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The Wakaguzi Forum 

Dr. Conrad will discuss his book, The Fragile Mind: How It Has Produced and Unwittingly Perpetuated America’s Tragic Disparities. Issues surrounding the interplay of power, race, perception and economics will also be highlighted in context to the book’s content and slant.

Date : Thursday, January 29, 2009
Time : 7:00 p.m.
Location : EWC/Schell-Sweet CRC – 1st floor Conf. Rm. 

·         Program is free to the public and will include a Q&A period.
·         Wakaguzi (wah-kah-goo-zee) is Kiswahili for critical thinkers.

For more information, please contact  Prof. Baruti Katembo, Chair – Wakaguzi Forum Committee at (904) 504-2069 or

EWC Communications Department  Newsletter : January Edition

President Claudette Williams makes the case for support of Private Colleges in Florida in a recent Florida Times Union OpEd with peer institutional leaders


The state's monstrous budget gap has put a fright into the leaders of Florida's colleges and universities.

For good reason. It's a gap that could swallow up the state's future if too many students are cut off from college.

Lawmakers recently learned that Florida will be grappling with a $2.3 billion budget deficit this year.

That deficit, combined with declining property tax revenues and the continuing losses from stagnant growth and other problems related to the recession and the credit crisis, won't just hobble governments when it comes to providing basic services.

It will hurt students' chances to enter the world of higher education. <Full Story>

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