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Hall Named Assistant Director

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Caroline D. Hall as the new Assistant Director for Federal Property Management in the Office of Federal Agency Programs (OFAP) - the office that deals primarily with the Section 106 process of the federal preservation program.

"We are delighted that Caroline will be joining the ACHP staff in this vital position. Caroline brings extensive experience in the Section 106 process and the management of historic properties to OFAP. She will be a valuable asset and part of the team," said Reid Nelson, OFAP director.

Hall was selected from among a large applicant pool that applied for the position formerly held by Nelson. He became OFAP director after the retirement of Don Klima earlier this year.  She will help manage and supervise OFAP activities, joining Charlene Dwin Vaughn, Assistant Director for Federal Permitting, Licensing, and Assistance, in that capacity.

Hall comes to the ACHP from her most recent position as Preservation Compliance Coordinator at the National Park Service. Prior to that, she was Historic Preservation Planner at the U.S. Army Environmental Center.  Among other preservation positions, she was Historic Preservation Specialist at the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission for four years. 

Currently a PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, she has earned a master of arts degree in historic preservation planning from Cornell University.

Posted May 5, 2009

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