USGS - science for a changing world

North Dakota Water Science Center

Bibliographic Listing of Reports and Abstracts Related to Lake Sakakawea, Garrison Dam, Lake Oahe, and McClusky Canal

  1. Armstrong, C.A., 1983, Evaluation of the effects of Lake Audubon on ground- and surface-water levels in the Lake Nettie area, eastern McLean County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4242, 41 p. -- URL

  2. Armstrong, C.A.; Crosby, O.A.; Horak, W.F.; Houghton, R.L., 1987, Hydrogeologic system and probable hydrologic consequences of mining in the M and M lignite area, southeastern Williams County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4134, 48 p. -- URL

  3. Berkas, W.R., 1992, Sediment data collection in the Missouri River between Garrison Dam and Lake Oahe, North Dakota [abs.]: Proceedings, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 25-26, 1992, p. 249. -- abstract URL

  4. Berkas, W.R., 1995, Transport and sources of sediment in the Missouri River between Garrison Dam and the headwaters of Lake Oahe, North Dakota, May 1988 through April 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4087, 26 p. -- URL

  5. Berkas, W.R., 1996, Water-quality characteristics of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota [abs.]: Proceedings, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 20-21, 1996, p. 145. -- abstract URL

  6. Berkas, W.R.; Komor, S.C., 1996, Arsenic and selenium in soils and shallow ground water in the Turtle Lake, New Rockford, Harvey Pumping, Lincoln Valley, and LaMoure irrigation areas of the Garrison Diversion Unit, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Repor. -- URL

  7. Briel, L.I., 1988, Summaries of water-quality data collected during 1979-87 for selected James River and refuge locations in North Dakota and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-732, 197 p. -- URL

  8. Briel, L.I., 1989, Dissolved-solids data for the James River salinity model, North Dakota and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-43, 239 p. -- URL

  9. Cates, S.W.; Macek-Rowland, K.M., 1998, Water resources of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, west-central North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 98-4098, 75 p. -- abstract URL

  10. Crawley, M.E.; Emerson, D.G., 1981, Hydrologic characteristics and possible effects of surface mining in the northwestern part of West Branch Antelope Creek Basin, Mercer County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 81-79, 73 p. -- abstract URL

  11. Eisenlohr, W.S., Jr.; others, 1972, Hydrologic investigations of prairie potholes in North Dakota 1959-68: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 585-A, 102 p. -- URL

  12. Emerson, D.G.; Dressler, V.M., 2002, Historic and unregulated monthly streamflow for selected sites in the Red River of the North Basin in North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 1931-99: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4095, 271 p. -- URL

  13. Emerson, D.G.; Niehus, C.A., 1994, Development of historic and synthesized unregulated streamflow for the James River in North Dakota and South Dakota, 1983-91: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4018, 33 p. -- URL

  14. Goolsby, D.A.; Severson, R.C.; Wilson, S.A.; Webber, Kurt, 1989, Geochemistry of soils and shallow ground water, with emphasis on arsenic and selenium, in part of the Garrison Diversion Unit, North Dakota, 1985-87: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4104, 132 p. -- URL

  15. Greenman, D.W., 1953, Reconnaissance of the Missouri River pumping units between Garrison Dam and Bismarck, North Dakota: Open-file report compiled as part of program of Interior Department for development of the Missouri River Basin, 65 p.

  16. Guenthner, R.S., 1991, Methods for estimating monthly mean concentrations of selected water-quality constituents for stream sites in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota and Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4086, 113 p. -- URL

  17. Guenthner, R.S., 1993, Simulated effects of the proposed Garrison Diversion Unit on streamflow and dissolved solids in the Sheyenne River and the Red River of the North, North Dakota and Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4200, 121 p. -- URL

  18. Guenthner, R.S.; Weigel, J.F.; Emerson, D.G., 1990, Gaged and estimated monthly streamflow during 1931-84 for selected sites in the Red River of the North Basin in North Dakota and Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4167, 230 p. -- URL

  19. Lent, R.M.; Macek-Rowland, K.M.; Baker, K.P., 1993, Occurrence of 2,4-D in a prairie stream tributary to Lake Sakakawea on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota [abs.]: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Wetland Symposium, Jamestown, North Dakota, August 9-13, 1993, p. 28. -- abstract URL

  20. Macek-Rowland, K.M., 2000, Suspended-sediment loads from major tributaries to the Missouri River between Garrison Dam and Lake Oahe, North Dakota, 1954-98: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4072, 24 p. -- URL

  21. Macek-Rowland, K.M.; Lent, R.M., 1996, Variations in land use and nonpoint-source contamination on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, west-central North Dakota, 1990-93: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4007, 33 p. -- URL

  22. Ryberg, K.R., 2006, Cluster Analysis of Water-Quality Data for Lake Sakakawea, Audubon Lake, and McClusky Canal, Central North Dakota, 1990-2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5202, 38 p. -- URL

  23. Ryberg, K.R., 2007, Summary and trend analysis of water-quality data for the Oakes Test Area, southeastern North Dakota, 1984-2004: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5056, 118 p. -- URL

  24. Sando, S.K.; Guttormson, K.G.; Gleich, T.A., 1990, Water resources data collected during water year 1988 at selected James River Basin sites in North Dakota and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-101, 230 p. -- URL

  25. Wald, J.D.; Helgesen, C.S.; Pokladnik, M.C., 1989, Water-quality data for selected wells and drains in the Oakes study area, south-central North Dakota, December 1986 through September 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-63, 60 p. -- URL

  26. Winter, T.C.; Benson, R.D.; Engberg, R.A.; Wiche, G.J.; Emerson, D.G.; Crosby, O.A.; Miller, J.E., 1984, Synopsis of ground-water and surface-water resources of North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-732, 127 p. -- URL

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