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Listed below are the results of your search. If you are unable to find an audit report, please email us or visit our FOIA page to request a report through the FOIA process.

  1. Complaints Received from The American Coal Company
    Report No. 05-09-002-06-001 (January 9, 2009)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {72 KB}

  2. Status of Recommendations Provided to MSHA in Notifications of Findings and Recommendations Cited in the Audit Report: Department of Labor Needs to Remedy Significant Security Control Deficiencies in Access Controls and in the VETS, USERRA Information Management System
    Report No. 23-08-014-06-001 (September 25, 2008)
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  3. Notifications of Findings and Recommendations Related to the Federal Information Security Management Act Audit of: MSHA's General Support System
    Report No. 23-08-009-06-001 (August 26, 2008)
    This report contains Sensitive Information and will not be posted

  4. MSHA Could Not Show It Made the Right Decision in Approving the Roof Control Plan at Crandall Canyon Mine
    Report No. 05-08-003-06-001 (March 31, 2008)
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  5. Underground Coal Mine Inspection Mandate Not Fulfilled Due to Resource Limitations and Lack of management Emphasis
    Report No. 05-08-001-06-001 (November 16, 2007)
    [ Summary Get Response ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {1.37 MB}
    [ Response Dated November 13, 2007 Get Response]
    [ Response Dated December 3, 2007 Get Response]

  6. MSHA's Process for Determining the Chargeability of Reported Fatalities Would Benefit from Additional Controls
    Report No. 05-08-002-06-001 (November 14, 2007)
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  7. MSHA's Office of Coal Mine Safety and Health Needs to Strengthen its Accountability Program
    Report No. 05-07-002-06-001 (August 24, 2007)
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  8. MSHA Needs to Improve Controls Over Performance Data
    Report No. 22-07-008-06-001 (December 26, 2006)
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  9. Coal Mine Hazardous Condition Complaint Process Should Be Strengthened
    Report No. 05-06-006-06-001 (September 29, 2006)
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  10. MSHA Accountability Program Coal Mine Safety and Health Management Letter
    Report No. 05-06-007-06-001 (September 29, 2006)
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  11. Allegations of Unfair Enforcement In MSHA's District 1
    Report No. 05-06-003-06-001 (March 31, 2006)
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  12. Mine Safety and Health Administration Procurements Showed a Pattern of Disregard for Federal and DOL Acquisition Rules and Requirements
    Report No. 25-05-001-06-001 (October 29, 2004)
    [ Summary Get Response ] | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {504 KB} | [ Response Get Response]

  13. Study of Metal/Nonmetal Mining Enforcement and Compliance Assistance Activities, 1983-2000
    Report No. 2E-06-620-0003 (September 26, 2001)
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  14. Evaluation of Hazard Complaint Handling in MSHA's Office of Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health
    Report No. 2E-06-620-0001 (March 29, 2001)
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  15. Evaluation of MSHA's Handling of Inspections at the W.R. Grace & Company Mine in Libby, Montana
    Report No. 2E-06-620-0002 (March 22, 2001)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {252 KB}

  16. Managerial Cost Accounting - Identifying the Specific Costs for Each Program
    Report No. 12-00-010-06-001 (September 28, 2000)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {57 KB}

  17. The State of Nevada Agreed to Improve the Accuracy of Program Data
    Report No. 09-00-004-06-601 (September 11, 2000)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {26 KB}

  18. Review of Fatal Accidents In Metal/Non-Metal
    Report No. 2E-06-001-0004 (June 2, 2000)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {1.21 MB}

  19. Review of the Mine Safety and Health Administration's Technical Expertise in Approving and Certifying Mining Equipment
    Report No. 2E-06-001-0005 (September 30, 1999)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {413 KB}

  20. Review of a Self-Contained Self-Rescuer Procurement Contract and the Portal-Pack Recall -- Mine Safety and Health Administration
    Report No. 2E-06-001-0003 (March 31, 1999)
    No Summary | [ Full Report Get Complete Report] {678 KB}


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