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Wessington Springs Wind Project

Babcock & Brown Renewable Holdings Inc. proposes to construct, operate, and maintain a wind energy development south of the city of Wessington Springs in southern Jerauld County, South Dakota (refer to the enclosed map). The proposed project, known as the Wessington Springs Wind Project, would provide clean, reliable, competitive electrical power into the interconnected grid of the western United States and accommodate future demand for power in South Dakota and the region.

The proposed project would consist of no more than 66 wind turbines on approximately 6,000 acres of leased land. Each wind turbine would be connected by a service road for access and a 34.5-kilovolt electrical collection system. Some access to the proposed project would be available on county township roads. Additional access roads would be constructed as necessary. The proposed project would interconnect with Western's existing Fort Thompson-to Sioux Falls 230-kV transmission line with about 2.5 miles of new, 230-kV transmission line.

Western to host public meeting May 17

Western needs your comments to help define the scope and alternatives for an environmental assessment on the Wessington Springs Wind Project. Learn more about this project and share your ideas at the public open-house meeting from 5 to 8 p.m. on May 17 at the Jerauld County 4-H AG Building at 604 2nd Street, NE, in Wessington Springs, S.D.

Comments on the proposed project should be received by May 31.

Project Progress

  • April 2007 - Environmental Assessment determination
  • April 2007 - Scoping notice sent to stakeholders; comments solicited to help define the scope of the EA
  • May 31, 2007 - EA scoping period ends.
  • September 2007 - Western incorporates scoping comments and distributes draft EA for review.
  • December 2007 - Western determines whether to prepare a Finding of No Significant Impact or an Environmental Impact Statement and issues a FONSI or an EIS determination.

Project updates and documents

Determination to prepare an Environmental Assessment (204 kb pdf)
Environmental Assessment notification letter to stakeholders (310 kb pdf)
Online comment form and mailing list signup
Scoping meeting advertisement (144 kb pdf)
Wessington Springs Wind Project area map (138 kb pdf)