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NOAA At The Ends of the Earth Collection
Catalog of Images

1250 thumbnail picture
Flying over large tabular icebergs on the way to McMurdo Sound
December, 1960
1251 thumbnail picture
Flying over large tabular icebergs on the way to McMurdo Sound
December, 1960
1252 thumbnail picture
Flying over large tabular icebergs on the way to McMurdo Sound
December, 1960
1253 thumbnail picture
A pressure ridge on the sea ice at McMurdo Sound
December, 1960
1254 thumbnail picture
Viewing some of the scenery in the vicinity of McMurdo Sound
December, 1960
1255 thumbnail picture
A rugged glacial sculpted valley near McMurdo Station
December, 1960
1256 thumbnail picture
A closeup of a jumbled mass of ice on a mountainside
December, 1960
1257 thumbnail picture
A closeup of a jumbled mass of ice on a mountainside
December, 1960
1258 thumbnail picture
Going down into a large crevasse for a closer look.
December, 1960
1259 thumbnail picture
Grabbing a drink from a snow-melt stream
December, 1960
1260 thumbnail picture
An Antarctic dry valley.
December, 1960
1261 thumbnail picture
A lonely Antarctic outpost
December, 1960
1262 thumbnail picture
Looking into an Antarctic dry valley
December, 1960
1263 thumbnail picture
A dry valley surrounded by Antarctic mountains
December, 1960
1264 thumbnail picture
Looking ahead from on top of a tractor-pulled wanigan. Large round tires carried fuel. McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
December, 1960
1265 thumbnail picture
Tractor-train heading up Skelton Glacier McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
December, 1960
1266 thumbnail picture
Probing for crevasses on Skelton Glacier. Note life lines. McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
January, 1961
1267 thumbnail picture
Bridging a crevasse. McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
January, 1961
1268 thumbnail picture
The landing field at McMurdo Station.
December, 1960
1269 thumbnail picture
McMurdo Station
December, 1960
1270 thumbnail picture
Mount Erebus
December, 1960
1271 thumbnail picture
McMurdo Station scene
December, 1960
1272 thumbnail picture
Helicopters at McMurdo Station.
December, 1960
1273 thumbnail picture
Large stand built of welded fuel barrels set as navigation aid on way to South Pole. McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
January, 1961
1274 thumbnail picture
Looking back at the trail as the expedition leaves the Trans- Antarctic Mountains on the last 300 miles to the South Pole. McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
January, 1961
1275 thumbnail picture
Ardo X. Meyer, traverse navigator and geomagnetic observer, celebrating at South Pole Station after completing traverse and two months on the ice cap. McMurdo Station to South Pole traverse
January, 1961
1276 thumbnail picture
Statue of Antarctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott along the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand.
1277 thumbnail picture
Photographer getting ready to set up for shot of Mount Erebus across sea ice.
1996 December
1278 thumbnail picture
Gerlache Strait on the Antarctic Peninsula. 64 30 S Latitude 62 20 W Longitude.
1279 thumbnail picture
The Ross Ice Shelf at the Bay of Whales - the point where Amundsen staged his successful assault on the South Pole. 78 30 S Latitude 164 20W Longitude.
1998 November
1280 thumbnail picture
Littleton Harbor near Christchurch, New Zealand. The home port of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER, the NSF research icebreaker.
1996 December
1281 thumbnail picture
A bow shot of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER set in the ice.
1996 December
1282 thumbnail picture
Waves breaking as seen from a porthole on the 0-1 Deck of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER. Crossing the Southern Ocean.
1998 October
1283 thumbnail picture
Helicopter resupply of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER. Supplies being ferried from McMurdo Station.
1998 November
1284 thumbnail picture
Helicopter resupply of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER. Supplies being ferried from McMurdo Station.
1996 December
1285 thumbnail picture
Map of Antarctica - early Twentieth Century map from the National Geographic Society. Shows track of Admiral Richard Byrd's flight track to the South Pole.
1286 thumbnail picture
Shaded relief map of Antarctica developed from RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar data. RADARSAT is a Canadian satellite.
1287 thumbnail picture
McMurdo Station from Observation Hill.
1990 December
1288 thumbnail picture
Sir Raymond Priestly after spending nine months in a snow cave at Terra Nova Bay in Victoria Land, Antarctica.
1289 thumbnail picture
Water color by Edward Wilson of seal. Wilson was a member of the ill-fated Robert Falcon Scott expedition.
1290 thumbnail picture
Water color by Edward Wilson of leopard seal pursuing penguins. Wilson was a member of the ill-fated Robert Falcon Scott expedition.
1291 thumbnail picture
Personnel basket putting people out on the ice for sample collection from the NATHANIEL B. PALMER.
1997 January
1292 thumbnail picture
Beautiful marine diatoms as seen through a microscope. These tiny creatures have silica exoskeletons.
1293 thumbnail picture
Graphic of Antarctic Ozone Hole for two dates in September 1998.
1998 September
1294 thumbnail picture
Sunset over sea ice at the marginal ice zone as NATHANIEL B. PALMER headed south.
1996 December
1295 thumbnail picture
Antarctic sea ice cover in February 1998 and September 1998. Graphic derived special sensor Microwave Imager satellite data.
1296 thumbnail picture
NATHANIEL B. PALMER cutting through thin ice.
1998 November
1297 thumbnail picture
Pancake ice as seen from the bridge of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER. Largest pancake is approximately four feet across.
1998 December
1298 thumbnail picture
Small ice floes in open water as seen from the bridge of the NATHANIEL B. PALMER. Ice is melting at time of this picture.
1998 December
1299 thumbnail picture
Fast ice (attached to land) in McMurdo Sound. 77 30 S Latitude 165 E Longitude.
1990 December

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007