CTTSO: Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office

Intellectual Property Management References

IP management is one of the most misunderstood areas of contracting with the government. The references below are provided to help developers understand the meanings, differences, and implications regarding:

Learn more from the DOD Intellectual Property Guide listed below or address questions via e-mail regarding specific CTTSO projects to the Technology Transition Manager.

The DOD Intellectual Property GuideThe DoD Intellectual Property Guide – a plain speak explanation about how Intellectual Property, Data, and Software are managed in DOD contracts.

The DOD SealCTTSO contracts operate under the provisions of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). The specific area of the DFARS dealing with IP management can be found in DFARS 252.227 - Sections 7004 to 7015.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office SealU.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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