This map shows the power marketing areas in Western's region. The Central Valley and Washoe projects are in northern California and northwest Nevada. The Parker-Davis Project, Boulder Canyon, Pacific NW-SW Intertie and Central Arizona Projects are on Arizona, the sothern tip of Nevada, and southern California. The Falcon-Amistad is in western Texas. The Provo River Project area is in Utah. The Loveland Area Projects are in eastern Colorado, most of Wyoming, western Nebraska, and the western and top two-thirds of Kansas. The Pick-Sloan Mission Basin Project-Eastern Division area covers most of Montana, North and South Dakota, the eastern half of Nebraska, and the western edges of Minnesota and Iowa. The Salt Lake City Area/Integrated Projects area includes all but a small part of western Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, the sothern tip of Nevada and the northeastern part of Nevada.