Therapist Professional Advisory Committee

Office of Force Readiness and Deployment Subcommittee


Welcome to the Therapist Category Web Page and the sub-section for the Office of Force Readiness and Deployment (OFRD).

The Office of the Surgeon General created the Commissioned Corps Readiness Force (CCRF) in 1994 to improve the DHHS ability to respond to public health emergencies. CCRF began a transformation following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the anthrax attacks. CCRF was subsequently incorporated into the new Office of Force Readiness and Deployment in 2004.

A Guide for the Deployment of Therapist Officers was developed by the TPAC which outlines capabilities, disaster knowledge and skills, and potential deployment roles for officers in the Therapist Category. This handbook allows each therapist within each discipline to have specific knowledge of how they may contribute to OFRD in a deployment situation. Additional information is available from a survey of therapists with previous deployment experience.


The Office of Force Readiness and Deployment is designed to activate small or large groups of Officers to deploy where needed. OFRD will utilize all PHS Categories depending upon the mission. OFRD's primary role is to activate, mobilize, and deploy qualified Officers expeditiously to the disaster site.

Requests for assistance may be in response to any of the following:

Corps deployment is defined as a directed, temporary assignment of officers from their assigned duties within HHS OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs and non-HHS organizations, as applicable, authorized by the President or Secretary in response during a time of war or in response to:

  1. A national emergency as declared by the President;
  2. A public health emergency as declared by the President or Secretary;
  3. An urgent public health need:
    1. A critical staffing shortage of health care/public health personnel within a facility or program administered by an OPDIV/STAFFDIV or non-HHS organization that threatens the health and safety of the affected population;
    2. A crisis response is a situation presenting a significant threat to the public health of a State, Tribe, or local community, and available resources are inadequate to respond; or
  4. A National Special Security Event declared by the Secretary of Homeland Security, is of national significance, requires special security, and is coordinated at the national response level.

Once the mission requirements are determined, OFRD will match the requirement against the qualifications of response teams and/or members on that month's rotational ready roster.

Activation Process in Summary
Request for Assistance
OFRD staff receive request
Evaluation of need - appropriate utilization of commissioned officers?
Request for Activation
OFRD staff submits formal request for activation to the Surgeon General
The Secretary's and/or designee are briefed regarding the situation
If the Secretary's and/or designee concurs; ready rosters are activated
Identification of Assets
Needs of the mission are matched with the skills and qualifications of officers
on the rotational ready roster
Individual officers are identified
Agencies are informed officers from the roster are needed
Officers are contacted
Supervisory release is obtained
If necessary, travel orders and arrangements prepared
Teams/Officer(s) are deployed


Joining OFRD

Once you are on active duty in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps you automatically will be given a user ID and login password to access the OFRD Database Login. Your user ID is your PHS Serial Number, and your password can be retrieved by clicking the "Email Password" button on the login page. You will need to login, and update your Officer Summary Information to begin your first step towards deployability with OFRD.

Additionally, you must join the CCRF Listserv. This email listserv is the primary mechanism that OFRD uses to communicate with its members.

For further details on how to be Basic Readiness qualified, please visit the OFRD Web site.


Additional Readiness Links


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Comments or Questions
Last updated September 2007