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Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005

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The Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee The 13-member 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee was appointed by the Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture to assist the departments in providing sound and current dietary guidance to consumers. The National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-445, Title III, 7 U.S.C. 5301 et seq., requires the Secretaries of HHS and USDA to publish the Dietary Guidelines for Americans at least every five years. During its first meeting on September 23-24, 2003, the Committee decided that the science has changed since the 2000 edition of Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans and further evaluation of the science was necessary. The Committee finalized its recommendations and submitted its Report to the Secretaries of Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture. This Report served as the basis for the sixth edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans which HHS and USDA published in January 2005.

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Cover Letter [PDF - 30 KB]

Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee Membership

  1. Executive Summary [PDF - 83 KB]

  2. Introduction [PDF - 185 KB]

  3. Methodology [PDF - 89 KB]

  4. Science Base

    Section 1. Aiming to Meet Nutrient Intake Recommendations [PDF - 257 KB]

    Section 2. Energy [PDF - 351 KB]
    Section 3. Discretionary Calories [PDF - 136 KB]
    Section 4. Fats [PDF - 570 KB]
    Section 5. Carbohydrates [PDF - 205 KB]
    Section 6. Selected Food Groups [PDF - 200 KB]
    Section 7. Fluid and Electrolytes [PDF - 131 KB]
    Section 8. Ethanol [PDF - 142 KB]
    Section 9. Food Safety [PDF - 163 KB]
    Section 10. Major Conclusions [PDF - 133 KB]

  5. Translating the Science into Dietary Guidelines [PDF - 188 KB]
    1. Tables and Figures [PDF - 396 KB]

  6. Future Research Recommendations [PDF - 102 KB]

  7. Appendices

    1. Glossary [PDF - 90 KB]
    2. Description of USDA Analyses [PDF - 548 KB]
    3. Summary Tables from Systematic Review [PDF - 548 KB]
    4. IOM Tables Institutes of Medicine tables referenced in the 2005 Guidelines Advisory Committee Report are available at
    5. Brief History of Dietary Guidelines [PDF - 91 KB]
    6. Summary of Public Comments [PDF - 272 KB]
    7. Biographical Sketches of DGAC Members [PDF - 109 KB]
    8. Acknowledgements [PDF - 14 KB]

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