Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF Strategic GOALS & Objectives

Fostering Hope, Growth, and Goodwill In Africa


To permanently end the poverty of all marginailized groups in Africa.


To provide direct support to community organizations and enterprises that benefit under served and marginalized communities in Africa.

USADF President, Lloyd Pierson speaks about USADF Mission.
(5 min)

(Right mouse click
to play video.)

(Best Viewed with MS Internet Explorer v 6.0 or higherInternet Explorer 6.0 or higher)

Goals and Operating Principles:   

The following list summarizes ADF core goals and operating principles. These goals provide guidance to ADF programming strategies and approaches,  its organizational structures, and annual budgets priorities.   

1) MAXIMUM REACH - ADF seeks to maximize support to marginalized communities and groups across the continent of Africa.
2) DIRECT APPROACH - ADF seeks to maximize the participation of the targeted communities by working directly at the grassroots community level.
3) LONG TERM IMPACT - ADF seeks to maximize economic benefits to targeted communities in terms of job creation, income generation, and social benefits.  
4) LOCAL STRUCTURES - ADF seeks to maximize African led and managed field operations.
5) COST EFFECTIVE SYSTEMS - ADF seeks to maximize the total amount of USG appropriated funds that go directly to projects that benefit the targeted communities.
6) OPENNESS - As a publicly funded organization ADF seeks to practice the highest levels of openness and transparency with its clients and stakeholders.
1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810