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NextGen Project


NextGen Project Timetable

Date Activity Process
Gather and analyze preliminary data Siting
Opportunity and constraints analysis Siting
Preliminary alternative site and corridor identification Siting
Basin applies to Western for interconnection Siting
Western determines level of NEPA documentation NEPA
July 2007 Notice of Intent published in Federal Register NEPA
July/August 2007 Public scoping period NEPA - Public Involvement
Review scoping comments NEPA
Prepare and distribute draft EIS NEPA
Fall 2008 Period for public comment on draft EIS NEPA - Public Involvement
Review public comments NEPA
Prepare and distribute final EIS NEPA
Spring 2009 Public notified of final EIS NEPA - Public Involvement
Prepare Record of Decision NEPA
Summer 2009 Decision announced to public NEPA - Public Involvement
Mid-2010 Construction of generation facility begins Construction
Mid-2014 Commercial operation of generation facility Construction/Operation