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EPA Ranks Nationally as one of the Best Places to Work for Postdoctoral Fellows 2007

EPA's research campus in Research Triangle Park, N.C., is one of the top ranked best places for postdoctoral fellows to work, according to a survey by The Scientist magazine. The survey of fellows at EPA includes 35 research institutions in the nation recognized for their exceptional postdoctoral programs.

"EPA has a strong postdoctoral program that provides outstanding training and mentoring for scientists and engineers who will be leaders in solving environmental problems in the future," said Dr. George Gray, assistant administrator for Research and Development. "Our scientists, who are on the cutting edge of environmental research, have a wealth of knowledge to share and enjoy the interaction with the outstanding postdoctoral fellows employed at the EPA," he said.

On the RTP campus, postdoctoral employees are involved in the life sciences, engineering and other disciplines The program trains university graduates who received their doctorate degrees and gives them an opportunity to work directly with scientists in many high priority research areas in EPA. The postdoctoral fellows can participate in an active training organization that provides professional advancement and career development opportunities.

In the survey, which appears in the March issue of The Scientist, fellows evaluated their respective institutions based on 48 categories. The most important factor cited was the quality of the training and career preparation offered.

The EPA-RTP campus is a world-class facility with more than 1,800 employees, housing 500 laboratories, 2,000 offices, a cafeteria, library, and conference facilities. The research campus is the focal point for the Agency's research on safe air, water, land and food. Five of EPA's six national laboratories and research centers have operations in RTP.

For more information on postdoctoral programs in EPA's Office of Research and Development, visit these Web sites:

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