Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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Country Programming will Focus on Marginalized Populations, Economic Development Activities

WASHINGTON - April 8, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – April 8, 2009 – I n continuing its commitment of poverty reduction at the grassroots level in Africa, USADF held a historical grant signing ceremony in Malawi yesterday, marking the beginning of USADF programming in the sub-Saharan nation.  The first grantee in Malawi to receive USADF funding is Chinangwa, Mbatata, Roots, and Tubers Enterprises Farmer Group (CMRTE).

In partnership with the Government of Malawi, USADF will fund grassroots groups and provide those grantees with grant implementation assistance through the National Association of Business Women (NABW).

Commenting on the grant signing ceremony, Regional Program Director Kim Ward stated, “USADF is proud to partner with the Government of Malawi and NABW to serve the people of Malawi.  Since working with the Government of Malawi, USADF has made it a priority to launch programming as soon as possible to serve the needs of the most marginalized and under-served people in Malawi. I look forward to meeting the needs of the Malawian people.”

During the signing ceremony, the Malawian Minister of Industry and Trade Principle Secretary, Nerbert Nyirenda , and the US Embassy’s Charge' de Affaires in Malawi, Mr. Kevin Sullivan, spoke of what USADF grants will mean to the people of Malawi.  As laid out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the Government of Malawi is stressing the importance of USADF funds in Malawi which will promote development, diversify the economy, and increase participation of groups in trade and investment activities. 

USADF programming in Malawi will focus on marginalized populations and under-served communities to fund economic development activities that will help reduce poverty, create jobs, generate income, and increase social benefits.  Project creation will come solely from grantees that will also participate in project design and implementation, creating local ownership of projects that will result in long-term sustainability.  Funding such activities at the grassroots level will contribute to Malawi’s focus on economic stability and growth. 

The first USADF grantee in Malawi, CMRTE, has a membership of 2,000 members, 80% of whom are women.  The Group grows and processes cassava to income generation, reduce poverty and increase the standard of living for members. The $95,000 grant will be obligated over 18 months in an effort to increase membership, diversify cassava products, and improve the quality of cassava based products.  USADF funds will assist to establish a central office, develop financial and business systems, hire staff, and purchase processing equipment and planting materials.

USADF signed a bi-lateral agreement with the Government of Malawi in May 2008 and signed a MOU with the Government in October 2008, publically announcing their intentions to fund economic development projects in Malawi.  The MOU partnership with the Government of Malawi is five years with a total pledge of US $7.5 million or 1,027,500,000 Malawi Kwacha .

The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) is a United States Government agency dedicated to expanding access to economic opportunity in Africa. Currently USADF operates in 20 African nations. Over the past 25 years, USADF has directly funded nearly 1,500 African projects representing in excess of $150 million in support of African enterprises and local African communities.

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