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Web Sites

Nutrition   |    Physical Activity
General   |    Audience Specific   |    Federal Departments and Agencies


Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 logo

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005
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The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan
This Web site contains the DASH Eating Plan and includes information on the research findings that demonstrate its health benefits. The Web site describes the Eating Plan, provides sample 7-day menus and several recipes, and gives helpful tips on how to get started, how to use the DASH Eating Plan if trying to lose weight, how to reduce sodium intake, and how to read and interpret the Nutrition Facts label.

small Nutrition Facts Label

How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label
A useful site that offers easy-to-understand information on Nutrition Facts labels, it offers a sample label with notes on how to tell how much of each listed item is high or low—and what to watch out for. It also gives a consumer-friendly overview of calories, nutrients, and percent Daily Value using additional sample food labels.

Interactive Menu Planner
This site provides an online tool that calculates the servings and calories of your selections from a list of available foods and beverages to make up a meal of specified calories. It also has a link to, among other sites, a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator and Portion Distortion, which describes the evolution of portion sizes in restaurants.

5 A Day for Better Health logo

5 A Day for Better Health
A site aimed at promoting the healthy consumption of fruits and vegetables among adults, 5 A Day has resources catered to both men and women, including quizzes, scientific evidence, information on serving sizes, and recipes, as well as resources catered to African Americans. The 5 A Day Web site also includes a link to The Color Guide, an informative section on the nutrients associated with fruits and vegetables arranged by color.

Milk Matters logo

Milk Matters
This site provides essential information on the many benefits of milk and calcium. It contains links to up-to-date research on calcium, and campaign-related publications and materials. It also provides a link to the Milk Matters Kids' Page with interactive puzzles and games designed to provide a fun way for kids to learn about the benefits of drinking milk.
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The interactive component of the USDA's new food pyramid, this site allows users to input their age, sex, and amount of daily physical activity to create a personalized food pyramid. The personalized pyramid comes along with recommendations of consumption of specific foods and a meal-tracking worksheet to follow your progress. The site also links to MyPyramid Tracker, a tool that allows users to take an interactive, in-depth assessment of their food intake and physical activity.

Food Safety Fact Sheets
This site features helpful food safety fact sheets for safe food handling, meat preparation, poultry preparation, egg product preparation, seasonal food safety, appliances and thermometers, food-borne illness and disease, emergency preparedness, Food Safety and Inspections Service (FSIS) programs and workforce, production and inspection, and food labeling. The site also features Thermy™ temperature charts. is a gateway Web site that provides links to selected government information on food safety. The Consumer Advice section of this site provides extensive access to information about safe food handling and food safety concerns for specific population groups, such as seniors, pregnant women, and children. This site also contains a News and Safety Alerts section with links to product recalls, alerts, and warnings, as well as to other announcements.

Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight Loss Program
This site provides a helpful fact sheet designed to help individuals make informed decisions about weight loss programs. It includes an outline of what safe and effective weight loss programs should include, questions to ask weight loss program providers about everything from cost to contents, and contact information for additional resources.

FirstGov for Consumers: Food
The food section of FirstGov for consumers is a great resource for consumer information related to fruits and vegetables, seafood, meat and poultry, labeling, nutrition, product recalls, and safety. The site also provides links to several other resources in these areas. Additionally, it offers recipes and an FAQ-format section on consumer advice on food safety, nutrition, and cosmetics with questions ranging from "Why should you not use homemade infant formulas?" to "How will I know if food has been irradiated?" Tambiénse ofrece unas partes en español.

Physical Activity

The President’s Challenge—You’re it. Get fit! Logo

The President's Challenge—You're it. Get fit!
A central component of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, The President's Challenge—You're it. Get fit!—encourages all Americans to make being active part of their everyday lives. This Web site is the interactive component of that challenge and provides information for kids, teens, adults, and seniors, as well as for teachers and advocates, on how to register, track progress, calculate fitness, and earn awards for meeting goals.

Physical Activity for Everyone
This site provides visitors with an overview of the importance of physical activity and resources to encourage physical activity. The site features a Measuring Physical Activity Intensity section, which includes the Talk Test, target heart rate and estimated maximum heart rate tests, a perceived exertion test, a metabolic equivalent level test, and lists sample activities by intensity level. The site also provides recommendations for physical activity, and a strength training for older adults section, as well as providing links to additional resources.
A partnership among Federal land management agencies to provide an easy-to-use Web site with information about all federal recreation areas. The site allows you to search for recreation areas by state, by recreational activity, by agency, or by map. It also links visitors to sites where they can make advanced reservations for camp sites and tours, offers recreation maps, and links to weather advisories.

General logo is a Web site supporting the President's HealthierUS initiative focusing on physical fitness, prevention, nutrition, and making healthy choices. It serves as a source of credible, accurate information to help Americans choose to live healthier lives. The site also links to Steps to a HealthierUS (Steps), a bold initiative from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that advances President George W. Bush's HealthierUS goal of helping Americans live longer, better, and healthier lives. logo
healthfinder® is a free guide to reliable consumer health information, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies. This site links to carefully selected information and Web sites from over 1,700 health-related government agencies and not-for-profit organizations, includes many online checkups, and offers daily health news in English and Spanish.
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In partnership with the Ad Council, aims at preventing obesity by encouraging small dietary and physical activity changes in the form of 120 steps, such as Step 5) Drink water before a meal, Step 35) Sit up straight at work, and Step 106) When eating out, ask your server to put half your entrée in a to-go-bag. The site includes the list of steps as well as success stories and tips. Users can sign up for a newsletter with tips, recipes, and more and can create an activity tracker to monitor their progress.
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A service of the National Agricultural Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a great resource for up-to-date food and nutrition information. In addition to serving as a gateway to reliable information on nutrition, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety for consumers, educators, and health professionals, the site offers current food and nutrition news and publications, information on weight management, information on food assistance programs, and also offers grocery-shopping tips.

Audience Specific

You Can! logo

You Can!
This Web site for older adults is to help them make wise food choices and be physically active, strategies that can improve their health and well-being. It provides tips and helps older adults set goals and record progress.

Pick Your Path to Health
A site dedicated to the health of women, Pick Your Path to health is an online resource of the Pick Your Path to Health public education campaign to help women take simple and time-sensitive steps to improve their health, and will encourage local communities to promote practical, culturally interesting, and relevant action steps to wellness. The site consists of articles, health calendars, and information on community programs as well as a section on themes and action steps to improve health. The themes and action steps section provides yearly action steps that cater to all women, African American women, Asian and Pacific Islander women, American Indian and Alaska Native women, Latinas, women living in rural areas, women with disabilities, and adolescent girls.

A Parent's Guide to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
(Publication) logo serves as an interactive tool for adolescents that provides up-to-date information and encouragement to increase their level of physical activity and to establish fitness habits that will stay with them for life. The site's Fit4Life section includes fit tips, a personalized fitness and activity calendar, snacking and lunchpacking ideas, activity cards, and a quiz. The site also features Teacher's Corner, which offers suggestions for classroom activities.

VERB logo

VERBTM It's what you do
An interactive campaign for tweens,VERB™, It's what you do is a national campaign aimed at promoting daily physical activity., the site for tweens, is a cool, fun site that provides ideas for physical activity. Kids can also find places to play by selecting a sport and entering their zip code., the parent site, features an activity finder, activity ideas, a YMCA locator, an Ask the Expert feature, daily fitness calendars, and message boards to share ideas with other parents. The site also links to SpanishVERB (en español).

Powerful Bones, Powerful Girls logo

Powerful Bones, Powerful Girls
Aimed at promoting healthy bones in adolescent girls, this site features information on calcium and physical activity. The site features the character Carla, who gives tips on meal and snack ideas tailored to adolescent girls, such as ideas for nutrition at the mall and school, on physical activity, and on how to gain information about calcium on food labels. The site also features games, quizzes, a calendar, bone health dictionary, and Web links for further health and fitness information.

We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)
We Can! is a national program designed as a one-stop resource for parents and caregivers interested in practical tools to help children 8 to 13 years old stay at a healthy weight. Tips and fun activities offered to parents, health care providers, and community groups focus on three critical behaviors: improved food choices, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time.

Federal Departments and Agencies

HHS logo

United States Department of Health and Human Services

CDC logo

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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FDA logo

Food and Drug Administration
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NIH logo

National Institutes of Health
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USDA logo

United States Department of Agriculture
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