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Economic Impact and Diversity Office

Western's Program

The Office of Economic Impact & Diversity, or EID, reports directly to Western's Administrator. The EID office plans, implements, and monitors a multi-faceted program to ensure that Western operates its employment practices in an affirmative manner, under the various statutes and Executive Orders that prohibit discrimination, including:

  • Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended
  • The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended
  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended
  • The Equal Pay Act
  • Other related statutes

The EID office develops the agency’s Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program Plan, the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Plan, the Affirmative Action Plan for the Disabled and the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan to assure equal opportunity for minorities, women and persons with disabilities.

Contacting the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity

Please call us at 720-962-7034 or write us at P.O. Box 281213, Attn: A0300, Lakewood, CO, 80228-8213 or e-mail us at  eeo_officer@wapa.gov