A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

``Subpart 1--National Programs for Technology in Education


``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall develop and publish not later than 12 months after the date of the enactment of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994, and update when the Secretary determines appropriate, a national long-range plan that supports the overall national technology policy and carries out the purposes of this part.
``(b) Plan Requirements.--The Secretary shall--
``(1) develop the national long-range plan in consultation with other Federal departments or agencies, State and local education practitioners and policymakers, experts in technology and the applications of technology to education, representatives of distance learning consortia, representatives of telecommunications partnerships receiving assistance under the Star Schools Act, and providers of technology services and products;
``(2) transmit such plan to the President and to the appropriate committees of the Congress; and
``(3) publish such plan in a form that is readily accessible to the public.
``(c) Contents of the Plan.--The national long-range plan shall describe the Secretary's activities to promote the purposes of this title, including--
``(1) how the Secretary will encourage the effective use of technology to provide all students the opportunity to achieve State content standards and State student performance standards, especially through programs administered by the Department;
``(2) joint activities in support of the overall national technology policy with other Federal departments or agencies, such as the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Institute for Literacy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Departments of Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, and Labor--
``(A) to promote the use of technology in education, training, and lifelong learning, including plans for the educational uses of a national information infrastructure; and
``(B) to ensure that the policies and programs of such departments or agencies facilitate the use of technology for educational purposes, to the extent feasible;
``(3) how the Secretary will work with educators, State and local educational agencies, and appropriate representatives of the private sector to facilitate the effective use of technology in education;
``(4) how the Secretary will promote--
``(A) higher achievement of all students through the integration of technology into the curriculum;
``(B) increased access to the benefits of technology for teaching and learning for schools with a high number or percentage of children from low-income families;
``(C) the use of technology to assist in the implementation of State systemic reform strategies;
``(D) the application of technological advances to use in education;
``(E) increased access to high quality adult and family education services through the use of technology for instruction and professional development; and
``(F) increased opportunities for the professional development of teachers in the use of new technologies;
``(5) how the Secretary will determine, in consultation with appropriate individuals, organizations, industries, and agencies, the feasibility and desirability of establishing guidelines to facilitate an easy exchange of data and effective use of technology in education;
``(6) how the Secretary will promote the exchange of information among States, local educational agencies, schools, consortia, and other entities concerning the effective use of technology in education;
``(7) how the Secretary will utilize the outcomes of the evaluation undertaken pursuant to section 3123 to promote the purposes of this part; and
``(8) the Secretary's long-range measurable goals and objectives relating to the purposes of this part.
