

Aquatic Nuisance Species Control

Information about a species and its interaction within its new ecosystem is essential to effective control and management. To effectively control invasions the Task Force strives to ensure that monitoring programs and surveys in aquatic systems are coordinated and that they use common protocols and database standards.

Because rapid response to a new invasive species is a key element in eradication or control of the species, research has been conducted and management and/or management and control plans have been developed or are under development by the ANS Task Force or other partners for several species.

ANSTF Species Management/Control Pans

PDF Bighead, Black, Grass, and Silver Carps Management and Control Plan (3.7 MB)
ANSTF Asian Carp Working Group  
PDF Brown Tree Snake Control Plan (186 KB)
ANSTF Brown Tree Snake Control Committee  
PDF Caulerpa Control Plan (4.5 MB)
ANSTF Caulerpa Working Group  
PDF European Green Crab Management Plan
(517 KB)
ANSTF Green Crab Control Committee  
PDF Mitten Crabs Management Plan (1.3 MB)
ANSTF Chinese Mitten Crab Working Group

PDF Mitten Crabs Implementation Table Updated 12/05 (19 KB)

PDF New Zealand Mudsnail Management & Control Plan (948 KB)
New Zealand Mudsnail Management and Control Plan Working Group  
PDF Ruffe Control Program (751 KB)
ANSTF Ruffe Control Committee  
PDF Giant Salvinia Control Plan, Draft 2002 (260 KB)
Lower Colorado River Giant Salvinia Task Force  
PDF Purple Loosestrife Management Plan (486 KB)
The Regional Lythrum salicaria Working Group  
PDF Water Chestnut Management Plan (471 KB)
Maryland Department of Natural Resources  

Plans Under Development

  • National Nutria Management and Control Plan
  • Round Goby


Member Agencies
Copyright © 2009 - United States Federal Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force - All Rights Reserved
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service EPA APHIS Army Corps of Engineers Coast Guard National Park Service USGS State Department NOAA