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Updated 16 September 2005

Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning
Published August 2005




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Approach 7: Provide Supporting Technology Policy

Should widespread adoption of advanced climate change technologies be pursued, as guided by science, it would likely need to be supported by appropriate technology policy. While some CCTP-supported advanced technologies may be sufficiently attractive, for a variety of reasons, to find their way into the marketplace at a large scale without supporting policy or incentives, others would not. Even with further technical progress, technologies that capture or sequester CO2, for example, or others that afford certain climate change-related advantages, are expected to remain more expensive than competing technologies that do not.

As Federal efforts to advance technology go forward, broadened participation by the private sector in these efforts is important to both the acceleration of innovation and the adoption of the technologies. Such participation, envisioned to extend beyond R&D partnering and demonstrations (Approaches 3 and 5 above), can be encouraged by appropriate and supporting technology policy. This is evidenced today, in part, by a number of tax incentives already in place, and by others proposed by the Administration.24


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