A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) Applications From State Agencies.--Each State educational agency desiring a grant from the Secretary under this part shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require.
``(b) Contents of a State Educational Agency Application.--Each application submitted pursuant to subsection (a) shall--
``(1) describe the objectives of the State educational agency's charter school grant program and a description of how such objectives will be fulfilled, including steps taken by the State educational agency to inform teachers, parents, and communities of the State educational agency's charter school grant program;
``(2) contain assurances that the State educational agency will require each eligible applicant desiring to receive a subgrant to submit an application to the State educational agency containing--
``(A) a description of the educational program to be implemented by the proposed charter school, including--
``(i) how the program will enable all students to meet challenging State student performance standards;
``(ii) the grade levels or ages of children to be served; and
``(iii) the curriculum and instructional practices to be used;
``(B) a description of how the charter school will be managed;
``(C) a description of--
``(i) the objectives of the charter school; and
``(ii) the methods by which the charter school will determine its progress toward achieving those objectives;
``(D) a description of the administrative relationship between the charter school and the authorized public chartering agency;
``(E) a description of how parents and other members of the community will be involved in the design and implementation of the charter school;
``(F) a description of how the authorized public chartering agency will provide for continued operation of the school once the Federal grant has expired, if such agency determines that the school has met the objectives described in subparagraph (C)(i);
``(G) a request and justification for waivers of any Federal statutory or regulatory provisions that the applicant believes are necessary for the successful operation of the charter school, and a description of any State or local rules, generally applicable to public schools, that will be waived for, or otherwise not apply to, the school;
``(H) a description of how the subgrant funds or grant funds, as appropriate, will be used, including a description of how such funds will be used in conjunction with other Federal programs administered by the Secretary;
``(I) a description of how students in the community will be--
``(i) informed about the charter school; and
``(ii) given an equal opportunity to attend the charter school;
``(J) an assurance that the eligible applicant will annually provide the Secretary and the State educational agency such information as may be required to determine if the charter school is making satisfactory progress toward achieving the objectives described in subparagraph (C)(i);
``(K) an assurance that the applicant will cooperate with the Secretary and the State educational agency in evaluating the program assisted under this part; and
``(L) such other information and assurances as the Secretary and the State educational agency may require.
``(c) Contents of Eligible Applicant Application.--Each eligible applicant desiring a grant pursuant to section 10302(e)(1) or 10302(b) shall submit an application to the State educational agency or Secretary, respectively, at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the State educational agency or Secretary, respectively, may reasonably require.
``(d) Contents of Application.--Each application submitted pursuant to subsection (c) shall contain--
``(1) the information and assurances described in subparagraphs (A) through (L) of subsection (b)(3), except that for purposes of this subsection subparagraphs (I), (J), and (K) of such subsection shall be applied by striking `and the State educational agency' each place such term appears; and
``(2) assurances that the State educational agency--
``(A) will grant, or will obtain, waivers of State statutory or regulatory requirements; and
``(B) will assist each subgrantee in the State in receiving a waiver under section 10304(e).
