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U.S. Carbon Cycle Science  Program
Updated 10 June 2005

Announcement of a Plan for a Peer Review of a “Synthesis Assessment of Long-Term Climate Change Technology Scenarios”

Posted 10 June 2005










Pursuant to Section V of the “Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review”[PDF] of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), under the authority of the Information Quality Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-554), the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP) announces a plan for a peer review of its "Synthesis Assessment of Long-Term Climate Change Technology Scenarios.” CCTP is an interagency research planning and coordinating entity, led by the Department of Energy, whose aim is to accelerate the development of new and advanced technologies that have the potential for reducing, avoiding, capturing or sequestering greenhouse gases, or otherwise addressing long-term climate change concerns.   See:

The synthesis assessment reviews and synthesizes recent and relevant analyses in the literature regarding advanced technology scenarios analyses relevant to climate change.   It provides long-term perspectives and insights for climate change technology research and development (R&D) and associated strategic planning. The synthesis assessment meets the criteria for a “Highly Influential Scientific Assessment” (HISA), as that term is defined in the Bulletin, primarily because it addresses sensitive matters regarding climate change, forecasted emissions of greenhouse gases, technological options for their mitigation, and opportunities for economic benefits.   Secondly, it helps shape a long-term planning context for CCTP as it carries out its interagency planning and coordination activities and advises on the formulation of a related Government-wide R&D investment portfolio, the annual amount of which is about $3 billion, and the resulting decisions may have a potential impact commensurate with that of Bulletin’s threshold for HISA activities.

The synthesis assessment began in March 2005 and a draft assessment was completed in June 2005.   It will be included in a preliminary CCTP strategic plan, which is currently scheduled for public review and comment in the Fall of 2005.   A completed CCTP strategic plan is scheduled for 2006.  

The peer review will commence on June 13, 2005, and will end not later than June 30, 2005.   There will be three independent peers.  The peers were chosen by DOE.   Collectively, they have expert knowledge in the fields of macroeconomics, energy demand and supply analysis, and scenarios modeling of technologies related to energy, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.   Since the synthesis assessment has not yet been released for public review, no public comments exist that could be provided to the peer reviewers before they conduct their review.  When the peer review is completed, each peer will send a letter report to CCTP on the results of his or her review.   A report on the results of the peer review will be prepared by DOE and made available.

Inquiries or comments regarding this peer review plan may be submitted via email to:, or in writing to: Director, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585.


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