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Who’s Working With ENERGY STAR? International Partners

Agreements to promote certain ENERGY STAR qualified products were established with government agencies in various countries. These partnerships are intended to unify voluntary energy-efficiency labeling programs in major global markets and make it easier for partners to participate by providing a single set of energy-efficiency qualifications, instead of a patchwork of varying country-specific requirements.

Australia Exit ENERGY STAR

The Australian Greenhouse Office is currently implementing ENERGY STAR for office equipment and consumer electronics products.

Contact: Charles Edlington, energy.star@greenhouse.gov.au


Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is implementing ENERGY STAR in Canada for a broad range of products including office equipment, consumer electronics, heating and cooling equipment, home appliances, lighting and signage, distribution transformers, commercial solid door refrigerators and freezers, and windows.

Contact: Ms. Anne Wilkins, equipment@nrcan.gc.ca

European Union Exit ENERGY STAR

The European Commission (EC) is implementing ENERGY STAR in the European Union (EU).

Contact: EC Directorate General for Transportation and Energy, ENERGYSTAR-EU@cec.eu.int

European Free Trade Association

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is implementing ENERGY STAR in Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.

EFTA Contact: Ms. Birgitte Andersen, birgitte.andersen@efta.int

Norwegian Contact: Ms. Tone Wroldsen, tone.wroldsen@oed.dep.no

Icelandic Contact: Larus M. K. Olafsson, Larus.Olafsson@ivr.stjr.is

Liechtenstein Contact: Silvan Kieber, Silvan.Kieber@avw.llv.li


The Energy Conservation Centre, Japan (ECCJ) is implementing ENERGY STAR for office equipment on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

Contact: Ms. Kanako Sawata, k.sawata@eccj.or.jp

New Zealand Exit ENERGY STAR

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) has implemented ENERGY STAR for office equipment, consumer electronics, heat pumps/air conditioners, dishwashers, washing machines and refrigerators/freezers (note that the latter four specifications were developed specifically for the New Zealand market).

During 2008–09 EECA will be introducing ENERGY STAR in the following product areas: TVs Version 3.0 & Set Top Boxes, with Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) under consideration.

Contact: Kate Irvine, info@energystar.govt.nz


The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) is currently implementing ENERGY STAR for office equipment and consumer electronics products.

Contact: Mr. Felix Frey, felix.frey@bfe.admin.ch


The Environment and Development Foundation (EDF) is implementing ENERGY STAR for office equipment on behalf of the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan.

Contact Dr. Ning Yu, ningyu@edf.org.tw or Mr. Brown Lo, brown@edf.org.tw

International Labeling Requirements for ENERGY STAR Qualified Office Equipment

Labeling of ENERGY STAR qualified office equipment is mandatory in some ENERGY STAR international partner countries and strongly encouraged in others. Use of the ENERGY STAR mark includes placement on the top or front of the qualified products, on product packaging, in product literature and box inserts, and on manufacturer Web sites. Regardless of where a product is manufactured, sold, and/or promoted, any use of the ENERGY STAR mark must comply with the ENERGY STAR Identity Guidelines. As part of its ENERGY STAR agreement, each country is required to monitor use of the ENERGY STAR mark.

Within the United States, labeling of qualified models and associated materials is a requirement for ENERGY STAR participation. The specific requirements for each product category are outlined in the product-specific Partner Commitments, which are available on the ENERGY STAR Web site. Only manufacturers with qualified models who have otherwise met their partnership obligations (from labeling to submittal of annual unit shipment data) are displayed/promoted on the ENERGY STAR Web site. EPA and DOE undertake substantial efforts to monitor the application and use of the ENERGY STAR trademark and to ensure that partners are fulfilling the participation requirements. These efforts include monitoring print advertisements, Web sites and domain names, in-store use, and print article content. Failure to comply with any of the ENERGY STAR requirements may result in suspension or termination of an organization's ENERGY STAR Partnership Agreement.

Labeling Requirements by Country/Region PDF (87KB)

International ENERGY STAR Activities:

The US and the People’s Republic of China Agree to Promote Harmonization of Efficiency Standards

China has announced a goal of reducing energy intensity 20 percent by 2010. In support of this goal, EPA and the China Standard Certification Center (CSC) Exit ENERGY STAR have agreed to begin voluntary work toward harmonizing energy-efficiency standards for a variety of products, including consumer electronics and office equipment.

EPA Press Release

Contact: Kong Chiu, chiu.kong@epa.gov

Power Integrations, Inc.

Power Integrations, Inc. has designed a Web site which provides information on changing international energy efficiency regulations. Visit the Power Integrations Green Room Exit ENERGY STAR to search for regulations by regulation-setting agency, product application, or location.

Power Integrations is a supplier of high-voltage analog integrated circuits, which when integrated in energy-efficient power supplies that are used with finished products, help end-use product manufacturers to meet energy-efficiency programs the world over.

2005 ENERGY STAR International Stakeholders Meetings

On March 14, 2005, international country partners for ENERGY STAR met in Washington, DC to present a status update on the implementation of ENERGY STAR for product labeling in each country. In addition, presentations were made on the status of a centralized database to house all qualified product information for ENERGY STAR and on international coordination regarding CFLs and related new technologies. The meeting agenda, list of participants, and presentations can be downloaded below.

Country Updates

Other Presentations

Notes and presentations from the March 15, 2005 Computer Industry Meeting

Notes and presentations from the March 16, 2005 Imaging Equipment Industry Meeting

2002 ENERGY STAR International Stakeholders Meetings

In May of 2002, the international ENERGY STAR partners met to review the status of ENERGY STAR in each country, discuss progress on a centralized database and communication tool, and provide information on progress toward revising the ENERGY STAR specification for computer monitors. The meeting agenda, list of participants, summary, and presentations can be viewed via the following links

Country Updates in PowerPoint Format

Presentation on the database and communication tool Power Point icon

Presentation on revising the ENERGY STAR specification for computer monitors Power Point icon