ADF has helped rural communities in northern Nigeria adopt environmentally friendly brick-making technologies and build new affordable housing.


ADF Program Goals

1) Maximize support to marginalized communities and groups across Africa.

2) Maximize the participation of the targeted communities by working directly at the grassroots community level.

3) Maximize economic benefits to targeted communities in terms of job creation, income generation, and social benefits.   

Country Contact

For further information contact USADF's country representative.

Mr. Tom Coogan
Regional Program Director
4th Floor
16C Murtala Mohammed Way
Kano 700001

Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

Quick Links

USADF's Nigeria Program

The sudden rise in world oil prices in the mid 1970s resulted in severe inflation in Nigeria coupled with widespread unemployment and corruption. Today, poverty is endemic, with 45 percent of the country's total population of over 120 million living below the poverty line. USADF's Partner in Nigeria is Diamond Development Initiatives (DDI), a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious organization. Its mission is to economically empower the rural and urban poor through the provision of financial and technical support to grassroots development organizations. DDI provides support to community-based organizations engaged in social and economic development activities, including small and medium enterprise (MSE) development, trade and investment initiative and micro finance. DDI is committed to promoting and upholding the ideals of participatory development.

1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810