BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Greater New York Dental Meeting


Showtime at the Greater NY Dental Meeting

To U.S. Exhibitors at Greater NY Dental:

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s U.S. Commercial Service invite U.S. companies at the Greater NY Dental Show to meet one-on-one with our U.S. Commercial Service Specialists attending the show.  Currently however, we do not know which Commercial Specialists will be attending the GNYDM. Commercial Specialists from  Colombia, Slovak Republic, Romania, Egypt, Venezuela, Egypt, Ecuador, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Brazil, Taiwan and Austria attended last year.  Commercial Specialists from these markets are available to discuss with your company export market development for U.S. Dental equipment products to these international markets, applicable market and product regulatory issues in these countries, and to help you learn what opportunities exist in each market for your products and services.  Showtime meetings can be arranged at your booth on the show floor or at the International Business Center.

To register for Showtime, please visit:  Registration is closed at this time.

Greater New York Dental Meeting

Sponsors:          Second District Dental Society and the New York County Dental Society

Site:                   Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

                          New York City, NY

Dates:                November 29th - December 2, 2009


Promoting the 84th Annual Greater New York Dental Meeting! Come participate in one of the largest Dental Congresses in the world. Last year saw over 54,000 health care professionals at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center featuring over 1500 Technical Exhibits which demonstrated the newest technology for the dental profession. This is the only major Dental Meeting with NO REGISTRATION FEE!

The Greater New York Dental Meeting has again planned an unparalleled educational program for 2008, featuring some of the most highly regarded educators in the field of Dentistry. There is a choice of full-day seminars, half-day seminars and essays, as well as hands-on workshops that are sure to fascinate even the most discriminating dentist and staff.

There are also over 500 Exhibitors who enhance the meeting in countless ways. They are there to demonstrate and teach you about new products and technology from around the world. You can touch, use and compare the newest materials and technology in Dentistry today.

The U.S. Commercial Service has approved the Greater New York Dental Meeting for the International Buyer Program, bringing in country specialists from around the world to offer counseling on the international dental market.

For more information, please contact: 

IBP Project Officer:            Carol Rudman, Tel: 202-482-0905; Email: