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The Environmental Crimes Unit operates primarily in the National Parks of the District of Columbia and the Environs of the District (the 10 surrounding counties and cities within Virginia and Maryland).  The Organic Act of 1916, created a mission statement for the National Park Service “… to conserve the scenery and the natural and historical objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”  The goal of the unit is to enforce the criminal provisions of environmental, cultural, and natural resource laws that will compliment and enhance the mission directive of the Organic Act.  As Federal Trustees assigned to protect the natural resources within their care, the detectives and investigators of the unit, work closely with special agents of the FBI, EPA and federal On Scene Coordinators to target potential responsible parties and violators of Illegal Dumping, Clean Water, Clean Air, Rivers and Harbors, Arson, Boundary Encroachments and Archeological thefts.The unit members assist and train Force members and law enforcement officers from local police departments with understanding the environmental laws as they relate to police patrol tactics and criminal behaviors.  Additionally, the unit processes and analyzes trends and patterns of criminal behaviors affecting the natural resources of the National Parks of DC and its Environs.  The unit routinely works with special agents of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and local game wardens to prevent flora and wildlife poaching.



Anacostia District / Aviation Unit / B & W District / Canine Unit / Central District / Chief of Police / Community Service / Contact Info / Environmental Crimes Unit / Field Office