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Prevention Programs

Central to drug prevention is the development and implementation of programs that prevent illicit drug use, keep drugs out of neighborhoods and schools, and provide a safe and secure environment for all people.

ONDCP Prevention Programs

Drug Free Communities
Originally funded by Congress in 1997 with the understanding that local problems need local solutions, the Drug Free Communities (DFC) program now supports over 700 drug-free community coalitions across the United States. As a cornerstone of ONDCP’s National Drug Control Strategy, DFC provides the funding necessary for communities to identify and respond to local substance use problems.

National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign is a multi-dimensional effort to educate and empower youth to reject illicit drugs. The campaign uses a variety of media to reach parents and youth, including TV ads, educational materials, Web sites, and publications. The Campaign's messages reach Americans wherever they live, work, learn, and play. 

Other Federal Prevention Programs

Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT)
The primary mission of the National CAPT system is to bring research to practice by assisting States/Jurisdictions and community-based organizations in the application of the latest research-based knowledge to their substance abuse prevention programs, practices, and policies.

Department of Labor's Working Partners
Working Partners strives to build a drug-free workforce by equipping businesses and communities with tools and information to effectively address drug and alcohol problems.

Division of Workplace Programs
Drug-free workplace initiatives include a clear policy of no use; employee education about the dangers of illicit drug use and the workplace consequences of drug use; supervisor training about their responsibilities under the policy; access to employee assistance programs (EAPs) and treatment referral; and accurate and reliable drug testing, consistent with the policy.

Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
This program is designed to prevent violence in and around schools, and strengthen programs that prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, involve parents, and are coordinated with related Federal, State and community efforts and resources.

Student Drug Testing Institute
The Student Drug-Testing Institute (SDTI) provides timely information on many aspects of student drug-testing (SDT) programs, including the necessary components of developing an SDT program, implementing a confidential and effective program, and sustaining a program to promote drug-free students for the future.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Model Programs
This Web site is a comprehensive resource on preventing substance abuse and creating sustained positive change in our Nations communities. The Model Programs featured on this site have been tested in communities and schools across America, and proven to prevent or decrease substance abuse in youth.

Weed and Seed
Weed and Seed, a community-based strategy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), is an innovative, comprehensive multiagency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization.

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Community Prevention

The Community Prevention Listserv was created for Drug-Free Communities grant recipients and other community prevention practitioners. It is a forum to share ideas, ask questions, and help create a shared sense of mission in the fight against drug abuse.

Drug Prevention Newswire

Use the ONDCP Drug Prevention News Wire RSS feed to easily add drug prevention news headlines to your own blog or Web site.

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