, and diseases. Removes excess growth from trees and vines to improve fruit quality, using pruning saws and clippers. Irrigates soil, using portable-pipe or ditch system. Picks fruit during harvest. Drives truck or tractor to transport materials, supplies, workers, and products. Makes adjustments and minor repairs to farm machinery. May thin blossoms, runners, and immature fruit to obtain better-quality fruit. May select, cut, and graft stock-wood (scion) onto tree stem or trunk to propagate fruit and nut trees. May spray trees in spring to loosen and remove surplus fruit, and in fall to prevent early dropping and discoloration of fruit. May prop limbs to prevent them from breaking under weight of fruit. May start fans that circulate air or light smudge pots or torches to prevent frost damage. May be identified with work being performed, such as picking, plowing, and spraying; or according to crop worked such as cherries, cranberries, lemons, or walnuts.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 81

403.687-010 FARMWORKER, FRUIT II (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following tasks involved in planting, cultivating, and harvesting fruits and nuts, such as cranberries, apples, and pecans, according to instructions from supervisor or farmer: Tills soil, plants stock, prunes trees and bushes, and removes suckers and runners from vines and plants, using tools such as shovels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, and shears. Sprays plants with prescribed herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides to control diseases and insects. Removes blossoms and thins fruit to improve fruit quality. Harvests fruit [HARVEST WORKER, FRUIT (agriculture) 403.687-018]. May light smudge pots and torches or start wind machines that heat and circulate air about crop during cold weather to minimize frost damage. May lay out irrigation pipes, install sprinklers, and open and adjust water valves and gates to irrigate assigned fields. May repair wire fences and farm buildings, using handtools such as hammers and saws. May load and unload trucks. May guide harvester discharge spout over wooden bins to load fruit on trailer. May bag or box harvested fruit. May lay harvested fruit on trays in sun to sun-dry fruit. May clean, lubricate, and adjust farm machinery, such as weeders and harvesters, using tools such as wrenches and grease guns. May clear and burn roots and brush and gather ladders and containers to clean fields. May be identified with tasks being performed, such as thinning, smudging, and picking. May be designated according to crop grown as Farmworker, Berry (agriculture); Farmworker, Cranberry (agriculture); or according to work location as Laborer, Orchard (agriculture); Laborer, Vineyard (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

403.687-014 FIG CAPRIFIER (agriculture)

    Facilitates pollination of fig trees: Selects and picks mature figs which contain wasps or other small insects and places figs in hamper. Transfers figs from hampers to containers attached to infertile trees where wasps and other insects grow to maturity and expedite pollination.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

403.687-018 HARVEST WORKER, FRUIT (agriculture) alternate titles: fruit picker

    Harvests fruits and nuts, such as cherries, strawberries, grapes, oranges, and pecans, according to method appropriate for type of fruit, by hand or using tools, such as shears, rubber mallet, pronged scoop, or hooked pole: Carries and positions work aids, such as ladders, canvas drop cloths, and buckets. Selects fruit to be harvested, according to size, shape, and color. Grasps, twists, and pulls fruit, snips stems, and shakes trees and vines to separate crop from plant and places fruit into bags, buckets, or trays, exercising care to avoid plant and fruit damage. Empties filled containers into collection boxes and bins. May stand on ladders or elevated platforms, stoop over plants, or crawl along rows to reach fruit. May measure fruit, using gauges. May pour fruit through screens when removing foreign matter, such as twigs and grasses. May position hand held vibrating device against branches of bushes to shake ripe fruit from branches. May dump fruit from containers onto conveyors or load containers onto trucks or wagons. May remove ladders, debris, boxes, and discarded fruit from fields and bogs to clean growing areas. May collect fallen nuts into piles, using rake. May carry and position irrigation pipes. May be identified with tasks being performed, such as rhubarb trimming, cranberry screening, and walnut knocking.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

403.687-022 VINE PRUNER (agriculture)

    Prunes berry vines according to specific instructions: Walks along berry-plant row and observes plant foliage to ascertain vines requiring pruning. Cuts away excessive vine-growth, using pruning knife and shears.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with growing and harvesting field crops, such as cotton, peanuts, potatoes, sugar beets, sugarcane, and tobacco; and miscellaneous crops, such as castor and mung beans, dill, ginseng, hops, and sesame. These crops usually require processing before being sold to the consumer and miscellaneous crops are those that cannot be classified as grain, vegetable, fruit, nut, horticultural, or field crops.

404.131-010 SUPERVISOR, FIELD-CROP FARMING (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in preparing fields and planting, cultivating, and harvesting crop specialties, such as cotton, mint, tobacco, and hops: Confers with manager to evaluate soil and weather conditions and to develop plans and procedures. Inspects fields and observes growing plants and harvested crop to determine work requirements, such as cultivating, spraying, thinning, weeding, irrigating, harvesting, and drying, according to time of year and condition of soil, plants, and crops. Determines number and kind of workers needed to perform required work and schedules activities. Inspects work performed, observes instrument and gauge readings, ascertains condition of crop, and performs related duties to verify worker adherence to instructions. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May hire workers. May train workers in work procedures, safety policies, and use of machinery and tools. May oversee packaging and transporting of harvested crop. May drive and operate farm machinery, such as tractor, baler, and self-propelled harvester. May examine machinery to ascertain maintenance, repair, and replacement requirements, and supervise workers engaged in machinery-maintenance activities. May issue tools to workers. May be designated Driver (agriculture) when supervising cotton workers. May be identified with crop grown.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

404.131-014 SUPERVISOR, SHED WORKERS (agriculture) alternate titles: shed boss

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in curing tobacco leaves on farm: Reads work schedule and ascertains number of available workers on day-haul bus. Assigns workers to tasks, such as stringing, handling, and hanging tobacco leaves for drying. Enforces company rules to promote safety and prevent waste. Investigates grievances and settles disputes to maintain harmony among workers. Keeps production records. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

404.161-010 FARMER, FIELD CROP (agriculture)

    Plants, cultivates, and harvests specialty crops, such as alfalfa, cotton, hops, peanuts, mint, sugarcane, and tobacco, applying knowledge of growth characteristics of individual crop, and soil, climate, and market conditions: Determines number and kind of employees to be hired, acreage to be tilled, and varieties and quantities of plants to be grown. Selects and purchases plant stock and farm machinery, implements, and supplies. Decides when and how to plant, cultivate, and irrigate plants and harvest crops, applying knowledge of plant culture. Attaches farm implements, such as plow, disc, and seed drill to tractor and drives tractor in fields to till soil and plant and cultivate crops. Drives and operates farm machinery to spray fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides and haul harvested crops. Hires, assigns duties to, and oversees activities of farm workers. Demonstrates and explains farm work techniques and safety regulations to new workers. Maintains employee and financial records. Arranges with buyers for sale and shipment of crop. May install irrigation system(s) and irrigate fields. May set poles and string wires and twine on poles to form trellises. May lubricate, adjust, and make minor repairs on farm machinery, implements, and equipment, using mechanic's handtools and work aids. May plant seeds in cold-frame bed and cover bed with cloth or glass to protect seedlings from weather. May transplant seedlings in rows, by hand or using transplanter machine. May grade and package crop for marketing. May be designated according to crop grown as Cotton Grower (agriculture); Ginseng Farmer (agriculture); Hay Farmer (agriculture); Hop Grower (agriculture); Peanut Farmer (agriculture); Sugarcane Planter (agriculture); Tobacco Grower (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

404.663-010 FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP I (agriculture)

    Performs following duties to prepare fields and plant, cultivate, and harvest field crops, such as cotton and hops: Attaches farm implements, such as disk harrow and weed cutter, to tractor, using bolts and mechanic's handtools. Drives tractor to field and tows attached implement back and forth across field or between crop rows, manipulating levers that activate and position implement parts to till soil. Loads and drives truck to transport farm supplies and tools, such as fertilizer and pesticide chemicals, trellis poles and wires, hoes and shovels, harvested crops, and farm workers to specified locations. Drives and operates self-propelled harvest machine to harvest crop. Adds oil, gasoline, and water to appropriate tanks on machinery. Makes minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery, paints farm structures, and replaces fence and trellis wires when weather and season preclude driving activities. May irrigate fields. May oversee work crew engaged in planting, weeding, or harvesting activities. May weigh crop-filled containers and record weights. May spray fertilizer and pesticide solutions in assigned areas.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

404.685-010 SEED-POTATO ARRANGER (agriculture)

    Tends machine that cuts potatoes into sections of uniform size for use as seed: Pushes button to start machinery that carries potatoes to, through, and from cutter blades. Arranges potatoes, according to size, on feed conveyor in line with knives. Discards diseased and rotting potatoes. Monitors potato flow and observes machinery operation to detect jams and malfunctions. Clears jams, and reports malfunctions to supervisor. Rakes up potatoes and potato sections that have fallen from conveyors.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

404.686-010 SEED CUTTER (agriculture) alternate titles: cutter; potato-seed cutter

    Cuts seed potatoes into sections of uniform size for mechanical planting, using any of following methods: (1) Cuts potato into sections containing one or more eyes, using paring knife or draws potato along knife attached to table. (2) Dumps potatoes into hopper of machine that cuts potatoes in half. (3) Places potatoes on revolving arms of machine that cuts potatoes into quarters.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77

404.687-010 FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP II (agriculture)

    Plants, cultivates, and harvests field crops, such as cotton, hops, and tobacco, working as crewmember: Plants seeds or digs up and transplants seedlings and sets, using handtools such as hoes and scoops. Chops out weeds, thins plants to leave sturdier plants spaced at regular intervals, and hills up soil around plant roots to retain moisture and protect roots from temperature extremes, using hoe. Cuts vines from trellis, using knife, or pulls leaves from stalks to harvest crop. Stacks or packs crop in containers and loads containers on trucks or wagons. May propagate plants in covered cold-frame beds and pull up seedlings to be transplanted. May set up poles, string wires and twine among poles to form trellises, and secure plants and cloth netting to trellis structure to support growing plants and provide shade. May cut or pull away tops, leaves, and suckers from plants during growing season. May spray fungicides and pesticides on plants to destroy diseases and insects, using hand or engine-powered pump sprayer. May stack empty harvest containers in field area. May sharpen hoes, using portable grinding wheel and hand file. May be identified with task performed, such as pole setting, raking, suckering, and picking, or according to crop as Cotton Farmworker (agriculture); Hops Farmworker (agriculture); Tobacco Farmworker (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

404.687-014 HARVEST WORKER, FIELD CROP (agriculture)

    Harvests field crops, such as broomcorn, cotton, hops, peanuts, sugarcane, and tobacco, working as crewmember: Walks, stoops, crawls, or sits between plant rows to reach harvestable crop. Pulls, twists, or cuts fibers, leaves, stalks, straw, or vines, selected according to color, size, and shape, from bolls, roots, stalks, or trellises; by hand or using knife, machete, or sickle. Collects crop into containers, such as bags, boxes, and bundles, or piles and stacks crop in windrows. Picks up and carries bundles, bales, containers, or stacks of harvested crop to collection point, and loads crop onto truck or wagon, by hand or using hoist or hooks. May tie leaves, stalks, straws, or vines into bundles, using twine, clamps, or rubber bands. May shake dirt from vines and stack vines or straw around stakes or stalks, by hand or using pitchfork, to protect crop from weathering on damp soil. May gather up and load scattered leaves, vines, or pods on truck. May burn debris, leaves, and stalks. May be identified with duties performed, such as cutting, picking, carrying, and loading; or with crop worked, such as alfalfa, mint, and sugar beets.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 80


    This group includes occupations concerned with propagating and raising products, such as nursery stock, flowers, flowering plants, flower seeds, bulbs, and turf grasses. Also included are occupations concerned with growing food crops, such as mushrooms and rhubarb, which require controlled environmental conditions. Occupations concerned with propagating, raising, and transplanting forest trees are classified in Group 451.

405.131-010 SUPERVISOR, HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY FARMING (agriculture) alternate titles: green house manager; harvesting manager

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in propagating, cultivating, and harvesting horticultural specialties, such as trees, shrubs, flowering plants, flowers, and mushrooms, applying knowledge of environmental-control structures, systems, and techniques and plant culture: Discusses plant growing activities with management personnel to plan planting and picking schedules and employee assignments; obtain authorization for changes in fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide application techniques and formulas; resolve problems; and develop procedures for new species in product line and new cultivation techniques. Observes plants and flowers in greenhouses, pots, cold frames, and fields to ascertain condition, such as leaf texture and bloom size; and oversees changes in humidity and temperature levels and cultivation procedures to ensure conformance with quality control standards. Prepares and assigns work schedules. Trains new employees in gardening techniques, such as transplanting and weeding, and grading and packaging activities. Inspects facilities for signs of disrepair, such as missing glass panes and clogged sprinklers, and delegates repair duties to ensure refurbishing or replacement of parts in environmental-control structures and systems. May drive and operate heavy machinery, such as dump truck, four-wheeled tractor, and growth-media tiller, to handle materials and supplies. May perform variety of duties involving propagation, care, and marketing of plants and crops. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be identified according to kind of establishment as Greenhouse Superintendent (agriculture); or crop as Mushroom-Growing Supervisor (agriculture); Orchid Superintendent (agriculture).
GOE: 03.02.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 80

405.137-010 SUPERVISOR, ROSE-GRADING (agriculture) alternate titles: head rose grader

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in grading flowers according to size and appearance characteristics, and packaging customer orders in greenhouse: Reads inventory records, customer orders, and shipping schedules to ascertain day's activity requirements. Assigns duties to subordinates and informs workers of departures from established routines. Collects, reviews, and compares daily work tallies, and looks at and feels flower bunches and rejected flowers to ascertain quantity and quality of subordinates' work. Prepares and submits written and oral reports of personnel actions, such as performance evaluations, hires, promotions, and discipline. Explains and demonstrates grading techniques and packing procedures to train new workers. Grades and packs flowers, according to specifications, to maintain workflow during emergencies and periods of increased work load. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

405.161-010 BONSAI CULTURIST (agriculture) alternate titles: dwarf tree grower

    Grows dwarf (Bonsai) trees: Selects seedlings or other small trees suitable for Bonsai. Stunts plant growth, using root and branch pruning techniques and soil and fertilizer mixtures. Trains limbs and branches to achieve artistic shape, using cutters and wires. Arranges plantings in containers, selected according to style, size, and shape complimentary to arrangement, and adds decorative materials, such as rocks, moss, and mirrors.
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Propagates and grows horticultural-specialty products and crops, such as seeds, bulbs, rootstocks, sod, ornamental plants, and cut flowers: Plans acreage utilization and work schedules, according to knowledge of crop culture, climate and market conditions, seed, bulb, or rootstock availability, and employable work force and machinery. Attaches farm implements, such as disk and fertilizer spreader, to tractor and drives tractor in fields to till soil and plant and cultivate crop. Inspects fields periodically to ascertain nutrient deficiencies, detect insect, disease, and pest infestations, and identify foreign-plant growth, and selects, purchases, and schedules materials, such as fertilizers and herbicides, to ensure quality control. Hires field workers; assigns their duties according to scheduled activities, such as planting, irrigating, weeding, and harvesting; and oversees their activities. Maintains personnel and production records. Arranges with customers for sale of crop. May oversee activities, such as product cleaning, grading, and packaging. May provide customer services, such as planning and building planters, walls, and patios, and planting and caring for landscape and display arrangements. May bud or graft scion stock on plantings to alter growth characteristics. May develop new variations of species specialty to produce crops with specialized market-appeal, such as disease resistance or color brilliance. May cultivate out-of-season seedlings and crops, using greenhouse. May cultivate cover crop, such as hay or rye, in rotation with horticultural specialty to rejuvenate soil. May drive and operate self-propelled harvesting machine. May lubricate, adjust, and make minor repairs on farm machinery and equipment. May build, remove, and repair farm structures, such as fences and sheds. May be designated according to crop as Bulb Grower (agriculture); Flower Grower (agriculture); Grass Farmer (agriculture); Rose Grower (agriculture); Seed Grower (agriculture); Shrub Grower (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Grows horticultural-specialty products and crops, such as flowers, ornamental plants, and vegetables, under environmentally controlled conditions, applying knowledge of plant culture, environmental-control systems and structures, and market conditions: Determines types and quantities of plantings to grow; allocates space in structure, such as greenhouse or shed; and schedules growing activities. Plants seeds and transplants seedlings in material, such as bark, gravel, heated water, sandy soil, and stable straw to propagate seeds and nursery stock. Removes substandard plants to maintain quality control, prunes plants to enhance development, and positions plants to artistically display products. Monitors timing and metering devices that control frequency, amount, and type of nutrient applications; regulate humidity, ventilation, and carbon dioxide conditions; and dispense herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides. Explains and demonstrates care-taking techniques to subordinates. May assign their duties. May hire workers. May maintain personnel and production records. May deal with vendors to purchase supplies and materials, and arrange with customers to sell products and crops. May be identified with crop as Bean-Sprout Grower (agriculture); Mushroom Grower (agriculture); Orchid Grower (agriculture); or technique as Hydroponics Grower (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

405.361-010 PLANT PROPAGATOR (agriculture)

    Propagates plants, such as orchids and rhododendrons, applying knowledge of environmental controls and plant culture: Confers with management personnel to ascertain type and number of species to propagate and to develop and revise nutrient formulas and environmental-control specifications. Selects materials according to kind of plant; mixes growth media; and prepares containers, such as jars, pots, and trays. Initiates new plant growth, using methods such as following: (1) Cuts leaves, stems, or rhizomes from parent plant and places cuttings in growth media. (2) Bends, covers, or buries branches of parent plant in soil, securing branches with pegs or rocks. (3) Wounds stems of parent plant, using sharp knife, inserts pebble into wound, and binds wound with moss, burlap, or raffia. (4) Plants meristem and seeds in growth media. (5) Breaks off or cuts apart and plants roots, crowns, and tubers from parent plant. Inspects growing area to ascertain temperature and humidity conditions, and regulates systems of heaters, fans, and sprayers to ensure conformance with specifications. Gives transplanting and cultivation instructions to coworkers, and monitors activities to assure adherence to established plant-culture procedures. May graft or divide developing plants to promote altered growth characteristics. May log activities, maintain propagation records, and compile periodic reports.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

405.683-010 FARMWORKER, BULBS (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following tasks involved with driving, operating, and maintaining farm machinery and equipment, planting, cultivating, and harvesting flower bulbs and flowers, and maintaining structures on nursery acreage or in greenhouse: Hitches farm implements, such as plow and disk, to tractor, and drives tractor while operating implements to till soil and plant, fertilize, cultivate, dust, and spray crops, such as tulip, hyacinth, and begonia. Adjusts conveyor speeds and height of digging mechanism, using wrench, and drives and operates harvesting machine to dig up bulbs, applying knowledge of terrain contours and type of bulb being harvested. Participates in indoor activities, such as setting flowers in chilled-water troughs, packing flowers in cartons, stacking cartons on pallets, handtrucking containers of flowers and bulbs to designated areas in warehouse or greenhouse, and repairing boxes. Loads truck with containers of bulbs or flowers, and drives truck to deliver products. Repairs and paints farm structures, using ladder, brushes, and carpentry handtools. Washes, paints, lubricates, and participates in repair of farm machinery, using mechanic's handtools.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

405.683-014 GROWTH-MEDIA MIXER, MUSHROOM (agriculture)

    Drives and operates machinery, such as crane loader, dump truck, and manure-turning machine, to move and treat straw and manure and dirt for use in mushroom beds: Operates crane loader to scoop wet manure from wet pit and dry manure from dry stack and dumps dry and wet manure into dump truck bed. Drives dump truck to haul manure to shed-covered area and dumps manure into rows. Drives dump truck loaded with dirt to rows of manure and moves levers to dump dirt over manure. Operates manure-turning machine to turn and mix manure with dirt and specified additives. Drives scoop loader to push manure from place to place on mushroom farm and to load manure onto trucks.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

405.684-010 BUDDER (agriculture)

    Buds field-grown rose plants with hybrid buds during rose-growing season: Crouches over rows of rose plants to reach plant rootstock. Cuts T-shaped incision on rootstock and opens incision, using budding knife. Slices hybrid bud from scion wood and inserts bud into incision. Observes tying of buds to ensure quality of tie. Repeats procedure, rapidly, throughout work period to maintain production.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

405.684-014 HORTICULTURAL WORKER I (agriculture)

    Plants, cultivates, and harvests horticultural specialties, such as flowers and shrubs, and performs related duties in environmentally controlled structure, applying knowledge of environmental systems: Ascertains growing schedules and deviations from established procedures from grower or manager. Sows seed and plants cuttings. Looks at and feels leaf texture, bloom development, and soil condition to determine nutrient and moisture requirements and to detect and identify germ and pest infestations. Sets fertilizer timing and metering devices that control frequency and amount of nutrients to be introduced into irrigation system. Applies herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides to destroy undesirable growth and pests, using spray wand connected to solution tank. Reads and interprets sensing indicators and regulates humidity, ventilation, and carbon dioxide systems to control environmental conditions. Grafts scions to seedling stock. Pollinates, prunes, transplants, and pinches plants, and culls flowers, branches, fruit, and plants to ensure development of marketable products. Harvests, packs, and stores crop, using techniques appropriate for individual horticultural specialty. May maintain and repair hydroponic and environmental control systems. May mix planting soil, following prescribed procedures. May record information, such as chemicals used, grafting performed, and environmental conditions, to maintain required records. May maintain and repair structures, using materials, such as corrugated fiberglass panels, lath, glass panes, and putty, and tools, such as hammer, saw, and putty knife. May be designated according to work location as Greenhouse Worker (agriculture); according to techniques employed as Hydroponics Worker (agriculture); or according to horticultural specialty as Orchid Worker (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 3 DLU: 81

405.687-010 FLOWER PICKER (agriculture)

    Harvests flowers, such as daffodils and tulips, working as member of crew: Pinches or cuts flower stem to remove flower from plant. Bundles specified number of stems, using rubberband, and carries bundles to collection box.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77

405.687-014 HORTICULTURAL WORKER II (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following duties concerned with preparing soil and growth media, cultivating, and otherwise participating in horticultural activities under close supervision on acreage, in nursery, or in environmentally controlled structure, such as greenhouse and shed: Hauls and spreads topsoil, fertilizer, peat moss, and other materials to condition land. Digs, rakes, and screens soil, and fills cold frames and hot beds to prepare them for planting. Fills growing tanks with water. Plants, sprays, weeds, and waters plants, shrubs, and trees. Sows grass seed and plants plugs of sod and cuts, rolls, and stacks sod. Prepares scion and ties buds to assist worker budding roses. Traps and poisons pests, such as moles, gophers, and mice. Plants shrubs and plants in containers. Ties, bunches, wraps, and packs flowers, plants, shrubs, and trees to fill orders. Moves containerized shrubs and trees, using wheelbarrow. Digs up shrubs and trees, and wraps their roots with burlap. May dip rose cuttings into vat to disinfect cuttings prior to storage. May fold and staple corrugated forms to make boxes used for packing horticultural products. May be designated according to employing establishment as Grass-Farm Laborer (agriculture); Greenhouse Laborer (agriculture); Nursery Laborer (agriculture); Rose-Farm Laborer (agriculture); or according to horticultural specialty as Bean-Sprout Laborer (agriculture); Mushroom Laborer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

405.687-018 TRANSPLANTER, ORCHID (agriculture)

    Transplants orchids in greenhouse, according to specific instructions: Slides meristem from jars of nutrient solution, or lifts plants from trays or pots. Trims and cleans plant roots, using knife, tweezers, water, and fungicide. Spreads pebbles and inert growth-media in planting containers, positions plant on media, adds and presses media around roots, and sprinkles surface with water and fertilizer solution. Records species code and planting date on plastic marker, and inserts marker in container. Places planted orchids on designated greenhouse shelves. Washes jars and lids in sanitizing solution, and carries them to laboratory.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with caring for areas, such as gardens, grounds, parks, and cemeteries. Landscaping occupations are classified in Group 408.

406.134-010 SUPERVISOR, CEMETERY WORKERS (real estate)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in preparing graves, maintaining cemetery grounds, and performing related work in cemetery: Confers with manager to develop plans and schedules for routine maintenance of grounds and graves and to ascertain number, nature, and time schedule for priority activities, such as grave digging and lining, grave-marker placement, and disinterments. Determines crew and equipment requirements for each maintenance and priority activity and assigns specific tasks to subordinates. Periodically observes ongoing work to ascertain if work is being performed according to instructions and will be completed on schedule. Reassigns tasks of subordinates and confers with manager to adjust activity schedules. Demonstrates and explains tasks, such as pruning shrubs and finishing cement, and use of equipment, such as backhoe, power lawnmower, and casket lowering device, to train new workers and improve performance of other workers. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in opening and closing mausoleum vaults. May supervise and oversee graveside services to ensure services are performed according to instructions. May perform minor repairs on equipment, using handtools and power tools and applying mechanical knowledge. May supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in installation of water and sewer lines, building and sealing of roads within cemetery, excavation of ground for preset vaults, and movement of equipment by trailer.
GOE: 03.02.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

406.134-014 SUPERVISOR, LANDSCAPE (museums; waterworks)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in maintenance of areas, such as parks, botanical gardens, and playgrounds: Plans landscaping tasks, and instructs workers in taking care of nursery, planting of flowers, and transplanting and pruning of trees and shrubbery. Directs workers in maintenance and repair of driveways, walks, hedges, swings, benches, and other park equipment. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May patrol parks to guard against vandalism and destruction. May supervise workers engaged in maintenance of areas along highways, around rest areas, and federal or state facilities and be designated Supervisor, Grounds (government ser.); Supervisor, Rest Area (government ser.); or Supervisor, Park Workers (government ser.).
GOE: 03.02.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 81

406.137-010 GREENSKEEPER I (any industry) alternate titles: greenskeeper, head

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in preserving grounds and turf of golf course in playing condition: Confers with SUPERINTENDENT, GREENS (amuse. & rec.) 406.137-014 to plan and review work projects. Determines work priority and assigns workers to specific tasks, such as fertilizing, irrigating, seeding, mowing, raking, and spraying. Mixes and prepares recommended spray and dust solutions. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May direct and assist workers engaged in maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment. May assist workers to perform more critical duties.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

406.137-014 SUPERINTENDENT, GREENS (amuse. & rec.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in constructing new areas and preserving golf course grounds: Plans work programs, utilizing experience and established agronomic practices, to improve and maintain turf and playing condition of course. Plans new areas or changes in course and directs workers engaged in cultivation, grading, seeding, and sodding of area. Reviews test results of soil and turf samples and directs application of fertilizer, lime, insecticide, and fungicide. Tours grounds to ascertain work progress and condition of course. Inspects turf to designate height and frequency of mowing, and determine need for supplemental irrigation to sustain or force growth. Reviews and keeps employee time records. Interviews, hires, and discharges workers. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May assign workers to short-course training sessions related to course maintenance.
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

406.381-010 GARDENER, SPECIAL EFFECTS AND INSTRUCTION MODELS (motion picture; museums)

    Plants trees, shrubs, grass, flowers, and similar plant life in special display areas, such as motion picture sets and horticultural workshop beds, and as instruction models, such as terrariums and dish gardens, according to written, oral, and illustrated instructions and using gardening tools: Reads and studies instructions and discusses project with supervisor to ascertain material and tool requirements. Collects horticultural items and gathers materials, such as containers, charcoal, moss, and rock. Plants items, following plan and applying knowledge of appropriate gardening techniques. May weed, water, and fertilize displays, sets, and instruction models. May collect horticultural items, such as twigs, leaves, and flowers, for use as instruction materials. May be designated Greens Planter (motion picture) when working on motion picture sets.
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

406.683-010 GREENSKEEPER II (any industry) alternate titles: laborer, golf course

    Performs any combination of following duties, as directed by GREENSKEEPER (any industry) I, to maintain grounds and turf of golf course in playing condition: Operates tractor, using specific attachments, to till, cultivate, and grade new turf areas, to apply prescribed amounts of lime, fertilizer, insecticide, and fungicide, and to mow rough and fairway areas at designated cut, exercising care not to injure turf or shrubs. Cuts turf on green and tee areas, using hand mower and power mower. Connects hose and sprinkler systems at designated points on course to irrigate turf. Digs and rakes ground to prepare new greens, grades and cleans traps, and repairs roadbeds, using shovels, rakes, spades, and other tools. May plant, trim, and spray trees and shrubs.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

406.684-010 CEMETERY WORKER (real estate) alternate titles: gravedigger

    Prepares graves and maintains cemetery grounds: Locates grave site according to section, lot, and plot numbers, and marks area to be excavated. Removes sod from gravesite, using shovel. Digs grave to specified depth, using pick and shovel or backhoe. Places concrete slabs on bottom and around grave to line it. Mixes and pours concrete to construct foundation for grave marker, using premixed concrete, wheelbarrow, and handtools. Positions casket-lowering device on grave, covers dirt pile and sod with artificial grass carpet, erects canopy, and arranges folding chairs to prepare site for burial service. Builds wooden forms for concrete slabs, using hammer, saw, and nails. Sets grave marker in concrete on gravesite, using shovel and trowel. Mows grass, using hand or power mower. Prunes shrubs, trims trees, and plants flowers and shrubs on grave, using handtools. Removes leaves and other debris from graves, using leaf blowers and weed eaters. May drive vehicles, such as backhoe, trucks, and tractors. May repair and maintain tools and equipment, using handtools and power tools and applying mechanical knowledge. May open and close mausoleum vaults, using handtools.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 86

406.684-014 GROUNDSKEEPER, INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL (any industry) alternate titles: caretaker, grounds; gardener

    Maintains grounds of industrial, commercial, or public property, performing any combination of following tasks: Cuts lawns, using hand mower or power mower. Trims and edges around walks, flower beds, and walls, using clippers, weed cutters, and edging tools. Prunes shrubs and trees to shape and improve growth or remove damaged leaves, branches, or twigs, using shears, pruners, or chain saw. Sprays lawn, shrubs, and trees with fertilizer, herbicides, and insecticides, using hand or automatic sprayer. Rakes and bags or burns leaves, using rake. Cleans grounds and removes litter, using spiked stick or broom. Shovels snow from walks and driveways. Spreads salt on public passage ways to prevent ice buildup. Plants grass, flowers, trees, and shrubs, using gardening tools. Waters lawn and shrubs, using hose or by activating fixed or portable sprinkler system. May repair fences, gates, walls, and walks, using carpentry and masonry tools. May paint fences and outbuildings. May clean out drainage ditches and culverts, using shovel and rake. May perform ground maintenance duties, using tractor equipped with attachments, such as mowers, lime or fertilizer spreaders, lawn roller, and snow removal equipment. May sharpen tools, such as weed cutters, edging tools, and shears, using file or knife sharpener. May make minor repairs on equipment, such as lawn mower, spreader, and snow removal equipment, using handtools and power tools. May perform variety of laboring duties, common to type of employing establishment.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 86

406.684-018 GARDEN WORKER (agriculture; museums) alternate titles: gardener-florist

    Cultivates and cares for ornamental plants and installs floral displays in indoor or outdoor settings through performance of any combination of following duties as directed by supervisory personnel: Conditions and prepares soils and plants seeds, seedlings, or bulbs in greenhouse or outdoor growing area, using spades, trowels, sprayers, sprinklers, cultivators, and other gardening handtools and equipment. Fertilizes, waters, weeds, transplants, or thins plants in growing areas. Mixes and applies pesticides to maintain health of plants and prepare plants for installation in greenhouse or outdoor display areas. Lays sod or artificial grass and builds framework for indoor floral displays, or prepares outdoor display beds according to work plan. Transplants plants from growing area to display beds, or places potted plants in beds according to work plans. Attends display beds to maintain health of plants and beauty of display. Maintains and repairs gardening handtools and equipment and structures, such as greenhouses and hot beds, using maintenance and carpentry tools. May mow lawns, prune trees, and perform other duties to maintain grounds.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 86

406.687-010 LANDSCAPE SPECIALIST (government ser.) alternate titles: park worker

    Maintains grounds and areas along highway right-of-way of city, state, and national parks: Sows grass seed, using spreader, or plants trees, shrubs, or flowers, according to instructions and planned design of landscaped area, using handtools. Applies herbicide or mulch to designated areas, using sprayers. Grubs and weeds around bushes, trees, and flower beds. Trims hedges and prunes trees, using handtools. Mows lawns, using hand mower or power-driven lawnmower. Picks up and burns or carts away paper and rubbish. Repairs and paints benches, tables, and guardrails, and assists in repair of roads, walks, buildings, and mechanical equipment, using handtools. May live on-site and be designated Campground Caretaker (government ser.). May be referred to as Groundskeeper, Parks and Grounds (government ser.).
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 81


    This group includes occupations concerned with growing and harvesting two or more kinds of crops, usually on the same farm.

407.131-010 SUPERVISOR, DIVERSIFIED CROPS (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting more than one kind of crop, such as vegetable, cash grain, crop specialty, and fruit: Confers with management to evaluate weather and soil conditions and to develop and revise plans and procedures. Directs workers in preparing soil and in planting, cultivating, spraying, and harvesting crops, such as wheat, onions, sweet corn, and mint. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in maintenance and repair of farm machines and facilities, such as mowers, root diggers, fences, and sheds. May adjust, lubricate, refuel and repair farm machines and facilities. May drive and operate farm machinery, such as trucks, tractors, and self-propelled harvesters. May compile and submit reports on farm conditions, such as machinery breakdowns, crop diseases, and labor problems. May hire and discharge workers.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 78

407.161-010 FARMER, DIVERSIFIED CROPS (agriculture)

    Grows and harvests more than one kind of crop, such as fruit, grain, vegetable, and specialty crop, applying market condition and agricultural knowledge applicable to kinds of crops raised: Determines kinds and quantities of crops to grow according to market conditions, weather, and farm size and location. Selects and purchases supplies, such as seeds, fertilizers, and farm machinery, and arranges with buyers for sale of crops. Hires and directs activities of farm workers engaged in tilling soil and planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops. Performs various duties of farm workers, depending on farm size or season, including setting up and operating farm machinery, such as truck, tractor, disk harrow, and self-propelled harvester.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

407.663-010 FARMWORKER, DIVERSIFIED CROPS I (agriculture)

    Drives and operates farm machines to grow and harvest combination of kinds of crops, such as grain, fruit, and vegetable: Attaches farm implements, such as plow, seed drill, and manure spreader to tractor, and drives tractor and operates implements in fields to till soil and plant, cultivate, and fertilize crops, such as sugar beets, asparagus, wheat, onions, and mint. Thins and weeds plants, such as field corn, lima beans, fresh peas, and dry beans, using handtools, such as hoes and shovels or power-drawn implement. Irrigates fields to provide moisture for crop growth, according to irrigation method appropriate for crops or locality. May mix chemical solutions, such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, and spray crops. May oversee activities of seasonal workers, and keep workers' time records. May adjust and maintain farm machines.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

407.687-010 FARMWORKER, DIVERSIFIED CROPS II (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following manual duties involved in planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops on diversified-crop farm, such as wheat, onion and sugar-beet farm and tomato and sweet-potato farm: Rides on planter and brushes debris from furrow-plowing spouts. Plants roots and bulbs, using hoe or trowel. Transplants seedlings, using hand transplanter. Covers plants to protect them from weather, using sheets or caps of treated cloth or paper. Weeds and thins plants, using hoe or spoon-shaped tool. Sets out poles and strings wires or twine to build trellises or fences. Positions and ties leaves or tendrils of plants, such as watermelons and cabbages, to promote market-quality development. Prunes limbs, runners, or buds from trees or vines to shape plants and promote productivity, using shears and saws. Harvests crops using appropriate method, such as picking, pulling, and cutting. Cuts off tops of root plants and sacks or bunches and ties harvested crops to facilitate handling. Picks out debris, such as vines and culls, to clean harvested crops, and cleans up area around harvesting machines. May be identified with work performed, such as planting, weeding, and picking.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations typically found in establishments providing blight, weed, and pest control; and landscaping, tree, and related services on a fee or contract basis. Farm equipment operators are classified in Group 409. Crop-preparation-service-for-market occupations, such as sorting, grading, and packing fruit and vegetables; and nut hulling and shelling are classified in Division 92.

408.131-010 SUPERVISOR, SPRAY, LAWN AND TREE SERVICE (agriculture) alternate titles: crew manager

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in pruning trees and shrubs, cultivating lawns, and applying pesticides and other chemicals according to service contract specifications: Reviews contracts to ascertain service, machine, and work force requirements and schedules work for crews according to weather conditions, availability of equipment, and seasonal limitations. Investigates customer complaints and spot checks completed work to ascertain quality of subordinates' work and effectiveness of chemicals applied. Suggests formula and procedure changes and orders corrective work to improve quality of service and ensure contract compliance. Answers inquiries from potential customers regarding methods, materials, and price ranges in person or by telephone. Prepares service estimates according to labor hour, material, and machine requirement costs determined from job site appraisal data, experience, and records. Compiles reports of personnel matters, such as absenteeism and labor costs, for management. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to kind of crew supervised as Spray Supervisor (agriculture); Tree-Service Supervisor (agriculture).
GOE: 03.02.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

408.137-010 SUPERVISOR, INSECT AND DISEASE INSPECTION (agriculture) alternate titles: disease-and-insect-control boss

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in detecting presence of noxious insects and plant diseases in field crops and counting insect population, applying knowledge of standard sampling techniques: Ascertains kinds of crops planted in each field and number of acreages involved to determine need for modifying sampling techniques and to determine number of workers needed. Assigns fields to workers, distributes sampling worksheets, and briefs new workers on identifying characteristics of prevalent insects and diseases. Compiles sampling-results data from worksheets to prepare composite insect and disease report for each field. Transports workers to and from fields using truck. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

408.137-014 SUPERVISOR, TREE-TRIMMING (utilities)

    Supervises and coordinates the activities of workers engaged in removing trees that interfere with electric power lines: Examines work order to determine location of trees to be pruned or felled by trimming crews. Reads street and road maps and drives truck to transport crew to work site. Inspects electric power lines near trees to be trimmed and secures clearance to work on lines if necessary. Directs placement of rigging for hoisting tools to workers in trees and for lowering severed tree limbs to ground. Supervises workers in cutting away branches of trees so that remaining tree limbs are at safe distance from electric power lines. Orders removal of trees when necessary. Explains tree trimming activities to consumers when working on consumers' property. Keeps daily work records. Occasionally trims trees. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

408.161-010 LANDSCAPE GARDENER (agriculture) alternate titles: landscaper

    Plans and executes small scale landscaping operations and maintains grounds and landscape of private and business residences: Participates with LABORER, LANDSCAPE (agriculture) in preparing and grading terrain, applying fertilizers, seeding and sodding lawns, and transplanting shrubs and plants, using manual and power-operated equipment. Plans lawns, and plants and cultivates them, using gardening implements and power-operated equipment. Plants new and repairs established lawns, using seed mixtures and fertilizers recommended for particular soil type and lawn location. Locates and plants shrubs, trees, and flowers selected by property owner or those recommended for particular landscape effect. Mows and trims lawns, using hand mower or power mower. Trims shrubs and cultivates gardens. Cleans grounds, using rakes, brooms, and hose. Sprays trees and shrubs, and applies supplemental liquid and dry nutrients to lawn and trees. May dig trenches and install drain tiles. May make repairs to concrete and asphalt walks and driveways.
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

408.181-010 TREE SURGEON (agriculture)

    Prunes and treats ornamental and shade trees and shrubs in yards and parks to improve their appearance, health, and value: Cuts out dead and undesirable limbs and trims trees to enhance beauty and growth. Scrapes decayed matter from cavities in trees, and fills holes with cement to promote healing and prevent further deterioration. Sprays and dusts pesticides on shrubs and trees to control pests and disease or sprays foliar fertilizers to increase plant growth, using hand or machine dusters and sprayers. Tops trees to control growth characteristics and to prevent interference with utility wires. May apply herbicides to kill brush and weeds. May fell and remove trees and bushes. May plant trees and shrubs.
GOE: 03.01.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

408.364-010 PLANT-CARE WORKER (agriculture) alternate titles: interior horticulturist; plant tender

    Cares for ornamental plants on various customer premises, applying knowledge of horticultural requirements, and using items such as insecticides, fertilizers, and gardening tools: Reads work orders and supply requisitions to determine job requirements, and confers with supervisor to clarify work procedures. Loads plants and supplies onto truck in order of scheduled stops, using handtruck. Drives truck to premises and carries needed supplies to work area. Examines plants and soil to determine moisture level, using water sensor gauge, and waters plants according to requirements of species, using hose and watering can. Sponges plant leaves to apply moisture and remove dust. Observes plants under magnifying glass to detect insects and disease, and consults plant care books or confers with supervisor to identify problems and determine treatments. Selects and applies specified chemical solutions to feed plants, kill insects, and treat diseases, using hose or mist-sprayer. Transplants root-bound plants into larger containers. Pinches and prunes stems and leaves to remove dead and diseased leaves, to shape plants, and to induce growth, using shears. Removes diseased and dying plants from premises and replaces them with healthy plants. Informs customer of plant care needs. Enters record of actions taken at each stop in route book and prepares requisitions for materials needed on subsequent visit. Returns diseased, dying, and unused plants and supplies to employer premises.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 3 DLU: 86

408.381-010 SCOUT (agriculture) alternate titles: pest-control worker

    Locates and exterminates plant and tree pests and diseases: Searches fields, brush, trees, and warehouses to locate plant pests, such as witchweed, boll weevil, Japanese beetle, soybean cyst nematode, fire ant, gypsy moth, white-fringed beetles, and army worms. Mixes exterminating agents, such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, according to type of infection or infestation to be treated. Applies exterminating agents, using spray equipment. Destroys clusters of gypsy-moth eggs by painting or spraying clusters with creosote. Collects samples of infected soil or plants for laboratory analysis. Marks infested area to determine effectiveness of treatment. May specialize in treatment of one type of infestation, such as gypsy moth or witchweed.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

408.381-014 WEED INSPECTOR (agriculture)

    Locates and destroys noxious weeds in rural municipality: Inspects roadsides and ditches for noxious weeds and notifies landowners in areas where suspected weeds are located. Identifies weeds and prepares poisonous solution required to destroy them. Sprays infected area with solution.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

408.662-010 HYDRO-SPRAYER OPERATOR (agriculture)

    Operates truck-mounted $T3hydro-sprayer$T1 to cover areas, such as highway median strip, hillsides and fields with mixture of grass seed, fertilizer and mulch according to specifications: Pumps water and dumps seed, fertilizer, and wood fiber into hydro-sprayer tank according to formula. Connects hoses and nozzles, selected according to terrain and distribution pattern requirements, using pressure couplings and threaded fittings. Starts motors and engages machinery, such as hydro-sprayer agitator and pump. Lifts, pushes, and swings nozzle, hose, and tube to direct spray over designated area. Covers area to specified depth, applying knowledge of weather conditions, such as humidity and wind velocity; machinery capacities, such as droplet size and elevation-to-distance ratio; and obstructions, such as trees and buildings. Gives driving instructions to truck driver, using hand and horn signals, to ensure complete coverage of designated area. Cleans and services machinery to ensure operating efficiency, using water, gasoline, lubricants, and handtools. Occasionally plants grass with seed spreader and operates straw blower to cover seeded area with asphalt and straw mixture.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

408.664-010 TREE TRIMMER (tel. & tel.; utilities) alternate titles: tree trimmer, line clearance; tree-trimming-line technician

    Trims trees to clear right-of-way for communications lines and electric power lines to minimize storm and short-circuit hazards: Climbs trees to reach branches interfering with wires and transmission towers, using climbing equipment. Prunes treetops, using saws or pruning shears. Repairs trees damaged by storm or lightning by trimming jagged stumps and painting them to prevent bleeding of sap. Removes broken limbs from wires, using hooked extension pole. Fells trees interfering with power service, using chain saw (portable power saw). May work from bucket of extended truck boom to reach limbs.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

408.667-010 TREE-TRIMMER HELPER (utilities) alternate titles: tree trimmer helper, line clearance

    Assists TREE TRIMMER (tel. & tel.; utilities) in clearing trees and branches that interfere with communication lines and electric power lines: Hoists tools and equipment to TREE TRIMMER (tel. & tel.; utilities) and lowers branches with rope or block and tackle. Positions and steadies ladders. Saws and chops up branches, and loads debris, tree trunk and limbs on truck, using winch. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

408.684-010 LAWN-SERVICE WORKER (agriculture)

    Cultivates lawns, using power aerator and $T3thatcher$T1 and chemicals according to specifications: Lifts dead leaves and grass from between growing grass and soil, using thatcher. Pierces soil to make holes for fertilizer and water, using aerator. Presses aerator fork into soil and pulls rake through grass to cultivate areas not accessible to machines. Distributes granulated fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides on lawn, using spreader. Records services rendered, materials used, and charges assessed on specified form. Transports thatcher, aerator, tools, and materials to and from job site, using truck with hydraulic lift-gate. May care for athletic field turf and be designated Athletic Turf Worker (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

408.684-014 SPRAYER, HAND (agriculture)

    Sprays herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides on trees, shrubs, and lawns, using hoses and truck-mounted tank: Fills sprayer tank with water and chemicals according to formula, using hose or pump. Pulls spray hose from truck-mounted reel, turns knob, presses lever, and points nozzle selected according to job site characteristics, such as type of infestation, wind direction and velocity, plantings and terrain, to spray weeds, trees, shrubs, and lawns. Occasionally manipulates levers that control hydraulically powered, truck-mounted boom to position spray wands and release chemical solutions under pressure to spray ground areas. May use portable spray equipment. May grub out and burn infested bushes. May destroy diseased trees. May spray livestock with pesticides.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

408.684-018 TREE PRUNER (agriculture)

    Cuts away dead and excess branches from fruit, nut, and shade trees, using handsaws, pruning hooks and shears, and long-handled clippers. Applies tar or other protective substances to cut surfaces to seal surfaces against insects. May use truck-mounted hydraulic lifts and pruners and power pruners. May climb trees, using climbing hooks and belts, or climb ladders to gain access to work area. May specialize in pruning fruit trees and be designated Orchard Pruner (agriculture). May prune, cut down, fertilize, and spray trees as directed by TREE SURGEON (agriculture) and be designated Tree-Surgeon Helper (agriculture) I.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    Inspects fields to detect presence of noxious insects and plant diseases, applying knowledge of identifying characteristics of insects and diseases: Walks through fields, following standard sampling patterns, and examines plants at periodic intervals to detect presence of insects or diseases. Counts numbers of insects on examined plants or number of diseased plants within sample area. Records results of counts onto field worksheet. Collects samples of unidentifiable insects or diseased plants for identification by supervisor.
GOE: 03.02.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

408.687-014 LABORER, LANDSCAPE (agriculture)

    Moves soil, equipment, and materials, digs holes, and performs related duties to assist LANDSCAPE GARDENER (agriculture) 408.161-010 in landscaping grounds: Digs holes for plants and trees, using pick and shovel. Mixes fertilizer or lime with dirt in bottom of holes to enrich soil, places plants or trees in holes, and adds dirt to fill holes. Attaches wires from planted trees to stakes to support trees. Hauls or spreads topsoil, using wheelbarrow and rake. Waters lawns, trees, and plants, using portable sprinkler system, hose, or watering can. Spreads straw over seeded soil to prevent movement of seed and soil. Builds forms for concrete borders, using lumber, hammer, and nails. Mixes and pours cement for garden borders. Places decorative stones and plants flowers in garden areas. Mows lawns, using power mower.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

408.687-018 TREE-SURGEON HELPER II (agriculture)

    Hands or hoists tools and equipment to TREE PRUNER (agriculture) or TREE SURGEON (agriculture). Lowers pruned limbs and trunk sections, using ropes; sections limbs, using saw; and reduces sections to chips, using chipper. Rakes up debris and loads it on truck. Performs other duties as described under HELPER (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with plant farming and related activities.

409.117-010 HARVEST CONTRACTOR (agriculture) alternate titles: farm-labor contractor

    Provides harvest crews for farmers and directs, coordinates, and oversees crew activities, such as field hauling and threshing: Contacts crop growers to ascertain time and method of harvesting. Inspects crops and fields to estimate acreage yield and determine loading requirements, land contours, road accessibility, and distances to storage or processing area. Prepares and submits bids to farmer to obtain harvest contract. Recruits, hires and orients crewmembers. Assigns workers to tasks involved in harvesting, loading, moving, and storing crops. Prepares and submits bids to farmers to provide work crews for farming activities, such as planting, pruning, and thinning fruit trees, setting posts, and weeding field crops. May supply, tend, adjust, and repair trucks and farm machines. May transport or arrange for transportation of workers. May be required to be licensed by state and federal authorities. May prepare production records and crew payroll. May be identified with crew activity as Contractor, Broomcorn Threshing (agriculture); Contractor, Field Hauling (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

409.131-010 SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agriculture) alternate titles: harvest supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in picking fruits, vegetables, and row crops, by hand or machine, and loading and stacking filled containers on trucks: Examines crop to determine degree of maturity. Directs workers in methods of picking crops and specifies size of fruit or vegetable to pick. Ensures that equipment, such as ladders and containers, are available to workers. Directs distribution of field boxes along rows for convenience of workers. Checks harvested products for size, quality, and variety, and informs workers of discrepancies. Oversees loading and stacking filled containers on trucks. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May pay employees. May be designated according to type of crops harvested as Apple-Picking Supervisor (agriculture); Cauliflower-Harvesting-And-Packing Supervisor (agriculture); Orange-Picking Supervisor (agriculture); Onion-Harvesting Supervisor (agriculture); Peach Harvesting Supervisor (agriculture); Watermelon-Harvesting Supervisor (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 80

409.137-010 IRRIGATOR, HEAD (agriculture) alternate titles: supervisor, irrigation

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in irrigating crops: Inspects area irrigated to ensure adequate soaking and prevent waste of water. Opens head gate to permit entry of water into main ditches or pipes. Signals worker to start water flow. Directs workers in cleaning and repairing ditches or pipes. Keeps workers' time records. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May verify addition of liquid fertilizer to irrigation ditches by commercial firm.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 78

409.137-014 ROW BOSS, HOEING (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in hoeing, weeding, and thinning crops, such as sugar beets, lettuce, and watermelons: Assigns rows and distributes hoes to workers. Observes thinning, weeding, or cultivating process, notes evidence of unsatisfactory work, and initiates corrective measures. Keeps time and production records. Collects tools at end of workday. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May recruit workers.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

409.667-010 AIRPLANE-PILOT HELPER (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following duties to provide ground support for AIRPLANE PILOT (agriculture) 196.263-010 engaged in aerial seeding and fertilizing of fields and dusting of crops: Mixes fertilizers and pesticides according to prescribed formulas, and loads seeds, fertilizers, or pesticides onto airplane. Pours or pumps materials and seeds into feed hopper of airplane. Signals pilot when propeller is clear of people and obstructions to take off and to dust or spray fields. Waves flag or stands on edge of field to mark flight passes for pilot to prevent skips and overlaps.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 78

409.683-010 FARM-MACHINE OPERATOR (agriculture)

    Drives and operates one or more farm machines, such as tractors, trucks, and harvesters to perform specified farm activity as cutting hay, picking cranberries, and harvesting wheat: Hitches soil conditioning implement, such as plow or harrow to tractor, and operates tractor and towed implement to furrow and grade soil. Drives tractor and operates designated towed machine, such as seed drill or manure spreader, to plant, fertilize, dust, and spray crops. Prepares harvesting machine by adjusting speeds of cutters, blowers, and conveyors and height of cutting head or depth of digging blades according to type, height, weight, and condition of crop being harvested, and contour of terrain. Attaches towed- or mounted-type harvesting machine to tractor, using handtools, or drives self-propelled harvesting machine to cut, pull up, dig, thresh, clean, chop, bag, or bundle crops, such as sod, vine fruits, or livestock feed. Moves switches, pulls levers, and turns knobs and wheels to activate and regulate mechanisms. Refuels engine, lubricates machine parts, and monitors machine operations to ensure optimum performance. Drives truck to haul materials, supplies, or harvested crops to designated locations. May load and unload containers of materials and products on trucks, trailers, or railcars by hand or driving forklift truck. May mix specified materials and dump solutions, powders, or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery. May oversee activities of field crews. May drive horses or mules to tow farm machinery. May be identified with crop, such as hay, onions, and cranberries, or machine, such as baler, chopper, and digger.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 82

409.683-014 FIELD HAULER (agriculture)

    Drives truck or tractor with trailer attached to gather and transport harvested crop in field: Hauls trailer alongside crew loading crop or adjacent to harvesting machine and regulates speed to keep abreast of crew. Hauls loaded trailers from field to highway or packing shed, uncouples trailer, couples empty trailer to tractor and returns to field. May haul crop over public roads to storage shed or processing plant.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

409.684-010 IRRIGATOR, VALVE PIPE (agriculture)

    Floods or row-irrigates field sections, using portable pipe sections equipped with valves connected to underground waterline: Secures gate attachment (water flow regulator) to vertical pipe. Connects length of valve pipe to gate and attaches additional pipe through field section or across ends of rows until area is spanned. Starts motor that pumps water through pipeline system, and opens valves to direct water over uneven terrain and fill rows or areas enclosed by checks (earth embankments). Observes rate of flow and adjusts valves accordingly. Shovels dirt into holes and low spots in levees and removes obstructions. Digs opening in embankment at end of row to direct overflow of water into spillway. Builds levees to prevent water from overflowing other crops or highways. Lubricates pumping equipment and makes minor repairs.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

409.685-010 FARM-MACHINE TENDER (agriculture)

    Tends machines, such as corn shelling machine, winnowing machine, and grass-removing machine that separate crops from waste materials, such as grass, twigs, and cobs: Turns switches to activate machinery, such as conveyors, blowers, and shakers. Adjusts machinery to obtain optimum separations. Loads conveyors, hoppers, and wheels to feed machines. Positions boxes or attaches bags at discharge end of conveyor to catch products. Moves baffle lever that channels product flow to container or stops flow during container exchanges. Observes machine operation to detect malfunctions and adjusts machine, lubricates parts, and replaces pieces to improve performance. Stops machinery and pulls debris or overloads from conveyors to avoid clogging. May level and smooth materials on conveyor to regulate flow through machine. May weigh containers to ensure conformance with specifications. May close filled sacks, using needle and thread or tie-string, and stencil identifying information on sack. May mix and pour chemical solutions, such as preservatives and insecticides, in treating tanks. May transport materials and products to and from machine, using dump truck. May be identified with machine tended.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

409.685-014 IRRIGATOR, SPRINKLING SYSTEM (agriculture) alternate titles: irrigator, overhead

    Tends sprinkler system that irrigates land: Lays out strings (pipe) along designated pipeline settings in field. Connects pipe, using snap lock or wrench to tighten collar clamp. Attaches revolving sprinkler heads to vertical pipes at designated points along pipeline. Starts gasoline engine and adjusts controls that move self-propelled wheel line sprinkler system across field or pushes on switch that activates circle sprinkler system, and starts pump that forces water through system to irrigate crops. Observes revolving sprinklers to ensure uniform distribution of water to all areas. Lubricates, adjusts, and repairs or replaces parts, such as sprinkler heads and drive chains to maintain system, using handtools. Disassembles system and moves it to next location after specified time intervals.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 81

409.686-010 FARMWORKER, MACHINE (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following duties to feed or off bear farm machines used to plant, harvest, and clean crops: Loads containers of rooted cuttings, plants, seedlings, or bulbs on planting machine and pulls levers to start planting and watering mechanisms. Walks beside or rides on machine while inserting plants in planter-mechanism clamp, pocket, or tube at specified intervals. Dumps, pitches, scoops, or shovels materials and products, such as bulbs, onions, and nuts into feed hopper. Guides plants onto feed conveyor. Picks up spilled products and places them on feed mechanism. Notifies designated coworker when machine malfunctions are observed. Stacks empty boxes in conveyor discharge rack or hangs bags on hooks under discharge chute, and flips baffle lever that channels discharge flow to catch products. Closes ends of filled sacks, using tie wires. Loads sacks or boxes onto truck or trailer, or guides discharge spout over truck, trailer, or silo. Cleans machinery, such as planting or digging mechanism and chain conveyor. Lubricates, adjusts, and replaces machinery parts, using handtools.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77


    Inspects and grades agricultural products, such as carrots, rose bushes, strawberry plants, and tobacco, in field or shed, according to marketing specifications: Estimates weight of product visually and by feel. Verifies count. Looks at, feels, and smells product, as required by its nature, to determine grade and identify substandard products. Places rejected products and individual grades of products in designated piles, containers, or areas. May pay harvest hands. May oversee field hauling. May be designated according to kind of product as Carrot Grader-Inspector (agriculture); Rose Grader (agriculture); Tobacco Grader (agriculture); Watermelon Inspector (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 80

409.687-014 IRRIGATOR, GRAVITY FLOW (agriculture)

    Irrigates field and row crops, using any of following gravity-flow methods: (1) Lifts gate in side of flooded irrigation ditch, permitting water to flow into bordered section of field. Shovels and packs dirt in low spots of embankment or cuts trenches in high areas to direct water flow. Closes gate in ditch when bordered section is flooded. (2) Removes plugs from portholes in pipes or wooden tunnels set in embankment at end of rows and observes water flowing through portholes. Removes obstructions from rows and builds up edges of rows with dirt. Plugs porthole as each row is filled. (3) Opens gate or connects standpipe (vertical pipe) to underground pipe system that releases waterflow into reservoir or ditch. Siphons water from flooded reservoir or gate or connects standpipe (vertical pipe) to underground pipe system that releases waterflow into reservoir or ditch. Shovels or hoes soil to clear ditches and furrows and build embankments that channel water in assigned area but avoid overflow into areas that could be damaged by water. May mix and apply cement solution to fill holes and cracks in concrete-lined pipes, ditches, and spillways, and make minor repairs to metal, concrete, and wooden frameworks in pipe and ditch valves and gates. May carry, lay out, and join portable irrigation-pipe sections to link up main ditch or pipe with field.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

409.687-018 WEEDER-THINNER (agriculture)

    Weeds or thins crops, such as tobacco, strawberries, sugar beets, and carrots, by hand or using hoe: Breaks up soil around each plant. Pulls or cuts out weeds and surplus seedlings. Grooves dirt along row to facilitate irrigation, and mounds dirt around plants to protect roots. May be designated Hoer (agriculture) when job emphasis is on use of hoe.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with breeding, raising, maintaining, gathering, and caring for land animals, collecting their products, and providing services in support of these activities. Occupations concerned with breeding and caring for aquatic animals are included in Division 44.


    This group includes occupations concerned with breeding, raising, gathering, and caring for domestic animals and domesticated wild animals, such as cattle, sheep, dogs, buffalo, and reindeer, and collecting their products, such as milk, wool, and fur. Occupations concerned with raising domestic fowl are included in Group 411, game animals in Group 412, and lower animals in Group 413.

410.131-010 BARN BOSS (any industry) alternate titles: corral boss; hostler; lot boss; stable manager

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in maintenance of stables and care of horses: Establishes amount and type of rations to feed animals according to past food consumption, health, activity, and size of animals. Inspects animals for evidence of disease or injury and treats animal according to experience or following instructions of VETERINARIAN (medical ser.). Inspects stables and animals for cleanliness. Supervises STABLE ATTENDANT (any industry) in upkeep of stalls, feed and water troughs, and equipment, and in care and feeding of animals. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in caring for stud animals and collecting semen: Studies weight and activity records, nutritional requirements, and considers available feed, to determine feed rations. Considers animals' age, temperaments, fertility, and buyer demand to develop semen collection schedules. Observes animals for deviation in behavior and appearance, to detect illness and injury. Treats, or assigns workers to treat, ill or injured animals, or obtains services of VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) for serious illnesses or injuries. Assigns workers tasks, such as feeding animals, cleaning quarters, and maintaining facilities and equipment. Supervises workers engaged in collecting and processing semen and collects semen, using artificial vagina. Analyzes semen samples, using spectroscope and microscope, to determine number of services possible, or supervises workers analyzing semen samples. Demonstrates artificial insemination techniques to farmers to promote use of product. Trains workers in care of studs and collecting and processing semen. Orders supplies, such as feed and bedding. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

410.131-018 SUPERVISOR, DAIRY FARM (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in milking, breeding, and caring for cows, and performs lay-veterinary duties on dairy farm: Assigns workers to tasks, such as feeding and milking cows, cleaning cattle, barns, and equipment, and assisting with breeding and health care. Inspects barns and milking parlor for cleanliness and maintenance and informs workers of actions required to ensure compliance with established standards. Studies feed and milk production records to determine feed formula required to produce maximum milk yield and notifies workers of diet changes. Studies genetic and health records to develop schedules for activities, such as breeding, dehorning, and sale of calves. Schedules breeding, vaccinating, and dehorning of cows and calves. Observes cows during estrus and artificially inseminates cows to produce desired offspring. Examines cows for evidence of illness, injuries, and calving, treats illnesses and injuries, delivers calves, and engages VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) to care for serious injuries and illnesses. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

410.131-022 SUPERVISOR, STOCK RANCH (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in breeding, feeding, herding, marking, and segregating livestock and in construction and repair of fences, pens, and buildings: Inspects stock, buildings, fences, fields, pasturage and feed supply, notes tasks to be done, and assigns them to crews or individual workers. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to type of stock raised.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

410.134-010 SUPERVISOR, LIVESTOCK-YARD (any industry)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in care and movement of livestock in livestock yard: Assigns workers to feed, weigh, medically treat, and transfer livestock. Observes livestock handling and issues movement and health treatment instructions to direct livestock processing and transfer. Examines livestock to determine effectiveness of disease and injury control and instructs workers to take corrective action to rectify deficiencies. Observes condition of stockyard structures and equipment and arranges for needed maintenance and repairs. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

410.134-014 SUPERVISOR, WOOL-SHEARING (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in shearing sheep on contract basis: Contacts SHEEP RANCHER (agriculture) to arrange terms of contract. Recruits, hires, trains, and supervises crew who shear sheep and perform related duties. Provides, sets up, and tests shearing equipment. Arranges for transportation, living quarters or campsite, food, and other accommodations for crew. Maintains time, production, and other records. Pays crewmembers. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May participate in shearing sheep.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

410.134-018 SUPERVISOR, KENNEL (nonprofit org.) alternate titles: animal shelter supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of animal shelter workers, and performs maintenance on buildings and equipment: Establishes and coordinates work schedule to expedite accomplishment of essential and emergency tasks, issues instructions to workers, examines work results, and provides training to improve performance. Examines ailing animals to determine need of services from VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073.101-010. Replaces faulty electrical and plumbing fixtures, builds shelves, and paints structures and equipment to maintain shelter facilities. Greases water pump and observes water pumping system and pressure gauge to verify water pressure and detect signs of leakage. Tunes-up, replaces parts, and maintains ambulance, pickup truck, lawnmower, and edger, using handtools, spare parts, and maintenance manuals. Cleans and disinfects shelter area, using high pressure water hose and bleach, to prepare shelter to receive visitors. Operates shelter euthanasia equipment to destroy designated animals. Drives ambulance and pickup truck in response to emergency calls and to investigate complaints of animal neglect or cruelty. Assists workers in interring coffins of heavy animals. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 86

410.134-022 SUPERVISOR, RESEARCH DAIRY FARM (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in caring for bulls, cows, and young animal stock on research dairy farm: Demonstrates work methods of animal care, such as feeding, barn cleaning, milking, and tagging animals for identification to workers. Transports hay and grain from storage area to barn, using tractor or electric cart. Observes animals for signs of illness, injury, nervousness, or unnatural behavior. Notifies veterinarian when serious injury or illness occurs. Maintains records on medical care, breeding, and milk production. Observes living conditions of animal environment and informs workers of remedial actions to be taken. Informs maintenance crew of needed repairs on tractors and carts. May perform duties of caring for animals in absence of workers. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

410.137-010 CAMP TENDER (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in tending bands of sheep on range or pasture and keeps them supplied with food and other necessities: Designates area to be used by each SHEEP HERDER (agriculture). Transports food, drinking water, fuel, mail, animal feed, and other supplies to SHEEP HERDER (agriculture). Observes condition of range, water, and animals, and gives directions to SHEEP HERDER (agriculture) when to move to another range, reporting findings to owner of band or to LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agriculture). Assists in moving camp to another location by hauling supply wagon, using horse or truck. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May substitute for SHEEP HERDER (agriculture) during emergencies, vacations, or for other reasons. May lamb ewes and drench sheep.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

410.137-014 TOP SCREW (agriculture) alternate titles: lead rider; ramrod; top waddy

    Supervises and coordinates activities of a group of COWPUNCHERS (agriculture) (colloquially called screws or waddies) riding after cattle on open range. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

410.137-018 SUPERVISOR, ANIMAL MAINTENANCE (pharmaceut.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in raising and caring for animals used in development of pharmaceutical products in pharmaceutical research and manufacturing facility: Visits animal maintenance areas and observes and discusses animal care, such as feeding, treatment, and breeding, with workers to identify problems or recommend changes. Prepares reports that indicate activity of unit, such as purchases, absenteeism of workers, and animal treatment. Contacts approved vendors to order and schedule arrival of animals, animal food, and equipment. Trains and observes workers in job duties and safety precautions. Contacts designated personnel to recruit new personnel or for repair of equipment. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

410.161-010 ANIMAL BREEDER (agriculture)

    Breeds and raises animals, such as cats, dogs, guinea pigs, mice, monkeys, rabbits, and rats: Selects and breeds animals, according to knowledge of animals, genealogy, traits, and offspring desired. Feeds and waters animals, and cleans pens, cages, yards, and hutches. Examines animals to detect symptoms of illness or injury. Treats minor injuries and ailments and engages VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) to treat animals with serious illnesses or injuries. Records weight, diet and other breeding data. Builds and maintains hutches, pens, and fenced yards. Adjusts controls to maintain specific temperature in building. Arranges for sale of animals to hospitals, research centers, pet shops, and food processing plants. May exhibit animals at shows. May be designated according to kind of animal bred and raised as Cat Breeder (agriculture); Dog Breeder (agriculture); Guinea-Pig Breeder (agriculture); Monkey Breeder (agriculture); Mouse Breeder (agriculture); Rabbit Breeder (agriculture); Rat Breeder (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

410.161-014 FUR FARMER (agriculture)

    Breeds and raises fur-bearing animals, such as mink, fox, or chinchilla: Buys or captures breeding stock. Breeds and raises animals in surroundings simulating their habitat. Feeds and waters animals and cleans their pens and yards. Kills animals in their prime and removes their pelts. Arranges with buyers for sale of pelts and breeding stock. Packs pelts in crates and ships to processing plants. Places live animals in crates and ships to buyers. May treat and preserve pelts at farm. May be designated according to type of animal raised as Chinchilla Farmer (agriculture); Fox Farmer (agriculture); Mink Farmer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

410.161-018 LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agriculture) alternate titles: livestock breeder; livestock farmer

    Breeds and raises livestock, such as beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, horses, reindeer, sheep, and swine, for such purposes as sale of meat, riding or working stock, breeding, or for show; and for products, such as milk, wool, and hair: Selects and breeds animals according to knowledge of animals, genealogy, characteristics, and offspring desired. Selects pasture, range, and crop lands to graze animals and produce feed crops. Mixes feed and feed supplements according to dietary requirements of animals and availability of grazing land. Feeds, waters, grazes, and distributes salt licks for animals. Observes animals to detect signs of illness and injury, treats minor injuries and ailments, disinfects and vaccinates animals, and engages VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073.101-010 to treat serious illnesses and injuries. Attends animals during and after birth of offspring. Castrates, docks, and dehorns animals. Brands, tattoos, notches ears, and attaches tags to identify animals. Milks cows and goats, shears sheep, and clips goats' hair. Operates farm machinery to plant, cultivate, and harvest feed crops. Cleans and fumigates barns, stalls, and pens, and sterilizes milking machines and equipment. Cools milk to prevent spoilage and packages wool and other products for shipment. Maintains and repairs farm machinery, equipment, buildings, pens, and fences. Arranges for sale of animals and products. Maintains cost and operation records. May butcher animals and cure meat. May hire and supervise workers. May exercise and train horses. May groom and exhibit animals at livestock shows. May be designated according to animal raised as Cattle Rancher (agriculture); Dairy Farmer (agriculture); Goat Farmer (agriculture); Horse Rancher (agriculture); Reindeer Rancher (agriculture); Sheep Rancher (agriculture); Swine Rancher (agriculture). May manage farm that raises and breeds thoroughbred horses and be designated Thoroughbred Horse Farm Manager (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

410.161-022 HOG-CONFINEMENT-SYSTEM MANAGER (agriculture)

    Breeds and raises swine in confinement buildings for purpose of selling pork to meatpacking establishments: Selects and breeds swine according to knowledge of animals, genealogy, characteristics, and offspring desired. Regulates breeding of sow herd to produce maximum number of litters. Attends sows during farrowing and helps baby pigs to survive birth and infancy. Castrates and docks pigs. Notches ears to identify animals. Determines weaning dates for pigs based on factors such as condition of sows, cost of feed, and available space in nursery. Vaccinates swine for disease and administers antibiotics and iron supplements, using syringes and hypodermic needles. Formulates rations for swine according to nutritional needs of animals and cost and availability of feeds. Grinds and mixes feed and adds supplements to satisfy dietary requirements. Stores and periodically examines feeds to ensure maintenance of appropriate temperatures and moisture levels. Operates water foggers, air-conditioners, fans, and heaters to maintain optimal temperature in swine confinement buildings. Flushes hog wastes into holding pit. Repairs and maintains machinery, plumbing, physical structures, and electrical wiring and fixtures in swine farrowing, nursery, and finishing buildings. May hire and supervise worker to assist in swine production activities.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

410.357-010 MILK SAMPLER (agriculture) alternate titles: sampler

    Collects milk samples from farms, dairy plants, and tank cars and trucks for laboratory analysis: Removes sample from bulk tanks, tankers or milking machine, using dipper or pipette, and pours sample into sterile bottles. Weighs samples, using scale. Labels bottle with origin of sample, and packs samples in dry ice. Transports samples to laboratory for bacteriological and butterfat content analysis. Contacts potential customers to explain benefits of testing program to sell milk testing service. May assist customer in interpreting sample test results to maximize benefits to customer. May maintain individual milk production records for each cow in customer's herd.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

410.364-010 LAMBER (agriculture)

    Attends to ewes during lambing: Observes ewes to determine delivery time and assists ewes during delivery. Places ewes and lambs in pens or erects canvas tents and places lambs and ewes inside to protect from elements. Assists weak lambs in suckling. Administers artificial respiration or stimulants as needed. Skins dead lambs and ties skins over live lambs to induce ewes to adopt rejected or orphaned lambs. Feeds orphaned lambs from bottle. Feeds and waters ewes while in enclosures. Docks lambs. May castrate lambs.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

410.664-010 FARMWORKER, LIVESTOCK (agriculture) alternate titles: laborer, livestock; ranch hand, livestock

    Performs any combination of following tasks to attend livestock, such as cattle, sheep, swine, and goats on farm or ranch: Mixes feed and additives, fills feed troughs with feed, and waters livestock. Herds livestock to pasture for grazing. Examines animals to detect diseases and injuries. Vaccinates animals by placing vaccine in drinking water or feed or using syringes and hypodermic needles. Applies medications to cuts and bruises, sprays livestock with insecticide, and herds them into insecticide bath. Confines livestock in stalls, washes and clips them to prepare them for calving, and assists VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073.101-010 in delivery of offspring. Binds or clamps testes or surgically removes testes to castrate livestock. Clips identifying notches or symbols on animal or brands animal, using branding iron, to indicate ownership. Clamps metal rings into nostrils of livestock to permit easier handling and prevent rooting. Docks lambs, using hand snips. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Grooms, clips, and trims animals for exhibition. May maintain ranch buildings and equipment. May plant, cultivate, and harvest feed grain for stock. May maintain breeding, feeding, and cost records. May shear sheep.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 81

410.674-010 ANIMAL CARETAKER (any industry) alternate titles: animal attendant; farmworker, animal

    Performs any combination of following duties to attend animals, such as mice, canaries, guinea pigs, mink, dogs, and monkeys, on farms and in facilities, such as kennels, pounds, hospitals, and laboratories: Feeds and waters animals according to schedules. Cleans and disinfects cages, pens, and yards and sterilizes laboratory equipment and surgical instruments. Examines animals for signs of illness and treats them according to instructions. Transfers animals between quarters. Adjusts controls to regulate temperature and humidity of animals' quarters. Records information according to instructions, such as genealogy, diet, weight, medications, food intake, and license number. Anesthetizes, inoculates, shaves, bathes, clips, and grooms animals. Repairs cages, pens, or fenced yards. May kill and skin animals, such as fox and rabbit, and pack pelts in crates. May be designated according to place worked such as Dog-Pound Attendant (government ser.); Farmworker, Fur (agriculture); Helper, Animal Laboratory (pharmaceut.); Kennel Attendant (agriculture); Pet Shop Attendant (retail trade); Veterinary-Hospital Attendant (medical ser.).
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 80

410.674-014 COWPUNCHER (agriculture) alternate titles: puncher; ranch rider; rider

    Performs any combination of the following duties on a beef cattle ranch to attend to beef cattle: Herds, castrates, and brands cattle. Inspects and repairs fences, windmills, watering troughs, and feed containers. Feeds cattle supplemental food during shortages of natural forage. Trains saddle horses. Rides beside horse being trained to prevent bucking horse or rider from being injured.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

410.674-018 LIVESTOCK-YARD ATTENDANT (any industry)

    Performs any combination of the following tasks to bed, feed, water, load, weigh, mark, and segregate livestock: Feeds grains, hay, and prepared feed and waters livestock according to schedule. Opens gates and drives livestock to scales, pens, trucks, railcars, and holding and slaughtering areas according to instructions, using electric prod and whip. Weighs animals and records weight. Segregates animals according to weight, age, color, and physical condition. Marks livestock to identify ownership and grade, using brands, tags, paint, or tattoos. Cleans ramps, scales, trucks, railcars, and pens, using hose, fork, shovel, and rake. Scatters new bedding material, such as sawdust and straw, in pens, railcars, and trucks. May vaccinate, apply liniment, drench, isolate, and mark animals to effect disease control program. May make routine repairs and perform general maintenance duties in stockyard.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

410.674-022 STABLE ATTENDANT (any industry) alternate titles: barnworker, groom

    Cares for horses and mules to protect their health and improve their appearance: Waters animals and measures, mixes and apportions feed and feed supplements according to feeding instructions. Washes, brushes, trims and curries animals' coats to clean and improve their appearance. Inspects animals for disease, illness, and injury and treats animals according to instructions. Cleans animals' quarters and replenishes bedding. Exercises animals. Unloads and stores feed and supplies. May whitewash stables, using brush. May clean saddles and bridles. May saddle animals. May shoe animals. May be designated according to animal cared for as Horse Tender (any industry); Mule Tender (any industry); Stallion Keeper (agriculture).
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

410.684-010 FARMWORKER, DAIRY (agriculture) alternate titles: laborer, dairy farm

    Performs any combination of following tasks on dairy farm: Washes and sprays cows with water, insecticides, and repellants. Flushes, brushes, and scrapes refuse from walls and floors to minimize infestation. Examines cows and reports estrus, injuries, and disease to supervisor. Administers prescribed treatments and reports problems requiring veterinary attention to supervisor. Weighs, loads, mixes, and distributes feed. Replaces bedding in stalls. Herds cows from milking parlor to pasture. Loads animals to be sold onto trucks. Cleans and sterilizes milk containers and equipment, and tends pumps that automatically clean milk pipelines. Milks cows by hand and using milking machine. Cultivates, harvests, and stores feed crops, using farm equipment, such as trucks and tractors. May build and maintain fences and farm facilities. May repair and lubricate equipment and machinery. May maintain data, such as breeding and cost records.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 81

410.684-014 SHEEP SHEARER (agriculture) alternate titles: sheep clipper; stock clipper; wool shearer

    Shears wool from live sheep, using power-driven clippers or hand shears: Places animal in shearing station. Clips wool close to hide so that fleece is removed in one piece and exercises care to nick or cut skin as little as possible. Herds shorn animal into runway leading to pen. Oils and sharpens clippers and shears. May tie fleece.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

410.685-010 MILKER, MACHINE (agriculture) alternate titles: milking-machine operator

    Tends machine that milks dairy cows: Guides cow into stanchion and washes teats and udder of cow with disinfectant. Squeezes cow's teat to collect sample of milk in strainer cup and examines sample for curd and blood. Starts milking machine and attaches cups of machine to teats of cow. Removes cups when required amount of milk is obtained from cow. Dips cups of machine into disinfectant solution after each cow is milked. Pumps milk from receptacles into storage tank and cleans and sterilizes equipment. May notify farm manager of possible diseases or problems in milking cows.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 82

410.687-010 FLEECE TIER (agriculture)

    Folds and ties wool fleece into bundle for sacking or grading: Removes heavy tags, dung locks, and badly stained wool from fleece. Spreads fleece on floor with hide side up. Folds loose ends inside and rolls fleece into compact bundle, tying bundle with twisted wool or paper twine. Tosses bundle aside for sacking or grading. May shear sheep [SHEEP SHEARER (agriculture)].
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

410.687-014 GOAT HERDER (agriculture)

    Attends herd of goats: Herds goats from corral to fresh pastures. Assists does during kidding season.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

410.687-018 PELTER (agriculture) alternate titles: skinner, pelts

    Skins small fur-bearing animals, such as foxes, weasels, mink, and muskrats, for their pelts, using skinning knife.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

410.687-022 SHEEP HERDER (agriculture) alternate titles: herder; mutton puncher; shepherd

    Attends sheep flock grazing on range: Herds sheep and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Beds down sheep near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep. May assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. May feed sheep supplementary feed.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

410.687-026 WOOL-FLEECE SORTER (agriculture)

    Inspects fleece for dungy locks and badly discolored areas. Segregates fleece in separate piles according to cleanliness of wool, preparatory to bundling or bagging.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with breeding, raising, gathering, and caring for domestic fowl and domesticated wild fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, parrots, and pea fowl, and collecting their products, such as eggs and feathers.

411.131-010 SUPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in raising poultry, collecting eggs, crating fryers, and maintaining equipment and facilities on poultry farm: Confers with farm manager to ascertain production requirements and to discuss condition of equipment and status of supplies. Assigns workers to duties, such as collecting and candling eggs, feeding and vaccinating poultry, crating and shipping fryers, and cleaning and fumigating chicken houses. Directs maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment, such as chicken houses, automatic feeders, and layer nests. Trains new workers. Participates in work activities to expedite work load. Prepares worker attendance, egg production, feed consumption, and poultry mortality reports. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to type of farm as Supervisor, Brooder Farm (agriculture); Supervisor, Egg-Producing Farm (agriculture); Supervisor, Fryer Farm (agriculture); Supervisor, Pullet Farm (agriculture); Supervisor, Turkey Farm (agriculture).
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

411.137-010 SUPERVISOR, POULTRY HATCHERY (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in receiving and preparing eggs for incubation; incubating eggs; grading, preparing, and shipping chicks in poultry hatchery: Confers with hatchery manager to discuss equipment and supply needs, production and research requirements, and work schedules. Assigns workers to duties, such as egg candling, sorting and traying, incubating eggs, and grading and $T3debeaking$T1 chicks. Monitors thermometers, gauges, and chart recorders to detect equipment malfunctions and to verify compliance with incubator temperature and ventilation standards. Adjusts controls to maintain specified incubating conditions. Periodically inspects eggs in incubator trays to ascertain hatching progress, and orders removal of chicks. Observes packing of chicks to verify adherence to customer's orders and shipping instructions. Prepares production reports, and requisitions equipment, materials, and supplies. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to type of hatchery as Supervisor, Chicken Hatchery (agriculture); Supervisor, Turkey Hatchery (agriculture).
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

411.161-010 CANARY BREEDER (agriculture)

    Breeds and raises canaries: Places males with females to induce mating. Examines birds for disease and administers prescribed treatments. Maintains genetic and health records. Segregates them according to sex, color, health and vitality, and selects birds for mating to improve strain.
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

411.161-014 POULTRY BREEDER (agriculture) alternate titles: chicken fancier

    Breeds and raises poultry and fowl to improve strain and develop show stock: Selects and pairs birds for breeding or breeds birds by artificial insemination. Incubates eggs to induce hatching. Feeds and waters poultry. Cleans and disinfects poultry houses, cages, and nests. Places vaccines in drinking water, injects vaccines into poultry, or dusts air with vaccine powder to vaccinate poultry against diseases. Maintains growth, feed, and production records. Arranges with buyers for sale of pedigreed eggs, chicks, and birds. May hire and supervise workers.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

411.161-018 POULTRY FARMER (agriculture)

    Raises poultry to produce eggs and meat: Selects and purchases poultry stock. Feeds and waters poultry. Cleans and disinfects poultry houses, cages, and nests. Places vaccines in drinking water, injects vaccines into poultry, or dusts air with vaccine powder to vaccinate poultry against diseases. Inspects and disposes of or segregates infected poultry. Collects, inspects, and packs eggs and selects and crates pullets and fryers for shipment. Maintains growth, feed, and production records. Arranges with wholesalers for sale of poultry and eggs. May hire and supervise workers. May incubate fertile eggs. May be designated according to kind of poultry raised as Duck Farmer (agriculture); Poultry Farmer, Egg (agriculture); Poultry Farmer, Meat (agriculture); Turkey Farmer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

411.267-010 FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN, POULTRY (agriculture)

    Inspects farms for compliance with contract and cooperative agreement standards and advises farmers regarding development programs to aid in producing quality poultry products: Tours farms to inspect facilities and equipment for adequacy, sanitation and efficiency of operations. Examines chickens for evidence of disease and growth rate (according to weight and age) to determine effectiveness of medication and feeding programs. Recommends changes in facilities, equipment, and medication to improve production, based on knowledge of poultry farming, hatchery operations and processing. Informs farmers of new procedures and techniques, government regulations and company and association production standards to enable them to upgrade farms and meet requirements. Recommends laboratory testing of diseased chickens, feeds, and supplements or gathers samples and takes them to plant laboratory for analysis. Reports findings of farm conditions, laboratory tests, recommendations and farmers' reactions to keep superior apprised of farmers' efforts to furnish quality products.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

411.364-010 BLOOD TESTER, FOWL (agriculture)

    Tests blood of poultry to ascertain presence of pullorum disease: Pricks vein in bird's wing, using needle. Collects blood on wire loop and drops blood into pullorum reactor. Examines blood for specks that indicate presence of pullorum disease. Removes diseased birds from flock.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

411.364-014 POULTRY TENDER (agriculture)

    Attends to poultry used in experimental tests that determine effects of various feeds and quantities of feed on growth and production of poultry: Segregates poultry into groups according to weight, age, and sex. Selects, weighs, and mixes feeds, according to specific instructions, and fills feeders for each group of poultry with specified feeds. Regulates controls to maintain required temperatures in poultry houses. Maintains records of poultry weights, weights and kinds of feed consumed, eggs produced, deaths, and occurrence of poultry diseases, providing information about effects of various feeds. Places vaccines in drinking water, injects vaccines into poultry, or dusts air with vaccine powder to vaccinate poultry for diseases, such as fowl pox and bronchitis. Ascertains sex of chicks. May attach identification bands to legs or wings of poultry. May clip wings of fowl to prevent flying, wash and clean poultry houses and equipment, and debeak poultry.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

411.384-010 POULTRY INSEMINATOR (agriculture) alternate titles: artificial-insemination technician

    Collects semen from roosters and fertilizes hens and eggs: Pinions bird, and collects semen in vial. Examines semen, using microscope, and records density and motility of gametes. Measures specified amount of semen into calibrated syringe and inserts syringe into inseminating gun. Injects semen into oviduct of hen or through hole in egg shell. Records dates of insemination of hens.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

411.584-010 FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agriculture) alternate titles: helper, chicken farm; poultry helper

    Performs any combinations of following duties concerned with raising poultry for eggs and meat: Removes chicks from shipping cartons and places them in brooder houses. Cleans and fills feeders and water containers. Sprays poultry houses with disinfectants and vaccines. Inspects poultry for diseases and removes weak, ill, and dead poultry from flock. Collects eggs from trap nests, releases hens from nests, and records number of eggs laid by each hen. Packs eggs in cases or cartons; selects, weighs, and crates fryers and pullets; and records totals packed or crated on shipping or storage document. Maintains feeding and breeding reports. Monitors feed, water, illumination, and ventilation systems; and cleans, adjusts, lubricates, and replaces systems parts, using handtools. May cut off tips of beaks. May be designated according to type of farm or product as Farmworker, Brooder Farm (agriculture); Farmworker, Chicken Farm (agriculture); Farmworker, Egg-Producing Farm (agriculture); Farmworker, Fryer Farm (agriculture); Farmworker, Pullet Farm (agriculture); Farmworker, Turkey Farm (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

411.684-010 CAPONIZER (agriculture)

    Castrates cockerels to prevent development of sexual characteristics: Ascertains that cockerels have not been fed or watered for specified period of time. Binds legs and wings or pinions birds with weights and makes incision between cockerel's last two ribs or beneath and behind wings, using surgical knife or heated knife that cauterizes cut. Removes testicles, using forceps and heated knife or heated forceps.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

411.684-014 POULTRY VACCINATOR (agriculture)

    Vaccinates poultry for diseases, such as pox and bronchitis, by placing vaccine in drinking water, dusting air with vaccine powder, injecting vaccine in eye, leg, vent, wing web, or nostril of bird, using medicine dropper or hypodermic needle. May be designated according to poultry vaccinated as Chicken Vaccinator (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

411.687-010 CHICK GRADER (agriculture) alternate titles: poultry culler

    Grades baby chicks according to appearance and separates healthy from deformed or diseased chicks: Examines baby chicks for curled toes, blindness, misshaped beaks, discolored downs, and abdominal rigidity. Examines chicks for symptoms of diseases, such as bronchitis and navel infection. Segregates healthy from diseased or deformed chicks. Places diseased chicks in incinerator. May press beak of chicks against hot wire to remove tip of beak. May pack chicks in cartons.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

411.687-014 CHICK SEXER (agriculture)

    Examines chick genitalia to determine their sex: Turns back skin fold of external cloacal opening or inserts illuminating viewer into cloaca to observe genitals. Places chicks into boxes according to sex. May mark content data on boxes of segregated chicks.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

411.687-018 LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following duties on poultry farm: Catches chickens and places them in crates and poultry houses. Sprays disinfectants or vaccines on chickens or in poultry houses. Spreads wood shavings over floor, using shovel. Cleans droppings and waste from floor, using broom and shovel, backhoe, or manure-cleaning machine. Dumps sacks of feed on conveyors and in feeders in brood houses. Fills water containers. Repairs farm buildings, fences, and shipping crates, using handtools. Lengthens and shortens ropes to adjust level of feed cans and water troughs. Moves equipment, using wheelbarrow, truck, and cart; or carries equipment from one area to another. Shovels manure onto truck. May stack and move crated eggs and poultry. May drive truck to move and deliver materials. May be designated according to type of farm or product as Laborer, Brooder Farm (agriculture); Laborer, Chicken Farm (agriculture); Laborer, Egg-Producing Farm (agriculture); Laborer, Fryer Farm (agriculture); Laborer, Pullet Farm (agriculture); Laborer, Turkey Farm (agriculture).
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

411.687-022 LABORER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agriculture) alternate titles: hatchery helper; incubator helper

    Performs any combination of following duties in poultry hatchery: Places eggs in incubator trays, wads paper between eggs to secure them, and clips trays to incubator racks. Transfers trays from incubator to hatchery and removes paper wads from between eggs to make room for hatching chicks. Transfers hatched chicks from trays to chick boxes and counts out prescribed number of chicks to each box section. Supplies baby chicks to other workers for sexing, grading, and $T3debeaking.$T1 May deliver cartons of chicks to designated farms or commercial growing establishments, using truck.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

411.687-026 POULTRY DEBEAKER (agriculture) alternate titles: debeaker

    Trims and sears beaks, toes, and wings of baby chicks to prevent injury and flight: Inserts chick's beak in guide hole of heated trimmer and depresses pedal to cut off and sear tip of beak or trims and sears chick's beak, using heated hand shears. Trims and sears chick's toes and wings by pressing them against hot wire.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with breeding, raising, and caring for wild animals and birds, raised for game, exhibition, or preservation of species. Occupations concerned with raising and maintaining domesticated wild animals are included in groups 410 and 411.

412.131-010 SUPERVISOR, GAME FARM (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in breeding, raising, and protecting game on private or state game farm: Plans daily schedule and assigns workers to tasks, such as feeding and watering animals, cleaning pens and yards, gathering, incubating, and hatching eggs, planting cover crops, and maintaining buildings and equipment. Oversees preparation and transfer of game to zoos, filming locations, and release areas. Directs feeding and watering of game, cleaning of pens and yards, and maintenance of buildings and equipment. Observes game to detect signs of illnesses and injuries, treats minor ailments, and notifies MANAGER, GAME PRESERVE (agriculture) of serious illnesses and injuries. Trains workers in methods of raising, training, and transferring game. Records number and specie of game animals raised and location of release sites. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

412.137-010 ANIMAL KEEPER, HEAD (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: keeper, head; superintendent, menagerie

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in care and exhibition of birds and animals at establishments, such as zoos or circuses. Observes animals to detect signs of illness and consults with VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) to determine type of medication or treatment required. Inspects cages, grottos, and pens for cleanliness and structural defects. Assigns workers to various tasks, and oversees treatment, preparation of food, feeding of animals, and maintenance and repair of animal quarters. Specifies type of animal to exhibit in zoo and location of exhibit, according to weather, animal behavior characteristics, and physical condition. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May hire, train, and discharge workers. May keep time records and prepare supply requisitions and reports. May coordinate training of animals for circus performance. May give lectures to public to stimulate interest in animals.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

412.161-010 GAME-BIRD FARMER (agriculture)

    Breeds and raises wild birds, such as pheasant, quail, or partridge: Feeds and waters birds and cleans bird pens and yards. Examines birds to detect signs of illness, and inoculates ill birds with antibiotics. Removes eggs from nests and hatches eggs in incubator. Clips birds' wings to prevent flight. Trims bills of birds to prevent injury. Exhibits prize birds at shows. Crossbreeds birds to improve strain and develop new types. Builds and repairs pens and yards. Arranges with hunting and gun clubs, game preserves, or poultry houses for sale of birds. May be designated according to type of game bird raised as Partridge Farmer (agriculture); Pheasant Farmer (agriculture); Quail Farmer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

412.674-010 ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: animal caretaker; menagerie caretaker; zoo caretaker

    Feeds, waters, and cleans quarters of animals and birds in zoo, circus, or menagerie: Prepares food for charges by chopping or grinding meat, fish, fruit, or vegetables; mixing prepared, dry, or liquid commercial feeds; or unbaling forage grasses. Adds vitamins or medication to food as prescribed by VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073.101-010. Fills water containers and places food in cages as specified. Cleans animals' quarters, using rake, water hose, and disinfectant. Observes animals to detect illnesses and injuries and notifies ANIMAL KEEPER, HEAD (amuse. & rec.) 412.137-010 or VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) of findings. Transfers animals from one enclosure to another for purposes such as breeding, giving birth, rearrangement of exhibits, or shipping. Sets temperature and humidity controls of quarters as specified. Answers visitors' questions concerning animals' habits or zoo operations. Bathes and grooms animals as required. May assist VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) in treatment of animals for illnesses and injuries. May assist ANIMAL TRAINER (amuse. & rec.) 159.224-010 or instructor in presentation of programs, shows, or lectures. May assist maintenance staff in cleaning zoo facilities. May be designated according to animal cared for as Bear Keeper (amuse. & rec.); Elephant Keeper (amuse. & rec.); Monkey Keeper (amuse. & rec.); or according to species as Bird Keeper (amuse. & rec.); Mammal Keeper (amuse. & rec.). May direct activities of other workers.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 81

412.674-014 ANIMAL-NURSERY WORKER (amuse. & rec.; museums) alternate titles: children's zoo caretaker

    Cares for newborn and young animals in zoo nursery and exhibit area: Prepares liquid formula, cereal, and other foods for young animals according to direction of ZOO VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073.101-018 and prepares standard diet foods for mothers of newborn animals according to requirements of species. Fills sterilized nursing bottles with formula and feeds animals that have been orphaned or deserted, or that require food in addition to that provided by mother. Observes newborn animals to detect indications of abnormality or disease, and notifies ZOO VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) when such indications are evident. Periodically conducts physical examination of young animals, performing such tasks as taking temperatures, blood pressure, and pulse rate, and weighing and measuring animals. Maintains records of animal weights, sizes, and physical conditions to be used in zoo account of animals born in captivity. Adjusts humidity and temperature controls to maintain specified environmental conditions in nursery or exhibit area. Installs equipment such as infrared light stands, cribs, or feeding devices in young animal exhibit area. Explains to visitors procedures for care and feeding of young animals, and answers questions concerning factors such as native habitats and breeding habits. Observes children petting or feeding animals in designated area and cautions children against activities that might be harmful to animals.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 86

412.684-010 GAME-FARM HELPER (agriculture) alternate titles: laborer, game farm

    Performs any combination of duties to attend game, such as ducks, pheasants, bears, cougars, and lions on private or state game farm: Feeds and waters game. Gathers bird eggs from field nests and places eggs in incubators. Brails (ties) wings of birds to prevent flying. Cleans water containers, pens, cages, and yards. Maintains and repairs fences, coops, pens, buildings, and equipment. Observes game to detect signs of illness and adds prescribed medications to food and water. Crates or cages game to prepare for movement. Transports game to release areas, filming locations, and zoos, using truck. Sets and maintains traps to protect birds from predatory animals. May operate farm equipment to cultivate and plant field crops.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

412.687-010 COMMISSARY ASSISTANT (amuse. & rec.; museums) alternate titles: commissary helper; food preparer

    Stores, prepares, and delivers foods for zoo or aquarium animals: Unloads meats, produce, fodder, and other food items from delivery vehicle, using handtruck. Sorts and stores items on shelves, in bins, or in refrigerated storage room of commissary. Assembles food items needed for diet of various animals as directed by supervisory personnel. Measures, weighs, or counts items to obtain amount of food specified for diet plans. Bundles fodder, washes produce, and cuts away defects. Sorts assembled items according to destinations, loads items into truck, and drives truck to animal quarters. Assists ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.) 412.674-010 in carrying food to preparation areas or in selecting and loading food into truck or cart.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 86


    This group includes occupations concerned with breeding, raising, gathering, and caring for lower animals, such as bees, worms, and snakes, and collecting their products, such as honey and venom.

413.161-010 BEEKEEPER (agriculture) alternate titles: apiarist; bee farmer; bee raiser; bee rancher; honey producer

    Raises bees to produce honey and pollinate crops: Assembles beehives, using handtools. Arranges with sellers for purchases of honeybee colonies. Inserts honeycomb of bees into beehive or inducts wild swarming bees into hive of prepared honeycomb frames. Places screen plug in hive entrance to confine bees and sets hive in orchard, clover field, or near other source of nectar and pollen. Forces bees from hive, using smoke pot or by placing carbolic acid soaked pad over hive to inspect hive and to harvest honeycombs. Scrapes out parasites, such as wax moth larvae, and removes vermin, such as birds and mice. Collects royal jelly from queen bee cells for sale as base for cosmetics and as health food. Destroys superfluous queen bee cells to prevent division of colony by swarming. Destroys diseased bee colonies, using cyanide gas. Burns hive of diseased bee colony or sterilizes hive, using caustic soda solution. Uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts honey. Arranges with buyers for sale of honey. May cultivate bees to produce bee colonies and queen bees for sale and be designated Bee Producer (agriculture); Queen Producer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

413.161-014 REPTILE FARMER (agriculture)

    Breeds and raises reptiles for exhibition, preservation, meat, venom, and skins: Buys or captures reptiles, such as snakes and tortoises and keeps them in cages that simulate their natural habitat. Feeds and waters animals according to appropriate schedule for species. Examines reptile for signs of illness, injury or parasites, and administers prescribed treatment. Cleans animal pens, using rake and hose. Records breeding data. Kills reptiles and sells meat and skins. Extracts venom from live snakes. May specialize in raising rattlesnakes and be designated Rattlesnake Farmer (agriculture).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

413.161-018 WORM GROWER (agriculture) alternate titles: fish-worm grower

    Breeds and raises earthworms for sale as fishing bait, garden soil conditioners, and food for exotic fish and animals: Mixes sand, loam, and organic materials to make growing media for worms, fills growing tubs with media and adds water. Plants mature worms in growing media for breeding stock, spreads food materials over surface of media and covers it with burlap. Inspects food supply and moisture of growing media and adds water and food to maintain optimum breeding conditions for worms. Shovels worm-laden media onto screen and shakes screen to remove worms. Places specified number of worms into sales container and scoops required amount of growing media into container to sustain worms. Sells earthworms to buyers. May dry worms under heat lamps and grind and package them for sale as tropical fish food.
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

413.687-010 WORM PICKER (agriculture) alternate titles: fish-bait picker

    Gathers worms to be used as fish bait: Walks about grassy areas, such as gardens, parks, and golf courses, after dark and picks up earthworms (commonly called dew worms and night crawlers). Sprinkles chlorinated water on lawn to cause worms to come to surface, and locates worms by use of lantern or flashlight. Sorts worms and packs them in containers for shipment.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77

413.687-014 WORM-FARM LABORER (agriculture) alternate titles: worm-bed attendant; worm raiser

    Mixes sand, loam, and specified organic materials to make growing media for breeding earthworms. Dumps media into growing tubs to breed earthworms, and waters and fertilizes media during breeding and growing period. Shovels worm-laden media onto screen, and shakes screen to separate worms. Counts earthworms, sorts them according to size, and packs them in containers.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77

413.687-018 BEE WORKER (agriculture)

    Attends bee colony to produce queen bees: Fits bar containing cell cups grafted with bee larvae into notched hive frame to prepare frame for placement in cell building hive in which bees form queen cells on cup base. Blows smoke into hive to quiet bees, using smoke producing device. Reads grafting date, opens hive, and inserts frame in sequence by date. Pulls out queen cell frame of specified age and places frame in incubator to continue maturation process. Opens hive and pours sugar on tops of frames to feed bees. Mixes and kneads specified types and quantities of ingredients to make bee candy. Presses piece of candy into end of queen shipping cage to provide food for queen and workers during shipping. May construct shipping cages. May select and collect queen bees meeting specified criteria for shipping.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 86


    This group includes occupations concerned with furnishing services in support of breeding, raising, caring for animals, and collecting their products.


    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers involved in operations of animal research facility: Plans budget and arranges purchase of items, such as animal feed, medicines, and research instruments. Advises workers regarding requirements of research projects and requirements for compliance with federal guidelines for operation of research facility. Instructs workers regarding procedures, such as feeding and cleaning schedules and compilation of data for research reports. Monitors care and health of animals. Reviews work of personnel to verify accuracy of research and reports and to determine established procedures are followed.
GOE: 02.04.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

418.137-014 SUPERVISOR, RESEARCH KENNEL (agriculture)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in caring for domestic animals in research kennel: Directs and assists workers in maintaining kennel in prescribed condition and in feeding and caring for animals in conformance with research study requirements. Monitors progress of studies, such as animal food palatability and drug effectiveness tests, to verify adherence to study guidelines. Prepares activity charts to assist subordinates in performing duties. Observes animals to detect signs of illness or injury and notifies designated personnel of unusual conditions. Compiles research study reports from log entries to prepare data for use by researchers, using calculator.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 86

418.381-010 HORSESHOER (agriculture) alternate titles: plater

    Selects aluminum and steel shoes (plates) and fits, shapes, and nails shoes to animals' hooves: Removes worn or defective shoe from hoof, using nail snippers and pincers. Examines hoof to detect bruises and cracks and to determine trimming required. Trims and shapes hoof, using knife and snippers. Measures hoof, using calipers and steel tape. Selects aluminum or steel shoe from stock, according to hoof measurements and animal usage. Places leather pad, sponge, or oakum-pine tar mixture on bruised or cracked hoof for protection. Shapes shoe to fit hoof, using swage, forge, and hammer. Nails shoe to hoof and files hoof flush with shoe. May forge steel bar into shoe. May drive shop truck to work site.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

418.384-010 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATOR (agriculture) alternate titles: inseminator

    Injects prepared bull semen into vagina of cows to breed them: Observes animal in heat to detect approach of estrus. Selects semen specimen according to breeding chart and pours semen into breeding syringe. Cleans cow's vulva with soap, water, and antiseptic solution. Inserts nozzle of syringe into vagina and depresses syringe plunger to inject seminal fluid. Maintains log of semen specimens used and cows bred. May exercise animal to induce or hasten estrus.
GOE: 03.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

418.384-014 ARTIFICIAL-BREEDING TECHNICIAN (agriculture) alternate titles: breeding technician

    Collects and packages bull semen for artificial insemination of cows: Attaches rubber collecting sheath to genital organ of tethered bull, and stimulates animal's organ to excite ejaculation. Examines semen, using microscope, to determine density and motility of gametes, and dilutes semen with prescribed diluents according to formulas. Transfers required amount of semen to container, using titration tube, and labels it with identifying data, such as date taken, source, quality, and concentration, and records similar data on file cards. Packs container of semen in dry ice or liquid nitrogen for freezing and storage or shipment. May inseminate cows [ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATOR (agriculture)].
GOE: 03.02.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

418.674-010 DOG GROOMER (personal ser.) alternate titles: dog beautician; dog-hair clipper

    Combs, clips, trims, and shapes dogs' coats to groom dogs, using knowledge of canine characteristics and grooming techniques and styles: Reads written or receives oral instructions to determine clipping pattern desired. Places dog on grooming table and fits grooming collar on dog to hold animal to table. Studies proportions of dog to determine most appropriate cutting pattern to achieve desired style. Clips dog's hair according to determined pattern, using electric clippers, comb, and barber's shears. Combs and shapes dog's coat. Talks to dog or uses other techniques to calm animal.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

418.677-010 DOG BATHER (personal ser.)

    Bathes dogs in preparation for grooming: Combs and cuts out heavy mats from dog's coat, using barber shears and steel comb. Brushes fur to remove dead skin, using dog brush. Draws bath water and regulates temperature. Washes dog, using perfumed soap or shampoo and handbrush and repeats process until dog is clean. Dries dog, using towel and electric drier. Cleans animals' quarters. May trim and shape dog's coat and clip toenails, using scissors and clippers.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with animal farming and related activities.

419.224-010 HORSE TRAINER (agriculture; amuse. & rec.)

    Trains horses for riding, show, work, or racing: Feeds, exercises, grooms, and talks to horses to accustom them to human voice and contact. Talks to horses to calm and encourage them to follow lead, or standstill when hitched or groomed. Places tack or harness on horse to accustom horse to feel of equipment. Mounts and rides saddle horse to condition horse to respond to oral, spur, or rein command, according to knowledge of horse's temperament and riding technique. Hitches draft horse to wagon, sledge, or other horse drawn equipment and conditions horse to perform in single or multiple hitch, using rein and oral commands. Trains horses for show competition according to prescribed standards for gaits, form, manners, and performance, using knowledge of characteristics of different breeds and operating routines of horse shows. Retrains horses to break habits, such as kicking, bolting, and resisting bridling and grooming. Usually specializes in conditioning and developing horses of one breed only, or in training horses for one type of riding, driving, racing, or show activity. May train horses for racing, utilizing knowledge of training methods to plan training, according to peculiarities of each horse and instructs JOCKEY (amuse. & rec.) 153.244-010 on how to handle specific horse during race and be designated Racehorse Trainer (amuse. & rec.). May train horses or other equines to carry pack loads and work as part of pack train. May arrange for mating of stallions and mares, and assist mares during foaling. May train horses as independent operator and advise owners on purchase of horses.
GOE: 03.03.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with activities which are not specifically related to either plant or animal agricultural activities or which may be concerned with a combination of both.


    This group includes occupations concerned with combined plant and animal farming.

421.161-010 FARMER, GENERAL (agriculture)

    Raises both crops and livestock: Determines kinds and amounts of crops to be grown and livestock to be bred, according to market conditions, weather, and size and location of farm. Selects and purchases seed, fertilizer, farm machinery, livestock, and feed, and assumes responsibility for sale of crop and livestock products. Hires and directs workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops, such as corn, peas, potatoes, strawberries, apples, peanuts, and tobacco, and to raise livestock, such as cattle, sheep, swine, horses, and poultry. Performs various duties of farm workers, depending on size and nature of farm, including setting up and operating farm machinery.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

421.683-010 FARMWORKER, GENERAL I (agriculture) alternate titles: hired worker

    Drives trucks and tractors and performs variety of animal and crop raising duties as directed on general farm: Plows, harrows, and fertilizes soil, and cultivates, sprays, and harvests crops, using variety of tractor-drawn machinery [FARM-MACHINE OPERATOR (agriculture)]. Cares for livestock and poultry, observing general condition and administering simple medications to animals and fowls. Hauls feed to livestock during grass shortage and winter months. Operates, repairs, and maintains farm implements and mechanical equipment, such as tractors, gang plows, ensilage cutters, hay balers, cottonpickers, and milking machines. Repairs farm buildings, fences, and other structures. May irrigate crops. May haul livestock and products to market [TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any industry); TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any industry)]. Usually works year-round and may oversee casual and seasonal help during planting and harvesting.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

421.687-010 FARMWORKER, GENERAL II (agriculture) alternate titles: chore tender; farm laborer

    Performs variety of manual, animal-and-crop-raising tasks on general farm under close supervision: Feeds and waters cattle, poultry, and pets. Cleans barns, stables, pens, and kennels, using rake, shovel, water, and other cleaning materials. Digs seedlings, such as tobacco plants, strawberries, tomatoes, and orchard trees, using hoe, and transplants them by hand. Shovels earth to clear irrigation ditches and opens sluice gates to irrigate crops. Cleans plows, combines, and tractors, using scraper and broom. Picks, cuts, or pulls fruits and vegetables to harvest crop. Stacks loose hay, using pitchfork, or pitches hay into automatic baling machine. Stacks bales of hay and bucks them onto wagon or truck, using handhook.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with miscellaneous agricultural and related occupations.

429.387-010 COTTON CLASSER (agriculture; textile) alternate titles: cotton grader

    Classifies cotton according to grade, staple length, and character, employing knowledge of cotton fiber and standards for various grades as established by U.S. Department of Agriculture: Examines cotton sample to detect variations in color; foreign matter, such as pieces of bolls, leaves, or twigs; undeveloped seeds, sand, and dust; and preparation defects, such as gin-cut fibers and neps. Pulls layer of fibers from cotton sample with fingers to form rectangular tuft, places tuft on black background, and estimates or measures staple length, using cotton-stapling rule. Determines character (strength, uniformity, and cohesive quality) of fibers by pulling sample tuft apart between fingers, observing effort expanded in breaking sample, fineness of fibers, and drag as fibers cling to each other. Classifies fibers according to standards for various grades. May examine fibers through microscope to determine maturity and spirality of fibers. Records grade on bale identification tag and bale number and grade on shipping, receiving, or sales sheet.
GOE: 06.01.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

429.587-010 COTTON CLASSER AIDE (agriculture)

    Performs any combination of following duties to assist COTTON CLASSER (agriculture; textile) 429.387-010: Records grades called out by COTTON CLASSER (agriculture; textile) on sample classification certificates and related documents. Summarizes and tabulates classification results, using specified numeric symbols. Assembles classification certificates and other records for mailing to growers, government officials, and other designated recipients. Carries cotton samples to and from storage and grading areas. May assist in testing cotton samples.
GOE: 06.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 86

429.685-010 GINNER (agriculture)

    Tends variety of machines, such as dryers, cleaners, gin stands, and linters, that dry, clean, and separate cotton lint from seed and waste material: Slides hand into seed chutes and removes accumulations of seed. Observes saw ribs in gin stand and linter screens to detect clogging. Removes cotton manually or using ginstick. Opens gas supply valve and pushes alarm switch to warn workers that machinery is starting. Pushes switches to start separator, vacuum, and trash fans; seed augers; linters; cleaners; and other auxiliary equipment. Turns control knobs on automatic dryers to ignite fire and set drying temperature. Ascertains seed-handling instructions from seed tags, pulls ropes to open gates, allowing seeds to be deposited in hoppers according to instructions, and resets automatic seed-weighing counter. Pulls ropes to open suction gates and start suction that controls flow of cotton through equipment. Listens to sounds of running machinery, observes flow of seeds and cotton, feels cotton sample, and sniffs air to detect equipment malfunction and maladjustment and burning cotton. Stops machine and removes obstructions, adjusts dryer temperature, and regulates cotton feed to correct malfunctions, achieve optimum drying of cotton, and maintain maximum ginning capacity of machines. Closes suction gates after last bale of order has been ginned. Records seed weight and bale weight on report form. Periodically replaces worn and defective parts on machines. Lubricates motors, bearings, and other friction surfaces. May be identified with machines tended or with work performed, such as linting, cleaning, drying, and ginning.
GOE: 05.12.07 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 81

429.685-014 THRESHER, BROOMCORN (agriculture)

    Tends machine that threshes and bales broomcorn straw: Cuts string or rubber band binding from sheaves of broomcorn straw, using knife, and feeds straw into threshing machine to remove seeds. Off bears straw from discharge end of threshing machine and drops straw into bucket to align straw. Hands bucket of aligned broomcorn straws to PRESS FEEDER, BROOMCORN (agriculture) who places straws in compression chamber of hydraulic press. Closes compression chamber and starts hydraulic press to compress broomcorn straws into bale. Ties wire around bale and pushes bale from chamber.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

429.686-010 PRESS FEEDER, BROOMCORN (agriculture)

    Feeds hydraulic press that bales broomcorn straw: Places broomcorn in compression chamber of hydraulic press. Aligns stalks of straw in chamber to ensure that straws are not broken when compressed. Signals THRESHER, BROOMCORN (agriculture) to bale broomcorn straw.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with seeding, cultivating, transplanting, stocking, catching, or gathering aquatic life of any kind or their remains.


    This group includes occupations concerned with catching or gathering aquatic animal life by use of such equipment as nets, traps, and pots.

441.132-010 BOATSWAIN, OTTER TRAWLER (fishing & hunt.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of fishing vessel crew engaged in deploying, retrieving, and repairing otter trawl net to catch fish, and operates winches to launch, tow, haul, hoist, and dump net: Confers with CAPTAIN, FISHING VESSEL (fishing & hunt.) 197.133-010 or MATE, FISHING VESSEL (fishing & hunt.) 197.133-018 to ascertain specified fishing depth, terrain of ocean floor, and location of fish concentrations, and selects required otter trawl net and other fishing gear accordingly. Directs crew in attachment of floats, weights, otter boards (net guides), and other gear to trawl net preparatory to net deployment. Directs lowering of net over side of vessel, and moves winch controls to release otter boards and tow cables into sea. Observes action of otter boards to ensure that net is tangle free and in desired position, and moves winch controls to maintain even alignment and designated depth of net behind vessel, according to markings on tow cables. Monitors tension on tow cables during tow and moves winch controls as necessary to free net when snagged on obstructions, such as rough bottom, rock pinnacles, or sunken ships. Moves winch controls to haul filled trawl net from sea bottom to ship's stern, and directs crew to specified stations for retrieval of net and dumping of fish onto deck. Trains and directs crew in maintenance of fishing gear, such as reinforcing or replacing frayed or missing sections of trawl net and splicing frayed or weakened tow cables.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

441.683-010 SKIFF OPERATOR (fishing & hunt.)

    Operates seiner skiff to hold one end of purse seine in place while purse seiner circles school of fish to set net. Holds purse seine away from ship during pursing and brailing operations. May splash water with pole, on opposite side of school away from purse seiner, to prevent fish from escaping as fish are encircled by purse seine. May locate schools of fish sighted by other fishers.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

441.684-010 FISHER, NET (fishing & hunt.)

    Catches finfish, shellfish, and other marine life alone or as crewmember on shore or aboard fishing vessel, using equipment such as dip, diver, gill, hoop, lampara, pound, trap, reef, trammel, and trawl nets; purse seine; and haul, drag, or beach seine: Inserts and attaches hoops, rods, poles, ropes, floats, weights, beam runners, otter boards, and cables to form, reinforce, position, set, tow, and anchor net. Attaches flags and lights to buoys to identify net location. Puts net into water and anchors or tows net according to kind of net used, location of fishing area, and method of fishing. Hauls net to boat or ashore manually and using winch. Empties catch from net, using dip net, brail, buckets, hydraulic pump, and conveyor, and by lifting net, using block and tackle, and dumping catch. Stows catch in hold and containers, or transfers catch to base ship or buy boat. Fishing with some types of nets may be illegal in some states. May ride in skiff and hold end of net, as base ship discharges net, to surround school of fish or to pull net ends and trap fish. May sort and clean fish. May repair fishing nets and gear. May act as lookout or observe instruments to sight schools of fish. May be designated according to kind of net used as Fisher, Dip Net (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Diver Net (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Gill Net (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Hoop Net (fishing & hunt.). May be designated: Fisher, Haul, Drag, Or Beach Seine (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Lampara Net (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Pound Net or Trap (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Purse Seine (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Reef Net (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Trammel Net (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Trawl Net (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

441.684-014 FISHER, POT (fishing & hunt.)

    Fishes for marine life, including crab, eel, or lobster, using pots (cages with funnel-shaped net openings): Ties marker float to line, attaches line to pot, fastens bait inside pot, and lowers pot into water. Hooks marker float with pole and pulls up pot. Reaches through hinged door of pot to remove catch or dumps catch on deck. Measures catch with fixed gauge to ensure compliance with legal size. Places legal catch in container and tosses illegal catch overboard. Places peg in hinge of claws to prevent lobsters, in container, from killing each other. May rig and lower dredge (rake scoop with bag net attached), drag dredge behind boat to gather marine life from water bottom, and hoist it to deck by hand or using block and tackle. May be designated according to type of marine life fished for as Fisher, Crab (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Eel (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Lobster (fishing & hunt.). May work alone or as member of crew.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

441.684-018 FISHER, TERRAPIN (fishing & hunt.)

    Catches terrapins by stretching net across marsh, creek, or river and routing terrapins downstream or with tide into net. May pole skiff among grassy waters and catch terrapins with hand net. May catch terrapins by hand while wading in mud and probing with stick.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

441.684-022 FISHER, WEIR (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: fisher, trap

    Constructs weirs of brush or netting to catch fish: Drives poles and stakes in channels at points of land extending into water, between islands, or in rapids to form circular or heart-shaped enclosure. Fastens stringers and weaves brush or netting horizontally between posts and stakes. Constructs lead of brush to deflect fish into trap. Removes fish from weir with purse seine. This method of fishing is considered illegal in some states when navigation and conservation are obstructed.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with catching aquatic animal life by means of baited, hooked, and entangling lines.

442.684-010 FISHER, LINE (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: fisher

    Catches fish and other marine life with hooks and lines, working alone or as member of crew: Lays out line and attaches hooks, bait, sinkers, and various anchors, floats, and swivels, depending on quarry sought. Puts line in water, and holds, anchors, or trolls (tows) line to catch fish. Hauls line onto boat deck or ashore by hand, reel, or winch, and removes catch. Stows catch in hold or boxes and packs catch in ice. May hit fish with club to stun it before removing it from hook. May fish with gaff to assist in hauling fish from water. May slit fish, remove viscera, and wash cavity to clean fish for storage. May steer vessel in fishing area. When fishing with line held in hand, is designated Fisher, Hand Line (fishing & hunt.). When fishing with fixed line equipped with hooks hung at intervals on line, is designated according to whether line is trawl (anchored in water at both ends) as Fisher, Trawl Line (fishing & hunt.); or trot (reaching across stream or from one bank) as Fisher, Trot Line (fishing & hunt.). When fishing with line that is trolled, is designated Fisher, Troll Line (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with catching and gathering aquatic animal life by means of equipment other than that used in Groups 441 and 442.

443.664-010 FISHER, DIVING (fishing & hunt.)

    Gathers or harvests marine life, such as sponges, abalone, pearl oysters, and geoducks from sea bottom, wearing wet suit and scuba gear, or diving suit with air line extending to surface: Climbs overboard or is lowered into water from boat by lifeline. Picks up pearl oysters; tears sponges from sea bottom; pries abalone from rocks, using bar; and flushes geoducks from sand, using air gun connected to air compressor on boat. Places catch in bag or basket and tugs on line to have catch pulled to boat, or surfaces and empties catch on boat or in container. Signals other workers to extend or retract air lines. May monitor air lines and operate air compressor as alternating member of diving crew. May be designated according to quarry sought as Abalone Diver (fishing & hunt.); Geoduck Diver (fishing & hunt.); Pearl Diver (fishing & hunt.); Sponge Diver (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

443.684-010 FISHER, SPEAR (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: harpooner, fish; spearer

    Catches fish, such as eels, salmon, and swordfish, using barbed spear: Spears fish from platform built in stream or on river bank or from fishing vessel, using harpoon attached to buoy by rope, and allows fish to tire. Hoists fish from water, using gaff. Kills swordfish with club, rifle, or gaff. May be designated according to gear used as Fisher, Eel Spear (fishing & hunt.); Gaffer (fishing & hunt.); Harpooner (fishing & hunt.); or according to quarry sought as Fisher, Swordfish (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with such activities as breeding, caring for, planting, transplanting, harvesting, or transferring (stocking with) aquatic animals or plant life. Includes developing and maintaining the subsistence environment of such life.

446.133-010 SUPERVISOR, SHELLFISH FARMING (fishing & hunt.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting shellfish: Confers with manager to determine time and place of seed planting, cultivating, feeding, and harvesting shellfish. Plans work schedules according to tidal levels, and availability of personnel and equipment. Inspects beds and ponds to ascertain the quality of seed distribution, adequacy of cultivation, and completeness of harvesting, and directs workers to correct deviations and irregularities. Oversees maintenance of planting, cultivating, and harvesting equipment, $T3tidal pens,$T1 and shellfish beds. Trains worker to drive or operate equipment, and in methods and techniques of shellfish farming. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May assign workers to guard pens and beds against encroachment. May record planting and harvesting data, and keep workers' time records. May supervise workers engaged in farming a specific type of shellfish and be designated Supervisor, Clam-Bed (fishing & hunt.); Supervisor, Oyster Farm (fishing & hunt.); Supervisor, Shrimp Pond (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

446.134-010 SUPERVISOR, FISH HATCHERY (fishing & hunt.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in trapping and spawning fish, incubating eggs, and rearing fry in fish hatchery: Assigns workers in collecting, fertilizing and incubating of spawn, and transferring of fingerlings to rearing ponds and tanks. Oversees treatment and rearing of fingerlings. Observes appearance and actions of developing fish to detect diseases, and specifies medications to be added to food and water. Coordinates work schedule and directs workers to feed, sort, and transfer fish to designated ponds, streams, or commercial holding tanks. Trains workers in methods of spawning and rearing fish. Records number and type of fish reared, released, or sold. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise workers engaged in rearing food fish or tropical and exotic fish and be designated Supervisor, Commercial Fish Hatchery (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

446.161-010 FISH FARMER (fishing & hunt.)

    Spawns and raises fish for commercial purposes: Strips eggs from female fish and places eggs in moist pans. Adds milt stripped from male fish to fertilize eggs. Fills hatchery trays with fertilized eggs and places trays in incubation troughs. Turns valves and places baffles in troughs to adjust volume, depth, velocity, and temperature of water. Transfers fingerlings to rearing ponds. Feeds high protein foods or cereal with vitamins and minerals to fingerlings to induce growth to size desired for commercial use. Arranges with buyers for sale of fish. Removes fish from pond, using dip net. Counts and weighs fish. Loads fish into tank truck, or dresses and packs in ice for shipment. May perform standard tests on water samples to determine oxygen content. May be designated according to kind of fish raised as Trout Farmer (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M1 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

446.161-014 SHELLFISH GROWER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: oyster culturist

    Cultivates and harvests beds of shellfish, such as clams and oysters: Lays out and stakes tide flats (ground beneath shallow water near shoreline). Piles up stone, poles, and mud, using farm tractor and hand implements to make dikes to control water drainage at low tide. Removes debris by hand and levels soil with tractor and harrow. Sows spat by hand or with shovel or sets out strings or baskets of shells onto which spat attaches. Covers seeded area with mixture of sand and broken shells or transfers seeded strings or baskets to growing area. Rigs net or star mop (mop of heavy rope yarn) and drags it over bed behind power boat to entangle and remove shellfish predators, such as crabs and starfish. Walks about bed at low tide, and scoops or digs shellfish and piles them onto barge or mud sled, using pitchfork or shovel. Packs shellfish, according to market specifications, in containers and returns small ones to bed. Poles barge to wharf at high tide or pulls it, using boat. Drags mud sled from bed, using tractor. May pour oil around bed and spread oil-treated sand over bed with shovel to form chemical barrier to shellfish predators. May reach from boat with rake-tongs and grope for shellfish by moving handles to open and close tongs. May supervise workers who cultivate and harvest bed. May negotiate with buyers for sale of crop. May be designated according to type of shellfish grown as Clam Grower (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Grower (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.01.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M1 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

446.663-010 SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: shellfish harvester

    Drives and operates mechanical or hydraulic dredge to cultivate, transplant, and harvest marine life, such as oysters, clams, and sea grass: Steers dredge to designated area, using navigational aids, such as compass and landmarks, and knowledge of tides, or is towed by other vessel. Fastens water pressure hoses, lifting and towing cables, and dredge baskets to dredge, using handtools. Primes pumps and adjusts angle of water jets and conveyor, to prepare for dredging. Activates dredge engine and lowers dredge baskets or hydraulic dredger to sea bottom, using hoisting boom and winch. Activates hydraulic dredge impeller pumps and conveyor and drags hydraulic dredger or dredge baskets along sea bottom to scoop or flush shellfish from beds. Inspects contents dumped from dredges onto deck to determine depth of cut into sea bottom, and adjusts water pressure or angle of basket blade to attain depth of cut desired. Observes flow of shellfish on conveyor and stops conveyor to prevent or clear jamming. Observes and listens to operation of equipment to detect malfunction and makes adjustments and minor repairs to correct operational defects. Attaches cutting blades or harrows to dredge and lowers to specified distance above or on sea bottom and steers dredge in diminishing circles to cultivate shellfish beds or cut sea grass. May record date, harvest area, and yield in logbook. May direct helpers in sorting of clams. May be designated according to type of dredge operated as Hydraulic Dredge Operator (fishing & hunt.); Self-Propelled Dredge Operator (fishing & hunt.); or kind of shellfish harvested as Clam Dredge Operator (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Dredge Operator (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

446.684-010 FISH HATCHERY WORKER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: fish hatchery assistant; fish hatchery attendant

    Performs any combination of following tasks to trap and spawn game fish, incubate eggs, and rear fry in fish hatchery: Secures net on both banks of river to divert fish to holding pond. Catches ripened fish from holding pond with hand net and squeezes or slits bellies of female fish to release eggs in pail. Squeezes bellies of male fish to force milt over eggs, and stirs with rubber-gloved hand to fertilize eggs. Fills hatchery trays with fertilized eggs and places trays in incubation troughs. Turns valves and places baffles in troughs to adjust volume, depth, velocity, and temperature of water. Inspects eggs and picks out dead, infertile, and off-color eggs, using suction syringe. Sorts fish according to size, coloring, and species and transfers fingerlings to rearing ponds or tanks, using buckets or tank truck. Scatters food over surface of water by hand or activates blower that automatically scatters food over water to feed fish. Observes appearance and actions of developing fish to detect diseases, and adds medications to food and water as instructed by superior. Transfers mature fish to rivers and lakes, using tank truck. Records field data and prepares reports of hatchery activities. Drains and cleans ponds and troughs, using brushes, chemicals, and water. Makes minor repairs to hatchery equipment, paints buildings, and maintains grounds. May spawn and rear food fish or tropical and exotic fish for commercial use. May mark migrating fish with liquid nitrogen, using hand-operated branding device.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

446.684-014 SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: bed worker

    Cultivates and harvests shellfish by performing any combination of following duties: Loads marking stakes on barge, and moves barge to shellfish bed. Drives stakes into mud in pattern specified by SHELLFISH GROWER (fishing & hunt.), using sledgehammer. Sows spat by scattering it within staked enclosure. Covers seeded area with mixture of sand and broken shells of shellfish onto which spat attaches, using shovel. Wades in shellfish bed and digs or rakes for shellfish, using rake, fork, and spade. Treads in water and feels for shellfish with bare feet, gathers shellfish, and drops them into container. Reaches from boat with rake-tongs and gropes for shellfish by moving handles to open and close tongs. Drags brail rod (pipe with series of hooks attached) behind powerboat to pull shellfish from mud. Rigs and lowers dredge into shellfish bed from mast and boom of powerboat, using block and tackle. Hoists dredge and pulls dump ring to empty catch. Picks out market-size shellfish from catch, and replants smaller ones. Packs and ices marketable shellfish in containers for shipment. Unloads loose shellfish from boat, using shovel. May be designated according to type of shellfish bed worked as Clam-Bed Worker (fishing & hunt.); Oyster-Bed Worker (fishing & hunt.); shellfish harvested as Fisher, Clam (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Oyster (fishing & hunt.); or task performed as Clam Digger (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Unloader (fishing & hunt.). May be designated: Clam Tonger (fishing & hunt.); Clam Treader (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Mussel (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Quahog (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Scallop (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Dredger (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Picker (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Tonger (fishing & hunt.); Oyster Worker (fishing & hunt.); Scallop Dredger (fishing & hunt.); Scallop Raker (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

446.684-018 SOFT CRAB SHEDDER (fishing & hunt.)

    Raises soft-shell crabs for food markets by catching crabs from sea and retaining them in tanks until they molt: Catches crabs, using lines [FISHER, LINE (fishing & hunt.)] or pots [FISHER, POT (fishing & hunt.)]. Sorts crabs according to stages of shell development and dumps them into open tanks containing sea water. Starts pumps to aerate water and maintain constant flow of sea water through tanks. Observes crabs to ascertain when they begin to shed their brittle outer shell. Holds shell being shed, when necessary, to assist emerging crab that gets hung in shell during molting. Gathers freshly emerged soft-shell crabs and places them in containers for shipment to market.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

446.687-010 CLAM SORTER (fishing & hunt.)

    Removes marketable clams from conveyor belt or from pile on deck of clam-harvesting dredge and deposits them in containers. Dumps clams from containers onto worktable or deck, and sorts and packs them in containers for shipping according to species. May assist SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fishing & hunt.) in adjustment, repair, and maintenance of dredge and conveyor equipment, using handtools.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

446.687-014 LABORER, AQUATIC LIFE (fishing & hunt.)

    Performs any combination of following tasks related to cultivating, growing, and harvesting or gathering shellfish, finfish, amphibians, and other marine life: Stakes or fences ponds and growing areas following specified pattern to lay out planting bed. Sows spat on sea bottom and covers with sand and shell mixture. Patrols shrimp ponds and $T3tidal pens$T1 on foot or by motorboat to detect presence of predators. Transfers finfish from tanks to rearing ponds, using dip net. Scatters food over growing area by hand or using blower. Wades in water or drives boat to harvest area. Collects marine life, using gill net, brail, shovel, or tongs. Rigs and lowers dredge baskets, using block and tackle, and raises to empty catch. Picks out marketable marine life and places in container, returning illegal catch to sea. Packs and ices catch for shipment. Unloads catch from boat deck, using conveyor, basket, or shovel. Strings empty oyster shells (used for growing-media) on wire or places in basket. Cleans ponds and tanks, and repairs screens, retaining walls, and fences. Removes debris, seaweed, and predators from water to maintain growing area. May be designated according to type of marine life worked as Clam-Bed Laborer (fishing & hunt.); Fish Hatchery Laborer (fishing & hunt.); Oyster-Bed Laborer (fishing & hunt.); Shrimp Pond Laborer (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with gathering sponge and seaweed by any means not involving the use of underwater breathing equipment.

447.684-010 SPONGE HOOKER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: fisher, sponge hooking; hooker

    Gathers sponges from sea bottom, using pronged hook attached to end of pole, wading or using boat: Sights sponge, using water glass (bucket or tube with transparent bottom), inserts hook into base of sponge, and pulls hook to tear sponge from its attachment. Lifts hook and removes sponge.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

447.687-010 DULSER (fishing & hunt.)

    Gathers dulse from rocks at low tide and spreads it on beach to dry.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

447.687-014 IRISH-MOSS BLEACHER (fishing & hunt.)

    Bleaches Irish moss, gathered by IRISH-MOSS GATHERER (fishing & hunt.), by pouring buckets of salt water over moss in tubs. Spreads moss along beach to dry and bleach.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

447.687-018 IRISH-MOSS GATHERER (fishing & hunt.)

    Gathers Irish moss from rocks by hand or by use of rake, and hauls it into boat. Transfers moss to beach where it is washed and bleached by IRISH-MOSS BLEACHER (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

447.687-022 KELP CUTTER (fishing & hunt.)

    Gathers kelp from sea bottom, using mower (cutter equipped with oscillating knives): Lowers mower into water from kelp-harvesting boat, and starts mower to cut kelp. Attaches grabhook of winch to kelp after kelp is dropped into bow of boat during harvesting so that kelp can be pulled back to keep load evenly distributed as kelp accumulates in boat.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

447.687-026 SPONGE CLIPPER (fishing & hunt.; wholesale tr.)

    Cleans sponges of foreign particles, such as shells and coral fragments, and sorts sponges according to size for packing: Clips torn or irregular parts from sponge, with shears, measures size of sponge with go-not-go gauge, and tosses sponge into specified pile according to size. May cut sponge into specified size, using serrated knife.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with fishery and related occupations.

449.664-010 NET REPAIRER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: rigger; web worker

    Assembles and repairs nets on shore and aboard ship: Assembles, ties, and adjusts various webbing material, floats, weights, rings, and ropes to make gill nets, purse seines, $T3reef nets,$T1 and trawls, using knife and twine-filled bobbin shuttle. Hoists net into ship's rigging to dry after fishing operations, using block and tackle, and repairs holes and tears in webbing. Gives direction to workers engaged in taking down nets. May retrieve lost nets from water. May participate in fishing [FISHER, NET (fishing & hunt.)].
GOE: 05.10.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

449.667-010 DECKHAND, FISHING VESSEL (fishing & hunt.)

    Performs any combination of following duties aboard fishing vessel: Stands lookout, steering, and engine-room watches. Attaches nets, slings, hooks, and other lifting devices to cables, booms, and hoists. Loads equipment and supplies aboard vessel by hand or using hoisting equipment. Signals other workers to move, hoist, and position loads. Rows boats and dinghies and operates skiffs to transport fishers, divers, and sponge hookers and to tow and position nets. Attaches accessories, such as floats, weights, and markers to nets and lines. Pulls and guides nets and lines onto vessel. Removes fish from nets and hooks. Sorts and cleans marine life and returns undesirable and illegal catch to sea. Places catch in containers and stows in hold and covers with salt and ice. Washes deck, conveyors, knives and other equipment, using brush, detergent, and water. Lubricates, adjusts, and makes minor repairs to engines and equipment. Secures and removes vessel's docking lines to and from docks and other vessels. May be designated according to type of vessel worked as Deckhand, Clam Dredge (fishing & hunt.); Deckhand, Crab Boat (fishing & hunt.); Deckhand, Oyster Dredge (fishing & hunt.); Deckhand, Shrimp Boat (fishing & hunt.); Deckhand, Sponge Boat (fishing & hunt.); Deckhand, Tuna Boat (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

449.674-010 AQUARIST (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: aquarium tank attendant

    Attends fish and other aquatic life in aquarium exhibits: Prepares food and feeds fish according to schedule. Cleans tanks and removes algae from tank windows. Attends to aquatic plants and decorations in displays. Collects and compares water samples to color-coded chart for acid analysis and monitors thermometers to ascertain water temperature. Adjusts thermostat and adds chemicals to water to maintain specified water conditions. Observes fish to detect disease and injuries, reports condition to supervisor, and treats fish according to instructions. May fire sedation gun and assist crew expedition members in collection of aquatic life.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

449.687-010 OYSTER FLOATER (fishing & hunt.)

    Spreads freshly harvested oysters in shallow barge or float so constructed that water flows over oysters to afford temporary oyster storage. Oysters taken from beds exposed to sewage are usually floated in water of specified degree of salinity as designated by health authorities until oysters are free of impurities.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with developing, maintaining, cultivating, and protecting forests, forest tracts and woodlands, and harvesting their products. Cultivating ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers is included in Group 405.


    This group includes occupations concerned with raising tree seedlings for reforestation purposes; and planting, pruning, and harvesting Christmas trees. Planting of tree seedlings in forested areas and woodlands is included in Group 452.

451.137-010 FOREST NURSERY SUPERVISOR (forestry)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting seedling forest trees and grading, bundling, baling, or otherwise packing trees for storage or shipment at forest nursery. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

451.137-014 SUPERVISOR, CHRISTMAS-TREE FARM (forestry) alternate titles: crew boss

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, shearing, thinning, and harvesting Christmas trees on company-owned or leased land tracts: Tours land tracts to ascertain conditions and estimate work-hour requirements to plant, cultivate, or harvest trees. Confers with management to report conditions of lands and crops, recommend actions to be taken, and obtain instructions regarding variety and number of trees per acre to plant, cultural practices to apply, and harvesting date and location. Trains workers in planting, shearing, or harvesting trees. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

451.687-010 CHRISTMAS-TREE FARM WORKER (forestry)

    Plants, cultivates, and harvests evergreen trees on Christmas-tree farm: Removes brush, ferns, and other growth from planting area, using mattock and brush-hook. Plants seedlings, using mattock or dibble [TREE PLANTER (forestry)]. Scatters fertilizer pellets over planted areas by hand. Shears tops and limb tips from trees, using machete and pruning shears, to control growth, increase limb density, and improve shape. Selects trees for cutting according to markings or size, specie, and grade, and fells trees, using ax or chain saw. Drags cut trees from cutting area, and loads trees onto trucks. May be designated according to seasonal task performed.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

451.687-014 CHRISTMAS-TREE GRADER (forestry)

    Grades and tags trees in sorting yard of Christmas tree farm: Gauges height of tree, using marked increments on conveyor belt. Turns tree, examines limbs and foliage for color and growth pattern, and determines grade according to standards chart. Staples color-coded grade tags to tree limbs, using hand stapler.
GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

451.687-018 SEEDLING PULLER (forestry) alternate titles: tree puller

    Harvests tree seedlings in forest nursery: Walks along seedling tree rows, stoops, and pulls clumps of seedlings from loosened soil. Knocks clumps together to dislodge soil and loosen roots, and places seedlings in field trays.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77

451.687-022 SEEDLING SORTER (forestry) alternate titles: tree sorter

    Sorts tree seedlings in forest nursery: Removes seedlings from field trays, separates them, and compares root formation, stem development, and foliage condition with standards chart and verbal instructions. Discards substandard seedlings and places remainder on conveyor for baling.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with planting tree seedlings; pruning and thinning trees to improve quality of stand; locating and combating fires, insects, pests, and diseases harmful to trees; and controlling erosion and leaching of forest soil.

452.134-010 SMOKE JUMPER SUPERVISOR (forestry)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of airborne fire-fighting crews engaged in extinguishing forest fires: Dispatches crews according to reported size, location, and conditions of fires. Directs loading of fire suppression equipment into aircraft and parachuting of equipment to crews on ground. Maintains aerial observation and radio communication with crews at fire scene to determine equipment and work force requirements, learn of any casualties, and inform crews and base camp of changing conditions. Parachutes to major fire locations and directs suppression activities. Explains and demonstrates parachute jumping, fire suppression, aerial observation, and radio communications to workers. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 04.02.04 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

452.167-010 FIRE WARDEN (forestry)

    Administers fire prevention programs and enforces governmental fire regulations throughout assigned forest and logging areas: Inspects logging areas and forest tracts for fire hazards, such as accumulated wastes, hazardous storage or mishandling of fuels and solvents, defective engine exhaust systems, and unshielded electrical equipment. Examines and inventories water supplies and firefighting equipment, such as axes, firehoses, pumps, buckets, and chemical fire extinguishers to determine condition, amount, adequacy, and placement of materials with respect to governmental regulations and company rules. Prepares reports of conditions observed, issues directives and instructions for correcting violations, and reinspects areas to verify compliance. Directs maintenance and repair of firefighting tools and equipment and requisitions new equipment and materials to replace expended, lost, and broken items or add to inventory as required. Restricts public access and recreational use of forest lands during critical fire season. Gives directions to crew section on fireline during forest fire. May direct FIRE RANGERS (forestry).
GOE: 04.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

452.364-010 FORESTER AIDE (forestry) alternate titles: forest technician

    Compiles data pertaining to size, content, condition, and other characteristics of forest tracts, under direction of FORESTER (profess. & kin.) 040.061-034; and leads workers in forest propagation, fire prevention and suppression, and facilities maintenance: Traverses forest in designated pattern to gather basic forest data, such as topographical features, species and population of trees, wood units available for harvest, disease and insect damage, tree seedling mortality, and conditions constituting fire danger. Marks trees of specified specie, condition, and size for thinning or logging. Collects and records data from instruments, such as rain gauge, thermometer, stream-flow recorder, and soil moisture gauge. Holds stadia rod, clears survey line, measures distances, records survey data, and performs related duties to assist in surveying property lines, timber sale boundaries, and road and recreation sites. Trains and leads conservation workers in seasonal activities, such as planting tree seedlings, collecting seed cones, suppressing fires, cleaning and maintaining recreational facilities, and clearing fire breaks and access roads. Gives instructions to visitors of forest, and enforces camping, vehicle use, fire building, sanitation, and other forest regulations.
GOE: 03.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 82

452.364-014 SMOKE JUMPER (forestry)

    Parachutes from airplane into forest inaccessible by ground to suppress forest fires: Jumps from airplane near scene of fire, pulls rip cord when clear of plane, and pulls shroud lines to guide direction of fall toward clear landing area. Orients self in relation to fire, using compass and map, and collects supplies and equipment dropped by parachute. Ascertains best method for attacking fire and communicates plan to airplane or base camp with two-way radio. Fells trees, digs trenches, and extinguishes flames and embers to suppress fire, using ax, chain saw, shovel, and hand or engine-driven water or chemical pumps. May pack parachutes [PARACHUTE RIGGER (air trans.)].
GOE: 04.02.04 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

452.367-010 FIRE LOOKOUT (forestry) alternate titles: watcher, lookout tower

    Locates and reports forest fires and weather phenomena from remote fire-lookout station: Maintains surveillance from station to detect evidence of fires and observe weather conditions. Locates fires on area map, using azimuth sighter and known landmarks, estimates size and characteristics of fire, and reports findings to base camp by radio or telephone. Observes instruments and reports daily meteorological data, such as temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and velocity, and type of cloud formations. Relays messages from base camp, mobile units, and law enforcement and governmental agencies relating to weather forecasts, fire hazard conditions, emergencies, accidents, and location of crews and personnel. Explains state and federal laws, timber company policies, fire hazard conditions, and fire prevention methods to visitors of forest. Maintains records and logbooks.
GOE: 07.04.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

452.367-014 FIRE RANGER (forestry)

    Patrols assigned area of forest to locate and report fires and hazardous conditions and to ensure compliance with fire regulations by travelers and campers: Hikes or drives to vista points to scan for fires and unusual or dangerous conditions. Reports findings and receives and relays emergency calls, using telephone or two-way radio. Visits camping sites to inspect activities of campers and ensure compliance with forest use and fire regulations. Gives instructions regarding sanitation, fire, and related forest regulations. Extinguishes smaller fires with portable extinguisher, shovel, and ax. Serves as crew leader for larger fires. Renders assistance or first aid to lost or injured persons. Participates in search for lost travelers or campers.
GOE: 04.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

452.687-010 FOREST WORKER (forestry)

    Performs variety of tasks to reforest and protect timber tracts and maintain forest facilities, such as roads and campsites: Plants tree seedlings in specified pattern, using mattock, planting hoe, or dibble. Cuts out diseased, weak, or undesirable trees, and prunes limbs of young trees to deter knot growth, using handsaw, power saw, and pruning tools. Fells trees, clears brush from fire breaks, and extinguishes flames and embers to suppress forest fires, using chain saw, shovel, and engine-driven or hand pumps. Clears and piles brush, limbs, and other debris from roadsides, fire trails, and camping areas, using ax, mattock, or brush hook. Sprays or injects trees, brush, and weeds with herbicides, using hand or powered sprayers or tree injector tool. Erects signs and fences, using posthole digger, shovel, tamper, or other handtools. Replenishes firewood and other supplies, and cleans kitchens, rest rooms, and campsites or recreational facilities. Holds measuring tape or survey rod, carries and sets stakes, clears brush from sighting line, and performs related tasks to assist forest survey crew.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

452.687-014 FOREST-FIRE FIGHTER (forestry) alternate titles: fire crew worker; smoke eater

    Suppresses forest fires, working alone or as member of crew: Fells trees, cuts and clears brush, digs trenches, and extinguishes flames and embers to contain or suppress fire, using ax, chain saw, shovel, and hand- or engine-driven water pumps. Patrols burned area after fire to watch for hot spots that may restart fire. When leading and directing fire-fighting activities of a crew of workers, may be designated Suppression-Crew Leader (forestry).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

452.687-018 TREE PLANTER (forestry)

    Plants seedling trees to reforest timber lands or Christmas tree farms: Digs planting hole at predetermined spaced interval, using mattock-like tool or dibble. Places seedling in hole and packs soil around plant, using foot or planting tool.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 1 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with gathering from forests and woodlands such products as ferns, mistletoe, barks, moss, seed cones, gums, resins, saps, and wild nuts and berries.

453.687-010 FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agriculture; forestry)

    Gathers decorative greens, medicinal plants and barks, tree cones, moss, or other wild plant life from forest by hand or using handtools, such as pruning shears, knife, or shovel. Bundles or sacks products and delivers them to buyer. May climb trees to reach cones and boughs, using climbing belt and climbing spurs. May sort gathered plant life by size or species. May be designated according to product gathered as Cascara-Bark Cutter (forestry); Decorative Greens Cutter (forestry); Medicinal-Plant Picker (agriculture); Moss Picker (agriculture); Seed-Cone Picker (forestry).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

453.687-014 LABORER, TREE TAPPING (agriculture; forestry)

    Performs any combination of following tasks to collect sugar, oleoresin, or other tree sap: Cuts or bores tap in face of tree, using auger, ax, hack (hook-shaped tool) or other handtool. Inserts spout or trough into tap and hangs or nails receptacle under tap. Dumps filled receptacles into collection barrel, tank, or similar container and transports to central collection point. May gather scrape (hardened gum) at end of season, using hand scraper. May rake leaves and other debris to clear trees for tapping and lessen fire hazard.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with felling trees and cutting them into logs or products such as cordwood, shakes, firewood, and posts, using chain saws, axes, wedges, and related tools. Occupations in cutting Christmas trees are included in Group 451. Occupations in yarding and loading logs by machine are included in Division 92.

454.134-010 SUPERVISOR, FELLING-BUCKING (logging) alternate titles: powersaw supervisor; saw boss; timber supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in felling trees, trimming off limbs, and sawing felled trees into logs: Specifies log lengths to be cut, trees to be left, stump height, and cutting sequence. Trains workers in felling and bucking techniques and safety practices. Gives instructions to workers in felling trees with unusual or dangerous characteristics. May supervise TREE-SHEAR OPERATORS (logging). Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

454.384-010 FALLER I (logging) alternate titles: chopper

    Fells timber trees, applying knowledge of tree characteristics and cutting techniques to control direction of fall and minimize tree damage: Appraises tree for characteristics, such as twists, rot, and heavy limb growth, and gauges amount and direction of lean, using ax as plumb bob. Determines position, direction, and depth of cuts to be made and placement of wedges or jacks. Clears brush and debris from work area and escape route, and cuts saplings and other trees from falling path, using ax and chain saw. Scores cutting lines with ax, saws undercut along scored lines with chain saw, and knocks slabs from cuts with ax. Saws back-cuts, leaving sufficient sound wood to control direction of fall. Inserts jack or drives wedges behind saw to prevent binding of saw and start tree falling. Stops saw engine as tree tips, pulls cutting bar from cut, and runs to predetermined location to avoid injury from falling limbs and flying debris. May work on piecework basis and be designated Busheler (logging). May cut trees into log lengths [BUCKER (logging)]. Fallers of small timber (generally under 18 inches in diameter) are classified as FALLER (logging) II.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

454.683-010 TREE-SHEAR OPERATOR (logging) alternate titles: feller operator

    Drives and operates logging tractor equipped with frontal hydraulic shear to fell trees: Maneuvers tractor to position jaws of shear around tree bole, and activates shear to cut and fell tree. May control hydraulic tree clamp and boom to lift, swing, and bunch sheared trees and be designated Feller-Buncher Operator (logging).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

454.684-010 BUCKER (logging)

    Saws felled trees into lengths: Places supporting limbs or poles under felled tree to avoid splitting underside and to prevent log from rolling. Cuts previously marked tree into logs, using power chain saw and ax. Drives wedges into cut behind saw blade to prevent binding saw. May cut limbs from felled trees. May mark felled tree for cutting into log lengths to obtain maximum value [LOG MARKER (logging)].
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

454.684-014 FALLER II (logging) alternate titles: stumper-feller

    Fells trees, applying specified cutting procedures to control direction of fall: Clears brush from work area and escape route, and cuts saplings and other trees from falling path, using ax and chain saw. Saws or chops undercut in bole of tree to fix designated direction of fall, using chain saw and ax, and saws opposite side (back cut) to fell tree. Drives wedges behind saw with mall to tip tree and prevent binding of saw. May cut limbs from tree. May cut tree into log lengths. May tag trees in unsafe condition with high visibility ribbon. Workers are classified as FALLER (logging) I where adherence to standards of minimum tree damage are of prime importance and considerable judgment is exercised in determining cutting techniques.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

454.684-018 LOGGER, ALL-ROUND (logging)

    Harvests timber trees, performing combination of following tasks: Fells trees in specified direction, removes limbs and top, and measures and cuts tree into log lengths, using chain saw, wedges, and ax. Secures cables to logs and drives tractor or horses to skid logs to landing. Loads logs onto trucks by hand or using winch. May drive truck to haul logs to mill.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 78

454.684-022 RIVER (logging)

    Rives (splits) logs or wooden blocks into bolts, pickets, posts, shakes, or stakes, using handtools, such as ax wedges, sledgehammer, froe, and mallet: Drives wedge into log with ax and sledgehammer to split log along grain to form posts or bolts. Positions froe on block according to grain and thickness of specified product and pounds it into block with mallet to start cut. Pulls froe handle up or down to pry and split pieces from block. May fell trees, using chain saw [FALLER (logging) II] and cut logs into desired lengths [BUCKER (logging)]. May be designated according to product cut as Rail Splitter (logging); Shake Splitter (logging); Shingle-Bolt Cutter (logging); Stave-Block Splitter (logging).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

454.684-026 TREE CUTTER (agriculture; logging)

    Fells trees of specified size and specie, trims limbs from tree, and cuts tree into lengths for firewood, fence posts, or pulpwood, using ax, measuring tool and chain saw. Splits logs, using ax, wedges, and maul. May stack wood in rick or cord lots. May load wood onto trucks. May be designated Fence-Post Cutter (agriculture); Firewood Cutter (logging); Pulpwood Cutter (logging).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

454.687-010 CHAIN SAW OPERATOR (chemical; logging; millwork-plywood)

    Trims limbs, tops, and roots from trees, and saws logs to predetermined lengths, using chain saw, preparatory to removal from forest or processing into wood products. May measure and mark logs for sawing. May be designated according to activity performed as Limber (logging). For related classifications involving judgment in determining cutting techniques, see BUCKER (logging); FALLER (logging) II; and TREE CUTTER (agriculture; logging).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

454.687-014 LABORER, TANBARK (logging) alternate titles: tanbark peeler

    Harvests tanbark, performing any combination of following tasks: Cuts limbs from felled trees, using chain saw or ax. Cuts rings and slits in bark, and strips bark from tree, using spud or ax. Stacks bark in ricks (piles), bark-side down.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

454.687-018 LOG MARKER (logging; millwork-plywood)

    Measures and marks logs or felled trees for cutting into sawlogs, pulpwood, or $T3veneer blocks:$T1 Inspects felled tree or log to determine waste. Marks cutting locations to obtain maximum yield of standard lengths, using measuring rod or tape and marking chalk or crayon. May record log dimensions.
GOE: 05.07.06 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with determining the volume and condition of logs; and segregating, rafting, or similarly preparing them for storage or shipment.

455.134-010 SUPERVISOR, LOG SORTING (logging; millwork-plywood)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in unloading, scaling, grading, and sorting logs in log boom or sorting yard: Designates storage location for each category of log grade, specie, and size. Oversees scaling and grading activities to verify adherence to industry or company standards. Trains workers in log scaling, grading, and marking standards. Coordinates selection and movement of logs from storage areas according to transportation schedules or production requirements of wood products plants. May supervise raft building and loading of trucks and railcars for log shipment. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May supervise sorting activities in log boom and be designated Boom Supervisor (logging).
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

455.367-010 LOG GRADER (logging; saw. & plan.)

    Grades logs in sorting yard, millpond, or log deck according to industry or company standards: Measures diameter and length of log, using scale stick, steel tape, or other measuring aid, and determines total volume, using conversion table [LOG SCALER (logging; millwork-plywood; paper & pulp; saw. & plan.)]. Jabs log with metal end of scale stick and inspects log to ascertain conditions or defects, such as sound or water-soaked wood, splits, broken ends, rotten areas, twists, and curves. Evaluates log's characteristics and determines grade according to established criteria. Paints identification mark of specified color on log to identify grade and species, using paint spray can, or calls out grade to LOG MARKER (logging). Estimates and deducts volume of waste wood from total volume, and records volume by grade in tally book.
GOE: 05.07.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

455.487-010 LOG SCALER (logging; millwork-plywood; paper & pulp; saw. & plan.)

    Estimates marketable content of logs or pulpwood: Measures dimensions of each log or entire loads of pulpwood, using scale stick, tape measure, or other measuring device. Determines total board feet, cordage, or other wood unit, using conversion table. Inspects logs or pulpwood for rot, knots, and other defects, deducts estimated waste from total volume, and records results. May identify logs of substandard or special grade for return to shipper or transfer to other processes. May weigh log trucks before and after unloading, and record weight data and supplier. May tend conveyor chain that moves logs to and from scaling station. May be designated according to work location as Deck Scaler (saw. & plan.); Landing Scaler (logging); Pond Scaler (paper & pulp; saw. & plan.); or item scaled as Pulpwood Scaler (paper & pulp).
GOE: 05.07.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 79

455.664-010 RAFTER (logging)

    Assembles floating logs into rafts for towing to mill: Bores holes in boom sticks (side poles of raft), and swifters (cross poles or ribs) with power-driven auger, and threads chain or cable through holes to form raft frame. Signals LOG SORTER (logging) to push logs between frame members and maneuvers them into position with pike pole, or signals boat operator to push log bundles into raft. Binds logs into rafts with chain or cable and fastens binder with cable clamp or clevis. May unload logs from railroad cars and log trucks.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

455.684-010 LOG SORTER (logging)

    Sorts logs in boom according to species, size, and owners' markings: Separates logs, floats them into designated bays with pike pole, and closes bay with chain or cable. Opens bay and maneuvers logs into designated rafting or mill storage area. May unload logs from railroad cars and log trucks. May operate motorboat to move logs. May assemble log rafts [RAFTER (logging)]. May brand logs with owners' markings [LOG MARKER (logging)].
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

455.687-010 LOG MARKER (logging) alternate titles: marker

    Marks logs in river or pond to designate ownership, cutting origin, species, or intended use, using any of following methods: (1) Brands each end of log with hammer or ax having raised characters on head. (2) Paints mark on ends of log, using spray can. (3) Chops or saws mark in bark near end of log.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with forestry and harvesting forest products.

459.133-010 SUPERVISOR, LOGGING (logging) alternate titles: yarding supervisor

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in felling and bucking trees, skidding logs from forest, and loading logs on trucks: Trains workers in felling and bucking trees, operation of tractors and loading machines, yarding and loading techniques, and safety regulations. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. When logging activities are confined to one side of timber stand or tract, may be designated Side Boss (logging).
GOE: 03.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

459.137-010 WOODS BOSS (logging) alternate titles: woods overseer

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in pulling, blasting, chopping, and transporting stumps, used in destructive distillation process for obtaining crude turpentine. Performs duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

459.387-010 CRUISER (forestry; logging) alternate titles: timber cruiser

    Cruises forest land to estimate volume of marketable timber and collect data concerning forest conditions for appraisal, sales, administration, logging, land use, and forest management planning: Traverses forest area on foot in established pattern and applies sampling technique. Sights over scale stick to estimate height and diameter of each tree in sample. Estimates loss of marketable volume due to defects, such as rot and bends in tree, and computes quantity of usable wood in each tree. Logs cruise data and prepares summary report of timber types, sizes, condition, and outstanding features of area, such as existing roads, streams, lakes, and communication facilities. May mark trees with spray paint to denote trail, boundary, or for cutting. May be designated Chief Cruiser (forestry) when leading a crew.
GOE: 03.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

459.687-010 LABORER, BRUSH CLEARING (any industry) alternate titles: brusher; swamper

    Cuts trees, brush, and other growth, using chain saw, ax, brush-hook, and other handtools to clear land for construction, forestry, logging or agriculture activities, to remove infestation, or to control growth along utility, highway, or railroad right-of-way. May pile brush for burning or load onto trucks. May feed brush into shredding or chipping machine.
GOE: 03.04.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with searching for and taking, dead or alive, wild birds and animals, including seal, walrus, otter, and whales.


    This group includes occupations concerned with taking wild or pest animals and birds, dead or alive, by means of weapons, poisons, nets, and traps.

461.134-010 EXPEDITION SUPERVISOR (fishing & hunt.)

    Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in hunting for and capturing sea mammals for research and display: Confers with management to ascertain kind and number of animals to be captured, time and location of hunt, and mode of travel. Determines personnel, food, equipment and other supply requirements for hunt and capture of animals. Inspects equipment for adequacy and condition. Arranges for repair services and requisitions needed supplies. Maintains and repairs, or supervises maintenance and repair of equipment. Assigns workers to activities, such as mending nets and attaching floats and packing and loading food and material in carrier. Scouts ocean beaches and rookeries and stands watch on boat to locate mammals. Coordinates activities, such as catching mammals, on-site container construction, and in-transit mammal care. Performs other duties described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

461.661-010 PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: bounty hunter; forestry hunter

    Hunts, traps, and kills predatory animals to collect bounty: Hunts quarry, using dogs, and shoots animals. Traps or poisons animals depending on environs and habits of animals sought. Removes designated parts, such as ears or tail from slain animals, using knife, to present as evidence of kill for bounty. May skin animals and treat pelts for marketing. May train dogs for hunting. May be designated according to animal hunted as Cougar Hunter (fishing & hunt.); Coyote Hunter (fishing & hunt.); Wolf Hunter (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

461.664-010 UNDERWATER HUNTER-TRAPPER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: hunter, skin diver

    Collects and captures sea life specimens, such as finfish, shellfish, and mammals working individually or as member of crew, using skin-diving equipment: Dives or walks into sea and swims underwater to scout terrain and reach work area. Twists, cuts, and tears specimens, such as abalone, starfish, or sponge, from surface to which attached, and places specimens in container. Catches finfish and shellfish, using net. Signals boat crew to hoist container or net to surface. Places nets underwater to capture sea mammals, such as whales, porpoises, and dolphins. Stands watch to observe behavior of captured mammals. Swims in, around, and under nets to free captive and other quarry caught in net and to prevent injury, escape, or drowning. Restrains mammal with arms or nets, and rigs net or sling under catch to permit hoisting without bodily injury.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

461.684-010 SEALER (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: fisher, seal

    Kills seals for pelts, using clubs: Rounds up droves of bachelor seals resting or sleeping on beach adjacent to, but distinct from, rookery, using pole to prod them and keep them together. Drives male seals inland to killing grounds, and sorts droves into pods. Kills male seals that are within specified age and size limits, by striking them on head with club, after allowing others to escape. Severs skin around head and flippers of dead seal, using knife, pins its skull to ground with metal bar, and pulls off seal's skin from head to tail. Loads pelts onto trucks for transportation to plant for cleaning and curing. Washes pelts in sea water. Scrapes fat and blubber from pelts, using hand scraper. Cures pelts in salt or brine, sprinkles boric acid on skin side of pelt to prevent bacterial development, and packs and salts pelts in barrels for shipment and further processing. May be designated according to specific task performed as Seal Driver (fishing & hunt.); Seal Killer (fishing & hunt.); Seal Skinner (fishing & hunt.). Sealing operations are controlled by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M2 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

461.684-014 TRAPPER, ANIMAL (fishing & hunt.) alternate titles: fur trapper

    Traps animals for pelts, live sale, bounty, or to relocate them in other areas: Sets traps with bait, scent, or camouflage, and in patterns according to size, species, habits, and environs of animal sought or according to reason for trapping. Patrols trapline to remove catch and reset or relocate traps. Clubs or drowns trapped fur-bearing animals to prevent damage to pelts. Skins animals, using knife, and stretches pelts on frames to be cured. Scrapes or skives skin-side of pelt with knife to remove fat and flesh, and rubs skin with salt to dry and preserve it. Sorts pelts according to species, color, and quality. Removes parts, such as ears or tail, from predatory animals and presents them as evidence of kill for bounty [PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (fishing & hunt.)]. May be designated according to animal trapped as Beaver Trapper (fishing & hunt.); Muskrat Trapper (fishing & hunt.).
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

461.684-018 TRAPPER, BIRD (fishing & hunt.)

    Traps birds to serve as brood stock, or for exhibition, extermination, identification, or relocation: Selects and sets traps, nets, or cages according to size, habits, and habitat of bird and reasons for trapping. Walks about area to drive quarry toward traps or net or patrols trap-line periodically to inspect setting. Releases quarry from trap or net and transfers it to cage. Kills birds or secures identification tag to bird and releases it. May locate and flush ground birds into nets, using dogs.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

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