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Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005

Finding Your Way to A Healthier You

A Healthier You

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The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and related publications are offered in various formats, such as HTML, PDF, and Spanish, when available.

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Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005 [PDF - 4.8 MB]
Finding Your Way to a Healthier You: Based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Finding Your Way to a Healthier You: Based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (brochure) [PDF - 229 KB]
A Healthier You: Based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans A Healthier You: Based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Toolkit for Professionals

Toolkit for Health Professionals

Bilingual The Road to a Healthy Life boo cover

En Espanol: The Road to a Healthy Life Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005

2005 Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

2005 Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

Previous Editions

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2000
2000 Edition
  • Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2000
    [PDF - 589 KB]

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1995
    1995 Edition
  • Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1995
    [PDF - 168 KB]

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1990
    1990 Edition
  • Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1990
    [PDF - 478 KB]*

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1985
    1985 Edition
  • Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1985
    [PDF - 463 KB]*

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1980
    1980 Edition
  • Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1980
    [PDF - 950 KB]*

  • * Some of the older versions are only available in PDF format.

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