Boren Scholars and Fellows

Study critical cultures

The Language Flagship

Be a global professional

Advanced language education

Funding for students and higher educational institutions

Heritage Language Speakers

Develop English fluency

Scholarships for U.S. citizens

720 hours of intensive instruction for professional-level English fluency

National Language Service Corps

Serve in times of need

Pilot initiative

Three year effort to develop
National Language Service Corps (NLSC)

Colin Powell   To solve most of the major problems facing our country today—from wiping out terrorism to minimizing global environmental problems to eliminating the scourge of AIDS—will require every young person to learn more about other regions, cultures, and languages.  

- Colin Powell, Secretary of State 2001-05

Federal Government Officials

Great Candidates for Public Service

Our award recipients are enhancing the federal workforce with language and culture expertise.

Get to know our qualified candidates through profiles of alumni who are working for the federal government.

Government hiring officials can connect with our qualified candidates through

Students and Educators

Funding and Job Opportunities

Funding for Students

Jobs in the Federal Government Helping NSEP graduates search for and find jobs in the Government

Funding for Educators The Language Flagship NSEP occassionally requests proposals from colleges and universities

What people are saying about us

 NSEP participants bring a wealth of linguistic and cultural expertise to the Federal government 

Doris Johnson, Scholarships and Special Programs Manager, Chief Human Capital Office, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

 I would recommend NSEP fellows to any agency seeking staff with country-specific expertise to cover a variety of policy issues. 

Jeffrey Dutton, Director for Korea and Taiwan Affairs, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce

  C&S remains impressed by the quality of its NSEP Award Recipients, and grateful for the relationship it has developed with the National Security Education Program. 

Jason J. Hinton, President, Concepts & Strategies, Inc. (DoD Contractor)

Our Results

Language and Cultural Competency

By and large, NSEP award recipients enter the workforce with advanced to superior-level proficiency (ILR level 2-3) in languages critical to national security.

Working in the Federal Government

Over 1006 NSEP award recipients have found jobs in the Federal Government in varied departments and agencies

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