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Query Manager and MARPLOT List of Queries

All Data Types

Station Location by Study: Shows station locations for selected studies.

Study Notes: Brings up notes on the selected studies.

Study Reference: Lists the reference citation for each study, if available.

Sediment Bioassy

Station Location by Study: Shows station locations for selected studies for sediment bioassay data.

Test Endpoints, Toxic/ Non-toxic Sample: Shows toxic and non-toxic samples for selected endpoint or all endpoints.

Test Response Value Ranges: Shows toxic and non-toxic samples and test response values in three user-defined ranges for the selected test endpoint.

Control-normalized Response Value Ranges: Shows toxic and non-toxic samples and control-normalized test response values (ratio of test sample response to control response) in three user-defined ranges for the selected test endpoint.

Sediment Chemistry (surface)

[upper depth = 0 and lower depth < 30.5 cm or 12 inches]

Station Location by Study: Shows station locations for selected studies for sediment chemistry data

Concentration Ranges: Identifies samples in three user-defined concentration ranges for selected studies for a selected chemical.

SQG Pair: One Chemical: The user selects from a list of 11 paired sediment quality guidelines (e.g., ERL/ERM) and selects an individual chemical from the list of chemicals available for the selected guideline pair. Each sample is classified into one of three ranges defined by the guideline pair concentrations for the selected chemical.

SQG Pair: All Chemicals: Determines the number of chemicals that exceed a user-selected Sediment Quality Guideline (SQG) pair of low and high concentrations. The column with the lower concentration SQG represents the number of chemicals that exceeded the lower SQG but not the higher SQG. The column with the higher concentration SQG represents the number of chemicals that exceeded the higher SQG.

Compare to Selected Sediment Quality Guidelines: Identifies samples in two ranges defined by the selected SQG concentration for a selected chemical.

Number of Chemicals in a Sample Exceeding Selected Guideline: The user selects one SQG from the library of SQGs in the database and the results show the number of chemicals measured in a sample for the selected SQG and the number of those chemicals that exceeded the SQG.

Mean/Maximum SQG Quotients by Sample for Selected Guideline: Determines the number of chemicals measured in a sample for the selected SQG or and the mean and maximum SQG quotient (ratio of the chemical concentration to the SQG concentration) for each sample for selected studies. The sum of SQG ratios and the standard deviation of SQG ratios for each sample are also calculated.

Select Multiple Chemicals: Provides the user with data for selected chemicals and studies in a spreadsheet format, with columns for each chemical selected. User may select individual chemicals from the entire list of chemicals measured in selected studies, by chemical class, or by chemicals for a selected SQG. The user may also create or use a chemical list.

MultiChem SQG Quotients for selected SQG: Provides the user with data for selected chemicals and studies in a spreadsheet format, with columns for each chemical selected. Instead of concentrations, however, the output table displays the ratio of the chemical concentration to its respective SQG concentration.

Sum PAH toxic unit model: Calculates PAH toxic unit values according to three models: the EPA PAH toxic unit model Final Chronic Value (DiToro et al. 2000) EPA PAH toxic unit model Final Acute value (DiToro et al. 2000), and the Sum PAH model (Swartz et al. 1995). The user selects which model result to plot in MARPLOT and low and high ranges for the model chosen. The values for all three models are calculated and included in the output table.

Logistic regression model (LRM) probability of toxicity: Logistic regression model (LRM) estimates the probability of toxicity for each sample based on the maximum (Pr_Max1) or the average (Pr_Avg1) probability from 37 individual chemical logistic regression models for marine amphipod 10-d survival endpoints (Field et al 2002).

Sediment Chemistry (subsurface)

Subsurface sediment chemistry query output includes all sediment core samples (including the surface core segment) and also any sample that has an upper depth below the surface or has a core length greater than 30.5 cm (12 inches). The user is also given the option to include all surface and subsurface sediment samples.

The subsurface queries are identical to their surface sediment query counterpart, except for the Maximum Concentration Ranges query. This query shows the maximum concentration for each station over all core segments in three user-defined ranges for the selected chemical.

Station Location by Study: Shows station locations for selected studies for sediment chemistry data

Concentration Ranges: Identifies samples in three user-defined concentration ranges for selected studies for a selected chemical.

SQG Pair: One Chemical: The user selects from a list of 11 paired sediment quality guidelines (e.g., ERL/ERM) and selects an individual chemical from the list of chemicals available for the selected guideline pair. Each sample is classified into one of three ranges defined by the guideline pair concentrations for the selected chemical.

SQG Pair: All Chemicals: Determines the number of chemicals that exceed a user-selected Sediment Quality Guideline (SQG) pair low and high concentrations. The column with the lower concentration SQG represents the number of chemicals that exceeded the lower SQG but not the higher SQG. The column with the higher concentration SQG represents the number of chemicals that exceeded the higher SQG.

Maximum Concentration Ranges: Identifies samples in three user-defined concentration ranges for selected studies for a selected chemical. The range classification is based on the maximum concentration for the core if the core contains more than one sample. The output column, "Maxconc," is the highest concentration of all the samples taken at a given station.

Mean/Maximum SQG Quotients by Sample for Selected Guideline: Determines the number of chemicals measured in a sample for the selected SQG and/or the mean and maximum SQG quotient (ratio of the chemical concentration to the SQG concentration) for each sample for selected studies. The sum of SQG ratios and the standard deviation of SQG ratios for each sample are also calculated.

Select Multiple Chemicals: Provides the user with data for selected chemicals and studies in a spreadsheet format, with columns for each chemical selected. User may select individual chemicals from the entire list of chemicals measured in selected studies, by chemical class, or by chemicals for a selected SQG. The user may also create or use a chemical list.

MultiChem SQG Quotients for selected SQG: Provides the user with data for selected chemicals and studies in a spreadsheet format, with columns for each chemical selected. Instead of concentrations, however, the output table displays the ratio of the chemical concentration to its respective SQG concentration.

Sum PAH toxic unit model: Calculates PAH toxic unit values according to three models: the EPA PAH toxic unit model Final Chronic Value (DiToro et al. 2000) EPA PAH toxic unit model Final Acute value (DiToro et al. 2000), and the Sum PAH model (Swartz et al. 1995). The user selects which model result to plot in MARPLOT and low and high ranges for the model chosen. The values for all three models are calculated and included in the output table.

Logistic regression model (LRM) probability of toxicity: Estimates the probability of toxicity for each sample based on the maximum (Pr_Max1) or the average (Pr_Avg1) probability from 37 individual chemical logistic regression models for marine amphipod 10-d survival endpoints (Field et al 2002).

Tissue Chemistry

Station Location by Study: Shows station locations for selected studies for tissue chemistry data

Concentration Ranges for All Samples for a Chemical: Identifies samples in three user-defined concentration ranges for all tissue samples for a selected chemical. Allows for specification by taxonomic group or species and tissue type.

Select Multiple Chemicals: Provides the user with data for selected chemicals and studies in a spreadsheet format, with columns for each chemical selected. User may select individual chemicals from the entire list of chemicals measured in selected studies, by chemical class, or by chemicals for a selected SQG. The user may also create or use a chemical list.

Mean Concentration by Location: Calculates the mean tissue concentration for all samples of the selected species (or taxonomic group) and tissue type collected from the same location on the same date. Lipid-normalized concentrations are also calculated.

Tissue Residue Risk to Human Health: Determines cancer risk or non-cancer risk to human health based on EPA or FDA guidelines.

Dioxin Toxic Equivalency: Calculates the 2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) toxic equivalency concentration for dioxin, furan, and PCB congeners based on the selected set of toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) for fish, birds, or mammals (van den Berg et al. 1998).

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