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Updated 16 September 2005

Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning
Published August 2005




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5 kW fuel cell manufactured by PlugPower and 30 watt Cell Manufactured by Avista Labs, Courtesy of DOE/NREL, Credit – Matt Stiveson

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Approach 1: Strengthen Climate Change Technology R&D

The Federal Government is engaged in a wide range of research and technology development and deployment activities that directly or indirectly contribute to meeting the President’s climate change goals. In Fiscal Year 2005, the government invested nearly $3 billion in related technology R&D (Appendix B). Strengthening R&D, however, does not necessarily mean spending more money; it means spending more wisely by appropriately prioritizing activities and reallocating resources.

To strengthen the current state of the U.S. climate change technology R&D, the CCTP has made, and will continue to make, recommendations to the Cabinet-level CCCSTI to sharpen the focus of and provide support for climate change technology R&D in a manner consistent with the mix and level of R&D investment required by the nature of the technical challenge.


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