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Shirley Cobb's Story

For as long as I can remember I've always felt misunderstood, not a part of, and like an alien from another planet. I wore very sensitive skin and it mattered what others thought of me. Yet I did well in school and had an english teacher who told me that I had great writing skills. She also said that I might one day use them in a big way. I dismissed her predictions and began to hang around with the incrowd. I was introduced first to alcohol, then drugs and for many years I was addicted to both of them. However one day my mother had a debilitating stroke and of all times, I happen to be at home with her! I now realize it was designed by God for me to be there instead of out somewhere feeding my addiction! On that day five years ago I had a spiritaul awakening and promised myself and God that I would not use again, one day at a time. I thank God for His grace and mercy because in all actuality I should be dead and sleeping in my grave. Today I am the author of Mending the Hole in My Soul through Poetry (a collection of addiction/recovery poems) which chronicle my experiences. I am also the President of a support group for family members at a local nursing home where my mother resides and I oversee her care.
Recently I was voted as a nominee for the Commercail Appeal 2009 Women Jefferson Award, for those who are doing oustanding services in the community. Ten winners will be announced soon and if I am not one of them I am still honored to have been considered. I also give motivational speakings at substance abuse centers, high schools, churches, book clubs, and open mic poetry at various places. I am tremendously grateful to God for saving my life and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. You see what I once thought was my worst nightmare has really turned out to be my greatest blesssing. I now have a purpose!

Memphis, Tennessee