Meeting - December 18, 2006

   Current Section

Conference Call

December 18, 2006



Members Present:
David Long
Kim Dude
Fred Ellis
Mike Herrmann
Montean Jackson
Russell Jones
Sheppard Kellam
Susan Keys
Tommy Ledbetter
Deborah Price
Dennis Romero
Belinda Sims
Mary Ann Solberg
Hope Taft
Howell Wechsler

Also Present:
Catherine Davis, Designated Federal Officer
Donni LeBoeuf, representing J. Robert Flores

The conference call convened at 2:05 p.m.
David Long and Deborah Price informed the committee that because of issues arising at the White House conference, the focus of the January 16-17, 2007 Advisory Committee meeting should shift from data to issues discussed at the conference:

  • The relationship of private and parochial schools, including charter schools, and how they can be incorporated into the various activities of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools . Even though these are not public schools, some of their needs are similar.

  • Urban representation at the White House conference and the needs of urban schools versus those of rural and suburban schools.

  • Trauma.

Because of this shift, the February meeting, which was originally scheduled to be a conference call, will now be a meeting in Washington and will take place near the end of February. By then, President Bush will have introduced the budget proposal and the White House will have put forward suggestions regarding the No Child Left Behind Act, and this information will assist the Advisory Committee considers data issues.

The Committee agreed with this plan.

Next Steps

Tentative dates for the February meeting are February 20-21, 2007. Advisory committee members should consult their schedules and inform Catherine Davis of the best dates by COB Tuesday, December 19, 2006. Ms. Davis will confirm the date on the morning of Wednesday, December 20, 2006.

Committee members should forward their suggestions for panelists for the January meeting by noon EST Thursday, December 21, 2006.

Ms. Davis will send an email immediately following this conference call to solicit suggestions for January panelists and suggested dates for the February meeting.

The conference call adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:
The Dixon Group
Frances McFarland Horne, Consultant

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Last Modified: 01/17/2007