A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) General Requirements.--Each local educational agency that receives a grant under this subpart shall use the grant funds, in a manner consistent with the purpose specified in section 9111, for services and activities that--
``(1) are designed to carry out the comprehensive plan of the local educational agency for Indian students, and described in the application of the local educational agency submitted to the Secretary under section 9114(b);
``(2) are designed with special regard for the language and cultural needs of the Indian students; and
``(3) supplement and enrich the regular school program of such agency.
``(b) Particular Activities.--The services and activities referred to in subsection (a) may include--
``(1) culturally related activities that support the program described in the application submitted by the local educational agency;
``(2) early childhood and family programs that emphasize school readiness;
``(3) enrichment programs that focus on problem-solving and cognitive skills development and directly support the attainment of challenging State content standards and State student performance standards;
``(4) integrated educational services in combination with other programs that meet the needs of Indian children and their families;
``(5) school-to-work transition activities to enable Indian students to participate in programs such as the programs supported by the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act, including programs for tech-prep, mentoring, and apprenticeship;
``(6) activities to educate individuals concerning substance abuse and to prevent substance abuse; and
``(7) the acquisition of equipment, but only if the acquisition of the equipment is essential to meet the purpose described in section 9111.
``(c) Schoolwide Programs.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a local educational agency may use funds made available to such agency under this subpart to support a schoolwide program under section 1114 if--
``(1) the committee composed of parents established pursuant to section 9114(c)(4) approves the use of the funds for the schoolwide program; and
``(2) the schoolwide program is consistent with the purpose described in section 9111.
