A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Speeches and Testimony

Statements by
U.S. Department of Education
Assistant Secretaries
Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Request

April 1996

On April 16 and 17, Assistant Secretaries from the Department of Education appeared before the House Labor-HHS-ED Appropriations Subcommittee to testify on the President's request for the next fiscal year (FY 97). Included, is testimony from Assistant Secretaries for the Office of Elementary & Secondary Education (OESE), the Office of Bilingual Education & Minority Languages Affairs (OBEMLA), the Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), the Office of Educational Research & Improvement (OERI), the Office of Vocational & Adult Education (OVAE), and Office of Indian Education (submitted in writing on April 3, 1996.)

On April 30 and May 9 respectively, Secretary Riley will testify on the Department's overall fiscal year 1997 budget before the Senate Labor-HHS-ED Appropriations Subcommittee & the House Subcommittee.


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