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Great Meadows

National Wildlife Refuge



Just twenty miles west of Boston lies an oasis for wildlife - Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. Roughly 85 percent of the refuge's more than 3,600 acres is comprised of valuable freshwater wetlands stretching along 12 miles of the Concord and Sudbury Rivers. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service protects and manages Great Meadows as nesting, resting, and feeding habitat for wildlife, with special emphasis on migratory birds. The diversity of plant and animal life visible from refuge trails provides visitors with excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing and nature study.


Upcoming Programs:

Bird Day in Sudbury! (115 kb)

Bird Walks (22kb pdf)

Children and Nature



Photograph by Lindsey Brown


SuAsCo Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) Partnership 
Federal, State, and municipal agencies, conservation organizations, and some private individuals have been informally meeting for a couple of years 
to try to coordinate invasive species management in the Sudbury-Assabet-Concord (SuAsCo) watershed.  We think we can be more effective identifying 
and controlling invasive plant species on our lands if we work together.  Learn more about this cooperative effort, and see if you might be interested in 
being a part of it, by reading the SuAsCo CISMA brochure (304kb pdf) and reviewing the draft Memorandum of Understanding (4/29/09; 1.7mb pdf) that would formally establish the SuAsCo CISMA.
Any final edits to the MOU will be recorded in this “Log of Changes to the SUASCO CISMA MOU" (801 kb pdf).
Check out  our Great Meadows brochures on-line!




The above icons refer to the Great Meadows NWR brochure, Great Meadows NWR Interpretive Trail Brochure, and theBird List for Oxbow and Great Meadows NWRs . Note: All of these brochures are in .pdf file format, one software program that is available to view these files is the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here to download a free version of this software.

Libby Herland, Project Leader

73 Weir Weir Hill Road

Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776

Phone: (978)443-4661

Fax: (978) 443-2898




Eastern Massachusetts Complex Visitor Center proposal
Concord Unit Impoundment Management (Updated March 2006)
Federal Relay Service for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
Web page updated on 04/29/09