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International Aid & Trade 2009

Aid and Trade 2009 Logo

July 9-10, 2009

Washington, D.C.

International Aid & Trade is the world’s leading forum for humanitarian relief professionals to network, communicate, build partnerships and share knowledge. It brings together procurement professionals, product & service providers and thought leaders from the whole industry:

  • Broad spectrum of exhibitors
  • Interactive workshop sessions
  • High caliber speakers
  • Cross-sector networking  

International Aid & Trade is the most innovative international event enabling business to engage with aid and UN agencies, development banks and government to develop associations and understanding of the workings of the aid and humanitarian relief sectors. The 2007 event experienced a 51% increase in visitor numbers from the 2006 event with over 1500 visitors.  This show features International representatives from a wide cross section of individuals from UN agencies, NGOs and aid agencies, government, development banks and business, including policy makers at Executive Director and Director level, Procurement managers, Logisticians, Engineers, Project managers and Field workers.

Decision makers from a wide variety of sectors including the shelter and temporary housing, education & training, health & medical aid, relief goods, transport, logistics and navigation, water and sanitation solutions, telecommunications, satellite communications, peace building, security and conflict alleviation, de-mining sector.  

In certifying the 2009 International Aid & Trade Event “Building Partnerships for Relief and Development ”, the Department of Commerce recognizes the capability and exhibition experience of the organizers of the U.S. pavilion,  International Aid & Trade, part of the Sustainable Development division of Henley Media Group Ltd., and the potential of this international market to benefit from U.S. products and services.

For more information, visit