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Listed below are the results of your search. If you are unable to find an audit report, please email us or visit our FOIA page to request a report through the FOIA process.

  1. Performance Audit of Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Bridge and Gap Programs
    Report No. 02-05-204-03-330 (September 30, 2005)
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  2. Use of IRS Form 1099 Data to Identify Misclassified Workers
    Report No. 03-05-005-03-315 (September 30, 2005)
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  3. Performance Audit of City of Savannah, Georgia PY 1998 and PY 1999 Welfare-to-Work Competitive and Formula Grants May 1, 1998 to June 30, 2003
    Report No. 04-05-004-03-386 (September 30, 2005)
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  4. Insufficient Federal Guidance Could Result in Misuse of Incumbent Worker Training Program Funds Management Letter
    Report No. 06-05-003-03-390 (September 30, 2005)
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  5. The New Mexico Department of Labor Improperly Charged Unemployment Insurance Program Costs to Its Workforce Investment Act Rapid Response Program
    Report No. 06-05-005-03-390 (September 30, 2005)
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  6. The State of Texas Has Effectively Implemented the One-Stop Seamless Service Concept
    Report No. 06-05-007-03-390 (September 30, 2005)
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  7. Two of Illinois' One-Stop Centers Have Not Fully Implemented the Seamless Service Concept
    Report No. 06-05-011-03-390 (September 30, 2005)
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  8. San Diego Job CORPS Center: Student Attendance and Training Data Overstated
    Report No. 09-05-004-03-370 (September 30, 2005)
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  9. EBSA Should Mandate Electronic Filing of the Form 5500 to Improve Data Accuracy
    Report No. 09-05-002-12-121 (September 30, 2005)
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  10. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Special Fund Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report
    Report No. 22-05-010-04-432 (September 30, 2005)
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  11. District of Columbia Workmen's compensation Act Special Fund FInancial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report
    Report No. 22-05-011-04-432 (September 30, 2005)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {192 KB}

  12. State of Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Quality Control Review
    Report No. 21-05-549-03-390 (September 29, 2005)
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  13. The State of Washington Implemented a Decentralized Approach in the One-Stop Seamless Service Concept
    Report No. 06-05-010-03-390 (September 28, 2005)
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  14. GPRA Data Validation Review Federal Employees' Compensation Act
    Report No. 22-05-008-04-431 (September 27, 2005)
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  15. Independent Accountant's Report on Agreed-upon Procedures for the Retirement, Health Benefits, and Life Insurance Withholdings/Contributions, and the March 31, 2005 Supplemental Semiannual Headcount Report
    Report No. 22-05-012-13-001 (September 27, 2005)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {91 KB}

  16. DOL Needs to Perform Electronic Media Sanitization More Effectively Prior to Transfer or Disposal
    Report No. 23-05-028-50-598 (September 27, 2005)
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  17. Audit of Georgia Department of Labor's Costs Charged to U.S. DOL Grants During the Period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001 for State Fiscal Years 1999 Through 2001
    Report No. 03-05-002-03-315 (September 15, 2005)
    [ Summary Get Response ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {20 KB}

  18. GPRA Data Validation Review Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
    Report No. 22-05-007-03-330 (September 15, 2005)
    [ Summary Get Response ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {431 KB} | [ Response Get Response]

  19. Jesus Cares Ministries Reducing Child Labor Through Education
    Report No. 03-05-001-01-070 (September 8, 2005)
    [ Summary Get Response ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {2.49 MB} | [ Response Get Response]

  20. Workforce Investment Act National Emergency Grant Chinatown Manpower Project, Inc.
    Report No. 02-05-203-03-390 (September 2, 2005)
    [ Summary Get Response ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {187 KB} | [ Response Get Response]


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