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Note: The DOT was created by the Employment and Training Administration, and was last updated in 1991. It has been replaced by the O*NET.


153.287-010 to 169.117-014

    This category includes occupations concerned with the theoretical or practical aspects of such fields of human endeavor as art, science, engineering, education, medicine, law, business relations, and administrative, managerial, and technical work. Most of these occupations require substantial educational preparation (usually at the university, junior college, or technical institute level).

153.287-010 HOOF AND SHOE INSPECTOR (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: plating inspector

    Inspects hoofs and shoes (plates) of horses at racetrack to determine that hoofs have been trimmed to prevent stumbling during race and to detect loose or broken shoes: Records names of horse, owner, and RACEHORSE TRAINER (amuse. & rec.) and condition of horse's hoofs and shoes. Presents information to STEWARD, RACETRACK (amuse. & rec.) for further action. May remove and replace broken or cracked plates. May instruct handlers to secure plates or trim horses hoofs as required.
GOE: 03.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M1 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

153.341-010 PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE (amuse. & rec.)

    Participates in professional competitive athletic events, such as football, boxing, and hockey, to entertain audience: Exercises and practices under direction of ATHLETIC TRAINER (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.224-010 or COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.) 153.227-010 to train for sport. Plays game and engages in sport conforming to established rules and regulations. Athletes are identified according to professional sport in which engaged. May speak, as representative of team or professional sports club, to groups involved in activities, such as sports clinics and fund raisers.
GOE: 12.01.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 81

153.367-010 CLOCKER (amuse. & rec.)

    Clocks (times) racehorses at racetrack during morning workouts to obtain speed information: Identifies each horse on track by its particular identifying marks and color, and records name. Observes horse during workout and assigns speed rating according to effort extended by horse and rider, distance run, and time required as measured by stopwatch. Records information and submits it to track management.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

153.367-014 HORSE-RACE TIMER (amuse. & rec.)

    Clocks and records time required for horse leading in race to run specified distance: Observes signal for official start and activates stopwatch to time race. Observes leading horse crossing markers denoting fractional parts and finish line of race to note and record time elapsed. Compares recorded results with those obtained by automatic electronic timer and reports difference to racing officials. Writes daily report of name, number of leading horse, fractional and total time required for each race to submit to track officials.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

153.384-010 MARSHAL (amuse. & rec.)

    Rides saddle horse to lead parade of horserace entrants onto track to mobile-starting-gate assembly area. Mounts quarter horse and chases and restrains runaways to prevent injury to horses and thrown riders and disruption of race.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

153.387-010 IDENTIFIER, HORSE (amuse. & rec.)

    Verifies identification of horses at receiving barn of racetrack: Checks identifying features, such as tattooed registration number on lip and physical appearance with official records and photographs to ensure only horses scheduled to race are permitted in paddock. Releases identified horses to handlers for transfer to paddock for saddling. Notifies track officials when doubt exists as to horses' identity. Records physical changes in horses, such as weight increase or scar received since last inspection, to keep identification records current.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

153.387-014 SCORER (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: lap checker

    Records laps completed by drivers in automobile or motorcycle race: Observes vehicles passing start-finish line to obtain count of laps completed by each competitor. Enters lap count onto scoresheet. Totals laps at end of race to determine winner, order of finish, and lap count for each racer. May clock and record time during race and be designated Timer (amuse. & rec.). May give directions to other SCORERS (amuse. & rec.) and be designated Head Scorer (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

153.467-010 CLERK-OF-SCALES (amuse. & rec.)

    Weighs JOCKEYS (amuse. & rec.) and riding equipment before and after each race to ensure that assigned handicapped weights have been carried during race: Weighs rider and saddle on scale to assure that weight is as specified on racing program. Directs rider to insert or remove lead pads from saddle pocket to meet specified weight. Notifies racing officials of rider unable to meet weight limit. Weighs rider and equipment after race to assure that lead pads were not lost during race.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

153.667-010 STARTER (amuse. & rec.)

    Waves signal flags of different color and design to start and stop automobile or motorcycle race and to inform drivers of track condition: Signals slower driver to move aside to allow passage of faster vehicles. Signals drivers to slow down or stops race for clearing of track following accidents. Signals specific driver to return to pit for consultation upon request of AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (automotive ser.); MOTORCYCLE REPAIRER (automotive ser.); PIT STEWARD (amuse. & rec.), or other track official.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

153.674-010 EXERCISER, HORSE (amuse. & rec.)

    Rides racehorses to exercise and condition them for racing: Rides racehorse during workout and training races, following specific instructions of training personnel. Informs training personnel of horses' temperament, peculiarities, and physical condition as demonstrated during exercise so that training plans can be modified to prepare horse for racing.
GOE: 03.03.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

153.674-014 LEAD PONY RIDER (amuse. & rec.)

    Rides lead pony to lead JOCKEY (amuse. & rec.) and mount from paddock to starting gate at racetrack: Leads horse scheduled to race from receiving barn to paddock to be saddled. Leads procession of riders in post position order to starting gate. Rides after runaway horse to aid rider regain control. Diverts riders from competitor involved in accident on racetrack. Leads race horse to paddock or receiving barn after race. Assists horse ambulance workers to remove injured horse from track, using block and tackle. Grooms and feeds lead pony.
GOE: 12.01.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with entertainment.

159.041-010 MAGICIAN (amuse. & rec.)

    Performs original and stock tricks of illusion and sleight of hand to entertain and mystify audience, using props, such as illusion boxes, scarf, cards, rabbit, and jewelry. May include participant from audience in act to remove personal valuables, such as wallets or jewelry, without participant's knowledge.
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.041-014 PUPPETEER (amuse. & rec.)

    Originates puppet shows, designs and constructs puppets and moves controls of puppets to animate them for entertainment of audience: Studies media for ideas that relate to fads, stories, plays, and seasonal themes and confers with other staff to develop ideas for new show. Writes or adapts script for use in puppet theater. Sketches designs for puppets based on script. Constructs hand, string, rod, and shadow puppets from materials, such as wood, papier mache, styrofoam, wires, metal, and rubber, using handtools and machine tools. Sews clothing for puppets by hand or machine. Animates puppets, using string, wire, rod, fingers or hand from position above, below, or at level with stage. Talks or sings during performance to give illusion of voice to puppets. May operate audio equipment, such as tape deck, during performance and simultaneously move puppet's mouth in synchronization with music to create illusion of singing.
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 79

159.042-010 LASERIST (amuse. & rec.)

    Creates optical designs-and-effects show for entertainment of audiences, using control console and related laser projection and recording equipment: Sets up and operates console to control laser projection, recording equipment, and house lights. Presses switches and turns dials to dim house lights, cue opening music, and begin programmed laser sequence. Moves controls to orchestrate colors, patterns, and movements in concert with musical accompaniment. Tests, repairs, and adjusts laser and sound systems, using circuit schematics and test equipment. Examines, cleans, and maintains system cooling, optical, and sound equipment according to preventive maintenance schedule. Discusses show concepts and laser equipment operation with press representatives to promote public relations.
GOE: 05.03.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

159.044-010 VENTRILOQUIST (amuse. & rec.)

    Entertains audience by projecting voice so that it appears to come from dummy or puppet: Changes position of dummy or puppet during performance to give illusion of life. May construct puppet or dummy. May write script for show.
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

159.047-010 CLOWN (amuse. & rec.)

    Dresses in comical costume and makeup and performs original or stock comedy routines to entertain audience.
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.047-014 COMEDIAN (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: comic

    Attempts to make audience laugh by telling jokes, delivering comic lines, singing humorous songs, performing comedy dances or walks, or facial contortions, wearing funny costumes, or resorting to any similar device to amuse audience. May do impersonations [IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & rec.)].
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M2 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

159.047-018 IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: imitator; mimic

    Entertains by impersonating another person, or type of person, or animal, or some inanimate object, usually by copying mannerisms, form, expression, dress, voice, or sound of character or thing impersonated. May be designated according to character impersonated as Animal Impersonator (amuse. & rec.); Female Impersonator (amuse. & rec.); Male Impersonator (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.047-022 MIME (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: pantomimist

    Presents serious, humorous, or burlesqued interpretations of emotions, dramatic actions, and various situations through body movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
GOE: 01.03.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

159.067-010 DIRECTOR, MOTION PICTURE (motion picture)

    Reads and interprets script, conducts rehearsals, and directs activities of cast and technical crew for motion picture film: Confers with ART DIRECTOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) to ensure that music, sets, scenic effects, and costumes conform to script interpretation. Confers with DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion picture) to explain details of scene to be photographed and to consider utilization of miniatures, stock film, inserts, transparencies, backgrounds, or trick shots. Schedules sequences of scenes to be filmed for each day of shooting, grouping scenes together according to set and cast of characters. Rehearses cast and suggests changes, using knowledge of acting, voice, and movement to elicit best possible performance. Informs technicians of scenery, lights, props, and other equipment desired. Approves scenery, costumes, choreography, and music. Directs cast, DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion picture; radio-tv broad.), and other technicians during rehearsals and final filming. May audition and select cast. May cut and edit film. May direct film on set in studio or on location. May direct film for television.
GOE: 01.03.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

159.067-014 DIRECTOR, TELEVISION (radio-tv broad.)

    Plans and directs audio and video aspects of television programs, based on program specifications and knowledge of television programming techniques: Interprets script, rehearses cast, and establishes pace of program to stay within time requirements. Informs technicians of scenery, lights, props, and other equipment desired. Approves scenery, costumes, choreography, and music. Issues instructions to technicians from control room during telecast to keep them informed of effects desired, such as dissolves, long shots, medium shots, superimpositions, fade-ins, and fade-outs. May move controls to integrate material from multisite origins into live program. May direct news and special events programs. May direct program for live broadcast or for electronic video recording. May direct nonbroadcast television presentation, such as program for sales, medical, educational, or industrial purposes. May direct commercials. May operate viewing/editing equipment to review and edit program tapes, using personal knowledge of television programming and editing techniques. May key information into computer, using keyboard, to compile letters, memos, and other program material, such as scripts and notes. May be designated Producer-Director (radio-tv broad.) in small station.
GOE: 01.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

159.117-010 PRODUCER (radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: associate producer

    Plans and coordinates various aspects of radio, television, or cable television programs: Interviews and selects SCREEN WRITERS (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 131.067-050 and cast principals from staff members or outside talent. Outlines program to be produced to SCREEN WRITERS (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) and evaluates finished script. Composes or edits program script to meet management or other requirements, using typewriter or computer terminal. Coordinates various aspects of production, such as audio work, scenes, music, timing, camera work, and script writing. Gives instructions to staff to schedule broadcast and to develop and coordinate details to obtain desired production. Reviews production to ensure objectives are attained. Views taped program to select scenes to be used for promotional purposes, using video equipment. Listens to audio tape recording to verify program, script, or sound effects conform to broadcast standards, using audio equipment. May obtain costumes, props, music, or other equipment or personnel to complete production. May represent television network, acting as liaison to independent producer of television series produced for network broadcast. May review budget and expenditures for programs or commercial productions for conformance to budgetary restrictions. May coordinate production details to produce live television programs from locations distant from station. May be designated according to level of responsibility and by type of show produced as Executive Producer (radio-tv broad.); or by type of media as Radio Producer (radio-tv broad.); Television Producer (radio-tv broad.).
GOE: 01.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R6 M4 L6 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

159.124-010 COUNSELOR, CAMP (amuse. & rec.)

    Directs activities of children at vacation camp: Plans activities, such as hikes, cookouts, and campfires, to provide wide variety of camping experiences. Demonstrates use of camping equipment and explains principles and techniques of activities, such as backpacking, nature study, and outdoor cooking, to increase campers' knowledge and competence. Plans and arranges competition in activities, such as team sports or housekeeping, to stimulate campers' interest and participation. Demonstrates use of materials and tools to instruct children in arts and crafts. Instructs campers in skills, such as canoeing, sailing, swimming, archery, horseback riding, and animal care, explaining and demonstrating procedures and safety techniques. Organizes, leads, instructs, and referees games. Enforces camp rules and regulations to guide conduct, maintain discipline, and safeguard health of campers. May be identified according to type of camp activity.
GOE: 09.01.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 80

159.147-010 ANNOUNCER (radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: radio board operator-announcer

    Announces radio and television programs to audience: Memorizes script, reads, or ad-libs to identify station, introduce and close shows, and announce station breaks, commercials, or public service information. Cues worker to transmit program from network central station or other pick-up points according to schedule. Reads news flashes to keep audience informed of important events. May rewrite news bulletin from wire service teletype to fit specific time slot. May describe public event such as parade or convention. May interview guest, such as sport or other public personality, and moderate panel or discussion show to entertain audience. May keep daily program log. May operate control console (radio board). May perform additional duties in small stations, such as operating radio transmitter [TRANSMITTER OPERATOR (radio-tv broad.) 193.262-038], selling time, or writing advertising copy. May be designated according to media as Radio Announcer (radio-tv broad.); Television Announcer (radio-tv broad.). May announce program of local interest and be designated Local Announcer (radio-tv broad.). May announce program for transmission over network and affiliated stations and be designated Network Announcer (radio-tv broad.). May announce in foreign language for international broadcast and be designated Announcer, International Broadcast (radio-tv broad.). May describe sporting event during game from direct observation or announce sports news received at station for radio or television broadcasting and be designated Sports Announcer (radio-tv broad.).
GOE: 01.03.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 89

159.147-014 DISC JOCKEY (radio-tv broad.)

    Announces radio program of musical selections: Selects phonograph or tape recording to be played based on program specialty, knowledge of audience taste, or listening audience requests. Comments on music and other matters of interest to audience, such as weather, time, or traffic conditions. May interview musical personalities. May interview members of listening audience who telephone musical requests. May specialize in one type of music, such as classical, pop, rock, or country and western. May write entries onto log to provide information on all elements aired during broadcast, such as musical selections and station promotions. May be designated Combination Operator (radio-tv broad.) when operating transmitter or control console.
GOE: 01.03.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 5 DLU: 89

159.147-018 SHOW HOST/HOSTESS (radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: game show host/hostess; talent; talk show host/hostess

    Performs any combination of following duties to broadcast program over television or radio: Discusses and prepares program content with PRODUCER (radio-tv broad.) 159.117-010 and assistants. Interviews show guests about their lives, their work, or topics of current interest. Discusses various topics over telephone with viewers or listeners. Asks questions of contestants, or manages play of game, to enable contestants to win prizes. Describes or demonstrates products that viewers may purchase by telephoning show or by mail, or may purchase in stores. Acts as Host/Hostess at civic, charitable, or promotional events that are broadcast over television or radio.
GOE: 01.03.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 89

159.167-010 ARTIST AND REPERTOIRE MANAGER (amuse. & rec.)

    Selects recording artists and musical selections for production of phonograph records: Auditions recording artist or record to select most appropriate talent for each recording, using knowledge of vocal and instrumental technique and familiarity with popular taste in music. May direct recording sessions. May promote record sales by personal appearances and contacts with broadcasting personalities.
GOE: 01.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

159.167-014 DIRECTOR, RADIO (radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: director, broadcast

    Directs rehearsals and broadcast of one or more radio programs for live broadcast or electronic recording: Selects assisting staff and performers for radio program or commercial announcement. Integrates various parts of program or commercial announcement to produce entertainment balance. Rehearses staff and performers to elicit effects desired and best possible performance. Establishes pace of program or commercial announcement to stay within time requirements. Cues ANNOUNCERS (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-010 and technicians during program to insert spot announcements or commercials.
GOE: 01.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 89

159.167-018 MANAGER, STAGE (amuse. & rec.; radio-tv broad.)

    Coordinates production plans and directs activities of stage crew and performers during rehearsals and performance: Confers with DIRECTOR, STAGE (amuse. & rec.) 150.067-010 concerning production plans. Arranges conference times for cast, crew, and DIRECTOR, STAGE (amuse. & rec.), and disseminates general information about production. Reads script during each performance and gives cues for curtain, lights, sound effects, and prompting performers. Interprets stage-set diagrams to determine stage layout. Supervises stage crew engaged in placing scenery and properties. Devises emergency substitutes for stage equipment or properties. Keeps records to advise PRODUCER (amuse. & rec.) 187.167-178 on matters of time, attendance, and employee benefits. Compiles cue words and phrases to form prompt book. Directs activities of one or more assistants. May instruct understudy, replacement, or extra. May call performers at specified interval before curtain time. May operate production equipment to transmit or record performance.
GOE: 01.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

159.167-022 EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, PROMOS (radio-tv broad.)

    Directs and coordinates production of promos (promotional spot announcements) for local or national broadcasting service: Directs activities of workers involved in production of promos, utilizing knowledge of continuity writing, on-air promotion guidelines, filming and videotaping techniques, and usage of equipment. Edits scripts for continuity, applying knowledge of continuity writing. Contacts vendors to secure needed props, audio visual materials, and sound effects. Confers with operations and support services personnel to coordinate unit activities with those of other departments. Reviews and edits audio and video tapes, completed promos, and filler continuity, and schedules approved productions for broadcast. Arranges for timely delivery of promo materials to local or network promotion departments. Serves as liaison between station and advertising service of program sponsors or underwriters to coordinate unit activities with client promotional campaigns in other media.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

159.207-010 ASTROLOGER (amuse. & rec.)

    Prepares and analyzes horoscope to advise clients regarding future trends and events: Prepares horoscope by computing position of planets, their relationship to each other and to zodiacal signs, based on factors, such as time and place subject was born. Analyzes horoscope chart to advise client, such as person or company, regarding conditions which lie ahead, course of action to follow, and probability of success or failure of that action.
GOE: 10.01.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 4 DLU: 77

159.224-010 ANIMAL TRAINER (amuse. & rec.)

    Trains animals to obey commands, compete in shows, or perform tricks to entertain audience: Evaluates animal to determine temperament, ability, and aptitude for training. Conducts training program to develop desired behavior. May organize format of show. May conduct show. May cue or signal animal during performance. May rehearse animal according to script for motion picture or television film or stage or circus program. May train guard dog to protect property. May teach guide dog and master to function as team. May feed, exercise, and give general care to animal. May observe animal's physical condition to detect illness or unhealthy condition requiring medical care. May be designated according to specific animal trained. May be designated Head Animal Trainer (amuse. & rec.) or Senior Animal Trainer (amuse. & rec.) when directing activities of other workers.
GOE: 03.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 82

159.227-010 INSTRUCTOR, BRIDGE (education) alternate titles: bridge expert

    Teaches individuals or groups contract bridge, evaluating individual abilities to determine method and technique of instruction: Explains card suits and values and methods of scoring. Lectures, illustrates, and demonstrates to teach conventions and playing of bridge hands. Supervises individual and group practice, using prearranged decks of cards. Prepares instructional materials for outside study assignments. Usually specializes in one system of bidding. May participate in bridge tournaments. May direct bridge tournaments. May write instructional bridge columns and articles on bridge tournaments for local newspaper.
GOE: 09.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

159.247-010 ACROBAT (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: tumbler

    Entertains audience by performing difficult and spectacular feats, such as leaping, tumbling, and balancing, alone or as member of team. Originates act or adapts stock presentations. May use equipment, such as chairs and teeter board. May juggle various articles [JUGGLER (amuse. & rec.)]. May perform feats requiring bodily contortions and be designated Contortionist (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

159.247-014 AERIALIST (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: trapeze artist; trapeze performer

    Performs gymnastic feats of skill and balance while swinging on trapeze, turning somersaults, or executing flying stunts alone or as member of team.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.267-010 DIRECTOR, CASTING (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: talent director

    Auditions and interviews performers for specific parts, considering such factors as physical size and appearance, quality of voice, expressiveness, and experience: Submits list of suitable performers to PRODUCER (radio-tv broad.) or DIRECTOR, MOTION PICTURE (motion picture); DIRECTOR, RADIO (radio-tv broad.); DIRECTOR, TELEVISION (radio-tv broad.) for final selection. Keeps talent file, including information, such as personality types, specialties, past performances, and availability of performers. May arrange for screen tests of new performers. May obtain contractual agreement from performers on such items as salary or fees, program credits, residual payments, performance dates, and production schedules.
GOE: 01.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

159.341-010 JUGGLER (amuse. & rec.)

    Juggles and balances objects, such as balls, knives, plates, tenpins, and hats, to entertain audience.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.341-014 STUNT PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.; motion picture; radio-tv broad.)

    Performs stunts, such as overturning speeding automobile or falling from runaway horse, and participates in fight-action scenes for motion picture, television, or stage production: Reads script and confers with DIRECTOR, MOTION PICTURE (motion picture) and DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) to ascertain positions of cameras and other performers. Examines terrain and inspects equipment, such as harness, rigging bars, or nets to avoid injury. Coordinates body movement and facial expression to simulate giving and receiving violent blows. Rehearses stunt routines alone or with other STUNT PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.; motion picture; radio-tv broad.). May design, build, or repair own safety equipment.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.344-010 EQUESTRIAN (amuse. & rec.)

    Rides horses at circus, carnival, exhibition, or horse show, performing acrobatic stunts on saddled or saddleless horse or feats of equestrian skill and daring to entertain audience. When performing stunts on horse without saddle, may be designated Bareback Rider (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L1 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.344-014 RODEO PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.)

    Demonstrates daring and skill by bronco riding, calf roping, bull riding, steer wrestling, or similar feats in rodeo competition to entertain spectators and compete for prize money.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

159.344-018 SHOW-HORSE DRIVER (amuse. & rec.)

    Rides or drives horse before judges in horse show, exercising care to display best points of animal to judges and spectators.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

159.347-010 ANNOUNCER (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: public-address announcer

    Announces information of interest to patrons of sporting and other entertainment events, using public address system: Announces program and substitutions or other changes to patrons. Informs patrons of coming events or emergency calls. May observe sporting event to make running commentary, such as play-by-play description or explanation of official decisions. May speak extemporaneously to audience on items of interest, such as background and past record of players. May read prepared script to describe acts or tricks during performance. May furnish information concerning play to SCOREBOARD OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 01.07.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.347-014 AQUATIC PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.)

    Performs water-ballet routines to entertain audience, utilizing synchronized techniques of swimming: May swim underwater, using air lines. May serve as LIFEGUARD (amuse. & rec.), sell tickets, or perform other duties when not participating in show.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

159.347-018 THRILL PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.)

    Entertains audience at fairs, carnivals, and circuses by performing daredevil feats, such as diving from high diving board into tank of water, parachuting from airplane, or being shot from cannon onto net. May be designated according to specialty as Comedy Diver (amuse. & rec.); Human Projectile (amuse. & rec.); Parachutist (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

159.347-022 WIRE WALKER (amuse. & rec.) alternate titles: high-wire artist; tight-rope walker

    Walks across high wire or rope fastened between two stands or other uprights, performing acrobatic feats of balance, such as headstands, lie-downs, and somersaults to entertain audience. May walk ascending or descending wire or cable. May ride unicycle, bicycle, or motorcycle across wire. May perform as member of team.
GOE: 12.02.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.367-010 RING CONDUCTOR (amuse. & rec.)

    Introduces circus acts, using presence and manner, to set style desired by circus management: Signals start and finish of individual acts, using knowledge of circus performance running order. Signals performers to coordinate smooth transition of acts and addresses audience to alleviate their concern in emergencies, such as accidents or equipment failure.
GOE: 01.07.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

159.647-010 AMUSEMENT PARK ENTERTAINER (amuse. & rec.)

    Entertains audience in amusement park by exhibiting special skills. Designated according to specialty act performed as Fire Eater (amuse. & rec.); Hypnotist (amuse. & rec.); Organ Grinder (amuse. & rec.); Phrenologist (amuse. & rec.); Physiognomist (amuse. & rec.); Snake Charmer (amuse. & rec.); Sword Swallower (amuse. & rec.). May be designated Side-Show Entertainer (amuse. & rec.). May entertain in nightclubs and similar establishments. May entertain for live variety show or for television production.
GOE: 01.07.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

159.647-014 EXTRA (amuse. & rec.; motion picture; radio-tv broad.)

    Performs as nonspeaking member of scene in stage, motion picture, or television productions: Stands, walks, or sits in scenes as background for stars actions, or performs actions requiring special skills, such as dancing, swimming, skating, riding, or handling livestock. Rehearses and performs pantomime, portraying points essential in staging of scene. Workers may be designated according to registration in union as General Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion picture; radio-tv broad.); Special Ability Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion picture; radio-tv broad.); Silent Bit Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion picture; radio-tv broad.).
GOE: 01.08.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77

159.647-018 PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.)

    Entertains client or audience by professing to tell past, present, or future events through extraordinary spiritual insight or by perceiving another's thoughts. Designated according to specialty or medium used as Card Reader (amuse. & rec.); Crystal Gazer (amuse. & rec.); Fortune Teller (amuse. & rec.); Mind Reader (amuse. & rec.); Palmist (amuse. & rec.); Tea-Leaf Reader (amuse. & rec.).
GOE: 01.07.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 3 DLU: 77

159.647-022 SHOW GIRL (amuse. & rec.)

    Parades across stage to display costumes and provide background for chorus line to entertain audience.
GOE: 01.08.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77


    This division includes occupations concerned with specialized administrative and managerial functions which are common to many types of organizations. (Managerial occupations which are peculiar to one or a few related types of organizations are included in Division 18). In general, occupations included in the group listed below demand a knowledge of a particular function rather than a knowledge of the operations of an organization included in Division 18. Includes occupations which involve the more routine nonclerical duties or a combination of clerical and administrative work. Occupations involving clerical work exclusively in these fields are not included.


    This group includes occupations concerned with examining, analyzing, and interpreting accounting records for the purpose of giving advice or preparing statements. It also includes occupations involved in devising or installing accounting systems and advising on cost-recording systems or other financial and budgetary data.

160.162-010 ACCOUNTANT, TAX (profess. & kin.)

    Prepares federal, state, or local tax returns of individual, business establishment, or other organization: Examines accounts and records and computes taxes owed according to prescribed rates, laws, and regulations, using computer. Advises management regarding effects of business activities on taxes, and on strategies for minimizing tax liability. Ensures that establishment complies with periodic tax payment, information reporting, and other taxing authority requirements. Represents principal before taxing bodies. May devise and install tax record systems. May specialize in various aspects of tax accounting, such as tax laws applied to particular industry, or in individual, fiduciary, or partnership income tax preparation.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 87

160.162-018 ACCOUNTANT (profess. & kin.)

    Applies principles of accounting to analyze financial information and prepare financial reports: Compiles and analyzes financial information to prepare entries to accounts, such as general ledger accounts, documenting business transactions. Analyzes financial information detailing assets, liabilities, and capital, and prepares balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports to summarize current and projected company financial position, using calculator or computer. Audits contracts, orders, and vouchers, and prepares reports to substantiate individual transactions prior to settlement. May establish, modify, document, and coordinate implementation of accounting and accounting control procedures. May devise and implement manual or computer-based system for general accounting. May direct and coordinate activities of other accountants and clerical workers performing accounting and bookkeeping tasks.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 88

160.162-022 ACCOUNTANT, BUDGET (profess. & kin.)

    Applies principles of accounting to analyze past and present financial operations and estimates future revenues and expenditures to prepare budget: Analyzes records of present and past operations, trends and costs, estimated and realized revenues, administrative commitments, and obligations incurred to project future revenues and expenses, using computer. Documents revenues and expenditures expected and submits to management. Maintains budgeting systems which provide control of expenditures made to carry out activities, such as advertising and marketing, production, maintenance, or to project activities, such as construction of buildings. Advises management on matters, such as effective use of resources and assumptions underlying budget forecasts. Interprets budgets to management. May develop and install manual or computer-based budgeting system. May assist in financial analysis of legislative projects to develop capital improvement budget and be designated Program Analyst (government ser.). May assist communities to develop budget and efficient use of funds and be designated Public Finance Specialist (government ser.)
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

160.162-026 ACCOUNTANT, COST (profess. & kin.)

    Applies principles of cost accounting to conduct studies which provide detailed cost information not supplied by general accounting systems: Plans study and collects data to determine costs of business activity, such as raw material purchases, inventory, and labor. Analyzes data obtained and records results, using computer. Analyzes changes in product design, raw materials, manufacturing methods, or services provided, to determine effects on costs. Analyzes actual manufacturing costs and prepares periodic report comparing standard costs to actual production costs. Provides management with reports specifying and comparing factors affecting prices and profitability of products or services. May develop and install manual or computer-based cost accounting system. May specialize in analyzing costs relating to public utility rate schedule and be designated Rate Engineer (profess. & kin.). May specialize in appraisal and evaluation of real property or equipment for sale, acquisition, or tax purposes for public utility and be designated Valuation Engineer (profess. & kin.).
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 88

160.162-030 AUDITOR, DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: auditor, information systems

    Plans and conducts audits of data processing systems and applications to safeguard assets, ensure accuracy of data, and promote operational efficiency: Establishes audit objectives and devises audit plan, following general audit plan and previous audit reports. Interviews workers and examines records to gather data, following audit plan, and using computer. Analyzes data gathered to evaluate effectiveness of controls and determine accuracy of reports and efficiency and security of operations. Writes audit report to document findings and recommendations, using computer. Devises, writes, and tests computer program required to obtain information needed from computer for audit, using computer. Devises controls for new or modified computer application to prevent inaccurate calculations and data loss, and to ensure discovery of errors.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

160.167-022 ACCOUNTANT, PROPERTY (profess. & kin.)

    Identifies and keeps record of company owned or leased equipment, buildings, and other property: Records description, value, location, and other pertinent information of each item. Conducts periodic inventories to keep records current and ensure that equipment is properly maintained. Distributes cost of maintenance to proper accounts. Examines records to determine that acquisition, sale, retirement, and other entries have been made. Prepares statements reflecting monthly appreciated and depreciated values. Summarizes statements on annual basis for income tax purposes. Prepares schedules for amortization of buildings and equipment. Develops and recommends property accounting methods to provide effective controls.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

160.167-026 ACCOUNTANT, SYSTEMS (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: accounting-system expert

    Devises and installs special accounting systems and related procedures in establishment which cannot use standardized system: Conducts survey of operations to ascertain needs of establishment. Sets up classification of accounts and organizes accounting procedures and machine methods support. Devises forms and prepares manuals required to guide activities of bookkeeping and clerical personnel who post data and keep records. May adapt conventional accounting and recordkeeping functions to machine accounting processes and be designated Accountant, Machine Processing (profess. & kin.).
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

160.167-030 AUDITOR, COUNTY OR CITY (government ser.)

    Directs activities of personnel engaged in recording deeds and similar legal instruments, keeping records of county or municipal accounts, compiling and transmitting fiscal records to appropriate state officials, preparing financial statements of county or municipal finances for publication in local newspaper, and auditing books of city or county offices and departments. May be designated according to jurisdiction as City Auditor (government ser.); County Auditor (government ser.). In smaller communities or counties, may personally discharge all duties of office.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

160.167-034 AUDITOR, INTERNAL (profess. & kin.)

    Conducts audits for management to assess effectiveness of controls, accuracy of financial records, and efficiency of operations: Examines records of departments and interviews workers to ensure recording of transactions and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Inspects accounting systems to determine their efficiency and protective value. Reviews records pertaining to material assets, such as equipment and buildings, and staff to determine degree to which they are utilized. Analyzes data obtained for evidence of deficiencies in controls, duplication of effort, extravagance, fraud, or lack of compliance with laws, government regulations, and management policies or procedures. Prepares reports of findings and recommendations for management. May conduct special studies for management, such as those required to discover mechanics of detected fraud and to develop controls for fraud prevention. May audit employer business records for governmental agency to determine unemployment insurance premiums, liabilities, and employer compliance with state tax laws.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

160.167-038 AUDITOR, TAX (profess. & kin.)

    Audits financial records to determine tax liability: Reviews information gathered from taxpayer, such as material assets, income, surpluses, liabilities, and expenditures to verify net worth or reported financial status and identify potential tax issues. Analyzes issues to determine nature, scope, and direction of investigation required. Develops and evaluates evidence of taxpayer finances to determine tax liability, using knowledge of interest and discount, annuities, valuation of stocks and bonds, sinking funds, and amortization valuation of depletable assets. Prepares written explanation of findings to notify taxpayer of tax liability. Advises taxpayer of appeal rights. May conduct on-site audits at taxpayer's place of business and be designated Field Auditor (government ser.). May audit individuals and small businesses through correspondence or by summoning taxpayer to branch office for interview and be designated Office Auditor (government ser.). May perform legal and accounting work in examination of records, tax returns, and related documents pertaining to tax settlement of decedent's estates and be designated Tax Analyst (government ser.). May review most complicated taxpayer accounts and be designated Tax Examiner (government ser.).
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

160.167-042 BURSAR (education)

    Directs and coordinates activities of workers engaged in keeping complete books of tuition fees and other receipts for educational institution. Periodically reports receipts to board of trustees or other body ultimately responsible for financial condition of institution.
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

160.167-046 CHIEF BANK EXAMINER (government ser.)

    Directs investigation of financial institutions for state or federal regulatory agency to enforce laws and regulations governing establishment, operation, and solvency of financial institutions: Schedules audits according to departmental policy, availability of personnel, and financial condition of institution. Evaluates examination reports to determine action required to protect solvency of institution and interests of shareholders and depositors. Confers with financial advisors and other regulatory officials to recommend or initiate action against banks failing to comply with laws and regulations. Confers with officials of financial institutions industry to exchange views and discuss issues. Reviews application for merger, acquisition, establishment of new institution, acceptance in Federal Reserve System, or other action, and evaluates results of investigations undertaken to determine whether such action is in public interest. Recommends acceptance or rejection of application on basis of findings.
GOE: 11.10.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

160.167-050 REVENUE AGENT (government ser.)

    Conducts independent field audits and investigations of federal income tax returns to verify or amend tax liabilities: Examines selected tax returns to determine nature and extent of audits to be performed. Analyzes accounting books and records to determine appropriateness of accounting methods employed and compliance with statutory provisions. Investigates documents, financial transactions, operation methods, industry practices and such legal instruments as vouchers, leases, contracts, and wills, to develop information regarding inclusiveness of accounting records and tax returns. Confers with taxpayer or representative to explain issues involved and applicability of pertinent tax laws and regulations. Investigates and collects federal tax delinquencies [REVENUE OFFICER (government ser.) 188.167-074]. Secures taxpayer's agreement to discharge tax assessment or submits contested determination to other administrative or judicial conferees for appeals hearings. May participate in informal appeals hearings on contested cases from other agents. May serve as member of regional appeals board to reexamine unresolved issues in terms of relevant laws and regulations and be designated Appellate Conferee (government ser.).
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

160.167-054 AUDITOR (profess. & kin.)

    Examines and analyzes accounting records to determine financial status of establishment and prepares financial reports concerning operating procedures: Reviews data regarding material assets, net worth, liabilities, capital stock, surplus, income, and expenditures. Inspects items in books of original entry to determine if accepted accounting procedure was followed in recording transactions. Counts cash on hand, inspects notes receivable and payable, negotiable securities, and cancelled checks. Verifies journal and ledger entries of cash and check payments, purchases, expenses, and trial balances by examining and authenticating inventory items. Prepares reports for management concerning scope of audit, financial conditions found, and source and application of funds. May make recommendations regarding improving operations and financial position of company. May supervise and coordinate activities of auditors specializing in specific operations of establishments undergoing audit. May audit banks and financial institutions and be designated Bank Examiner (government ser.). May examine company payroll and personnel records to determine worker's compensation coverage and be designated Payroll Auditor (insurance).
GOE: 11.06.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 81

160.167-058 CONTROLLER (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: comptroller

    Directs financial activities of organization or subdivision of organization: Prepares, using computer or calculator, or directs preparation of, reports which summarize and forecast company business activity and financial position in areas of income, expenses, and earnings, based on past, present, and expected operations. Directs determination of depreciation rates to apply to capital assets. Establishes, or recommends to management, major economic objectives and policies for company or subdivision. May manage accounting department. May direct preparation of budgets. May prepare reports required by regulatory agencies. May advise management on desirable operational adjustments due to tax code revisions. May arrange for audits of company accounts. May advise management about property and liability insurance coverage needed. May direct financial planning, procurement, and investment of funds for organization [TREASURER (profess. & kin.) 161.117-018].
GOE: 11.06.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 88

160.207-010 CREDIT COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.)

    Provides financial counseling to individuals in debt: Confers with client to ascertain available monthly income after living expenses to meet credit obligations. Calculates amount of debt and funds available to plan method of payoff and estimate time for debt liquidation. Contacts creditors to explain client's financial situation and to arrange for payment adjustments so that payments are feasible for client and agreeable to creditors. Establishes payment priorities to reduce client's overall costs by liquidating high-interest, short-term loans or contracts first. Opens account for client and disburses funds from account to creditors as agent for client. Keeps records of account activity. May counsel client on personal and family financial problems, such as excessive spending and borrowing of funds, and be designated Budget Consultant (profess. & kin.). May be required to be licensed by state agency.
GOE: 07.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

160.267-014 DIRECTOR, UTILITY ACCOUNTS (government ser.)

    Evaluates financial condition of electric, telephone, gas, water, and public transit utility companies to facilitate work of regulatory commissions in setting rates: Analyzes annual reports, financial statements, and other records submitted by utility companies, applying accepted accounting and statistical analysis procedures to determine current financial condition of company. Evaluates reports from commission staff members and field investigators regarding condition of company property and other factors influencing solvency and profitability of company. Prepares and presents exhibits and testifies during commission hearings on regulatory or rate adjustments. Confers with company officials to discuss financial problems and regulatory matters. Directs workers engaged in filing company financial records. May conduct specialized studies, such as cost of service, revenue requirement, and cost allocation studies for commission, or design new rates in accordance with findings of commission and be designated Rate Analyst (government ser.).
GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

160.267-022 CREDIT ANALYST (financial)

    Analyzes credit information to determine risk involved in lending money to commercial customers, and prepares report of findings: Selects information, including company financial statements and balance sheet and records data on spreadsheet, using computer. Enters codes for computer program to generate ratios for use in evaluating commercial customer's financial status. Compares items, such as liquidity, profitability, credit history, and cash, with other companies of same industry, size, and geographic location. Analyzes such factors as income growth, quality of management, market share, potential risks of industry, and collateral appraisal. Writes offering sheet (loan application), including results of credit analysis and summary of loan request. Describes credit risk and amount of loan profit. Submits offering sheet to loan committee for decision. May visit company to collect information as part of analysis.
GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

160.267-026 INVESTMENT ANALYST (financial; insurance) alternate titles: securities analyst; securities-research analyst

    Analyzes financial information to forecast business, industry, and economic conditions, for use in making investment decisions: Gathers and analyzes company financial statements, industry, regulatory and economic information, and financial periodicals and newspapers. Interprets data concerning price, yield, stability, and future trends of investments. Summarizes data describing current and long term trends in investment risks and economic influences pertinent to investments. Draws charts and graphs to illustrate reports, using computer. Recommends investment timing and buy-and-sell orders to company or to staff of investment establishment for advising clients. May call brokers and purchase investments for company, according to company policy. May recommend modifications to management's investment policy. May specialize in specific investment area, such as bond, commodity, equity, currency, or portfolio management.
GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89


    This group includes occupations concerned with reviewing, examining, and evaluating the organizational structures, administrative policies, and management systems of organizations, such as governmental units, industrial concerns, business firms, and nonprofit groups. Includes the preparation of reports summarizing findings and recommending to line management changes in organization, programs, methods, policies, procedures, or practices concerning such management systems as budget forecasting and records and information management. Includes consolidating the budget estimates of several organizational units and preparing a unitary budget itemizing production costs, for consideration and action by upper echelons of management.

161.117-010 BUDGET OFFICER (profess. & kin.)

    Directs and coordinates activities of personnel responsible for formulation, monitoring and presentation of budgets for controlling funds to implement program objectives of public and private organizations: Directs compilation of data based on statistical studies and analyses of past and current years to prepare budgets and to justify funds requested. Correlates appropriations for specific programs with appropriations for divisional programs and includes items for emergency funds. Reviews operating budgets periodically to analyze trends affecting budget needs. Consults with unit heads to ensure adjustments are made in accordance with program changes in order to facilitate long-term planning. Directs preparation of regular and special budget reports to interpret budget directives and to establish policies for carrying out directives. Prepares comparative analyses of operating programs by analyzing costs in relation to services performed during previous fiscal years and submits reports to director of organization with recommendations for budget revisions. Testifies regarding proposed budgets before examining and fund-granting authorities to clarify reports and gain support for estimated budget needs. Administers personnel functions of budget department, such as training, work scheduling, promotions, transfers, and performance ratings.
GOE: 11.06.05 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 87

161.117-014 DIRECTOR, RECORDS MANAGEMENT (profess. & kin.)

    Plans, develops, and administers records management policies designed to facilitate effective and efficient handling of business records and other information: Plans development and implementation of records management policies intended to standardize filing, protecting, and retrieving records, reports, and other information contained on paper, microfilm, computer program, or other media. Coordinates and directs, through subordinate managers, activities of departments involved with records management analysis, reports analysis, and supporting technical, clerical micrographics, and printing services. Evaluates staff reports, utilizing knowledge of principles of records and information management, administrative processes and systems, cost control, governmental recordkeeping requirements, and organizational objectives. Confers with other administrators to assure compliance with policies, procedures, and practices of records management program.
GOE: 11.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

161.117-018 TREASURER (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: treasury representative

    Directs financial planning, procurement, and investment of funds for an organization: Delegates authority for receipt, disbursement, banking, protection and custody of funds, securities, and financial instruments. Analyzes financial records to forecast future financial position and budget requirements. Evaluates need for procurement of funds and investment of surplus. Advises management on investments and loans for short- and long-range financial plans. Prepares financial reports for management. Develops policies and procedures for account collections and extension of credit to customers. Signs notes of indebtedness as approved by management. May act as CONTROLLER (profess. & kin.) 160.167-058.
GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

161.167-010 MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: systems analyst

    Analyzes business or operating procedures to devise most efficient methods of accomplishing work: Plans study of work problems and procedures, such as organizational change, communications, information flow, integrated production methods, inventory control, or cost analysis. Gathers and organizes information on problem or procedures including present operating procedures. Analyzes data gathered, develops information and considers available solutions or alternate methods of proceeding. Organizes and documents findings of studies and prepares recommendations for implementation of new systems, procedures or organizational changes. Confers with personnel concerned to assure smooth functioning of newly implemented systems or procedure. May install new systems and train personnel in application. May conduct operational effectiveness reviews to ensure functional or project systems are applied and functioning as designed. May develop or update functional or operational manuals outlining established methods of performing work in accordance with organizational policy.
GOE: 05.01.06 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

161.167-014 MANAGER, FORMS ANALYSIS (profess. & kin.)

    Directs and coordinates activities of workers involved with analyzing business forms: Plans and directs compilation and updating of cost and control records, utilizing knowledge of forms inventories, usage, and operating practices. Coordinates activities of personnel engaged in forms analysis, such as format design, increasing content effectiveness, and reducing production and processing costs. Plans and directs activities of workers involved in identifying form deficiencies and recommending solution, utilizing knowledge of principles and techniques of records management, government recordkeeping requirements, printing and microfilm processes, and cost specifications. Analyzes and evaluates staff recommendations and approves implementation of change, utilizing knowledge of forms analysis and standardization, managerial processes and systems, budgetary limitations, and organizational policies and procedures.
GOE: 11.06.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

161.167-018 MANAGER, RECORDS ANALYSIS (profess. & kin.)

    Directs and coordinates activities of workers involved with analyzing systems of records management: Plans and directs compilation and updating of cost and control records, utilizing knowledge of records inventories, usage, costs, and operating practices. Coordinates activities of personnel engaged in studying such matters as simplification of filing and retrieval systems, protection of vital records and economical utilization of paper, microfilm, computer program, or other information-bearing media according to organizational and governmental recordkeeping schedules and requirements. Analyzes and evaluates staff reports and approves implementation of recommendations, utilizing knowledge of principles and techniques of records and information management, managerial processes and systems, budgetary limitations and organizational policies and procedures.
GOE: 11.06.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

161.167-022 MANAGER, REPORTS ANALYSIS (profess. & kin.)

    Directs and coordinates activities of workers involved with analysis of business reports: Plans and directs compilation and updating of cost and control records, utilizing knowledge of reports inventories, usage, cost, distribution, frequency, and operating practices. Coordinates activities of personnel engaged in reports analysis, such as determining necessity of report, simplification of reports format, increasing content effectiveness, and reduction of processing costs. Plans and directs activities intended to develop new or revised reports format, utilizing knowledge of principles and techniques of information and documents management, vital records protection, and cost-control practices. Analyzes and evaluates staff recommendations and approves implementation of changes, utilizing knowledge of reports analysis and standardization, managerial processes and systems, budgetary limitations, and organizational policies and procedures.
GOE: 11.06.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

161.267-010 CLERICAL-METHODS ANALYST (profess. & kin.)

    Examines and evaluates clerical work methods to develop new or improved standardized methods and procedures: Interviews clerical workers and supervisory personnel and conducts on-site observation to ascertain unit functions, work performed, methods and equipment used, and personnel involved. Sketches office layout to show location of equipment required for originating, processing, and filing business records and information. Confers with managerial personnel to obtain suggestions for improvements, such as modifying existing procedures, using alternate work method, or introducing new business forms, reports standards, or coding system. Evaluates findings, using knowledge of principles and techniques of work simplification, governmental record keeping requirements, and company policies to recommend methods or equipment intended to improve clerical operations. May prepare training manuals and train clerical workers in new procedure or operation and maintenance of machines and equipment. May assist in preparation of job descriptions or specifications. May specialize in one phase of clerical methods analysis, such as filing, workflow, or coding systems. May be designated according to location where work is performed as in-house staff or customer field representative.
GOE: 05.01.06 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

161.267-018 FORMS ANALYST (profess. & kin.)

    Examines and evaluates format and function of business forms to develop new, or improve existing forms format, usage, and control: Reviews forms to evaluate need for revision, consolidation, or discontinuation, using knowledge of form use, workflow, document flow, and compatibility with manual or machine processing. Confers with form users to gather recommendations for improvements, considering such characteristics as form necessity, completeness, design, text, and specifications as to size and color of paper, style of typeface, and number of copies. May design, draft or prepare finished master copy for new or modified form, or confer with printer's representative to specify changes in format and approve proof copies. Prepares and issues written instructions for use of forms in accordance with organizational policies, procedures, and practices. Keeps records to update information concerning form origin, function, necessity, usage, cost, and stock level.
GOE: 11.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

161.267-022 RECORDS-MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin.)

    Examines and evaluates records-management systems to develop new or improve existing methods for efficient handling, protecting, and disposing of business records and information: Reviews records and reports to ascertain media (paper, microfilm, or computer tape) used, reproduction process, or electronic data processing involved. Drafts office and storage area layout to plot location of equipment and to compute space available. Confers with clerical and supervisory personnel to gather suggestions for improvements and to detect records-management problems. Reviews records retention schedules and governmental recordkeeping requirements to determine timetables for transferring active records to inactive or archival storage, for reducing paper records to micrographic form, or for destroying obsolete or unnecessary records. Evaluates findings and recommends changes or modifications in procedures, utilizing knowledge of functions of operating units, coding systems and filing methods. Recommends purchase of storage, retrieval, or disposal equipment according to knowledge of equipment capability and cost.
GOE: 11.06.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

161.267-026 REPORTS ANALYST (profess. & kin.)

    Examines and evaluates purpose and content of business reports to develop new, or improve existing format, use, and control: Reviews reports to determine basic characteristics, such as origin and report flow, format, frequency, distribution and purpose or function of report. Confers with persons originating, handling, processing, or receiving reports to identify problems and to gather suggestions for improvements. Evaluates findings, using knowledge of workflow, operating practices, records retention schedules, and office equipment layout. Recommends establishment of new or modified reporting methods and procedures to improve report content and completeness of information. May prepare and issue instructions concerning generation, completion, and distribution of reports according to new or revised practices, procedures, or policies of reports management.
GOE: 11.06.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

161.267-030 BUDGET ANALYST (government ser.)

    Analyzes current and past budgets, prepares and justifies budget requests, and allocates funds according to spending priorities in governmental service agency: Analyzes accounting records to determine financial resources required to implement program and submits recommendations for budget allocations. Recommends approval or disapproval of requests for funds. Advises staff on cost analysis and fiscal allocations.
GOE: 11.06.05 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86


    This group includes occupations concerned with negotiating and contracting for the purchase of equipment, products, and supplies for industrial plants, utilities, governmental units, or other establishments, and the purchasing of merchandise for resale; determining quantity and quality to be purchased, costs, delivery dates, contract conditions, sources of supply, and taking inventories.

162.117-010 CHRISTMAS-TREE CONTRACTOR (any industry) alternate titles: field technician

    Contacts landowners to negotiate purchase of Christmas trees and arranges with contractors to cut trees: Contacts owners of forest lands prior to cutting season to negotiate contracts for purchase of trees. Surveys stumpage (standing timber) to determine approximate tree yield and informs property owner of types and sizes of trees desired. Confers with cutting contractors to arrange for cutting trees on leased lands and establishes piecework rate based on grade and size of trees cut. May supervise operations in district during cutting season.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.117-014 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR (any industry)

    Directs activities concerned with contracts for purchase or sale of equipment, materials, products, or services: Examines performance requirements, delivery schedules, and estimates of costs of material, equipment, and production to ensure completeness and accuracy. Prepares bids, process specifications, test and progress reports, and other exhibits that may be required. Reviews bids from other firms for conformity to contract requirements and determines acceptable bids. Negotiates contract with customer or bidder. Requests or approves amendments to or extensions of contracts. Advises planning and production departments of contractual rights and obligations. May compile data for preparing estimates. May coordinate work of sales department with production and shipping department to implement fulfillment of contracts. May act as liaison between company and subcontractors. May direct sales program [MANAGER, SALES (any industry) 163.167-018].
GOE: 11.12.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

162.117-018 CONTRACT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: contract coordinator

    Negotiates with suppliers to draw up procurement contracts: Negotiates, administers, extends, terminates, and renegotiates contracts. Formulates and coordinates procurement proposals. Directs and coordinates activities of workers engaged in formulating bid proposals. Evaluates or monitors contract performance to determine necessity for amendments or extensions of contracts, and compliance to contractual obligations. Approves or rejects requests for deviations from contract specifications and delivery schedules. Arbitrates claims or complaints occurring in performance of contracts. Analyzes price proposals, financial reports, and other data to determine reasonableness of prices. May negotiate collective bargaining agreements. May serve as liaison officer to ensure fulfillment of obligations by contractors.
GOE: 11.12.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 87

162.117-022 FIELD CONTRACTOR (any industry)

    Negotiates contracts with growers to raise or purchase crops, such as fruits and vegetables, performing any combination of the following duties: Contacts grower to negotiate contracts and to explain terms and conditions of contract and contractual responsibilities. Determines production possibilities of land by studying data, such as history of crop rotation, type and fertility of soil, location, topography, and irrigation facilities. Negotiates amount of acreage to be planted or purchased and selects fields to be planted. Advises grower on preparing land, planting, cultivating, thinning, harvesting, and related problems. Supplies seed and fertilizer. May estimate crop yield. Arranges for financing and advances funds to purchase supplies and equipment or services of contractor. May arrange for loans of company-owned machinery. Arranges for transportation of crops to processing plants. Inspects growing crops for evidence of disease and insect damage and recommends corrective measures. May assist in recruiting extra labor during peak seasons. May conduct lectures for farm groups on specific phases of agricultural activities. May write articles for publication and for scientific groups. May specialize in one crop and be designated according to crop bought.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.117-026 FIELD-CONTACT TECHNICIAN (dairy products)

    Contacts dairy farmers to negotiate contracts for purchase of dairy products and to discuss methods for improving milk production: Negotiates with farmers for long-term contracts to purchase milk or cream of specified butterfat content. Discusses milk production problems and tests milk for butterfat content, sediment, and bacteria. Suggests methods of feeding, housing, and milking to improve production and to comply with sanitary regulations. May set up truck routes to haul milk to dairy. May solicit memberships in cooperative association. May sell items, such as dairy farm equipment, chemicals, and feed.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.117-030 RESEARCH-CONTRACTS SUPERVISOR (government ser.)

    Directs activities of workers engaged in negotiating and servicing research contracts with universities and other institutions conducting research projects for federal agencies. Evaluates contract proposals and directs awarding of contracts according to knowledge of contract law and other fields, such as engineering development and metallurgical laboratory techniques, depending on nature of project.
GOE: 11.12.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

162.157-010 BROKER-AND-MARKET OPERATOR, GRAIN (financial; wholesale tr.) alternate titles: grain trader

    Buys and sells grain on commission, for customers, through commodity exchange: Advises customers on probable price changes and factors which may affect prices, such as crop carryover, normal grain production and consumption, foreign and domestic crop conditions, and price differentials among various grades of grains. Notifies customer when additional margin is required because of price fluctuations and governmental regulations. May buy and sell grain futures for customer or brokerage firm and be designated Buyer, Grain (wholesale tr.).
GOE: 11.06.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.157-018 BUYER (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: broker

    Purchases merchandise or commodities for resale: Inspects and grades or appraises agricultural commodities, durable goods, apparel, furniture, livestock, or other merchandise offered for sale to determine value and yield. Selects and orders merchandise from showings by manufacturing representatives, growers, or other sellers, or purchases merchandise on open market for cash, basing selection on nature of clientele, or demand for specific commodity, merchandise, or other property, utilizing knowledge of various articles of commerce and experience as buyer. Transports purchases or contacts carriers to arrange transportation of purchases. Authorizes payment of invoices or return of merchandise. May negotiate contracts for severance of agricultural or forestry products from land. May conduct staff meetings with sales personnel to introduce new merchandise. May price items for resale. May be required to be licensed by state. May be identified according to type of commodities, merchandise, or goods purchased.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

162.157-022 BUYER, ASSISTANT (retail trade)

    Performs following duties in connection with purchase and sale of merchandise to aid BUYER (profess. & kin.): Verifies quantity and quality of stock received from manufacturer. Authorizes payment of invoices or return of shipment. Approves advertising copy for newspaper. Gives MARKERS (retail trade; wholesale tr.) information, such as price mark-ups or mark-downs, manufacturer number, season code, and style number to print on price tickets. Inspects exchanged or refunded merchandise. May sell merchandise to become familiar with customers' attitudes, preferences, and purchasing problems.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

162.157-026 COMMISSION AGENT, LIVESTOCK (wholesale tr.)

    Sells livestock at stockyards as agent for owner: Receives, appraises, and sorts livestock according to factors, such as weight, sex, age, and appearance, to determine value and facilitate sale. Contacts purchasing agents and informs them of livestock available for sale. Shows livestock to buyers and receives bids. Informs interested buyers of other bids received. Sells livestock to highest bidder. May purchase livestock as agent for farmer. May specialize in purchase of one species of livestock.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

162.157-030 OUTSIDE PROPERTY AGENT (motion picture) alternate titles: buyer-renter

    Locates and arranges for purchase or rental of props specified for use in motion pictures when such props are not in studio stock and are not to be constructed by studio personnel. May purchase stock, such as lumber, to be used in fabrication of props.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.157-034 PROCUREMENT ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.)

    Develops specifications and performance test requirements to facilitate procurement of parts and equipment for aeronautical and aerospace products: Analyzes technical data, designs, preliminary specifications, manufacturing limitations, supplier facilities, and availability of parts and equipment. Consults with engineering personnel to establish performance criteria and specifications for manufacturing and testing. Investigates potential suppliers and recommends those most desirable. Advises company personnel, suppliers, and customers of nature and function of parts and equipment. Interviews supplier representatives regarding specifications, costs, inspection, and similar problems relating to parts and equipment. Arranges and participates in conferences between suppliers and engineers, purchasers, inspectors, and other company personnel to facilitate material inspection, substitution, standardization, rework, salvage, utilization, and economical procurement of parts and equipment installed in aircraft, spacecraft, or related products.
GOE: 05.03.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

162.157-038 PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: buyer

    Coordinates activities involved with procuring goods and services, such as raw materials, equipment, tools, parts, supplies, and advertising, for establishment: Reviews requisitions. Confers with vendors to obtain product or service information, such as price, availability, and delivery schedule. Selects products for purchase by testing, observing, or examining items. Estimates values according to knowledge of market price. Determines method of procurement, such as direct purchase or bid. Prepares purchase orders or bid requests. Reviews bid proposals and negotiates contracts within budgetary limitations and scope of authority. Maintains manual or computerized procurement records, such as items or services purchased, costs, delivery, product quality or performance, and inventories. Discusses defective or unacceptable goods or services with inspection or quality control personnel, users, vendors, and others to determine source of trouble and take corrective action. May approve invoices for payment. May expedite delivery of goods to users.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

162.167-010 BUYER, GRAIN (grain-feed mills; wholesale tr.) alternate titles: grain-elevator agent; manager, grain elevator

    Manages grain elevator: Examines samples to determine extent of dirt, burrs, hulls, seeds, and other dockage. Extracts samples and forwards them to local grain exchange for analysis and certification of moisture and protein content. Reviews analysis to ascertain amount of moisture and protein present in sample. Calculates market value and bargains with sellers to obtain grain at favorable price. Buys grain or issues storage certificates. Computes shipping cost to determine most economical way of transporting grain. Reviews and approves grain settlements to ensure that payments are made according to weight, moisture, and protein content. Keeps daily records on kinds and grades of grain received, prices paid, amount purchased, and amount in storage. Directs workers engaged in unloading, loading, storing, and mixing of grain for shipment and milling.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

162.167-014 BUYER, TOBACCO, HEAD (wholesale tr.) alternate titles: buyer, head; circuit rider; circuit walker

    Coordinates activities of workers engaged in buying tobacco on auction warehouse floor: Tells BUYER (profess. & kin.) which grades and quantities of tobacco to buy and prices to be paid, and observes purchases for conformance to company regulations. May buy tobacco on auction market. May inspect and regrade tobacco in processing plant.
GOE: 08.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.167-018 CLEAN-RICE BROKER (grain-feed mills) alternate titles: milled-rice broker

    Coordinates rice buying and milling operations with demand and sells clean (milled) rice on domestic and foreign markets: Contacts prospective purchasers, sends or displays samples of grades and varieties of rice offered for sale, states selling price, and arranges sales. Ascertains from orders, quantity and varieties of rice required, and notifies buyers purchasing rice from growers. Prepares instructions for operating personnel of lots of rice to be milled and sequence and method of milling. Directs workers keeping records and preparing contracts and shipping data.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.167-022 MANAGER, PROCUREMENT SERVICES (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: director, procurement services; manager, material control

    Directs and coordinates activities of personnel engaged in purchasing and distributing raw materials, equipment, machinery, and supplies in industrial plant, public utility, or other organization: Prepares instructions regarding purchasing systems and procedures. Prepares and issues purchase orders and change notices to PURCHASING AGENTS (profess. & kin.). Analyzes market and delivery conditions to determine present and future material availability and prepares market analysis reports. Reviews purchase order claims and contracts for conformance to company policy. Develops and installs clerical and office procedures and practices, and studies work flow, sequence of operations, and office arrangement to determine expediency of installing new or improved office machines. Arranges for disposal of surplus materials.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.167-026 PRIZE COORDINATOR (radio-tv broad.)

    Coordinates use of assorted merchandise for prizes on television game shows: Verifies receipt and accuracy of manufacturer's contract guaranteeing availability of promised merchandise. Sends contract to network for approval. Prepares and sends details of contract (fact sheet), with mounted pictures of manufacturer's products (flip cards), to production company for approval. Inspects flip cards and display merchandise before show is taped to verify their match with prepared script. Views taping of shows to verify promotional use of merchandise and records each episode's winners. Writes status reports for all merchandise used on shows, including amount of contestants' gratuitous awards and type and retail value of merchandise advertised and won during each episode. Obtains contestants' signatures on contestant prize forms after each show and gives written rules and instructions to winners for receiving and using prizes. Notifies manufacturers, or their representatives, of date taped show will be telecast, including names of winners and prizes awarded. Contacts manufacturers to assist winners in resolving complaints about prizes. May solicit use of manufacturer's product. May assist production company in selecting prizes for each taped episode.
GOE: 07.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

162.167-030 PURCHASE-PRICE ANALYST (profess. & kin.)

    Compiles and analyzes statistical data to determine feasibility of buying products and to establish price objectives for contract transactions: Compiles information from periodicals, catalogs, and other sources to keep informed on price trends and manufacturing processes. Obtains data for cost analysis studies by determining manufacturing costs within divisions of company. Confers with vendors and analyzes vendor's operations to determine factors that affect prices. Prepares reports, charts, and graphs of findings. Evaluates findings and makes recommendations to purchasing personnel regarding feasibility of manufacturing or buying needed products. May recommend use of alternative parts, materials, or manufacturing methods to reduce costs.
GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

162.167-034 FLOOR BROKER (financial) alternate titles: broker; floor representative; floor trader; trader

    Buys and sells securities on floor of securities exchange: Analyzes market conditions and trends to determine best time to execute securities transaction orders. Buys and sells securities based on market quotation and competition in market. Informs REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE (financial) 250.257-018 of market fluctuations and securities transactions affecting accounts. Must meet exchange requirements, which may include state license, to be member of exchange. May specialize in trading specific securities to stabilize market and be designated Independent Trader (financial) or Specialist (financial).
GOE: 11.06.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 90

162.167-038 SECURITIES TRADER (financial) alternate titles: broker; trader

    Purchases and sells securities for brokerage firm: Receives sales order ticket from REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE (financial) 250.257-018, and inspects form to ensure accuracy of information. Contacts market maker (securities exchange or brokerage firm that is trading requested securities) to execute client orders for purchase or sale of securities, or completes transaction independently if brokerage firm is market maker in requested securities. Writes and signs sales order confirmation forms to record and approve securities transactions. Reviews all securities transactions to ensure that trades conform to regulations of Securities and Exchange Commission, National Association of Securities Dealers, and other government agencies. Must pass state examination to receive license and become registered to trade securities. May prepare financial reports to monitor corporate finances. May have management or supervisory responsibility for department employees. May provide clients with information on investments, and sell securities and other financial services [REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE (financial)].
GOE: 11.06.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89

162.267-010 TITLE CLERK (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines)

    Procures testimonial documents required to remove restrictions affecting title of landowners to property, and requisitions purchase orders and bank checks to satisfy requirements of contracts and agreements covering lease or purchase of land and gas, oil, and mineral rights: Examines leases, contracts, and purchase agreements to assure conformity to specified requirements. Examines abstract to assure complete title-coverage of land described, completeness of land description, and to detect lapses of time in abstract coverage of landowner's title. Prepares correspondence and other records to transmit leases and abstracts. Reviews title opinion to determine nature of testimonial documents needed to meet legal objections and to assure accuracy in terms of trade. Confers with personnel of abstract company, landowners, and LEASE BUYERS (mine & quarry; petrol. & gas) to explain reasons for and to obtain testimonial documents needed to clear title. Prepares or requests deeds, affidavits, and other documents and transmits them to appropriate persons for execution to meet title requirements. Investigates whether delinquent taxes are due on land involved in agreements and confers or corresponds with landowner to assure payment. Verifies computations of fees, rentals, bonuses, brokerage commissions and other expenses and prepares records to initiate requests for payment. Prepares purchase data sheet for records unit covering each trade or exchange. Answers queries regarding leases and contracts by mail, telephone, or personal discussion.
GOE: 07.01.05 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with managing sales and marketing for a manufacturer, retail or wholesale house, jobber, or other establishment. Includes market research and analysis; establishing and managing a sales organization; and evaluating sales statistics and reports.

163.117-010 MANAGER, CONTRACTS (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) alternate titles: supply representative, petroleum products

    Negotiates contracts with representatives of oil producers, refiners, and pipeline carriers for purchase, sale, or delivery of crude oil, petroleum distillates, and natural gas and gasoline: Analyzes records of petroleum supply sources, movements of materials from plants to refineries, and current and prospective refinery demands. Coordinates work of sales, production, and shipping departments to implement procurance of products in accordance with refinery needs. Performs liaison work with engineering and production departments concerning contractual rights and obligations. May manage contracts for entire company, department, or for specified product, such as crude oil or natural gas. May be designated according to product contracted as Supply Representative, Dry Gas (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines); Manager, Natural-Gas Utilization (petrol. & gas).
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

163.117-014 MANAGER, EXPORT (any industry)

    Directs foreign sales and service outlets of an organization: Negotiates contracts with foreign sales and distribution centers to establish outlets. Directs clerical staff in expediting export correspondence, bid requests, and credit collections. Directs conversion of products from American to foreign standards and specifications to ensure efficient operation under foreign conditions. Arranges shipping details, such as export licenses, customs declarations, and packing, shipping, and routing of product. Directs clerical and technical staff in preparation of foreign language sales manuals. Expedites import-export arrangements and maintains current information on import-export tariffs, licenses, and restrictions.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

163.117-018 MANAGER, PROMOTION (hotel & rest.) alternate titles: director, sales; manager, business promotion; manager, sales

    Plans and administers sales policies and programs to foster and promote hotel patronage: Consults newspapers, trade journals, and other publications to learn about contemplated conventions and social functions. Organizes prospect files by listing information, such as names of officials and plans for conventions, to be used for promotional purposes. Directs workers engaged in preparing promotional correspondence with travel bureaus, business and social groups. Confers with department heads to discuss and formulate plans for soliciting business. Contacts executives of organizations to explain services and facilities offered by hotel and to solicit their business. Supervises and trains service representatives. Plans and prepares advertising and promotional material and arranges for newspaper and other publicity.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

163.117-022 DIRECTOR, MEDIA MARKETING (radio-tv broad.)

    Plans and administers marketing and distribution of broadcasting television programs and negotiates agreements for ancillary properties, such as copyrights and distribution rights for films and audiovisual materials: Reviews inventory of television programs and films produced and distribution rights of broadcasting station to determine potential markets. Develops marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment policy, nature of market, copyright and royalty requirements, and cost and markup factors. Compiles catalog of audiovisual offerings and sets prices and rental fees. Negotiates with media agents to secure agreements for translation of materials into other media. Arranges for reproduction of materials for distribution and examines reproductions for conformity to standards. Edits materials according to specific market or customer requirements. Confers with legal staff to resolve problems, such as copyrights and royalty sharing with outside producers and distributors.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

163.117-026 DIRECTOR, UNDERWRITER SOLICITATION (radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: director, underwriter sales

    Plans and directs activities to secure and maintain underwriting (funding) of public television or radio programming: Reviews reports, periodicals, and other materials to identify prospective funding sources for proposed broadcast programs. Directs and counsels subordinates in developing strategies to secure program funding and negotiates final agreements with funding establishment representatives. Serves as liaison between station's legal, programming, public information, and other departmental staff and funding establishment personnel to provide information on status of projects and to resolve problems. May specialize in solicitation of funding from government, foundation, or corporation sources.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

163.167-010 MANAGER, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.)

    Directs sale of display and classified advertising services for a publication: Plans sales campaigns. Consults with department heads and other officials to plan special campaigns and to promote sale of advertising services to various industry or trade groups. Corresponds with customers relative to advertising rates and policies, or to solicit new business. May select and train new sales personnel. May be designated according to type of advertising sold as Manager, Classified Advertising (print. & pub.); Manager, Display Advertising (print. & pub.); or area or region served as Manager, Local Advertising (print. & pub.); Manager, National Advertising (print. & pub.).
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

163.167-014 MANAGER, CIRCULATION (print. & pub.)

    Directs sale and distribution of newspapers, books, and periodicals: Directs staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales and distribution program. Establishes geographical areas of responsibility for subordinates to coordinate sales and distribution activities. May be designated according to type of circulation activity managed as Manager, Newspaper Circulation (print. & pub.); or area served as Manager, City Circulation (print. & pub.).
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

163.167-018 MANAGER, SALES (any industry)

    Manages sales activities of establishment: Directs staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales program. Coordinates sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and advises dealers, distributors, and clients concerning sales and advertising techniques. Assigns sales territory to sales personnel. Analyzes sales statistics to formulate policy and to assist dealers in promoting sales. Reviews market analyses to determine customer needs, volume potential, price schedules, and discount rates, and develops sales campaigns to accommodate goals of company. Directs product simplification and standardization to eliminate unprofitable items from sales line. Represents company at trade association meetings to promote product. Coordinates liaison between sales department and other sales-related units. Analyzes and controls expenditures of division to conform to budgetary requirements. Assists other departments within establishment to prepare manuals and technical publications. Prepares periodic sales report showing sales volume and potential sales. May direct sales for manufacturer, retail store, wholesale house, jobber, or other establishment. May direct product research and development. May recommend or approve budget, expenditures, and appropriations for research and development work.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

163.167-022 MANAGER, UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE (utilities) alternate titles: general superintendent, power sales and service

    Directs program to promote sales and provide service to consumers of electric power and gas: Coordinates activities of home-service department in demonstrating use of appliances and home lighting methods with promotional work of sales department. Confers with manufacturers to secure current information on gas and electric appliances and equipment. Estimates area consumer demands for use in planning budget. May be designated according to specialized activity as Manager, Commercial Sales (utilities); Manager, Industrial Sales (utilities); Manager, Residential Sales (utilities).
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

163.167-026 PROPERTY-DISPOSAL OFFICER (any industry) alternate titles: redistribution-and-marketing officer; surplus-property disposal agent; surplus sales officer

    Disposes of surplus property, other than real property, using knowledge of merchandising practices: Inspects property to ascertain condition and estimate market value. Investigates market conditions and facilities to determine time, place, type of sale, and whether items shall be sold individually or in lots. Prepares advertising material and selects media for its release. Assigns and directs activities of sales personnel. Determines method of property display and sets prices of items to be sold in conformity with value and market. Advises interested parties of salvage possibilities. Recommends destruction or abandonment of property not deemed possible or practical to sell or salvage.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

163.267-010 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE (business ser.; wholesale tr.) alternate titles: distribution manager

    Monitors dealers and distributors to ensure efficiency of franchise operation: Surveys proposed locations to determine feasibility of establishing dealerships or distributorships. Advises dealers and distributors of policies and operating procedures to ensure functional effectiveness of business, and also develops information concerning planning and developing of business modifications and expansions. Reviews operations records to evaluate effectiveness.
GOE: 11.05.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with influencing consumer preference for goods and services, either as an employee of the organization served or as a member of an agency under contract; managing advertising programs and campaigns; and, in advertising agencies, managing customers' accounts. Occupations concerned with planning and executing artwork are included in Group 141. Occupations concerned with writing copy are included in Group 131.

164.117-010 MANAGER, ADVERTISING (any industry) alternate titles: director, advertising; sales promotion director

    Plans and executes advertising policies of organization: Confers with department heads to discuss possible new accounts and to outline new policies or sales promotion campaigns. Confers with officials of newspapers, radio, and television stations, billboard advertisers, and advertising agencies to negotiate advertising contracts. Allocates advertising space to departments or products of establishment. Reviews and approves television and radio advertisements before release. Reviews rates and classifications applicable to various types of advertising and provides authorization. Directs workers in advertising department engaged in developing and producing advertisements. Directs research activities concerned with gathering information or with compilation of statistics pertinent to planning and execution of advertising sales promotion campaign. May authorize information for publication, such as interviews with reporters or articles describing phases of establishment activity. May serve as establishment representative for geographical district or department. May transact business as agent for advertising accounts. May direct preparation of special promotional features. May monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaign.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

164.117-014 MANAGER, ADVERTISING AGENCY (business ser.)

    Directs activities of advertising agency: Formulates plans to extend business with established accounts, to solicit new accounts, and to establish new advertising policies and procedures. Coordinates activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research. Inspects layouts and advertising copy, and edits radio and television scripts for adherence to specifications. Conducts meetings with agency personnel to outline and initiate new advertising policies or procedures. May confer with clients to provide marketing or technical advice.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 78

164.117-018 MEDIA DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.)

    Plans and administers media programs in advertising department: Confers with representatives of advertising agencies, product managers, and corporate advertising staff to establish media goals, objectives, and strategies within corporate advertising budget. Confers with advertising agents or media representatives to select specific programs and negotiate advertising to ensure optimum use of budgeted funds and long-term contracts. Adjusts broadcasting schedules due to program cancellations. Studies demographic data and consumer profiles to identify target audiences of media advertising. Reads trade journals and professional literature to stay informed of trends, innovations, and changes that affect media planning.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 89

164.167-010 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (business ser.)

    Plans, coordinates, and directs advertising campaign for clients of advertising agency: Confers with client to determine advertising requirements and budgetary limitations, utilizing knowledge of product or service to be advertised, media capabilities, and audience characteristics. Confers with agency artists, copywriters, photographers, and other media-production specialists to select media to be used and to estimate costs. Submits proposed program and estimated budget to client for approval. Coordinates activities of workers engaged in marketing research, writing copy, laying out artwork, purchasing media time and space, developing special displays and promotional items, and performing other media-production activities, in order to carry out approved campaign.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations concerned with selection or development of favorable persuasive material and its distribution through personal contact or various communications media, in order to promote goodwill, develop credibility, or create favorable public image for individual, establishment, group, or organization. Includes both generalists and specialists working either as outside consultant or in-house staff member.

165.017-010 LOBBYIST (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: legislative advocate

    Contacts and confers with members of legislature and other holders of public office to persuade them to support legislation favorable to client's interest: Studies proposed legislation to determine possible effect on interest of client, who may be person, specific group, or general public. Confers with legislators and officials to emphasize supposed weaknesses or merits of specific bills to influence passage, defeat, or amendment of measure, or introduction of legislation more favorable to client's interests. Contacts individuals and groups having similar interests in order to encourage them also to contact legislators and present views. Prepares news releases and informational pamphlets and conducts news conferences in order to state client's views and to inform public of features of proposed legislation considered desirable or undesirable. Plans and coordinates meetings between members and elected officials to discuss legislative issues and proposals and allow officials to respond to membership concerns. May contact regulatory agencies and testify at public hearings to enlist support for client's interests. May be legally required to register with governmental authorities as lobbyist and to submit reports of regulated expenditures incurred during lobbying activities. May attend and represent local organization at state and national association meetings. May instruct individuals or organization members in lobbying techniques.
GOE: 11.09.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

165.117-010 DIRECTOR, FUNDRAISING (nonprofit org.)

    Directs and coordinates solicitation and disbursement of funds for community social-welfare organization: Establishes fund-raising goals according to financial need of agency. Formulates policies for collecting and safeguarding contributions. Initiates public relations program to promote community understanding and support for organization's objectives. Develops schedule for disbursing solicited funds. Issues instructions to volunteer and paid workers regarding solicitations, public relations, and clerical duties.
GOE: 11.09.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 80

165.117-014 DIRECTOR, FUNDS DEVELOPMENT (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: director of major or capital gifts

    Plans, organizes, directs, and coordinates ongoing and special project funding programs for museum, zoo, public broadcasting station, or similar institution: Prepares statement of planned activities and enlists support from members of institution staff and volunteer organizations. Develops public relations materials to enhance institution image and promote fund raising program. Identifies potential contributors to special project funds and supporters of institution ongoing operations through examination of past records, individual and corporate contracts, and knowledge of community. Plans and coordinates fund drives for special projects. Assigns responsibilities for personal solicitation to members of staff, volunteer organizations, and governing body according to special interests or capabilities. Organizes direct mail campaign to reach other potential contributors. Plans and coordinates benefit events, such as banquets, balls, or auctions. Organizes solicitation drives for pledges of ongoing support from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Informs potential contributors of special needs of institution, and encourages individuals, corporations, and foundations to establish or contribute to special funds through endowments, trusts, donations of gifts-in-kind, or bequests, conferring with attorneys to establish methods of transferring funds to benefit both donors and institution. Researches public and private grant agencies and foundations to identify other sources of funding for research, community service, or other projects. Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in maintaining records of contributors and grants and preparing letters of appreciation to be sent to contributors. May purchase mailing list of potential donors. May negotiate agreements with representatives of other organizations for exchange of mailing lists, information, and cooperative programs.
GOE: 11.09.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

165.157-010 SONG PLUGGER (recording)

    Persuades producers and announcers of radio and television musical shows to broadcast recordings produced by employer: Contacts broadcasting station officials by telephone, letter, or in person. Represents phonograph recording manufacturer in dealing with broadcasters.
GOE: 08.02.08 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

165.167-010 SALES-SERVICE PROMOTER (any industry)

    Promotes sales and creates goodwill for firm's products or services by preparing displays, touring country, making speeches at retail dealers conventions, and calling on individual merchants to advise on ways and means for increasing sales. May demonstrate products representing technological advances in industry.
GOE: 11.09.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

165.167-014 PUBLIC-RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVE (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: public-relations practitioner

    Plans and conducts public relations program designed to create and maintain favorable public image for employer or client: Plans and directs development and communication of information designed to keep public informed of employer's programs, accomplishments, or point of view. Arranges for public relations efforts in order to meet needs, objectives, and policies of individual, special interest group, business concern, nonprofit organization, or governmental agency, serving as in-house staff member or as outside consultant. Prepares and distributes fact sheets, news releases, photographs, scripts, motion pictures, or tape recordings to media representatives and other persons who may be interested in learning about or publicizing employer's activities or message. Purchases advertising space and time as required. Arranges for and conducts public-contact programs designed to meet employer's objectives, utilizing knowledge of changing attitudes and opinions of consumers, clients, employees, or other interest groups. Promotes goodwill through such publicity efforts as speeches, exhibits, films, tours, and question/answer sessions. Represents employer during community projects and at public, social, and business gatherings. May research data, create ideas, write copy, lay out artwork, contact media representatives, or represent employer directly before general public. May develop special projects such as campaign fund raisers or public awareness about political issues. May direct activities of subordinates. May confer with production and support personnel to coordinate production of television advertisements and on-air promotions. May prepare press releases and fact sheets, and compose letters, using computer. May disseminate facts and information about organization's activities or governmental agency's programs to general public and be known as Public Information Officer (profess. & kin.).
GOE: 11.09.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 89


    This group includes occupations concerned with formulating policies relating to the personnel administration of an organization and conducting programs concerning employee recruitment, selection, training, development, retention, promotion, compensation, benefits, labor relations, and occupational safety. Occupations in personnel research and in administration of testing and counseling programs, for which a background in psychology is required, are included in Group 045.

166.067-010 OCCUPATIONAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.)

    Researches occupations and analyzes and integrates data to develop and devise concepts of worker relationships, modify and maintain occupational classification system, and provide business, industry, and government with technical occupational information necessary for utilization of work force: Confers with business, industry, government, and union officials to arrange for and develop plans for studies and surveys. Devises methods and establishes criteria for conducting studies and surveys. Researches jobs, industry and organizational concepts and techniques, and worker characteristics to determine job relationships, job functions and content, worker traits, and occupational trends. Prepares results of research for publication in form of books, brochures, charts, film, and manuals. Identifies need for and develops job analysis tools, such as manuals, reporting forms, training films, and slides. Prepares management tools, such as personnel distribution reports, organization and flow charts, job descriptions, tables of job relationships, and worker trait analysis. Conducts training and provides technical assistance to promote use of job analysis materials, tools, and concepts in areas of curriculum development, career planning, job restructuring, and government and employment training programs. May specialize in providing technical assistance to private, public, or governmental organizations and be designated Industrial Occupational Analyst (profess. & kin.).
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

166.117-010 DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: employee relations administrator; vice president, industrial relations

    Formulates policy and directs and coordinates industrial relations activities of organization: Formulates policy for subordinate managers of departments, such as employment, compensation, labor relations, and employee services, according to knowledge of company objectives, government regulations, and labor contract terms. Writes directives advising department managers of company policy regarding equal employment opportunities, compensation, and employee benefits. Analyzes wage and salary reports and data to determine competitive compensation plan. Studies legislation, arbitration decisions, and collective bargaining contracts to assess industry trends. Consults legal staff to ensure that policies comply with federal and state law. Prepares personnel forecast to project employment needs. Writes and delivers presentation to corporate officers or government officials regarding industrial relations policies and practices.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R6 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 81

166.117-014 MANAGER, EMPLOYEE WELFARE (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: employee-service officer; manager, welfare

    Directs welfare activities for employees of stores, factories, and other industrial and commercial establishments: Arranges for physical examinations, first aid, and other medical attention. Arranges for installation and operation of libraries, lunchrooms, recreational facilities, and educational courses. Organizes dances, entertainment, and outings. Ensures that lighting is sufficient, sanitary facilities are adequate and in good order, and machinery safeguarded. May visit workers' homes to observe their housing and general living conditions and recommend improvements if necessary. May assist employees in the solution of personal problems, such as recommending day nurseries for their children and counseling them on personality frictions or emotional maladjustments.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

166.117-018 MANAGER, PERSONNEL (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: manager, human resources

    Plans and carries out policies relating to all phases of personnel activity: Recruits, interviews, and selects employees to fill vacant positions. Plans and conducts new employee orientation to foster positive attitude toward company goals. Keeps record of insurance coverage, pension plan, and personnel transactions, such as hires, promotions, transfers, and terminations. Investigates accidents and prepares reports for insurance carrier. Conducts wage survey within labor market to determine competitive wage rate. Prepares budget of personnel operations. Meets with shop stewards and supervisors to resolve grievances. Writes separation notices for employees separating with cause and conducts exit interviews to determine reasons behind separations. Prepares reports and recommends procedures to reduce absenteeism and turnover. Represents company at personnel-related hearings and investigations. Contracts with outside suppliers to provide employee services, such as canteen, transportation, or relocation service. May prepare budget of personnel operations, using computer terminal. May administer manual and dexterity tests to applicants. May supervise clerical workers. May keep records of hired employee characteristics for governmental reporting purposes. May negotiate collective bargaining agreement with BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE, LABOR UNION (profess & kin.) 187.167-018.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 88

166.167-010 CONTESTANT COORDINATOR (radio-tv broad.)

    Interviews applicants for television game shows and coordinates studio activities of contestants: Provides information to applicants concerning show objectives, show format, and screens applicants for compliance with needs of show and established rules. Keeps file of applicants and arranges call-back for mock game before PRODUCER (radio-tv broad.). Notifies chosen applicants of selection and provides required information for applicant's participation in show. Performs other personal services, such as attending to needs and comforts of applicants, briefing applicants on studio procedures, and reviewing rules of show. May confer with television game show PRODUCER (radio-tv broad.) to aid in establishing selection standards for contestants. May devise testing procedure and materials used during applicant screening. May operate camera to photograph applicants. May be responsible for final selection of contestants. May interview applicants from studio audience and at such locations as shopping centers, colleges, or theaters to select contestants and be designated Interviewer (radio-tv broad.).
GOE: 07.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

166.167-014 DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT (education) alternate titles: coordinator of placement; director of career planning and placement; director of career resources; manager of student placement service

    Coordinates activities of job placement service for students and graduates: Develops placement office procedures. Establishes work loads, assigns tasks, and reviews results. Conducts in-service training program for placement personnel. Interviews applicants to determine qualifications and eligibility for employment. Assists individuals to develop employment plans based on appraisals of aptitudes, interests, and personality characteristics, and to plan curriculums accordingly. Contacts prospective employers to determine needs and to explain placement service. Arranges on-campus interviews between employers and graduating students to facilitate placement of graduates. Collects, organizes, and analyzes occupational, educational, and economic information for use in job placement activities. Directs maintenance of occupational library. Assists in conducting community surveys to gather labor market information, such as prevailing wages, hours, training, and employment possibilities. Coordinates program for analyzing campus jobs.
GOE: 10.01.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

166.167-018 MANAGER, BENEFITS (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: manager, employee benefits; manager, employee services; manager, personnel services; personnel administrator

    Manages employee benefits program for organization: Plans and directs implementation and administration of benefits programs designed to insure employees against loss of income due to illness, injury, layoff, or retirement. Directs preparation and distribution of written and verbal information to inform employees of benefits programs, such as insurance and pension plans, paid time off, bonus pay, and special employer sponsored activities. Analyzes existing benefits policies of organization, and prevailing practices among similar organizations, to establish competitive benefits programs. Evaluates services, coverage, and options available through insurance and investment companies, to determine programs best meeting needs of organization. Plans modification of existing benefits programs, utilizing knowledge of laws concerning employee insurance coverage, and agreements with labor unions, to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Recommends benefits plan changes to management. Notifies employees and labor union representatives of changes in benefits programs. Directs performance of clerical functions, such as updating records and processing insurance claims. May interview, select, hire, and train employees.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

166.167-022 MANAGER, COMPENSATION (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: wage and salary administrator

    Manages compensation program in establishment: Directs development and application of techniques of job analysis, job descriptions, evaluations, grading, and pricing in order to determine and record job factors and to determine and convert relative job worth into monetary values to be administered according to pay-scale guidelines and policy formulated by DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess. & kin.). Analyzes company compensation policies, government regulations concerning payment of minimum wages and overtime pay, prevailing rates in similar organizations and industries, and agreements with labor unions, in order to comply with legal requirements and to establish competitive rates designed to attract, retain, and motivate employees. Recommends compensation adjustments according to findings, utilizing knowledge of prevailing rates of straight-time pay, types of wage incentive systems, and special compensation programs for professional, technical, sales, supervisory, managerial, and executive personnel. Approves merit increases permitted within budgetary limits and according to pay policies. Duties may also include administration of employee benefits program [MANAGER, BENEFITS (profess. & kin.)].
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

166.167-026 MANAGER, EDUCATION AND TRAINING (education) alternate titles: training administrator

    Plans, coordinates, and directs personnel training and staff development programs for industrial, commercial, service, or governmental establishment: Confers with management and supervisory personnel in order to determine training needs. Compiles data and analyzes past and current year training requirements to prepare budgets and justify funds requested, using calculator or computer. Formulates training policies and schedules, utilizing knowledge of identified training needs, company production processes, business systems, or changes in products, procedures, or services. Designates training procedures, utilizing knowledge of effectiveness of such methods as individual training, group instruction, lectures, on-the-job training, demonstrations, conferences, meetings, and workshops. Organizes and develops training manuals, reference library, testing and evaluation procedures, multimedia visual aids, and other educational materials. Trains assigned instructors and supervisors in effective techniques for training in such areas as those concerned with new employee orientation, specific on-the-job training, apprenticeship programs, sales techniques, health and safety practices, public relations, refresher training, promotional development, upgrading, retraining, and leadership development. Updates records and compiles statistical reports on interviews, transfers, performance rating, and promotions to evaluate performance of instructors and monitor progress of trainees. May coordinate established courses with technical and professional courses offered by community schools. May screen, test, counsel, and recommend employees for educational programs or for promotion or transfer. May write applications and proposals to submit to fund-granting authorities, such as government and foundations.
GOE: 11.07.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

166.167-030 MANAGER, EMPLOYMENT (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: employment supervisor

    Manages employment activities of establishment: Plans and directs activities of staff workers concerned with such functions as developing sources of qualified applicants, conducting screening interviews, administering tests, checking references and background, evaluating applicants' qualifications, and arranging for preliminary indoctrination and training for newly hired employees according to policy formulated by DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess. & kin.) 166.117-010. Keeps records and compiles statistical reports concerning recruitments, interviews, hires, transfers, promotions, terminations, and performance appraisals, utilizing knowledge of job requirements, valid selection processes, and legislation concerning equal employment practices. Coordinates employment activities, such as those concerned with preparing job requisitions; interviewing, selecting, and hiring candidates; on-the-job indoctrination and additional training; supervisory follow-up, development, and rating of employees; and conducting exit interviews. Analyzes statistical data and other reports concerning all aspects of employment function in order to identify and determine causes of personnel problems and to develop and present recommendations for improvement of establishment's employment policies, processes, and practices.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 87

166.167-034 MANAGER, LABOR RELATIONS (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: labor relations representative

    Manages labor relations program of organization: Analyzes collective bargaining agreement to develop interpretation of intent, spirit, and terms of contract. Advises management and union officials in development, application, and interpretation of labor relations policies and practices, according to policy formulated by DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess. & kin.) 166.117-010. Arranges and schedules meetings between grieving workers, supervisory and managerial personnel, and BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE, LABOR UNION (profess. & kin.) 187.167-018, to investigate and resolve grievances. Prepares statistical reports, using records of actions taken concerning grievances, arbitration and mediation cases, and related labor relations activities, to identify problem areas. Monitors implementation of policies concerning wages, hours, and working conditions, to ensure compliance with terms of labor contract. Furnishes information, such as reference documents and statistical data concerning labor legislation, labor market conditions, prevailing union and management practices, wage and salary surveys, and employee benefits programs, for use in review of current contract provisions and proposed changes. May represent management in labor contract negotiations. May supervise employees and be known as Labor Relations Supervisor (profess. & kin.). May be employed by firm offering labor relations advisory services to either management or labor and be known as Labor Relations Consultant (profess. & kin.). May be employed by governmental agency to study, interpret, and report on relations between management and labor and be known as Industrial Relations Representative (government ser.).
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 81

166.167-038 PORT PURSER (water trans.)

    Coordinates activities and trains workers concerned with shipboard business functions and social activities for passengers: Screens applicants applying for positions. Assigns trainees to vessels, considering their duties and responsibilities. Plans training and rotation of trainees between ship and shore positions. Hires entertainment and medical staff and plans replacement programs to ensure that qualified personnel are available in case of sickness or resignation. Adjusts complaints of passengers which cannot be resolved during voyage.
GOE: 11.11.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

166.167-042 SENIOR ENLISTED ADVISOR (military ser.)

    Advises commander on such matters as troop welfare, health, and morale: Assists commander on official visits and at military ceremonies. Assists in inspection of facilities and personnel to determine if established standards are met. Counsels enlisted personnel concerning attitude, personal problems, and similar matters, and to elicit their cooperation and self improvement. Reviews activities of subordinate noncommissioned officers, and initiates appropriate corrective action for discrepancies noted. May assists commander in reception of visitors. May supervise clerical or administrative personnel.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

166.167-046 SPECIAL AGENT (insurance) alternate titles: sales representative

    Recruits independent SALES AGENTS, INSURANCE (insurance) in field and maintains contact between agent and home office: Selects SALES AGENT, INSURANCE (insurance), based on experience with other insurance companies. Drafts contract between agent and company. Advises agent on matters pertaining to conduct of business, such as cancellations, overdue accounts, and new business prospects. May gather information for UNDERWRITER (insurance). When working in life insurance, is designated Brokerage Manager (insurance).
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77


    Coordinates activities of area employers in setting up local government funded program within establishments to help employees who are not functioning at satisfactory levels of job performance due to alcoholism or other behavioral medical problems: Writes and prepares newspaper advertisements, newsletters, and questionnaires and speaks before community groups to promote employee assistance program within business community. Analyzes character and type of business establishments in area, and compiles list of prospective employers appropriate for implementing assistance program. Contacts prospective employers, explains program and fees, points out advantages of program, and reaches agreement with interested employers on extent of proposed program. Develops program within establishment. Establishes committee composed of company officials and workers to develop statement of employee assistance program and policy and procedures. Plans and conducts training sessions for company officials to develop skills in identifying and handling employees troubled by alcoholism or other personal problems. Assists employer in setting up in-plant educational program to prevent alcoholism, using posters, pamphlets, and films, and establishes referral network providing for in-plant and out-of-plant group or individual counseling for troubled employees. Confers with team member of assistance program who provides counseling regarding planning and progress of counseling components. Confers with staff of employee assistance program regarding progress and evaluation of current programs and proposals for developing new programs.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 86


    Coordinates activities of instructors engaged in training employees or customers of industrial or commercial establishment: Confers with managers, instructors, or customer's representative to determine training needs. Assigns instructors to conduct training. Schedules classes, based on availability of classrooms, equipment, and instructors. Evaluates training packages, including outline, text, and handouts written by instructors. Assigns instructors to in-service or out-service training classes to learn new skills as needed. Monitors budget to ensure that training costs do not exceed allocated funds. Writes budget report listing training costs, such as instructors' wages and equipment costs, to justify expenditures. Attends meetings and seminars to obtain information useful to training staff and to inform management of training programs and goals. Monitors instructors during lectures and laboratory demonstrations to evaluate performance. May perform other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May develop and conduct training programs for employees or customers of industrial or commercial establishment [INSTRUCTOR, TECHNICAL TRAINING (education) 166.221-010].
GOE: 11.07.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 87

166.221-010 INSTRUCTOR, TECHNICAL TRAINING (education) alternate titles: training specialist

    Develops and conducts programs to train employees or customers of industrial or commercial establishment in installation, programming, safety, maintenance, and repair of machinery and equipment, such as robots, $T3programmable controllers,$T1 and $T3robot controllers,$T1 following manuals, specifications, blueprints, and schematics, and using handtools, measuring instruments, and testing equipment: Confers with management and staff or TECHNICAL TRAINING COORDINATOR (education) 166.167-054 to determine training objectives. Writes training program, including outline, text, handouts, and tests, and designs laboratory exercises, applying knowledge of electronics, mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, and programming, and following machine, equipment, and tooling manuals. Schedules classes based on classroom and equipment availability. Lectures class on safety, installation, programming, maintenance, and repair of machinery and equipment, following outline, handouts, and texts, and using visual aids, such as graphs, charts, videotape, and slides. Demonstrates procedures being taught, such as programming and repair, applying knowledge of electrical wire color coding, programming, electronics, mechanics, hydraulics, and pneumatics, using handtools, measuring instruments, and testing equipment, and following course outline. Observes trainees in laboratory and answers trainees' questions. Administers written and practical exams and writes performance reports to evaluate trainees' performance. Participates in meetings, seminars, and training sessions to obtain information useful to training facility and integrates information into training program. May repair electrical and electronic components of robots in industrial establishments. May install, program, maintain, and repair robots in customer's establishment [FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN (machinery mfg.) 638.261-026]. May be designated according to subject taught as Instructor, Programmable Controllers (education); Instructor, Robotics (education).
GOE: 11.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

166.227-010 TRAINING REPRESENTATIVE (education) alternate titles: training instructor

    Develops and conducts training programs for employees of industrial, commercial, service, or government establishment: Confers with management to gain knowledge of work situation requiring training for employees to better understand changes in policies, procedures, regulations, and technologies. Formulates teaching outline and determines instructional methods, utilizing knowledge of specified training needs and effectiveness of such methods as individual training, group instruction, lectures, demonstrations, conferences, meetings, and workshops. Selects or develops teaching aids, such as training handbooks, demonstration models, multimedia visual aids, computer tutorials, and reference works. Conducts training sessions covering specified areas such as those concerned with new employee orientation, on-the-job training, use of computers and software, apprenticeship programs, sales techniques, health and safety practices, public relations, refresher training, promotional development, upgrading, retraining displaced workers, and leadership development. Tests trainees to measure progress and to evaluate effectiveness of training. May specialize in developing instructional software.
GOE: 11.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 88

166.257-010 EMPLOYER RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVE (profess. & kin.)

    Establishes and maintains working relationships with local employers to promote use of public employment programs and services: Contacts employers new to area or company requiring revisit and arranges appointment to visit company representative or employer responsible for hiring workers. Establishes rapport between Employment Service and company to promote use of agency programs and services. Confers with employer to resolve problems, such as local employment office effectiveness, employer complaints, and alternative employer actions for recruiting qualified applicants. Answers employer questions concerning Employment Service programs or services available. Solicits employers to list job openings with Employment Service. Receives job orders from employers by phone or in person and records information to facilitate selection and referral process.
GOE: 11.09.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M2 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

166.267-010 EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWER (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: personnel interviewer; placement interviewer

    Interviews job applicants to select people meeting employer qualifications: Reviews employment applications and evaluates work history, education and training, job skills, compensation needs, and other qualifications of applicants. Records additional knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, test results, and other data pertinent to selection and referral of applicants. Reviews job orders and matches applicants with job requirements, utilizing manual or computerized file search. Informs applicants of job duties and responsibilities, compensation and benefits, work schedules and working conditions, company and union policies, promotional opportunities, and other related information. Refers selected applicants to person placing job order, according to policy of organization. Keeps records of applicants not selected for employment. May perform reference and background checks on applicants. May refer applicants to vocational counseling services. May conduct or arrange for skills, intelligence, or psychological testing of applicants. May evaluate selection and placement techniques by conducting research or follow-up activities and conferring with management and supervisory personnel. May specialize in interviewing and referring certain types of personnel, such as professional, technical, managerial, clerical, and other types of skilled or unskilled workers. May search for and recruit applicants for open positions [PERSONNEL RECRUITER (profess. & kin.) 166.267-038]. May contact employers in writing, in person, or by telephone to solicit orders for job vacancies for clientele or for specified applicants and record information about job openings on job order forms to describe duties, hiring requirements, and related data.
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 87


    Interprets hospital and medical insurance services and benefits to contracting hospital personnel: Discusses contract provisions and hospital claims forms with medical and hospital personnel. Instructs hospital clerical staff in resolving problems concerning billing and admitting procedures. Writes reports outlining hospital and contract benefits for incorporation into brochures and pamphlets. May travel from city to city.
GOE: 07.01.05 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

166.267-018 JOB ANALYST (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: personnel analyst

    Collects, analyzes, and prepares occupational information to facilitate personnel, administration, and management functions of organization: Consults with management to determine type, scope, and purpose of study. Studies current organizational occupational data and compiles distribution reports, organization and flow charts, and other background information required for study. Observes jobs and interviews workers and supervisory personnel to determine job and worker requirements. Analyzes occupational data, such as physical, mental, and training requirements of jobs and workers and develops written summaries, such as job descriptions, job specifications, and lines of career movement. Utilizes developed occupational data to evaluate or improve methods and techniques for recruiting, selecting, promoting, evaluating, and training workers, and administration of related personnel programs. May specialize in classifying positions according to regulated guidelines to meet job classification requirements of civil service system and be known as Position Classifier (government ser.).
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 77


    Interviews new prison inmates to obtain social and criminal histories to aid in classification and assignment of prisoners to appropriate work and other activities: Gathers data, such as work history, school, criminal, and military records, family background, habits, religious beliefs, and prisoner's version of crime committed. Analyzes prisoner's social attitudes, mental capacity, character, and physical capabilities and prepares admission summary based on data obtained. Explains prison rules and regulations.
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

166.267-026 RECRUITER (military ser.) alternate titles: career counselor

    Interviews military and civilian personnel to recruit and inform individuals on matters concerning career opportunities, incentives, military rights and benefits, and advantages of military career: Assists and advises military commands in organizing, preparing, and implementing enlisted recruiting and retention program. Interviews individuals to determine their suitability for placement into specific military occupation. Occasionally lectures to civic and social groups, military dependents, school officials, and religious leaders concerning military career opportunities.
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 86

166.267-030 RETIREMENT OFFICER (government ser.)

    Provides information and advice concerning provisions and regulations of state-administered retirement program for public employees: Explains retirement annuity system to personnel officers of local or state governmental entities covered by system, utilizing knowledge of rules and policies of retirement plan. Explains retirement policies and regulations of retirement board to covered employee groups, utilizing knowledge of annuity payments, procedure manuals, and official interpretations. Audits retirement accounts and examines records of employing entities to ensure compliance with prescribed standards and regulations. Attends and addresses conferences and other meetings of employees concerned, as representative of retirement board.
GOE: 07.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

166.267-034 JOB DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.)

    Promotes and develops employment and on-the-job training opportunities for disadvantaged applicants: Assists employers in revising standards which exclude applicants from jobs. Demonstrates to employers effectiveness and profitability of employing chronically unemployed by identifying jobs that workers could perform. Establishes relationships with employers regarding problems, complaints, and progress of recently placed disadvantaged applicants and recommends corrective action. Assists employers in establishing wage scales commensurate with prevailing rates. Promotes, develops, and terminates on-the-job training program opportunities with employers and assists in writing contracts. Identifies need for and assists in development of auxiliary services to facilitate bringing disadvantaged applicants into job-ready status. Informs business, labor, and public about training programs through various media. May instruct applicants in resume writing, job search, and interviewing techniques.
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 86

166.267-038 PERSONNEL RECRUITER (profess. & kin.)

    Seeks out, interviews, screens, and recruits job applicants to fill existing company job openings: Discusses personnel needs with department supervisors to prepare and implement recruitment program. Contacts colleges to arrange on-campus interviews. Provides information on company facilities and job opportunities to potential applicants. Interviews college applicants to obtain work history, education, training, job skills, and salary requirements. Screens and refers qualified applicants to company hiring personnel for follow-up interview. Arranges travel and lodging for selected applicants at company expense. Performs reference and background checks on applicants. Corresponds with job applicants to notify them of employment consideration. Files and maintains employment records for future references. Projects yearly recruitment expenditures for budgetary control.
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

166.267-042 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.)

    Interviews workers to gather information on worker attitudes toward work environment and supervision received to facilitate resolution of employee relations problems: Explains to workers company and governmental rules, regulations, and procedures, and need for compliance. Gathers information on workers' feelings about factors that affect worker morale, motivation, and efficiency. Meets with management to discuss possible actions to be taken. Inspects work stations to ensure required changes or actions are implemented. Interviews workers to determine reactions to specific actions taken. Prepares reports on workers' comments and actions taken. Enrolls eligible workers in company programs, such as pension and savings plans. Maintains medical, insurance, and other personnel records and forms. May operate computer to compile, store, or retrieve worker related information, such as medical, insurance, pension, and savings plans.
GOE: 11.03.04 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

166.267-046 HUMAN RESOURCE ADVISOR (profess. & kin.)

    Provides establishment personnel assistance in identifying, evaluating, and resolving human relations and work performance problems within establishment to facilitate communication and improve employee human relations skills and work performance: Talks informally with establishment personnel and attends meetings of managers, supervisors, and work units to facilitate effective interpersonal communication among participants and to ascertain human relations and work related problems that adversely affect employee morale and establishment productivity. Evaluates human relations and work related problems and meets with supervisors and managers to determine effective remediation techniques, such as job skill training or personal intervention, to resolve human relations issues among personnel. Develops and conducts training to instruct establishment managers, supervisors, and workers in human relation skills, such as supervisory skills, conflict resolution skills, interpersonal communication skills, and effective group interaction skills. Schedules individuals for technical job-related skills training to improve individual work performance. May participate in resolving labor relations issues. May assist in screening applicants for establishment training programs. May write employee newsletter. May operate audio-visual equipment to review or to present audio-visual tapes for training program.
GOE: 11.02.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 87


    This group includes occupations concerned with examining the condition of persons, plants, and animals; the quality of consumer products and services; and the operations of establishments, serving in the capacity of a governmental or private inspector or investigator in order to verify compliance with and enforcement of regulatory laws, health, and safety laws, or the establishment's quality standards. Occupations for public service and private detectives concerned with enforcement of criminal laws are found in Groups 375 and 376. Occupations concerned with performing laboratory or other scientific tests in order to ascertain the nature or quality of items are generally to be found in the group of the basic physical or life science with which they are concerned. Occupations which involve working in a specific professional discipline, such as engineering, medicine, or the physical and life sciences and which involve working for a governmental agency in the capacity of an inspector or investigator still belong to the basic group of their specific discipline.

168.161-010 CORONER (government ser.) alternate titles: medical examiner

    Directs investigation of deaths occurring within jurisdiction as required by law: Directs activities of staff physicians, technicians, and investigators involved with conducting inquests, performing autopsies, conducting pathological and toxicological analyses, and investigating circumstances of deaths in order to determine cause and fix responsibility for accidental, violent, or unexplained deaths, or contracts for such services with outside physicians, medical laboratories, and law enforcement agencies. Testifies at inquests, hearings, and court trials. Confers with officials of public health and law enforcement agencies to coordinate interdepartmental activities. Coordinates activities for disposition of unclaimed corpse and personal effects of deceased. Directs activities of workers involved in preparing documents for permanent records. May assist relatives of deceased in negotiations concerning payment of insurance policies or burial benefits by providing information concerning circumstances of death. May be required by law or ordinance to have specified medical or legal training.
GOE: 02.02.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77


    Plans and directs safety and health activities in industrial plant to evaluate and control environmental hazards: Tests noise levels and measures air quality, using precision instruments. Maintains and calibrates instruments. Administers hearing tests to employees. Trains forklift operators to qualify for licensing. Enforces use of safety equipment. Lectures employees to obtain compliance with regulations. Develops and monitors emergency action plans. Investigates accidents and prepares accident reports. Assists management to prepare safety and health budget. Recommends changes in policies and procedures to prevent accidents and illness.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

168.167-010 CUSTOMS PATROL OFFICER (government ser.)

    Conducts surveillance, inspection, and patrol by foot, vehicle, boat, or aircraft at assigned points of entry into the United States to prohibit smuggled merchandise and contraband and to detect violations of Customs and related laws: Inspects vessels, aircraft, and vehicles at docking, landing, crossing, and entry points. Establishes working rapport with local residents, law enforcement agencies, and businesses. Observes activity and regularity of vessels, planes, cargo, and storage arrangements in assigned area. Gathers and evaluates information from informers and other sources. Locates and apprehends customs violators. Assists in developing and testing new enforcement techniques and equipment. Develops intelligence information and forwards data for use by U.S. Customs Service. Testifies in courts of law against customs violators.
GOE: 04.01.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-014 EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY REPRESENTATIVE (government ser.)

    Organizes and implements federally funded programs related to equal employment opportunity by providing consultation, encouraging good will between employers and minority communities, and evaluating employment practices: Consults with community representatives to develop technical assistance agreements in accordance with statutory regulations. Informs minority community on civil rights laws. Assists employers to interpret state and federal laws. Develops guidelines for nondiscriminatory employment practices for use by employers. Acts as liaison representative between minority placement agencies and large employers. Investigates existing employment practices to detect and correct discriminatory factors. Conducts surveys and evaluates findings to determine existence of systematic discrimination.
GOE: 11.10.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-018 HEALTH OFFICER, FIELD (government ser.) alternate titles: investigator, communicable disease

    Investigates reported cases of communicable diseases and advises exposed persons to obtain medical treatment and to prevent further spread of disease: Locates and interviews exposed person, using information obtained from records of state or local public health departments and from individual already under treatment for communicable disease. Advises person to obtain treatment from private physician or public health clinic. May take blood sample to assist in identifying presence of disease in suspected victim. Questions exposed person to obtain information concerning other persons who may have received exposure. Conducts follow-up interviews with patients and suspected carriers. Writes report of activities and findings. Visits physicians, laboratories, and community health facilities to stimulate reporting of cases and to provide information about government-sponsored health programs concerning immunization efforts, VD control, mosquito abatement, and rodent control.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.167-022 IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Regulates entry of persons into United States at designated port of entry in accordance with immigration laws: Examines applications, visas, and passports and interviews persons to determine eligibility for admission, residence, and travel privileges in United States. Interprets laws and explains decisions to persons seeking entry. Arrests, detains, paroles, or arranges for deportation of persons according to laws, regulations, and departmental orders. Writes reports of activities and decisions. May patrol border on foot or horseback, or by airplane, automobile, or boat to detect and apprehend persons entering United States illegally and be designated Immigration Patrol Inspector (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

168.167-026 INSPECTOR, BOILER (profess. & kin.) alternate titles: safety-engineer, pressure vessels

    Inspects boilers, pressure vessels, and accessories for conformance to safety laws and standards regulating their design, fabrication, installation, repair, and operation: Inspects steam boilers, air tanks, liquefied gas tanks, and other pressure vessels under construction or already installed in ships or in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings to verify conformance to safety codes and standards issued by governmental agency, recognized professional technical organization, or insurance underwriting company. Inspects drawings, designs, and specifications for boilers and other vessels. Inspects materials used, safety devices, regulators, construction quality, brace and rivet tension, riveting, welding, pitting, corrosion, cracking, safety valve operation, and other factors affecting condition and operation of equipment. Performs standard tests such as hammer, accumulation, and hydrostatic tests to verify condition of boilers and other vessels. Calculates allowable limits of pressure, strength, and stresses. Witnesses acceptance and installation tests. Recommends changes to correct unsafe conditions. Orders correction of faulty work or materials or other conditions which violate legal requirements. Checks permits and methods of operation for boiler and other pressure vessel installations. Confers with engineers, manufacturers, contractors, owners, and operators concerning problems in construction, operation, and repair of pressure vessels and accessories. Investigates accidents involving pressure vessels to determine causes and to develop methods of preventing recurrences. Keeps records and prepares reports of inspections and investigations for administrative or legal authorities. May be required to possess Federal, State, or local license.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-030 INSPECTOR, BUILDING (government ser.)

    Inspects new and existing buildings and structures to enforce conformance to building, grading, and zoning laws and approved plans, specifications, and standards: Inspects residential, commercial, industrial, and other buildings during and after construction to ensure that components, such as footings, floor framing, completed framing, chimneys, and stairways meet provisions of building, grading, zoning, and safety laws and approved plans, specifications, and standards. Observes conditions and issues notices for corrections to persons responsible for conformance. Obtains evidence and prepares report concerning violations which have not been corrected. Interprets legal requirements and recommends compliance procedures to contractors, craftworkers, and owners. Keeps inspection records and prepares reports for use by administrative or judicial authorities. May conduct surveys of existing buildings to determine lack of prescribed maintenance, housing violations, or hazardous conditions. May review request for and issue building permits. May specialize in inspecting multifamily residences, temporary structures, buildings to be moved, or building appendages, such as chimneys, signs, swimming pools, retaining walls, and excavations and fills. May specialize in inspecting single-family residences for enforcement of full range of building, zoning, grading, and mechanical codes, including electrical, plumbing, heating and refrigeration, ventilating, and air-conditioning regulations and be designated Residential Building Inspector (government ser.).
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 81

168.167-034 INSPECTOR, ELECTRICAL (government ser.)

    Inspects electrical installations to verify conformance with safety laws and ordinances: Inspects electrical installations during construction or remodeling to enforce laws and ordinances establishing and maintaining minimum standards for residential, commercial, and industrial electrical installation and appliances. Reviews electrical plans and materials list to interpret specifications and methods of installation. Verifies loads, demand factors, and number of circuits to ensure that circuits are capable of operating without overloads. Inspects electric wiring, fixtures, and equipment, and issues notices to repair, remove, or refrain from using items found to be unsafe. Interprets legal requirements and recommends compliance procedures to contractors, craftworkers, and owners. Keeps records of inspections and prepares reports for use by administrative or judicial authorities.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.167-038 INSPECTOR, ELEVATORS (government ser.) alternate titles: safety engineer, elevators

    Inspects lifting and conveying devices, such as elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks, and other similar mechanisms to verify conformance to laws and ordinances regulating design, installation, and safe operation: Inspects mechanical and electrical features of elevator installations, including elevator cars, beams, safety devices, control circuits, cables, guide rails, governors, switch boxes, counterweights, and buffers for conformance to governmental safety orders and regulations concerning standards of design, installation, maintenance, and operation. Conducts time tests of elevator's speed. Computes allowable loads for elevators and other devices. Observes running and drop test of elevators to determine if brakes and safety devices work properly. Inspects escalators, dumbwaiters, personnel lifts and hoists, platform hoists, inclined railways, aerial tramways, ski lifts, and various amusement rides to determine if safety precautions are observed. Recommends corrections for unsafe conditions. Seals operating device of unsafe elevators and other equipment. Investigates accidents involving elevators and similar lifting devices to determine causes and to develop means of preventing recurrence. Inspects equipment damaged by fire and recommends repair. Consults with engineers, installers, and owners regarding solution to problems connected with installation, maintenance, and repair of elevating equipment. Keeps records and prepares reports of inspections and investigations for use by administrative and legal authorities.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-042 INSPECTOR, HEALTH CARE FACILITIES (government ser.)

    Inspects health care facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, sheltered care homes, maternity homes, and day care centers, to enforce public health laws and to investigate complaints: Inspects physical facilities, equipment, accommodations, and operating procedures to ensure compliance with laws governing standards of sanitation, acceptability of facilities, record keeping, staff competence qualifications, and ethical practices. Reviews reports concerning staffing, personal references, floor plans, fire inspections, and sanitation. Recommends changes in facilities, standards, and administrative methods in order to improve services and efficiency, utilizing knowledge of good practices and legal requirements. Advises applicants for approval of health care facilities on license application and rules governing operation of such facilities. May testify at hearings or in court. May compile data on conditions of health care facilities, for use in determining construction needs in community or region.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.167-046 INSPECTOR, HEATING AND REFRIGERATION (government ser.)

    Inspects heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration installations for conformance to safety laws and regulations and approved plans and specifications: Inspects heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment and installations in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings and facilities for conformance to safety laws and ordinances designed to prevent use of faulty equipment. Issues notices for correction of defective installations and issues citations to violators of safety code. Inspects gas heating appliances in retail stores and notifies dealers to remove unapproved appliances. Confers with property owners or agents to discuss and approve alteration plans to heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment that comply with safety regulations. Investigates complaints regarding installation of heating and refrigeration equipment by unlicensed contractors. Keeps records and prepares reports of inspections and investigations for use by administrative or judicial authorities. May investigate installations where fire or death has occurred. May determine percentage and acceptability of contract work completed for purposes of progress payments.
GOE: 05.07.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.167-050 INSPECTOR, PLUMBING (government ser.)

    Inspects plumbing installations for conformance to governmental codes, sanitation standards, and construction specifications: Inspects commercial and industrial plumbing systems for conformance to plumbing laws and codes and approved plans and specifications. Inspects water-supply systems, drainage and sewer systems, water heater installations, fire sprinkler systems, and air and gas piping systems for approved materials, specified pipe sizes and connections, required grade and fitting, approved back-flow prevention devices, required bracing, ventilation, and air- and- water-tightness. Inspects building sites for soil type to determine fill conditions, water table level, site layout, seepage rate, and other conditions. Advises owners and contractors on acceptable locations for septic tanks, cesspools, and seepage pits. Interviews PLUMBER (construction) working in jurisdiction to determine possession of valid occupational licenses. Reviews plumbing permit applications and verifies payment of fees. Reviews complaints concerning alleged violations of plumbing code, gathers evidence, and appears in court as witness. Keeps records of inspections performed, actions taken, and corrections recommended and secured.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.167-058 MANAGER, CUSTOMER SERVICE (tel. & tel.)

    Plans, directs, and coordinates activities of workers engaged in receiving, investigating, evaluating, and settling complaints and claims of telegraph customers: Directs workers to investigate complaints, such as those concerning rates or service in connection with domestic, international, or special-gift telegrams. Analyzes reports of findings and recommends response to complaint, considering nature and complexity of complaint, requirements of governmental utility-regulation agencies, and policies of company. Reviews actions of subordinates to ensure settlements are made correctly. Authorizes retention of data and preparation of documents for use during governmental or customer inquiries.
GOE: 11.12.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-062 OCCUPATIONAL-SAFETY-AND-HEALTH INSPECTOR (government ser.) alternate titles: occupational-safety-and-health-compliance officer

    Inspects places of employment to detect unsafe or unhealthy working conditions: Inspects work environment, machinery, and equipment in establishments and other work sites for conformance with governmental standards according to procedure or in response to complaint or accident. Interviews supervisors and employees to obtain facts about work practice or accident. Rates unsafe condition according to factors, such as severity of potential injury, likelihood of recurrence, employers' accident record, and evidence of voluntary compliance. Observes employees at work to determine compliance with safety precautions and safety equipment used. Orders suspension of activity posing threat to workers. Writes new safety order proposal designed to protect workers from work methods, processes, or other hazard not previously covered, using knowledge of safety-engineering practices, available protective devices, safety testing, and occupational safety and health standards. Discusses reason for inspection and penalty rating system with employer. Reviews log of reportable accidents and preventive actions taken to determine employers' attitude toward compliance with regulations. Documents findings and code sections violated. Interprets applicable laws and regulations to advise employer on legal requirements. May specialize in inspection of specific machine, apparatus, or device. May specialize in inspection of specific industry, such as construction, manufacturing, mining, petroleum, or transportation. May testify in legal proceedings. May photograph work environment suspected of endangering workers to provide evidence in legal proceedings.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.167-066 QUALITY-CONTROL COORDINATOR (pharmaceut.)

    Coordinates activities of workers engaged in testing and evaluating ethical and proprietary pharmaceuticals in order to control quality of manufacture and to ensure compliance with legal standards: Participates with management personnel in establishing procedures for testing drugs and related products, applying knowledge of controlled production, sampling techniques, testing procedures, and statistical analysis. Assigns subordinates to specific testing functions. Reviews laboratory reports of test batches. Recommends full-scale production of batches meeting company or consumer specifications and complying with federal purity standards. Orders destruction of substandard batches, as authorized by supervisor. Directs and coordinates investigation of complaints concerning defective products. Recommends response to complaints, considering test reports, production records, legal standards, and complaint validity. Reviews legislative developments to determine changes in legal requirements and probable effects on company's manufacturing activities. Directs retention of data and preparation of documents for use by self or other company personnel during inquiries concerning suspect products.
GOE: 05.02.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.167-070 REGULATORY ADMINISTRATOR (tel. & tel.)

    Directs and coordinates activities of workers engaged in investigating and responding to complaints from telephone subscribers or regulatory agencies concerning rates and services: Directs investigations of telephone company rates and services to ensure that subscribers' complaints are answered and requirements of governmental utility-regulation agencies are met. Analyzes reports of resulting data and recommends response to complaint, considering nature of complaint and company interests and policies. Directs preparation of documents for use by company witnesses summoned to testify at governmental hearings. Reviews governmental rulings to determine changes in legal stipulations and probable effects on company activities. May provide advice and source data to management personnel concerned with preparing applications to regulatory bodies for changes in rates or service.
GOE: 11.10.05 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-074 REVIEWING OFFICER, DRIVER'S LICENSE (government ser.)

    Evaluates traffic record and other aspects of driver's attitude and behavior to recommend suspension, revocation, or reinstatement of state operator's license: Reviews written record of driver, considering applicable laws and factors, such as number and nature of accidents, interval between accidents or convictions, driver's occupation, and number and gravity of traffic convictions, to evaluate driver's attitude and determine probability of repeated offenses. Recommends probation, suspension, or revocation of license, following rules, regulations, and policies of agency. Conducts hearings at request of persons whose licenses have been suspended or revoked to receive testimony and facts bearing on action. Receives petitions for reinstatement of licenses and approves or disapproves petitions according to evaluation of all pertinent facts. Confers with police and court officials to compile information, facilitate location or punishment of violators, and promote traffic safety. May allocate points for accidents or convictions and mail warnings to violators facing automatic penalties.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.167-078 SAFETY INSPECTOR (insurance) alternate titles: loss-control technician; safety engineer

    Inspects insured properties to evaluate physical conditions and promote safety programs: Inspects properties such as buildings, industrial operations, vehicles, and recreational facilities to evaluate physical conditions, safety practices, and hazardous situations according to knowledge of safety and casualty underwriting standards and governmental regulations. Measures insured area, calculates frontage, and records description and amount of stock, and photographs or drafts scale drawings of properties, to identify factors affecting insurance premiums. Analyzes history of accidents and claims against insured and inspects scenes of accidents to determine causes and to develop accident-prevention programs. Prepares written report of findings and recommendations for correction of unsafe or unsanitary conditions. Confers with employees of insured to induce compliance with safety standards, codes, and regulations. Conducts informational meetings among various educational, civic, and industrial groups to promote general safety concepts, utilizing audiovisual aids and insurance statistics. May specialize in specific type of accident-prevention or safety program, such as fire safety or traffic safety.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.167-082 TRANSPORTATION INSPECTOR (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) alternate titles: service inspector; undercover agent

    Compiles information concerning activities and conduct of employees on railroads, streetcars, and buses and submits written reports of findings: Observes employees performing assigned duties, assuming role of passenger to note their deportment, treatment of passengers, and adherence to company regulations and schedules. Observes and records time required to load and unload passengers or freight, volume of traffic at different stops or stations, and on streetcars and buses, at different times of day. Inspects company vehicles and other property for damage and evidence of abuse. Submits written reports to management with recommendations for improving service.
GOE: 11.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.167-086 SAFETY MANAGER (medical ser.)

    Plans, implements, coordinates, and assesses hospital accident, fire prevention, and occupational safety and health programs under general direction of hospital officials, utilizing knowledge of industrial safety-related engineering discipline and operating regulations: Develops and recommends new procedures and approaches to safety and loss prevention based on reports of incidents, accidents, and other data gathered from hospital personnel. Disseminates information to department heads and others regarding toxic substances, hazards, carcinogens, and other safety information. Assists department heads and administrators in enforcing safety regulations and codes. Measures and evaluates effectiveness of safety program, using established goals. Conducts building and grounds surveys on periodic and regular basis to detect code violations, hazards, and incorrect work practices and procedures. Develops and reviews safety training for hospital staff. Maintains administrative control of records related to safety and health programs. Prepares and disseminates memos and reports. Maintains required records. Assists personnel department in administering worker compensation program.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

168.167-090 MANAGER, REGULATED PROGRAM (government ser.)

    Directs and coordinates activities of departmental personnel engaged in investigating regulated activities to ensure compliance with federal, state, or municipal laws, utilizing knowledge of agency's purposes, rules, regulations, procedures, and practices: Reviews agency's current work load status, schedules, and individual personnel assignments and expertise to establish priorities and to determine ability to accept and complete future commitments. Assigns specific duties to inspectors or INVESTIGATOR (government ser.) 168.267-062 either directly or through subordinate supervisors. Reviews work reports, papers, rulings, and other records prepared by subordinate personnel for clarity, completeness, accuracy, and conformance with agency policies. Routes approved reports and records to designated individuals, such as DIRECTOR, REGULATORY AGENCY (government ser.) 188.117-134 for action or for information. May participate in or make initial or advanced level investigations, tests, or rulings. May testify in court or before control or review board. May be required to be certified in designated speciality area. May be designated according to function or agency as Business Regulation Investigator (government ser.); Child Day Care Program Supervisor (government ser.); Feed Inspection Supervisor (government ser.); Insurance Licensing Supervisor (government ser.); Meat And Poultry Specialist Supervisor (government ser.); Petroleum Products District Supervisor (government ser.); Poultry Specialist Supervisor (government ser.); Public Utilities Complaint Analyst Supervisor (government ser.); Supervisor, Weights And Measures, Gas And Oil Inspection (government ser.). Workers involved in these activities may be identified by different titles according to classification used by various agencies.
GOE: 11.05.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

168.261-010 RADIATION-PROTECTION SPECIALIST (government ser.)

    Tests x-ray equipment, inspects areas where equipment is used, and evaluates operating procedures to detect and control radiation hazards: Visits hospitals, medical offices, and other establishments to test x-ray machines and fluoroscopes and to inspect premises. Tests equipment to determine that kilovolt potential, alignment of components, and other elements of equipment meet standards for safe operation, using specialized instruments and procedures. Operates equipment to determine need for calibration, repair, or replacement of tubes or other parts. Measures density of lead shielding in walls, using radiometric equipment. Computes cumulative radiation levels and refers to regulations to determine if amount of shielding is sufficient to absorb radiation emissions. Examines license of equipment operator for authenticity and observes operating practices to determine competence of operator to use equipment. Confers with physicians, dentists, and x-ray personnel to explain procedures and legal requirements pertaining to use of equipment. Demonstrates exposure techniques to improve procedures and minimize amount of radiation delivered to patient and operator. Reviews plans and specifications for proposed x-ray installations for conformance to legal requirements and radiation safety practices. Contacts organizations submitting inadequate specifications to explain changes in shielding or layout needed to conform to regulations.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

168.264-010 INSPECTOR, AIR-CARRIER (government ser.) alternate titles: aviation-safety officer; operations inspector

    Inspects aircraft and maintenance base facilities to assure conformance with federal safety and qualifications standards: Examines aircraft maintenance record and flight log to determine if service checks, maintenance checks, and overhauls were performed at intervals prescribed. Inspects landing gear, tires, and exterior of fuselage, wings, and engine for evidence of damage or corrosion and recommends repair. Examines access plates and doors for security. Inspects new, repaired, or modified aircraft, according to checklist, to determine structural and mechanical airworthiness, using handtools and test instruments. Starts aircraft and observes gauges, meters, and other instruments to detect evidence of malfunction. Examines electrical systems and accompanies flight crew on proving flight to test instruments. Inventories spare parts to determine whether stock meets requirements. Analyzes training programs to assure competency of persons operating, installing, and repairing equipment. Informs airline officials of deficiencies. Prepares report of inspection to document findings. Approves or disapproves issuance of certificate of airworthiness. Conducts examinations to test theoretical and practical knowledge of construction, maintenance, repair, and trouble diagnosis for aircraft mechanics license candidates. Investigates air accidents to determine whether cause was due to structural or mechanical malfunction. Required to have federal aviation rating for type of aircraft inspected and pass federal aviation medical certification. May be designated according to specialty as Air-Carrier Electronics Inspector (government ser.); Air-Carrier Maintenance Inspector (government ser.).
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.264-014 SAFETY INSPECTOR (any industry) alternate titles: safety technician

    Inspects machinery, equipment, and working conditions in industrial or other setting to ensure compliance with occupational safety and health regulations: Inspects machines and equipment for accident prevention devices. Observes workers to determine use of prescribed safety equipment, such as glasses, helmets, goggles, respirators, and clothing. Inspects specified areas for fire-prevention equipment and other safety and first-aid supplies. Tests working areas for noise, toxic, and other hazards, using decibel meter, gas detector, and light meter. Prepares report of findings with recommendations for corrective action. Investigates accidents to ascertain causes for use in recommending preventive safety measures and developing safety program. May demonstrate use of safety equipment.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.264-018 GAS INSPECTOR (utilities)

    Inspects equipment and facilities used to store, transport, distribute, and measure liquefied petroleum or compressed or natural gas: Examines establishment inspection records to determine that establishment inspection schedule and remedial actions conform with procedures and regulations. Examines containers, piping, tubing, and fittings for leaks and for adherence to government specifications for pressure level, design, construction, and installation. Examines and tests components and support systems, such as relief valves, steam vaporizers, safety devices, electrical equipment, exhaust systems, and vehicles, for conformance to standards and regulations. Connects test equipment, using handtools, and tests calibration of meters and gauges. Inspects above and below ground gas mains to determine that rate of flow, pressure, location, construction, or installation conform to establishment or regulated standards. Maintains records and prepares reports of results of inspections. Discusses and explains procedures and regulations or need for corrective action with establishment or regulatory agency personnel. May be designated according to function, agency, or establishment where employed as Division Field Inspector (utilities); Gas Inspector, Liquefied (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

168.267-010 BUILDING INSPECTOR (insurance)

    Inspects buildings to determine fire insurance rates: Examines building for type of construction, condition of roof, and fireproofing. Determines risk represented by adjoining buildings, by nature of business, and building contents. Determines availability of fireplugs and firefighting equipment. Completes inspection report. May compute insurance rate.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.267-014 CLAIM EXAMINER (insurance)

    Reviews settled insurance claims to determine that payments and settlements have been made in accordance with company practices and procedures: Analyzes data used in settling claim to determine its validity in payment of claims. Reports overpayments, underpayments, and other irregularities. Confers with legal counsel on claims requiring litigation.
GOE: 07.02.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.267-018 CUSTOMS IMPORT SPECIALIST (government ser.) alternate titles: customs examiner

    Examines, classifies, and appraises imported merchandise according to federal revenue laws, in order to enforce regulations of U.S. Customs Service: Examines and appraises merchandise and accompanying documentation according to import requirements, considering legal restrictions, country of origin, import quotas, and current market values. Requests laboratory testing and analyses of merchandise as needed. Determines duty and taxes to be paid on imported merchandise, considering its classification and value. Interviews importers and examines their records to verify integrity of invoices. Determines and reports evidence of intent to defraud and violations of trademark, copyright, and marking laws. Notifies other governmental agencies responsible for particular import inspection, or when apparent import violations concern other agency regulations. Issues or denies permits to release imported merchandise for delivery, depending on importer's meeting legal requirements. Appraises seized and unclaimed merchandise to be sold at public auction. Assists federal attorneys in preparation and trial of cases in customs court by supplying technical information and advice, securing qualified witnesses and evidence, and appearing as a government witness. May plan, coordinate, and evaluate work of import inspection team. May defend appraisal of merchandise during court appeals by importers.
GOE: 11.10.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

168.267-022 CUSTOMS INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Inspects cargo, baggage, articles worn or carried by persons, and vessels, vehicles, or aircraft entering or leaving United States to enforce customs and related laws: Boards carriers arriving from foreign ports, and inspects and searches carriers to determine nature of cargoes. Superintends loading and unloading of cargo to ensure compliance with customs, neutrality, and commerce laws. Weighs, measures, and gauges imported goods, using calipers, measuring rods, scale, and hydrometer. Examines baggage of passengers arriving from foreign territory to discover contraband or undeclared merchandise. Conducts body search of passengers or crewmembers. Questions suspicious persons to clarify irregularities and explains laws and regulations to tourists or others unfamiliar with customs statutes and procedures. Seals hold and compartments containing sea stores (supplies for ship's personnel) to prevent illegal sale or smuggling of dutiable merchandise. Examines crew and passenger lists, manifests, pratiques, store lists, declarations of merchandise, and ships' documents and issues required permits. Classifies articles and assesses and collects duty on merchandise. Writes reports of findings, transactions, violations, and discrepancies. Seizes contraband and undeclared merchandise and detains or arrests persons involved in violations. May perform preliminary immigration screening of persons entering United States. May take samples of merchandise for appraising. May be designated according to type of inspection performed as Baggage Inspector (government ser.); Border Inspector (government ser.); Cargo Inspector (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-026 DEALER-COMPLIANCE REPRESENTATIVE (retail trade; wholesale tr.) alternate titles: field representative

    Inspects franchise dealerships and distributorships to ascertain compliance with company operating policies and procedures and to require adherence in detected instances: Inspects inventory and operating records to ascertain that only approved products are sold and approved operating procedures followed by dealer. Inspects premises and observes working conditions to ensure compliance with company and governmental standards of safety and sanitation. May ascertain that dealers are paying bills due company and may collect monies due. May advise dealers on financial aspects of operating franchise.
GOE: 11.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-030 DINING-SERVICE INSPECTOR (r.r. trans.) alternate titles: service inspector

    Inspects railroad dining car facilities and service and investigates complaints to ensure that cleanliness and service standards are maintained: Inspects cooking area and utensils to ensure that they are clean and sanitary. Inspects food and observes preparation to ensure that food is served in sanitary and appetizing manner. Observes WAITERS/WAITRESSES, DINING CAR (r.r. trans.) as they serve food to patrons to ensure that service is efficient and courteous. Investigates complaints by patrons of poor service or discourtesy. Recommends service improvements and operating efficiencies. Prepares reports of complaints and action taken.
GOE: 11.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.267-034 DRIVER'S LICENSE EXAMINER (government ser.)

    Gives written and visual acuity tests and conducts road performance tests to determine applicant's eligibility for driver's license: Scores written and visual acuity tests and issues and collects fees for instruction permits. Conducts road tests and observes applicant's driving ability throughout specified maneuvers and compliance with traffic safety rules. Rates ability for each maneuver. Collects fees and issues licenses. Lectures to school and community groups concerning driver improvement program. May inspect brakes, stop and signal lights, and horn to determine if applicant's vehicle is safe to operate.
GOE: 07.01.07 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77


    Interviews and investigates prospective tenants to determine eligibility for public low-rent housing: Receives and processes initial or reactivated applications for public housing. Interviews applicant to obtain additional information such as family composition, health and social problems, veteran status, rent paying ability, net assets, and need for housing assistance. Advises applicant on eligibility requirements, methods of selecting tenants, and housing opportunities. Contacts employers, and public and private health and welfare agencies to verify applicant information. Provides information to tenant or applicant on availability of community resources for financial or social welfare assistance. Determines applicant eligibility according to agency rules and policies. Selects and refers eligible applicant to MANAGER, HOUSING PROJECT (profess. & kin.). Notifies eligible applicant of vacancy and assignment procedures. Computes rent in proportion to applicant's income. Receives and records security deposit and advance rent from selected applicant. Conducts annual, interim, and special housing reviews with tenants. May assist in resolving tenant complaints on maintenance problems. May visit home to determine housekeeping habits, verify housing condition, and establish housing need.
GOE: 07.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77

168.267-042 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Inspects establishment where foods, drugs, cosmetics, and similar consumer items are manufactured, handled, stored, or sold to enforce legal standards of sanitation, purity, and grading: Visits specified establishments to investigate sanitary conditions and health and hygiene habits of persons handling consumer products. Collects samples of products for bacteriological and chemical laboratory analysis. Informs individuals concerned of specific regulations affecting establishments. Destroys subgrades, or prohibits sale of impure, toxic, damaged, or misbranded items. Questions employees, vendors, consumers, and other principals to obtain evidence for prosecuting violators. Ascertains that required licenses and permits have been obtained and are displayed. Prepares reports on each establishment visited, including findings and recommendations for action. May negotiate with marketers and processors to effect changes in facilities and practices, where undesirable conditions are discovered that are not specifically prohibited by law. May grade products according to specified standards. May test products, using variety of specialized test equipment, such as ultraviolet lights and filter guns. May investigate compliance with or violation of public sanitation laws and regulations and be designated Sanitary Inspector (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-046 INSPECTOR, FURNITURE AND BEDDING (government ser.)

    Inspects bedding materials and furniture padding to enforce public health laws and to investigate consumer complaints: Inspects premises and operations at furniture and bedding factories, warehouses, renovating plants, and sales outlets to ascertain compliance with state furniture and bedding sanitation laws. Examines labels on furniture and bedding items to ascertain compliance with fiber content and labeling regulations. Examines stock of used goods, condition of fumigation chambers, and use of prescribed chemicals. Conducts laboratory analyses on sample fibers, feathers, and materials to determine usability and cleanliness, utilizing standardized microscopic examination and chemical tests. May cite or arrest suspected violators and testify in court.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-050 INSPECTOR, GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (government ser.)

    Inspects government-owned equipment and materials in hands of private contractors to prevent waste, damage, theft, and other irregularities. Reviews inventory reports and similar records to detect discrepancies in utilization of materials. Recommends legal or administrative action to protect government property.
GOE: 11.10.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-054 INSPECTOR, INDUSTRIAL WASTE (government ser.)

    Inspects industrial and commercial waste disposal facilities and investigates source of pollutants in municipal sewage and storm-drainage system to ensure conformance with ordinance and permit requirements: Visits establishments to determine possession of industrial waste permits and to inspect waste treatment facilities, such as floor drains, sand traps, settling and neutralizing tanks, and grease removal equipment for conformance with regulations. Extracts samples of waste from sewers, storm drains, and water courses for laboratory tests. Conducts field tests for acidity, alkalinity, and other characteristics to determine if discharged wastes will cause water pollution or deterioration of sewerage facilities. Inspects sewers and storm drains to determine presence of explosive gases, using gas-analysis equipment. Reviews plans of proposed waste-treatment facilities and inspects construction to ensure conformance with ordinances. Issues citations to apparent violators of sanitation code or water-quality regulations. Compiles written reports of investigations and findings, and actions taken or recommended. May enforce ordinances concerned with commercial hauling and disposal of contents from cesspools and septic tanks into sewers. May inspect water wells for contamination and conformance with legal construction standards, and order closing of unsanitary or unsafe wells. May inspect solid waste disposal facilities, such as sanitary landfills and chemical disposal sites.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: M GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 6 DLU: 79

168.267-058 INSPECTOR, MOTOR VEHICLES (government ser.) alternate titles: automobile inspector; motor-transport inspector; weigh-station inspector

    Inspects motor vehicles and cargoes for compliance with statutory regulations: Reviews employer records to determine that accidents, traffic violations, and medical information are recorded according to federal and state regulations. Advises shipper of methods to improve cargo security and record keeping to account for shortage or theft. Interprets applicable regulations and suggests method of self-inspection to accomplish voluntary compliance with code. Inspects vehicle systems, such as lights, brakes, tires, directional signals, exhaust systems, and warning devices, to detect excessive wear or malfunction. Measures interior and exterior noise levels, using decibel meter. Measures efficiency of emission-control devices, using electronic test apparatus. Reviews shipping papers to identify hazardous cargo, such as explosives, poisons, or combustibles. Inspects manner in which hazardous cargo is secured to prevent accidental spillage. Computes and records weight of commercial trucks at highway weigh station or uses portable scale to determine gross weight and distribution of load over axles. Reviews commercial vehicle log to verify driver has not exceeded allowable driving hours and required permits and licenses are displayed. Declares vehicle or driver out-of-service for violation of intra- or interstate commerce regulations. Inspects buses to determine compliance with public transport regulations. May accompany bus drivers to observe conduct and observance with safety precautions. May inspect establishments that rebuild containers used to hold hazardous materials. May testify in legal proceedings.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 78

168.267-062 INVESTIGATOR (government ser.)

    Investigates regulated activities to assure compliance with federal, state, or municipal laws: Locates and interviews plaintiffs, witnesses, or representatives of business or government to gather facts relating to alleged violation. Observes conditions to verify facts indicating violation of law relating to such activities as revenue collection, employment practices, or fraudulent benefit claims. Examines business, personal, or public records and documents to establish facts and authenticity of data. Investigates character of applicant for special license or permit. Investigates suspected misuses of license or permit. Prepares correspondence and reports of investigations for use by administrative or legal authorities. Testifies in court or at administrative proceedings concerning findings of investigation. May serve legal papers. May be required to meet licensing or certification standards established by regulatory agency concerned. May be designated according to function or agency where employed as Inspector, Weights And Measures (government ser.); Investigator, Internal Revenue (government ser.); Investigator, Welfare (government ser.); Postal Inspector (government ser.); Investigator, Claims (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-066 LICENSE INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Visits establishments licensed by local governments to ascertain that valid licenses and permits are displayed and that licensing standards are being upheld. Prepares report on violators and recommends action. Warns violators of minor or unintentional infractions. May arrest violators. May be designated according to class of establishment visited as Rooming-House Inspector (government ser.); Tavern Inspector (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.267-070 LOGGING-OPERATIONS INSPECTOR (forestry; logging)

    Inspects contract logging operations to ensure adherence to contract provisions and safety laws and to prevent loss of timber through breakage and damage to residual stand: Examines logging area for utilization practices, slash disposal, sanitation, observance of boundaries, and safety precautions. Issues remedial instructions for violations of contract agreement and fire and safety regulations, and prepares report of logging method, efficiency, and progress. May initiate bid requests and negotiate terms of contracts with logging contractors.
GOE: 03.01.04 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.267-074 MINE INSPECTOR (mine & quarry) alternate titles: check viewer; safety inspector

    Inspects underground or open-pit mines to ascertain compliance with contractual agreements and with health and safety laws: Inspects for rotted or incorrectly placed timbers, dangerously placed or defective electrical and mechanical equipment, improperly stored explosives, and other hazardous conditions. Tests air quality to detect toxic or explosive gas or dust, using portable gas-analysis equipment, in order to control health hazards and to reduce injuries and fatalities. Observes mine activities to detect violations of federal and state health and safety standards. Inspects mine workings to verify compliance with contractual agreements concerning production rates or mining within specified limits. May instruct mine workers in safety and first aid procedures. May be designated according to type of mine inspected as Coal-Mine Inspector (mine & quarry); Metal-Mine Inspector (mine & quarry). May specialize in inspection of specific conditions and be designated Gas Inspector (mine & quarry). When employed by governmental agency (instead of mine operator), conducts periodic mine inspections specifically to enforce federal or state mining laws and is known as Mine Inspector, Federal (government ser.); Mine Inspector, State (government ser.).
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 80

168.267-078 MORTICIAN INVESTIGATOR (government ser.)

    Inspects mortuaries for sanitary conditions, equipment and procedures, and competence of personnel. Examines registration credentials of trainees and licenses of funeral directors to ensure compliance with state licensing requirements. Investigates complaints and recommends license revocation or other action. May be required to hold mortician's license.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.267-082 AGRICULTURAL-CHEMICALS INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Inspects establishments where agricultural service products, such as livestock feed and remedies, fertilizers, and pesticides, are manufactured, sold, or used to ensure conformance to laws regulating product quality and labeling: Visits processing plants, distribution warehouses, sales outlets, agricultural pest control service organizations, and farmers to collect product samples for analysis and to examine fresh and dried produce for spray residue. Inspects product label information concerning ingredients and advertising claims for conformance to chemical analysis of ingredients and documented effects of use. Investigates suspected violations of product quality and labeling laws. Interviews farmers, merchants, and others to determine nature of suspected violations and to obtain documented evidence to be used in legal action against violators. Calls on dealers to determine that licensing requirements have been met, and calls on manufacturers and distributors to collect delinquent tonnage reports. Prepares reports of all inspections and investigations for review by supervisory personnel and for use as evidence in legal action initiated by others.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 86


    Conducts studies on hazardous waste management projects and provides information on treatment and containment of hazardous waste: Participates in developing hazardous waste rules and regulations to protect people and environment. Surveys industries to determine type and magnitude of disposal problem. Assesses available hazardous waste treatment and disposal alternatives, and costs involved, to compare economic impact of alternative methods. Assists in developing comprehensive spill prevention programs and reviews facility plans for spill prevention. Participates in developing spill-reporting regulations and environmental damage assessment programs. Prepares reports of findings concerning spills and prepares material for use in legal actions. Answers inquiries and prepares informational literature to provide technical assistance to representatives of industry, government agencies, and to general public. Provides technical assistance in event of hazardous chemical spill and identifies pollutant, determines hazardous impact, and recommends corrective action.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

168.267-090 INSPECTOR, WATER-POLLUTION CONTROL (government ser.)

    Inspects sites where discharges enter state waters and investigates complaints concerning water pollution problems: Inspects wastewater treatment facilities at sites, such as mobile home parks, sewage treatment plants, and other sources of pollution. Inspects lagoons and area where effluent enters state waters for such features as obvious discoloration of water, sludge, algae, rodents, and other conditions. Informs owner when unacceptable or questionable conditions are present and recommends corrective action. Notifies mobile laboratory technicians when sampling is required. Advises property owners, facility managers, and equipment operators concerning pollution control regulations. Investigates complaints concerning water pollution problems. Compiles information for pollution control discharge permits. Prepares technical reports of investigations.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

168.267-094 MARINE-CARGO SURVEYOR (business ser.)

    Inspects cargoes of seagoing vessels to certify compliance with national and international health and safety regulations in cargo handling and stowage: Reads vessel documents that set forth cargo loading and securing procedures, capacities, and stability factors to ascertain cargo capabilities according to design and cargo regulations. Advises crew in techniques of stowing dangerous and heavy cargo, such as use of extra support beams (deck bedding), shoring, and additional stronger lashings, according to knowledge of hazards present when shipping grain, explosives, logs, and heavy machinery. Inspects loaded, secured cargo in holds and lashed to decks to ascertain that pertinent cargo handling regulations have been observed. Issues certificate of compliance when violations are not detected. Recommends remedial procedures to correct deficiencies. Measures ship holds and depth of fuel and water in tanks, using sounding line and tape measure, and reads draft markings to ascertain depth of vessel in water. Times roll of ship, using stopwatch. Calculates hold capacities, volume of stored fuel and water, weight of cargo, and ship stability factors, using standard mathematical formulas and calculator. Analyzes data obtained from survey, formulates recommendations pertaining to vessel capacities, and writes report of findings. Inspects cargo handling devices, such as boom, hoists, and derricks, to identify need for maintenance.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 9 DLU: 86

168.267-098 PESTICIDE-CONTROL INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Inspects operations of distributors and commercial applicators of pesticides to determine compliance with government regulations on handling, sale, and use of pesticides: Inspects premises of wholesale and retail distributors to ensure that registered pesticides are handled in accordance with state and federal regulations. Determines that handlers possess permits and sell restricted pesticides only to authorized users. Evaluates pesticides for correct labeling, misbranding, misrepresentation, or adulteration, and confiscates or quarantines unacceptable pesticides. Inspects operations of commercial applicators of pesticides and observes application methods to ensure correct use of equipment, application procedures, and that applicators possess valid permits. Determines that accurate records are kept to show pesticides used, dosage, times, places, and methods of applications. Inspects premises to ensure that storage and disposal of pesticides conform to regulations. Investigates complaints concerning pesticides and uses. Identifies insect or disease, recommends treatment, and authorizes emergency use of suitable restricted pesticides to respond to emergency situations, such as insect infestations or outbreaks of plant disease.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

168.267-102 PLAN CHECKER (government ser.)

    Examines commercial and private building plans and inspects construction sites to ensure compliance with building code regulations: Reviews building plans for completeness and accuracy. Examines individual plan components to ensure that all code mandated items are included. Calculates footage between building components, such as doors, windows, and parking areas and amount of area occupied by components to ensure compliance with code. Notes instances of noncompliance on plans and correction sheet and suggests modifications to bring plans into compliance. Approves and signs plans meeting code requirements. Inspects building sites and buildings to ensure construction follows plans. Submits reports detailing items of noncompliance to builder for correction. Provides code information to individuals planning buildings. Issues occupancy certificates to building owners when completed buildings are in compliance with codes. Tours jurisdictional area to detect unapproved or noncompliance construction. Proposes studies to improve or update building codes. Testifies at appeal hearings regarding buildings alleged to be not in compliance with codes.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86


    Reviews and evaluates information on applications for registration of products containing dangerous chemicals for compliance with statutory regulations: Reads registration applications from manufacturers and distributors of pesticides, fertilizers, and other products containing dangerous chemicals. Evaluates label information to determine that directions for use and claims for effectiveness of product are stated clearly and accurately. Reviews statements concerning product ingredients, effects of misuse, and administration of antidotes for adequacy of information and conformance to regulatory requirements for substances. Forwards approved applications to other personnel for registration. Contacts manufacturers and distributors of products not meeting standards to clarify regulations and to suggest changes in label information to permit registration. Prepares, organizes, and maintains records to document activities and provide reference materials. Conducts studies and investigations of faulty labeling or use of products as directed by agricultural agency personnel.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86

168.267-110 SANITATION INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Inspects community land areas and investigates complaints concerning neglect of property and illegal dumping of refuse to ensure compliance with municipal code: Inspects designated areas periodically for evidence of neglect, excessive litter, and presence of unsightly or hazardous refuse. Interviews residents and inspects area to investigate reports of illegal dumping and neglected land. Locates property owners to explain nature of inspection and investigation findings and to encourage voluntary action to resolve problems. Studies laws and statutes in municipal code to determine specific nature of code violation and type of action to be taken. Issues notices of violation to land owners not complying with request for voluntary correction of problems. Issues notices of abatement to known violators of dumping regulations and informs other municipal agencies of need to post signs forbidding illegal dumping at designated sites. Prepares case materials when legal action is required to solve problems. Conducts informational meetings for residents, organizes neighborhood cleanup projects, and participates in campaigns to beautify city to promote community interest in eliminating dangerous and unsightly land use practices.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 86

168.267-114 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICER (any industry)

    Monitors company contracts to determine affirmative action requirements and facilitate compliance: Reviews contracts to determine company actions required to meet equal opportunity provisions of local, state, or federal laws. Studies equal opportunity complaints to clarify issues, and meets with personnel involved to arbitrate and settle disputes. Confers with supervisory personnel to verify or document alleged violations of law, such as failure to post notices, process grievances, or correct ethnic or other imbalances. Prepares report of findings and makes recommendations for corrective action. Participates with MANAGER, PERSONNEL (profess. & kin.) 166.117-018 in addressing and resolving issues involving company hiring and related personnel policies.
GOE: 11.10.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M3 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 87

168.287-010 INSPECTOR, AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES (government ser.)

    Inspects agricultural commodities, processing equipment, and facilities to enforce compliance with governmental regulations: Inspects horticultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants to detect disease or infestations harmful to consumers or agricultural economy. Inspects live animals and processing establishments to detect disease or unsanitary conditions. Compares brand with registry to identify owner. Examines, weighs, and measures commodities such as poultry, eggs, mutton, beef, and seafood to certify wholesomeness, grade, and weight. Examines viscera to detect spots or abnormal growths. Collects sample of pests or suspected diseased material and routes to laboratory for identification and analysis. Writes report of findings and advises grower or processor of corrective action. May testify in legal proceedings. May be required to hold U.S. Department of Agriculture license for each product inspected. May be designated according to type of commodity or animal inspected.
GOE: 11.10.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.287-014 INSPECTOR, QUALITY ASSURANCE (government ser.) alternate titles: procurement inspector

    Inspects products manufactured or processed by private companies for government use to ensure compliance with contract specifications: Examines company's records to secure such information as size and weight of product and results of quality tests. Inspects product to determine compliance with order specifications, company's quality control system for compliance with legal requirements, and shipping and packing facilities for conformity to specified standards. Submits samples of product to government laboratory for testing as indicated by department procedures. Stamps mark of approval or rejection on product and writes report of examinations. May specialize in lumber, machinery, petroleum products, paper products, electronic equipment, furniture, or other specific product or group of related products.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.287-018 INSPECTOR, RAILROAD (government ser.)

    Examines railroad equipment and systems to verify compliance with Federal safety regulations: Inspects railroad locomotives, engines, and cars to ensure adherence to safety standards governing condition of mechanical, structural, electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic elements or systems, using blueprints, schematic diagrams, gauges, handtools, and test equipment. Tests railroad signals to determine warning light responses to commands from dispatcher or tripswitches, using simulator. Inspects roadbeds to detect damaged, worn, or defective equipment, such as rails, ties, bolts, fishplates, or switches. Inspects condition and movement of railroad cars containing flammable or explosive materials to ensure safe loading, switching, and transport. Reviews records, operating practices, and accident history to verify compliance with safety regulations. Issues citations to railroad employees of condition or equipment found in violation of standards. Investigates accidents and inspects wreckage to determine causes. Prepares inspection reports for use by administrative or judicial authorities.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.367-010 ATTENDANCE OFFICER (education) alternate titles: truant officer

    Investigates continued absences of pupils from public schools to determine if such absences are lawful and known to parents.
GOE: 07.01.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77

168.367-014 RATER, TRAVEL ACCOMMODATIONS (profess. & kin.)

    Inspects and evaluates travel and tourist accommodations in order to rate facilities to be listed in guidebook produced by employing organization, such as automobile club, tourism promoters, or travel guide publishers: Travels to and inspects travel accommodations and tourist facilities, such as hotels, motels, restaurants, campgrounds, vacation resorts, and other similar year-round or seasonal recreational establishments in order to observe conditions and gather data to be used in determining ratings. Rates or re-rates establishment according to predetermined standards concerning quantity and quality of such factors as convenience of location, variety of facilities available, degree of cleanliness maintained, efficiency of services offered, range of rates charged, and other matters of concern to travelers. Reports findings to employer by filling out forms containing ratings and reasons for conclusions and judgments. May sell to establishments concerned advertising space in publication (such as dining guide, tourist magazine, or recreational-area catalogs) in which ratings are to appear.
GOE: 11.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77

168.367-018 CODE INSPECTOR (government ser.)

    Inspects existing residential buildings and dwelling units, visually, to determine compliance with city ordinance standards and explains ordinance requirements to concerned personnel: Obtains permission from owners and tenants to enter dwellings. Visually examines all areas to determine compliance with ordinance standards for heating, lighting, ventilating, and plumbing installations. Measures dwelling units and rooms to determine compliance with ordinance space requirements, using tape measure. Inspects premises for overall cleanliness, adequate disposal of garbage and rubbish, and for signs of vermin infestation. Prepares forms and letters advising property owners and tenants of possible violations and time allowed for correcting deficiencies. Consults file of violation reports and revisits dwellings at periodic intervals to verify correction of violations by property owners and tenants. Explains requirements of housing standards ordinance to property owners, building contractors, and other interested parties.
GOE: 05.03.06 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 86

168.367-022 PERSONNEL QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDITOR (electron. comp.)

    Audits work activities of processing production workers to verify conformance of activities to quality assurance standards, applying knowledge of job performance requirements, equipment operation standards, and product processing specifications: Obtains quality assurance personnel check list. Observes and asks worker questions pertaining to job functions. Reads processing information, such as worker logs, product processing sheets, and specification sheets, to verify that records adhere to quality assurance specifications. Observes worker using equipment to verify that equipment is being operated and maintained according to quality assurance standards, applying knowledge of equipment operation. Writes audit information on quality assurance form and keys information into computer, using keyboard. Submits audit report to supervisory personnel.
GOE: 11.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 86

168.387-010 OPENER-VERIFIER-PACKER, CUSTOMS (government ser.)

    Unpacks, verifies, and repacks mail shipments of imported merchandise to assure compliance with federal revenue laws and U.S. Customs Service Regulations: Determines containers to open, according to nature of merchandise, country of origin, and shipper. Unpacks containers and visually verifies identity and quantity of merchandise against declaration or invoice. Weighs and measures commodities. May write descriptive verification as compared with declaration or invoice. Lists damaged goods. Records evidence of tampering, pilfering, shortages, excesses, or other unusual condition of merchandise. Inspects goods for violations of marking, trademark, or copyright regulations. Inspects containers for contraband and smuggled goods. May disassemble and drill into merchandise and containers suspected of containing contraband or undeclared items, using handtools and electric power drill. Records date, name, and address of importer or sender on mail entry form. Unpacks and lays out representative samples of merchandise for examination by CUSTOMS IMPORT SPECIALIST (government ser.). Repacks merchandise after examination, for release to postal service and subsequent delivery. Attaches envelope containing completed mail entry form to container. Hand stamps container to indicate examination completed and need to collect duty. May testify during court appeals by importers.
GOE: 05.09.03 STRENGTH: H GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 5 DLU: 77


    This group includes occupations, not elsewhere classified, concerned with administrative specializations.

169.107-010 ARBITRATOR (profess. & kin.)

    Arbitrates disputes between labor and management to bind both to specific terms and conditions of labor contract: Conducts hearing to evaluate contentions of parties regarding disputed contract provisions. Analyzes information obtained, using knowledge of facts in issue and industry practices. Renders binding decision to settle dispute, protect public interests, prevent employee wage loss, and minimize business interruptions. Issues report concerning results of arbitration. May serve exclusively for particular case for which selected by parties and be known as Ad Hoc Arbitrator (profess. & kin.). May serve for all disputes concerning specific agreements and be known as Umpire (profess. & kin.); Referee (profess. & kin.).
GOE: 11.04.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77


    Directs activities of State Board of Nursing: Develops procedures relative to licensure by examination or endorsement, renewal of licenses, certification to other states, and discipline of licensees. Assumes responsibility for keeping board informed of relevant matter to aid in policy-making and decisions. Determines specific needs of program and provides for written plans and statement of policies. Ascertains number, scope, and responsibility of positions on board, selects staff, and delegates duties. Directs and supervises activities of staff and evaluates performance. Establishes system of record keeping and maintains up-to-date, comprehensive records of board activities and office procedures. Estimates and submits request for budget. Collects, analyzes, and prepares for publication data relating to nursing education and licensure. Initiates and cooperates in research projects. Participates in interpreting nursing laws, board rules and policies, and trends in nursing and nursing education. Issues licenses and recommends revocations and suspensions. Surveys schools of nursing to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
GOE: 11.05.03 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M5 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 77

169.117-014 GRANT COORDINATOR (profess. & kin.)

    Develops and coordinates grant-funded programs for agencies, institutions, local government, or units of local government, such as school systems or metropolitan police departments: Reviews literature dealing with funds available through grants from governmental agencies and private foundations to determine feasibility of developing programs to supplement local annual budget allocations. Discusses program requirements and sources of funds available with administrative personnel. Confers with personnel affected by proposed program to develop program goals and objectives, outline how funds are to be used, and explain procedures necessary to obtain funding. Works with fiscal officer in preparing narrative justification for purchase of new equipment and other budgetary expenditures. Submits proposal to officials for approval. Writes grant application, according to format required, and submits application to funding agency or foundation. Meets with representatives of funding sources to work out final details of proposal. Directs and coordinates evaluation and monitoring of grant-funded programs, or writes specifications for evaluation or monitoring of program by outside agency. Assists department personnel in writing periodic reports to comply with grant requirements. Maintains master files on grants. Monitors paperwork connected with grant-funded programs.
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: S GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86

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