Mrs Chrissie Katundu and Ms Elsie Limbe of CMRTE  signing the Grant Agreement
Flag of Malawi

USADF Program Goals

1) Maximize support to marginalized communities and groups across Africa.

2) Maximize the participation of the targeted communities by working directly at the grassroots community level.

3) Maximize economic benefits to targeted communities in terms of job creation, income generation, and social benefits. 

Country Contact

For further information contact USADF's country representative.

Mr. Kim Ward
US African Development Foundation       
1400 I Street NW, ST 1000
Washington, D.C. 20009
Tel: 202.673.3916
Fax: 202.673.3916

Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

Quick Links

USADF's Malawi Program

USADF signed a bi-lateral agreement with Malawi in May 2008 and launched its first active funding dollars in April 2009. USADF programming in Malawi will focus on marginalized populations and under-served communities to fund economic development activities that will help reduce poverty, create jobs, generate income, and increase social benefits.  Project creation will come solely from grantees that will also participate in project design and implementation, creating local ownership of projects that will result in long-term sustainability.  Funding such activities at the grassroots level will contribute to Malawi’s focus on economic stability and growth. 

In partnership with the Government of Malawi, USADF will fund grassroots groups and provide those grantees with grant implementation assistance through the National Association of Business Women (NABW).

Click here to read the press release about the launch ofUSADF dollars in Malawi.

1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810