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DOL Form T-1

View ESA-OLMS's Form T-1 Online htm
Agency: ESA-OLMS
Title: Trust Annual Report
Form Description: For fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, a labor organization with total annual receipts of $250,000 or more must file Form T-1 for each trust in which it is interested, if the union's financial contribution to the trust, or a contribution made on the union's behalf or as a result of a negotiated agreement to which the union is a party, was $10,000 or more during the reporting year and the trust had $250,000 or more in annual receipts. A trust in which a labor organization is interested is a trust or other fund or organization (1) which was created or established by a labor organization or one or more of the trustees or one or more members of the governing body of which is selected by a labor organization and (2) a primary purpose of which is to provide benefits for the members of the labor organization or their beneficiaries.
OMB Control Number: 1215-0188


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